Madness Under the Royal Palms (38 page)

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Castelbajac and, 170–71
divorce of, 173, 174, 176
home of, 175–78
lawsuit of, 16, 169–70
prenuptial agreement of, 171–72, 173
Rooney and, 174
security guards of, 176–77

Kozak, Amity, 276–78, 279, 281–86

background of, 281–83
jewelry of, 283
Peixoto and, 276–78, 280–81, 283–86
Peixoto’s murder of, 288, 290, 291

Kozak, John, 284

Kozak, Pat, 284

Kravis, Raymond F., 83

Kravis Center, 83, 309

Kroll, Judge, 189, 190, 191, 253, 254



Ladd, Parker, 103, 243, 244–45

Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Lord’s Palace, 193–95, 203–5, 217

Lambiet, Jose, 228

Landau, Mimy, 67

Latham, Pene, 33–34

Lauder, Estée, 62, 93, 146

Lawrence, Joseph, 160

Leamer, Vesna, 2, 21, 48, 158, 164, 204, 280, 294, 299

Leesfield, Ellen, 155, 156

Lembcke, Bernd, 94

Lennon, John, 20, 63

Lindemann, Frayda, 221

Lindemann, George, 221

Lord’s Palace, 193–95, 203–5, 217

Louis, Desirée, 38, 39, 66, 73, 77, 279

Louis, Eddy, 21, 22, 36–40, 65–69, 72–77, 150, 153, 156, 279–80

background of, 37–38
gun carried by, 76–77
Karland and, 75–76

Louis, Vera Lukin, 21, 36, 39, 65–75

automobile accident and death of, 74, 75, 78
background of, 68–69
sexuality of, 66–67

Louisville Courier,

Lukin, Philip, 71

Lukin, Vera,
Louis, Vera Lukin



McConnell, David, 42–43, 155

McConnell, Neil, 155

McDonald, Bryan, 245–48, 249, 298

McFarlane, Melissa, 202–3

McFarlane, Norris, 20, 21, 198–99

McFarlane-Ross, Cathleen, 20–21, 193–204, 212, 214, 296

background of, 196–97
first marriage of, 197
and Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Lord’s
Palace, 193–95, 203–5
second marriage of, 197–98
third marriage of, 20, 21, 198–99
Walter’s marriage to, 199

McLean, Evalyn Walsh, 53, 55

McLean, John “Jock,” II, 20, 47, 53–55, 56, 61–63

death of, 63

McLean, John R., 53–54

McLean, Mildred “Brownie,” 20, 46–55, 56, 61–64, 99, 121–22, 212, 214, 243, 289, 296, 300

background of, 49–52
“troops” of, 63–64, 226

McLean, Ned, 53

McQuaid, Cate, 177

Mail on Sunday,

Malcolm, Janet, 262

Mann, Jonathan, 286–87

mansions, 146–50, 178–79

Mar-a-Lago, 69, 84, 85–87, 89–95, 119, 133, 156, 225, 232, 243, 296, 306

Cancer Ball at, 292–95
gay community and, 242, 248
Red Cross Ball at, 162–63

March of Dimes Ball, 273

Martin, Karen L., 265

Matrix Essentials Inc., 146

Medina, Maria Garcia, 43–45, 151–56, 272

Mediplex Group, 180

Merrill, Dina, 306, 307, 308

Miller, Arthur, 182–84

Miller, Sydell, 146–47

Mizner, Addison, 56–61, 147, 149, 193, 194, 196, 200, 201, 233, 234

Modigliani, Amedeo, 176

Moffet, Frank, 91

Muller, Alice, 146–47

Muller, Ralph, 146–47

Munn, Charles A., Jr., 302

Munn, Mrs. Gurnee, 61



National Bank, 236

Neiman Marcus, 273

Nernberg, Dick, 84


Newton, Wayne, 294

New York Post,
223, 228, 235

New York Times,

Nixon, Pat, 7

Nixon, Richard, 7, 13

Norton Art Museum, 83

Nun, Terry, 241–43, 245, 246

Nye, Hethea, 305




Ono, Yoko, 20, 63

Ostivich, Todd, 76



Paavola, Natalie Kalinka, 280

Pagan, Michele, 168

Palm Beach Art Gallery, 250

Palm Beach Civic Association, 306, 307–8

Palm Beach Country Club, 8, 9, 82–84, 85–86, 181

Ruttenbergs and, 167–68
Schurs and, 165, 167, 168

Palm Beach Daily News
(the “Shiny Sheet”), 12, 16–20, 25, 41, 48, 67, 83, 102, 106, 119–21, 123, 136–37, 139–45, 148, 160, 193–94, 233, 238, 245, 253, 274, 308, 309

Cancer Ball and, 293
Coconuts New Year’s Eve Party and, 296
David Berger and, 119
Eddy Louis gun incident reported in, 76–77
Eles Gillet and, 223
Fireman in, 160, 161, 163, 165
Jewish events and, 142
Kochs and, 169, 174, 176
Schurs in, 165, 167
Sutka and, 234

Palm Beach Day School, 24–25

Palm Beach International Airport, 95, 218, 249

Palm Beach Post,
18, 60, 141, 157, 175, 227–28

Peixoto in, 285

Palm Beach Society,
63, 71, 125

Pandula, Gene, 148

Parish, Sister, 216

Park, Daniel, 292

Park, Kelly, 292

Park, Patrick, 292–94

Park, Raymond P., 292

Patterson, James, 273

Pavarotti, Luciano, 179

Peixoto, Helder “Sonny,” 270–78, 279–81, 284–87

Amity Kozak and, 276–78, 280–81, 283–86, 288
Amity Kozak murdered by, 288, 290, 291
suicide of, 287–88, 290
vehicular homicide charge against, 272, 285

Peixoto, Samuel, 273, 274, 291

Pell, Claiborne, 7

Peterson, Peter G., 78

Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh, 5, 15, 17, 127, 128, 129–30, 131

Phipps Ocean Park Tennis Center, 25

Pita, Maria, 157

Pitt, Julia, 305

Pitt, Pauline, 243, 301–6

Pitt, William H., 303

Planned Parenthood, 306

polo matches, 276–78

Ponton, Daniel, 17–18, 126, 216, 229–33, 296–97

brain tumor of, 297

Post, Marjorie Merriweather, 69, 90, 91, 95, 306, 308

Powers, Keith, 177

Preservation Ball, 302

Preservation Foundation, 225

Pulitzer, Peter, 235

Pulitzer, Roxanne, 235

Purcell, Eric, 21, 22, 40–45, 151–58

dinner party given by, 280–81
Horowitz and, 290, 291–92, 296
Karland and, 151–58
Medina and, 43–45, 151–56, 272
Peixoto and, 270–76, 284–88
in prison, 154–55, 156, 270, 272
Tropics Party of, 279–80
Van Pantz estate and, 155, 156



Queen Mother, 13



Racolin, Mendel, 68

Rampell, Paul, 85–86

Rauch, Philip, 289

Red and the Black, The
(Stendhal), 134

Red Cross Ball, 121–23, 131, 160–65, 236

Reed, Martha, 153, 156

Reese, Claude D., 81

Reingold, Joyce, 144

Reiter, Michael, 175

Remains of the Day,

Remington, Frederic, 176

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