Maid For His Submission (12 page)

BOOK: Maid For His Submission
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“Do you like your present?” Mocking in his tone, Tosh feared that what he called a present was more of a punishment.

Zap! Zap!

Two more shocks vibrated in her core, and quickly Tosh was able to feel that there was a difference between being surprised by a foreign vibration and having an electrical shock. This was definitely much more pleasurable.

“You’ll be happy to know that your gift runs by remote and there are sensors I have placed throughout the apartment which are controlled by a network. Which means, my quivering postulant, that I can trigger your gift at any time from my laptop three thousand miles away.”

Salivating from his statistics, Tosh wondered why he was holding back.

“So what do you think?” he asked with a proud pickup in his voice.

“I like it very much.” Licking her lips, Tosh rocked back, sitting on her legs again and took her position once more.


“Very much…?” Cuing her on what she had forgotten.

“I like it very much…” Her grin might have been hidden with her head turned down, but her voice blossomed. “…Master.”

Their play had grown with a greater intensity since that special night he took her to bed as an equal lover with no play or kink. That night she thought he shared more than just his bed with her. That night she got a glimpse of his soul. Since that night they’d returned instantly to their kinky play, and she had enjoyed herself immensely, but rarely did he ask her to call him master. This felt like an extra special treat.

Anticipation kept her on edge while she held her position firmly, waiting for the next erotic jolt. She tried to concentrate on her breathing, feeling the air flow in and expand in her lungs as she breathed out. In her mind, she imagined he had a large red button at his disposal with an itchy finger hovering over it. She even added him in an evil grin and bright colored villain zoot suit.

“Am I interrupting you?” Tosh could hear a smile behind his questioning tone and realized she had been so lost in her visualization that she had completely ignored anything he had been telling her.

“Forgive me…I was…” There was no answer she could give him that he would like. What dom would want to know that his subject had been daydreaming while he was standing by to give her sexual gratification via remote?

“You were just what?” He prompted, and she was still lost for words until he pulled them out of her head. “You were just daydreaming.”

Raising her shoulders in a humbled agreement, she closed her eyes tight, hoping his punishment would be swift, whatever it might be, forgetting he was three-thousand miles away.

It was a punishment she had never expected. Tosh had never expected him to praise her in this position when she had just disobeyed him and that feeling consumed her with thoughts she decided in that moment to catalog for later, focusing instead on what he had asked.

“I imagined you as a comic book villain waiting to torture me with pleasure.” Her confession was quick and something she instantly feared would backfire in her direction. Could her lover forgive her for thinking of him as the villain instead of the super hero ready to save the day? Her question was answered with a sincere laugh filtering down from the speakers.

“You, my little postulant, are one in a million.”

His laugh was a warm blanket over her heart. Relaxing in her position, she lost focus, letting her shoulders fall and her head rise up to a more natural position than chin to chest. She had touched him on a unisexual level.


A jolt took her back and lasted nearly long enough to make her see rainbow colored stars.

“Despite your neglect in your form and your tardiness, I must confess that I crave more to see you come as you cry out my name than to see any other performance, Tosh.”

Her underwear began to buzz. Its changing momentum soon took on a Morse code consistency, and Tosh quickly felt her legs and arms shake, fighting against the position that she forced herself in, and demanding for her to acknowledge the electric bliss that was lighting up her body. The vibrations increased in their intensity and perspiration beaded down her naked cleavage and over her brow.

“I crave more to see you come as you cry out my name.”
His words rang in her ears, and Tosh licked her trembling lips as the title Master fought its way out.

“My name, Tosh.” His voice was growing breathless and deep. She could hear his growing need in every deep breath he took, and Tosh glowed in the satisfaction that he was turned on by her now. “My name.”

Her shoulders rolled forward a bit more, and she struggled to find focus. Desperate to toss her head back and let herself go, Tosh tried to ignore the veining rhythm that was now buzzing through her body and into her head. She could nearly hear him over her growing climax.

“Richard.” She finally managed to pant out and it was followed by his name being called out without control.

“Very good, my beautiful postulant. Now I want you to climb onto my bed and lie back to allow me to watch you in your glory.”

She didn’t hesitate to act, but when she tried to stand, Tosh felt that her legs were truly jello, and she needed the assistance of the foot of his bed to help her stand. Climbing over the foot of the bed, she rolled onto her back, spreading her legs and bending one knee, displaying herself for him. Acting on instinct and risking scorn for not waiting for his permission, Tosh let one hand cup her breast, enjoying the feeling of her beaded nipple against her palm and the erotic roundness of her sexually chafed breast.

“Beautiful,” was all he said, but she didn’t need to hear anything else from him.

Passing over the plateau, she cried out his name and other words that were incoherent when the vibrations reached a new peak, pushing her over in a climax that left her not just seeing those rainbow colored stars, but they began to burst into a pyrotechnic display. Feet flexed, toes curled, shoulders thrown back, and her head raised up with her chin tucked, Tosh’s body was a quivering tight ball of climactic furry.

Slowly, the vibrations cooled until they stopped altogether, leaving Tosh panting in the wake of her orgasm. As she gained her clarity, she could have sworn she had heard him cry out the same moment as she had, making her feel a satisfaction in knowing that he might have followed her side by side with her release.

“Thank you, postulant.” Noticing that he had quickly returned to her formal address, it gave a pained twinge in her heart.

“Thank you, Master. I never imagined that your reach could be so powerful as to travel across the country,” she declared happily.

“I have a series of remotes scattered about the apartment and wired to the same network as the surveillance system so that I could make you come at any place or any time provided you have them on.” Thinking it over quickly, she couldn’t think of any reason to take the briefs off for some time, but was quickly convinced otherwise.

“I’m disappointed to say that the driver is pulling up to my hotel and I must go.” Disappointment was plain in his voice, but now Tosh knew how it was possible that he had placed someone else in the position to drive him so that he could focus on her.

“I have meetings to attend to for the next few hours, but I’ll call you later.” A slow deep breath signaled the end of his instructions, and Tosh noticed there wasn’t the same stern dom in his tone. “Take the rest of your day off, and Stephanie will return later to have your dinner prepared for you. Until then enjoy this.” Ever the caretaker, her Master could be so sweet.

A soft hum filtered out of the speakers and then came a sweet 1950’s harmony of an angelic chorus. Smiling to herself, Tosh listened to Frankie Avalon sing his teen classic Venus. Tosh knew he currently lived for the opportunity to display to her how powerful he was, while Tosh only wanted him home for her to massage their naked bodies together.


* * *


Kicking and tangled in silk and sweat, Tosh opened her eyes with the uncomfortable awareness of uncontrollable heat. Breaking free of the suffocating fabric, Tosh suddenly understood what a mummy must feel after being unwrapped…a sweaty mummy who had been wrapped in silk that helped to lock in the heat like having your body wrapped in cellophane.

Pulling the damp sheet free from her naked breasts, Tosh groaned from the uncomfortable sting that was close to the feeling of pulling well sealed tape off her bare skin. Bending and turning, she arched her body until her arms were able to reach her calves and pull the last corner of the sheet off her legs. Nearly hyperventilating, Tosh lay there spread eagle, desperate for the slightest breath of air conditioning over her naked body, but she lay there in vain.

“What the hell,” went her potty mouth once again. Although there were much more colorful words she could have chosen from, she was too tired and hot to think about her current vocabulary list.

Walking across the bedroom, Tosh tapped the touch screen panel by the bedroom door to wake up the screen and saw that the air had been turned off in the bedroom, leaving her to sleep in eighty-five degrees. It was an odd thing to happen when Richard’s smart house ran with such precision that she believed the rest of the building set their clocks to the programmed and administered schedule in the penthouse. But this early morning, his orderly life had failed. Tapping the panel to restore it to the regulated seventy-two degrees for the thermostat, Tosh left the room. She left her clothes behind, including her new pair of vibrating pleasure briefs in exchange for climbing into her cotton and breathable bed linen in her own bedroom where the thermostat had never changed from the seventy-four that she had set a couple weeks ago.

Too tired to question whatever it was that had happened with Richard’s unbreakable master computer called his home, she climbed into her bed and left the sheet and cover rumpled at her feet, still desperate for some cooling fresh air. Sighing in relief, she exhaled in one calming, cooling heave and closed her eyes quickly, falling to sleep without a moment’s hesitation. She was dead to the world for the remaining hours of the night, never opening her eyes and rolling in any discomfort other than pulling the rumpled bedding over her exposed body once the air conditioning had broken the layer of heat that Richard’s room had cooked her in.

Chapter 12




Fresh coffee, yogurt with properly prepped and cored strawberries once again greeted Tosh the next morning as if by magic. He had been extra sentimental in his wakeup call, reminding Tosh of all the reasons why she ached for his return, which was scheduled for tomorrow. Despite all her plans for the day, she desperately longed for his nightly call.

“Watching you sleep, I understand why I was such a fool not to drag you to the airport with me," he had told her while Tosh frantically tucked the stray hairs behind her ears. She had braided her hair extra tight the night before, knowing he would log on early due to the time difference. “You were a beautiful vision last night and the images of you in your afterglow have stayed with me all morning.”

Tosh blushed now, thinking about his sentimental erotic compliments. He had been a dream come true, and since he had flown out she had been witness for the first time to Richard the happy boyfriend, rather than Mr. Richard the sinfully, dominate, erotic, Sex Master. She was enjoying this new side to Richard and hoped he would tag along on the flight back so that she could get to know him more.

Stirring her spoon in the creamy white cloud of yogurt, she breathed in the aroma of vanilla that escaped. Perhaps it was his consistency in serving her the same breakfast for over two weeks, or she was feeling his loss more today, but Tosh suddenly couldn’t stomach a single bite of the pasteurized dairy product.

Pushing the clear glass bowl aside, Tosh picked up a strawberry and flipped it over to see the precise cut that had cored the fruit for her pleasure. Such things had never occurred to her before he had entered her life, and despite how correct he was in using the process to enhance the fruits flavor, she enjoyed it just the same, stem on and heart intact.

Unlike yesterday, breakfast wasn’t as much of a sweet surprise as it was a disappointment and reminder that she was once again about to spend a day and night alone.

A high-pitched screech screamed from the floor when the bar stool legs scratched the polished kitchen tiles. She decided to take her coffee to her room and leave breakfast for after her shower when she hoped she would be more at ease. At least the coffee still had its delightful richness that she enjoyed, and Tosh was happy to settle on that to sustain her until she could grab a muffin from the coffee cart. At school today she would need her knee pads as she approached the department chair and groveled to not only allow her back in the two classes she had abandoned two weeks ago, but to allow her to make up for lost time so that her absence would not be reflected in her grade.

Cappuccino Chip muffin sounded good to help calm her twisted/knotted stomach.

“They never have respect for these things when they can afford someone else to clean up after them,” Stephanie grumbled, trying to rub out the skid marks that the misplaced bar stool had left beside the kitchen bar. She liked Richard’s newest girl and enjoyed seeing him smile more, but he would never have permitted any of his past ladies to leave the same damage.

“I guess this is what happens when he lets one of them move in.” Finally seeing a considerable amount of improvement, Stephanie stood to put her tense back at ease while she took a break.

In the four hours she had been there, Stephanie had laundered the undergarments as to her employer’s specification and left them folded neatly and wrapped in white tissue paper sitting on the end of Tosh’s bed. His bed was a whole other story. Finding the bedding discarded on the floor and covered in white sweat stains, she had to bag them for the laundry later and decided to make the bed in Thomas’ preferred cotton. To others it might seem odd that she knew the goings on so well in this place, but Richard paid well and provided her aunt’s cleaning service with the means to provide benefits and perks. Besides, cleaning up after a man who lived with so much precision made her job very easy, until Tosh came into the picture.

Disappointed to find the yogurt and strawberries she had prepared at seven this morning in the trash and the bowl poorly rinsed out, Stephanie wondered if Tosh was growing tired of his games and would be leaving soon. She liked the woman and was happy to see the positive impact she had on Richard. Stephanie hoped things would perk up.

A familiar ding from the elevator announced an arrival, and seeing as the new lady of the penthouse had been gone all day, Stephanie wasn’t surprised to see Tosh come walking through the glass door.

She walked with a kick in her step and her ponytail bounced with a youthful perk. Stephanie was quickly convinced that her concern for her employer’s romantic future was misplaced and that things seemed to be running calm in paradise.

“Hi ya, Stephanie.” Tosh greeted her newest friend with a bright smile, kicking off her navy leather flats and pulling up a seat at the kitchen bar.

Her white blouse was unbuttoned low enough to show the black tank top underneath and was untucked, draping low over her black jeans. Perhaps not the most professional ensemble for such an important meeting, but she was an artist in training and liked to dress the part.

“Hi back.” A quizzical arch in her brow displayed Stephanie’s curiosity. “I was going to go to the store later, and I was wondering if there was anything specific you would like me to stock in the fridge while Richard is away?”

Nodding in disinterest, Tosh told her she didn’t care and not to go to any extra effort on her part. If the breakfast tomorrow suffered the same barrel as today, she would take it upon herself to break from her employer’s instructions and chafe his iron clad menu. She never thought it was possible for someone to ingest the same meal day in and day out, but he liked order in all things he did, as well as all things around him. She could see how Tosh’s life was run here that he had taken the same interest in her life, as he had in the strict washing instructions for those new vibrating briefs.

“Have you had lunch? Richard left me with instructions to keep to your scheduled menu as if he were here.” Never afraid to mock Richards’ OCD tendencies, Stephanie was pleased to see Tosh nod her head no with a delayed swing of her ponytail.

“I got a burger an hour ago.” Tosh jumped off the stool and moved to the large stainless steel fridge to retrieve a small bottle of sparkling water and paused, holding the bottle in one hand and griping the metal cap in the other. “What are you doing?” she asked, watching Stephanie kneel onto the kitchen floor with a microfiber towel in hand.

“Nothing.” Brushing off her concern, Stephanie bent over and went back to work, buffing out the skid marks.

“No, no, no.” Tosh protested, kneeling down and trying to tug the shammy out of Stephanie’s hands. “I’m so sorry. I must have done that this morning.” She apologized, but the proud cleaning lady wouldn’t let her to continue, and told Tosh to leave her to do her job and with a sincere smile, kicked Tosh out of the kitchen.


*  *  *

Eight forty-five in the evening


His call was late and for someone who normally saw tardiness worthy of corporal punishment, Tosh didn’t understand what could be keeping him. She had been waiting in her bedroom for over an hour, dressed in only the freshly laundered briefs that—to Tosh’s embarrassment—Stephanie had kindly left out on Tosh’s bed. After seventeen days of his strict schedule and his focused attention on her, Tosh assumed that whatever kept him from their scheduled conversation must be important and hoped he was all right.

Surrendering to the notion that there would be no phone call that night, Tosh scooted off his bed and bent over to try and straighten the creases she had left.
Heaven forbid that he should log onto the surveillance system and see that his life was left out of order,
she thought to herself. It may have only been one missed call, but Tosh was feeling the loss deeply. She had felt energized by her accomplishments that day and had decided to tell him about her going back to school now instead of waiting until he got back. It was too important not to share her news with the most important person in her life.

The familiar ding from the elevator interrupted Tosh’s self-loathing, and she ran to the bedroom door to peak out. Half naked, Tosh couldn’t let any ill-timed visitor of Richard’s to see her like this.

The foyer and living room were dark, and Tosh couldn’t see anything from the hallway and decided to move quickly. Hopping from one bare foot to the other on the cold tiled floor, Tosh dashed into her room, closing the door behind her. She pulled on the black yoga pants and bra supported tank she had left on her rumpled bed earlier. Tosh hoped it would keep her nipples hidden from whoever this late night visitor could be. Her figure in the mirror reflected a tighter body than she had seen naked, but that was the miracle of Lycra.

Stepping out into the hallway, Tosh heard the rattling of keys in the glass door and could see the tall silhouette of a man and her trepidation quickly turned to excitement.

He hadn’t called because he wanted to surprise me,
she screamed out in her head and ran to the figure just as he opened the door and stepped in.

Arms tightly wrapped around his neck, she kissed his shadow cast face. Little was accomplished in the embrace beyond their lips touching. He had been very responsive and eagerly received her, but Tosh pulled back the moment she recognized the lips of her visitor. Pulling back, Tosh looked up to where she would expect his eyes to be in puzzlement.

“Where is he?” she asked, looking over Thomas’ shoulder at the closed elevator doors.

“In New York.” Such an obvious answer wasn’t appreciated and not what Tosh wanted to hear.

Dropping her arms from his neck, Tosh ignored his quick reach to keep her in place and instead pulled away from him to plop into a nearby chair. If he hadn’t arrived a day early, then he had missed their call, standing Tosh up for the night.

The clatter of a Menlo envelope tossed on a side table woke her up, and Tosh apologized to her guest for being so rude.

“This was misdirected and delivered to the offices downstairs,” he said, pointing to the over-stuffed envelope. “Richard is sending someone from his Santa Monica Office to pick it up.”

“Why not have them pick it up at the office downstairs? It doesn’t seem fair to have them come up here.” She knew the answer as she asked him the question. Richard was a private man and would never cross his nine to five self with the dungeon. For all she knew, no one outside of their small circle even knew he had a live-in girlfriend. They never went out together outside the building and besides the occasional food delivery he never brought anybody home aside from Tabitha and Thomas. Suddenly the thought of someone from his office life coming by made Tosh a little nervous and instinctively she thought to hide. Standing up, she headed for her room hidden in the dark hallway, but was stopped when the living room lights sparked on.

“Don’t run away on my account.” Thomas teased her. “Unless you’re inviting me to follow.”

Looking over her shoulder, Tosh smiled at the handsome man and playfully flashed him a wink. Aside from knowing the man like a cartographical map, he was a recent friend who she had come to rely on.

“I figured he wouldn’t want me here if someone from his office was coming over.” The confession hurt more to say out loud than it had when she had first seen the reason in it.

“Shush and sit,” he told her, pointing to the couch in the living room. She walked over to the bar.

Walking past Thomas, Tosh jumped out of the way when he reached back to swat her on the butt and giggled before she took her seat on the uncomfortable art deco couch. Their relationship had grown into a friendly passion shared between them for the benefit of Richard, but between the two of them, there was little else beyond their sexual needs other than a friendship. Tosh was amazed that she could be so intimate with someone and yet have no romantic feels for him, and she was thankful that there was no resentment between them for Richard’s attention. It was clear to her that the two men were indeed friends with benefits and not tangled in a kinky love affair.

“How are things behind the red door?” she asked with a hint of resentment. Richard had yet to give Tosh access into the club, and she was beginning to grow frustrated over waiting.

“Good. And before you ask, no, you may not go while he’s gone.” Thomas could read her like a book. “Richard gave me strict orders to keep you out of there while he was away.”

Falling back in a huff, Tosh crossed her arms and pouted, looking at the floor. It was a bit of a childish pose, but that’s what Richard made her feel like when he declined her access to The Odyssey. In the last week, she had started to fear that his stipulations weren’t to protect her, but to keep her separate from his life, giving him freedom that he couldn’t let go of.

“I don’t get it,” she started again, “what can’t I see down there that you two haven’t already shown me up here?” For the last week, she had begun to grow restless being confined to only his apartment and it looked as though there was no possibility of parole.

“You need to trust him on this.” Thomas tried his best to warn her, but he knew there was nothing he could say to put her curiosity at ease. He didn’t understand why Richard hadn’t shared the club with her yet either.

Sitting down next to her, Thomas pulled Tosh’s bare feet onto his lap and firmly held one foot in his hands. The strong kneading and pulling of her soft feet felt so good, and Tosh let her head fall back with a satisfied sigh. Before her recent changes, she had never thought twice about her feet, but Richard made pedicures and warm paraffin dips part of her regular routine. Something she had ignored since he flew out.

BOOK: Maid For His Submission
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