Making the Cut (29 page)

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Authors: Anne Malcom

Tags: #Adult, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Mystery, #Romance, #Romantic, #Suspense

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I didn’t reply, as the men all shouted a chorus of hellos, grunts and chin lifts.

“Well hello there Tyson, seems I missed quite a show, let me know when your next rearing for a fight would pay to see that.” Buck, one of the older members who I had become friendly with yelled at me.

I gave him a wink back. “You will be first to know Buck.”

I laughed good naturedly as some of the men give me a few more jibes.

Cade sat us down at a table where Lucky was ploughing through his breakfast. I poked him in his muscled arm.

“I wonder who had the big mouth and told the guys about my little incident that happened like
ten minutes ago,
asshole.” I declared playfully.

Lucky grinned at me mouth full, gross what was it with men?

Cade pulled me closer to his side. “If I hear anyone talking about my woman in any way that is more than PG I will rip their balls off.” He said forcefully to the group, glare in his voice. I let out a slight giggle as he kissed my nose.

“Hungry baby?”

“No but I would murder for a coffee.” I replied with seriousness, thinking back to the precious java I dropped earlier.

Lucky who has finished his mouthful shouted. “Ooh she’s threatening murder now, someone get her a coffee, quick.” He smirked at Cade who leaned over and punched him in the shoulder.

“Not another word.” He told him evenly.

Lucky saluted him with a smile, rubbing his arm getting back to his breakfast.

“Coffee.” Cade smiled at me.

One of the Sweetbutts (Lucky explained to me that the hangers on, girls who fucked different members of the club were called this) stopped and placed her hand lightly on my shoulder before quickly pulling it away, glancing at Cade.

“I’ll get your coffee Gwen, how do you take it?” She asked, taking me by surprise.

“Um no its okay I can...” I started to reply, but Cade interrupted me.

“Black two sugars, I’ll have one too.” He told her, barely looking up.

She nodded at him and turned to get our coffees.

I spun to Cade. “I have legs Cade, I am quite capable of getting my own coffee.” I informed him snippily.

“That ain’t the point babe, it’s a respect thing. You are my Old Lady, they need to know their place, which is below you. Libby was doing what she should, showing you respect.” I eyed at him disbelievingly but his face was serious.

“That’s ridiculous.” I stated.

Cade’s gaze turned hard. “That’s how the club works babe, get used to it.” His tone communicated that the subject was closed.

I pursed my lips itching to argue, clearly I had a lot to learn. Libby came back with our coffees, placing them in front of us, obviously knowing how Cade took his.

I smiled at her. “Thank you Libby.” I said sincerely, if I had to let them run around after me, at least I could be nice.

“That’s okay Gwen.” She smiled nervously and walked away.

I leaned into Cade who was in the process of piling his plate.

“So do many of the men have Old Ladies?” I asked genuinely interested.

“Nope.” Cade replied. “Me, Steg and Ranger.” He nodded towards an attractive man in his mid forties who I hadn’t met yet. He was sitting at another table one arm around a very pretty woman, probably early thirties with long blonde hair. Their position similar to the way Cade and I were sitting. The blonde caught me looking and grinned, I gave her a friendly smile back.

“I’ll introduce you later, Ranger and Lizzie have been off on some school trip with their kids or some shit, that’s why you haven’t seen them round.” He explained through mouthfuls. Well at least my man didn’t talk with his mouth open.

“How come there are so few?” I questioned, looking around at the men, at least 15 of them were milling around, three was not a very high number of men with women.

Cade regarded at me intensely. “Takes a special kind of woman to be able to handle this life. Also takes a special kind of woman to make us want to settle down. Got more than enough bitches willing to offer up their pussy, not any of them Old Lady material.” A crude explanation but still kind of sweet. I leaned in and kissed Cade on the cheek. An intense gaze passed between us, and I wondered if he was thinking about what I said last night. He couldn’t verbalize an ‘I love you’ but at least I knew he cared about me a lot. I tried to convince myself that was enough.

“I’m going to use the ladies room.” I informed him, standing.

“I’ll take you.”

“It’s okay honey I think I can manage on my own.” I gave him a look before turning to walk into the clubhouse. After using the facilities (they even had a specific ladies room) I checked my reflection to make sure I didn’t look like a total disaster. Surprisingly I didn’t. I just looked…happy, even though I wasn’t covered in makeup or clad in my designer clothes, I felt confident. I guess Cade did that to me. I turned to walk out, coming face to face with Evie.

“Shit!” I jumped, hand on my chest. She directed a scathing look at me.

“You scared me.” I told her, choosing to ignore the glare.

“You should be scared darlin, you don’t belong here, doubt you will be able to handle this life. Sooner you figure that out the better.” She stepped closer, trying to intimidate me. I refused to move, refused to let her make me feel inferior. I leaned into her.

“With all due respect, you don’t have a god damn idea what I can and can’t handle. I’m here to stay, so you can give up on your scare tactic bullshit. You ain’t getting rid of me that easy.” I replied, voice hard and confident.

She arched a well manicured eyebrow, looking me up and down.

“Well shit, the little princess has a backbone.” She sounded almost impressed.

“Evie.” She held out her hand. I took it.


“Well Gwen, you’re not what I expected, but you do anything to fuck with the club, I’ll rip your head off.” She told me conversationally.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” I replied dryly.

She smirked at me. “Let’s get a drink, I got mimosas in the kitchen, that’s if the Sweetbutts haven’t been sneaking any. Which they wouldn’t if they knew what was good for them.”

She seized my arm and pulled me towards the kitchen. I guessed Queen Biker approved of me, and it would be rude to say no to a Mimosa.

We entered the kitchen and to my surprise, Steg was leaning against the counter. My stomach dropped, I so did not like this man, but I had to make in effort and I couldn’t be disrespectful.

I smiled at him, head held high. He gave me a chin lift “Gwen” He murmured, voice rough.

Evie sidled up to him, stroking his chest. “Baby what you doin in the kitchen? One of the Sweetbutts could’ve got you whatever you needed.” She purred.

Steg rubbed her ass, eyes on me, I struggled not to squirm under his gaze.

“Nar sunshine, was after a word with Gwen. Knew you’d bring her in here for you stash.” He gave Evie a look and without a word she nodded.

“See yah outside sweetheart.” She kissed him, then strutted out the door.

I gulped, feeling mighty uncomfortable being alone with this man, but still not wanting to show it. Steg gazed at me a sec then gestured to a small table with some chairs.

“Sit, Gwen. This won’t take a sec.” It didn’t escape me that this was not a question. I sat down, palms sweating, I couldn’t shake the first impression that I had of this guy. Steg sat across from me, hands clasped in front of him smiling big at me.

“So I just thought we could have a chat since we weren’t properly introduced when we last crossed paths.” He leaned back in his chair, reminding me of some sort of sleazy businessman.

I didn’t know what to say so I just nodded, he took this as a cue to continue.

“I’ll admit Gwen, first impression, thought you were just Cade’s latest piece. Thought he might’ve wanted a taste of some high class pussy. But by the looks of it my VP has it bad for that pussy.” His tone was official, which totally contradicted the crudeness of his words.

I gritted my teeth. “If what you mean is Cade and I are serious about each other, we are.”

He smiled again, like some sort of predator; I would say it was more a show of teeth than a smile, but whatever.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m trying to say. I just wanted to get a few things straight.” He leaned back in now, eyes focused on mine.

“Firstly I wanted to thank you for what you did for Bull, you tipping Cade off saved a brother’s life. The club owes you for that.”

I inspected my hands, feeling uncomfortable. “It was nothing, I don’t expect anything in return.” I murmured.

“No, but that’s the way our world works, you saved a member. That’s a big deal, accept it.” He commanded.

I smiled tightly and nodded.

“Secondly, I get that a woman like you might not be entirely comfortable with our way of life, which means this will rub off on Cade, put some ideas in his head. That is not happening. I’m not having some piece of ass fucking with my club, so you got any problems with what you see or hear, you don’t say a word, you fucking pack that tight ass back to the city.” Steg’s tone brokered no argument, it was not cruel exactly but firm. But the way he was ordering me around, trying to delve into my relationship pissed me right off, my anger seemed to outweigh my intimidation of this man. I stood, my chair squeaking as I pushed it back.

“I don’t think you have any right to command me how to act within my relationship, especially since you don’t know me worth a damn.  Cade loves this club, I would never fuck with that. He makes his own choices and I’m sure as shit not going to be some whiny girlfriend who nags him 24/7. If you tried to get to know me before spouting out this crap you might have figured that out.”

Steg arched an eyebrow and gave me a dangerous look.

“Since your new to the club, and what you did for Bull I’ll give you a pass for that little outburst.” He stood and slowly stepped towards me, getting close enough that I felt his breath on my face. I refused to step back, jutting my chin and meeting those cold expressionless eyes.

“You are an Old Lady, which means you are off limits to the boys and we give you some form of respect.” He paused, “But you ever talk to the fucking President of this charter like that again, you’ll wish you didn’t.”

He didn’t say another word, just tagged a beer and walked out. I let out a breath that I didn’t realize I was holding. Fuck, well he just decided to wave his dick around. It was starting to dawn on me how different life in the club was going to be, its like a whole new set of rules, where women were obviously expected to serve food and suck dick. Cade cared for me, obviously. But the burn from the unreturned ‘I love you’ was still scorching the back of my throat.

“Gwen, what the fuck?” Cade’s voice shook me out of yet another mental battle. He was in front of me and hauled my body flush with his. He looked pissed.

“Saw Steg and Evie walk out, what did they say to you?” He sounded ready to explode, and I knew he’d go out and rip into them both if I mentioned either of my little talks. I stroked his face, smiling hopefully convincingly.

“Nothing Cade they were just properly introducing themselves since the whole time I’ve been with you we haven’t officially met.” This was the truth, just not the grizzly details. Cade wasn’t buying it.

“Bullshit.” He growled, “Evie’s a tough bitch, she’s more likely to scratch your eyes out than roll out the welcome wagon. And Steg is too far up his own ass to talk to someone without an ulterior motive. What the fuck did they say Gwen?”

I gave him a peck on the lips, which he barely responded to, he just kept frowning at me.

“It was nothing Cade seriously.” He didn’t look convinced so I kissed him again, this time running my tongue across the seam of his lips.

“Didn’t you promise you were going to have a different kind of breakfast than the one you just ate?” I whispered, nibbling his ear.

He was still frowning but I felt his hard on pressing into me. Without warning he threw me over his shoulder, I let out a surprised gasp, he swatted me hard on the backside.

“Know your not telling me the full story Gwen, I’ll leave it for now, I’d much rather bury my face inside you than talk about either of those snakes anyway.”

Without another word he carried me to his room.


All the lights were on as Cade and I approached my house, it was late and I was shattered. After Cade and I spent a couple of hours in his room at the compound, we spent the rest of the day there. Cade and the boys had ‘church’ for a while which gave me a chance to hang out with Lizzie, who was super cool, and Evie who still scared me just a little. I surprisingly had an awesome day, leaving out the conversation with the hard ass President of a motorcycle club and the one from his equally hard ass Old Lady. I got along with all the guys really well, and despite their appearances they treated me with nothing but respect, which maybe had to do with Cade glaring at anyone who talked to me. Although they were friendly, there seemed like there was a bit of tension in the air, someone was always keeping watch of the cameras on the gate. Cade was on his phone a lot and Steg was locked away in ‘church’ for most of the day. It worried me a little, knowing Cade had said there was conflict with another club. I knew better than to ask Cade for anymore information, he was intent on telling me as little as possible. I was still determined to ask him later, using a couple of tactics that I had up my sleeve, or down my shirt.

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