Madness Under the Royal Palms (33 page)

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Late at night, she had: Interview, Eles Gillet.

Seventeen gowns:
Palm Beach Daily News
, February 16, 1992.

“I feel like this is a Cinderella world…”: Ibid.

a hundred or so porcelain dogs:
Miami Herald
, May 25, 1998.

At the 1992 Red Cross Ball:
Palm Beach Post
, February 1, 1992.

“Marylou, if you get”: Interview, James Barker.

“My oldest son said, ‘You…”: Interview, Marylou Whitney.

!…”: Interview, Barbara Wainscott.

$2.8 million: Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System.

nine hundred thousand dollars more: Ibid.

Chapter Eleven

“All I’m asking for, Fred…”: Interview, Fred Keller.

Flagler had initially come: Edward N. Akin,
Flagler: Rockefeller Partner and Florida Baron
(1991), p. 72.

In January 1891: Susan E. Tifft & Alex S. Jones,
The Patriarch: The Rise and Fall of the Bingham Dynasty
(1991), p. 58 and David Leon Chandler with Mary Voelz Chandler,
The Binghams of Louisville
(1987), p. 23.

He vested a million and a half: Tifft and Jones, p. 59.

generous to Mrs. C. W. Foote: David Leon Chandler,
Henry Flagler
(1986), p. 115.

“rather plain of face…”: Misstatements and inaccuracies in Prof. Sidney Walter Martin’s book
Florida’s Flagler
(1949) as notated by Harry M. Flagler in his copy of the book. Courtesy Flagler Museum.

the most authoritative researchers: Chandler and Voelz Chandler, p. 214 and Tifft and Jones, p. 66.

“young, beautiful, the whole world…”: The deposition of Rosemarie Keller, January 24, 2003, in Re: the Marriage of Fred Keller and Rose Keller.

He said that he fought: Fred Keller memoir and interview, Fred Keller.

“likely to become a public charge”: Antenuptial Agreement between Rosemarie Keil and Fred Keller, July 1, 1992. in Re: the Marriage of Fred Keller and Rose Keller.

“How’s that cunt marry…”: Transcript of recorded message on Fred Keller’s answering machine, June 28, 1993 in Re: the Marriage of Fred Keller and Rose Keller.

She also convinced: Interviews, Wolfgang and Angela Keil.

The event was for charity: Interview, John Herring.

“Rose ended up…”: Interview, Jeff Diamond.

“Lawsuits are Fred’s…”: Interview, Bennett Cohn.

squeezed a pool table: Interview, Dr. Stephan Alexander.

“I’m a German wife…”: Interview, Fred Keller.

“That was the first time…”: Ibid.

“I misled her, no…”: Ibid.

Chapter Twelve

It took a while for Shannon: Interview, Shannon Donnelly.

“I knew it was a step…”: Interview, Barbara Wainscott.

named corporate chairman:
Palm Beach Daily News
, February 6, 1996.

“It doesn’t matter…”:
Washington Times
, February 6, 1996.

“So, which one will it be?”
Palm Beach Daily News
, February 6, 1996.

“He was not the kind…”: Interview, Barbara Wainscott.

distinguished himself: Interview, OTR.

No one realized: Interview, Barbara Wainscott.

“I told her I wanted…”: Interview, James Sheeran.

contemporaries tried to get: Interview, Dan Ponton.

Only David, Shannon: Interviews, Shannon Donnelly and Dan Ponton.

“Prince Philip says…”: Interview, Barbara Wainscott.

One evening she was invited: “Driving Mrs. Whitney” by Charlotte Hays,
New York,
August 17, 1998.

Chapter Thirteen

Expenses Edward”:
Mail on Sunday,
January 21, 1997.

his fee a reported $200,000:
Mail on Sunday,
March 7, 1999.

“members and guests are…: Bath and Tennis Rules and Members 2006-2007.

“Let me ask you a question, Larry…”: Interview, Larry Gold.

“In the marquis’s dining room…: Stendhal,
The Red and the Black
, translated by Burton Raffel (2004), p. 241.

Dixon had worked:
Philadelphia Daily News
, August 3, 2006.

“He’s not going…”: Interview, Barbara Wainscott. 136 Dixon said that it was: Interview, OTR.

“I’ve never in my…”: Interview, Barbara Wainscott.

“Barbara called me…”: Interview, Shannon Donnelly.

Chapter Fourteen

“I have no friends…”: Ibid.

circulation of around 7,000:, August 12, 2008.

“Every single picture in the paper today is Jewish…,” Interview, Shannon Donnelly.

“Which side is the better…”: Interview, Agnes Ash. Mr. Gordon does not have specific memories of this but says that it might well be true.

Much of the Gordon family money: Discussion, Bob Gordon.

“I was still so unsophisticated…”: Interview, Shannon Donnelly..

On Thanksgiving 1992, Shannon: Ibid.

she was making $47,210 a year: Shannon Donnelly provided her income tax statement.

Miller began by buying:
Palm Beach Post
, September 23, 1995.

“they laughed—they thought it was funny.”:
Palm Beach Post
, March 16, 1997.

84,626-square-foot monolith: Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Records.

It takes two hundred thousand:
Palm Beach Post
, April 29, 2007.

“My intent has been to maintain…”:
Palm Beach Daily News
, October 6, 2004.

“Knocking a building…”:
Palm Beach Daily News
, October 17, 2004

“Maybe it was more a woman’s…”: Interview, Dan Swanson.

Chapter Fifteen

“The reason I like you…”: Interview, OTR.

“Not only does she know…”: Interview, Eric Purcell.

“Meaghan’s always with me…”: Interview, Ibid.

“I’m enjoying it…”: Ibid.

“Terry Von Pantz has died…”: Interviews, Meaghan Karland and Eric Purcell.

“Your Honor, I see the past…”: Letter Eric Purcell to Judge Leesfield, November 24, 1997, in The State of Florida v. Eric Pfenniger.

In February 1998, after Eric agreed: Order vacating of sentence, February 1998 in State of Florida v. Eric Pfenniger.

“He wanted to care, and he could not care…”: “Winter Dreams” in F. Scott Fitzgerald,
All the Sad Young Men
(1926), p. 90.

“spit in her face”: Interview with Eric Purcell by Officer Thomas R. McLaughlin, November 2, 2006, Palm Beach Police Department Incident Report.

except for an item:
Palm Beach Post
, March 30, 2007.

Chapter Sixteen

“That’s right—$1 million…”:
Palm Beach Daily News
, February 18, 2001

“Young lady, do you know who I am?…”: Interviews, OTR.

After pledging $750,000:
Palm Beach Post
, March 14, 2004

“The enemy I had was Shannon Donnelly…”: Interview, Simon Fireman.

“I took the executive director…”: Interview, Shannon Donnelly.

“the crowd was made up…”:
Palm Beach Daily News
, January 31, 2005.

The Red Cross announced:
Palm Beach Post
, September 24,2006.

“There’s a lesson in…”:
Palm Beach Daily News
, February 1, 2006.

“return to dignity…”: Ibid., January 29, 2007.

“Women of Distinction”: Ibid., February 20, 2002.

Schur wanted to know:
Palm Beach Post
, May 19, 2002.

He picked up the phone: Ibid.

given ten years’ probation: Ibid., November 27, 2002.

Even that was too onerous: Ibid., February 24, 2004.

“she and Heine…”: Detective Michele D. Pagan interview with Abby Ruttenberg, November, 28, 2004. Palm Beach Police Department Incident Report.

“If we threw everyone…”: Interview, OTR.

Chapter Seventeen

“invalid mother”:
Boston Globe
, August 9, 2005.

turned one of the organizations:
Washington Post
, May 26, 1992.

“I must admit…”:
Boston Globe
, November 15, 1995.

“I want to have a…”:
Boston Globe
, November 29, 1995.

after only five dates:
New York Post
, February 20, 2001.

“one percent (1%) of the value of…”: Agreement between William I. Koch and Angela B. Gauntt, November 22, 1996, part of Koch V. Koch, Palm Beach County.

punched her in the stomach: Angela Browder Koch’s Motion for Temporary Relief, Koch v. Koch.

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