Machine Made: Tammany Hall and the Creation of Modern American Politics (55 page)

BOOK: Machine Made: Tammany Hall and the Creation of Modern American Politics
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Stead, William T. “Mr. Richard Croker and Greater New York.”
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Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation
14, no. 2 (Summer 2004).

Wesser, Robert F. “Charles Evans Hughes and the Urban Sources of Political Progressivism.”
New-York Historical Society Quarterly
40 (October 1966).

Whelan, Kevin. “The Memories of ‘The Dead.’ ”
Yale Journal of Criticism
15, no. 1 (Spring 2002).

White, Andrew D. “The Government of American Cities.”
(December 1890).


Debate on the Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland, signed in London on the 6th December, 1921
. Accessed through CELT,

Herbert H. Lehman Collections, Columbia University,

Oral History of Leon Keyserling, Harry S. Truman Library,


United Kingdom

Blackwood’s Magazine



The Economist

The Guardian

The Monthly Review

The Nineteenth Century

The Times

Westminster Review

Republic of Ireland

Dublin Evening Mail

Dublin Evening Post

The Nation

United States


Knickerbocker News


U.S. Catholic Miscellany


Commercial and Financial Chronicle


Freeman’s Journal and Catholic Register

Gaelic American

Harper’s Weekly


Irish Citizen

Irish News

Irish Shield

Irish World

Journal of Commerce

New York American

New York Evening Post

New York Herald

New York Observer

New York Sun

New York Times

New York Tribune

New York World


The Independent

The Nation

The New Yorker

Truth Teller

United Irishmen


Congressional Globe


“Us Against Them,” delivered by Thomas Fleming at “Understanding the Irish in New Jersey: A Symposium on Irish and Irish-American Research Perspectives,” Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, November 6, 2009.


Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

abolitionists, 14, 21, 33

anti-Catholic bigotry of, 73

Irish-American antipathy to, 74, 76–77, 78, 80

nativism and, 72–73, 83

, 170

“Act for the Suppression of Intemperance, An,” 64–65, 71–72

Adams, Abigail, 5

Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., 119–20

Adams, John, 5

Adamson, Robert, 219

African-Americans, 58, 120

cultural framework of, xxiii

Irish-Americans as unsympathetic toward, 74, 76

La Guardia and, 290

Tammany and, 162–63, 254

Wagner and, 288

Ahearn, John F., 129–30, 154, 155–56, 160, 192, 195, 247, 307

Albany, N.Y., 50

American Commonwealth, The
(Bryce), 169

American Federation of Labor, 203

American Ice Company, 181

American identity, 160–61, 188

Anglo-Protestant/immigrant conflict over meaning of, xx, xxi, xxiii–xxiv, 3, 22, 24, 33–36, 41, 46, 63–64, 67–68, 71, 74, 120, 128, 137, 147, 160, 188, 221, 245, 251, 252, 288, 305

American Labor Party, 301

American Land League, 142

American Party, 66

American Patriotic League, 160

American Protective Association, 147

American Republican Party, 34–35, 63

American Tract Society, 34

Anawanda Club, 178

disbandment of, 307–8


American identity as defined by, xx, xxi, xxiii–xxiv, 3, 22, 24, 33–36, 41, 46, 63–64, 67–68, 71, 74, 120, 128, 137, 147, 160, 188, 221, 245, 251, 252, 288, 305

anti-Catholic bigotry of, xiv, xviii, 13–14, 21, 58

anti-Irish bigotry of, xviii, xx, xxii, 13–14, 101, 159, 167–68, 171

charities dominated by, 63–64, 159, 204

New York City public schools controlled by, 21, 22–23, 24, 29

in oppression of Ireland, xxi–xxii, 2, 3, 13–14, 74–76, 117–18, 123, 171

reform movement dominated by, 108, 161, 169, 237, 250

Anti-Monopoly League, 136, 138

Tammany’s alliance with, 132–33, 137

Anti-Saloon League, 244

Apollo Hall, 103

Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor, 57, 63, 82

Association of the Friends of Ireland, 9

Atlantic Monthly
, 120

Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk
, 35

Bailey, Edwin D., 262

Barnes, William, 225

Barry, Richard, 256

Barry, William, 160

Beecher, Edward, 72

Beecher, Henry Ward, 72, 92

Belmont, August, 58, 208, 209

as Tammany member, 107–8, 114

Beresford, George, 15, 16–17

Berry, Charles W., 255, 292

Beveridge, Albert, 171

Black, Frank S., 157

Blackwood’s Magazine
, 13

Blaine, James, 140

Blizzard of 1888, 179–80

Board of Aldermen, 26, 28, 61, 146, 161, 172, 194, 218, 227, 282

Board of Assistant Aldermen, 24, 26, 114

Board of Charities, 159

Boland, Harry, 222–23

Bowers, Claude, 280

Bowery B’hoys, 54

Boycott, Charles, 148

boycotts, 148–49, 151

Boyne, Battle of the, 79, 94, 97

Bragg, Edward, 139

Brennan, Matthew, 103

bribery schemes, 115

Bronx, 176, 292

Bronx Democratic Party, 186

Brooklyn, 176, 292, 320

Brooklyn Bridge, 129, 320

Brooks, Sydney, 168

Brosnan, Greene C., 67

Brown, Elon R., 216

Brownlee, William Craig, 27

Brownson, Orestes, 21

Bryan, William Jennings, 257, 271

anti-Tammany rhetoric of, 208–9

“Cross of Gold” speech of, 207, 209

at 1912 Democratic Convention, 207

at 1924 Democratic National Convention, 258–60, 329

populism of, 207

Bryant, William Cullen, 193

Bryce, James, 169, 177, 296

Buchanan, James, 58

Burr, Aaron, 2, 6

Burrows, Edwin G., 153

Butler, Benjamin, 140

Byrne, John, xxiii, 311

Cannon, James, Jr., 249

Cantor, Jacob, 165

capitalism, xx, 134, 150

see also
laissez-faire economics

Cardozo, Albert, 129

Carew, John, 253

Carroll Hall ticket, 29–31

Carson, Alfred, 61

Cassidy, Daniel, 111

Catholic Association, 12–13, 15, 17, 152

subscription campaign of, 12

as unofficial social-welfare agency, 17

Catholic charities, 158–59

family-based approach of, 159–60

worthiness criteria rejected by, 158

Catholic Emancipation, 9, 12–13, 14–19, 95, 154

Catholic Miscellany
, 27–28

Catholic nuns, social services and, 158–59

Catholic Register
, 23

Catholics, Catholicism:

abolitionist bigotry toward, 73

Anglo-Protestant bigotry toward, xiv, xviii, 13–14, 21, 58

Clinton supported by, 2

George supported by, 153

Know Nothing bigotry against, 70–71

labor movement and, 143, 239

in New York City public schools, 22–32

Protestants in attempted conversion of, 13–14, 34, 64, 76

as purported cause of Irish character flaws, 13–14

reformers’ antipathy to, 45

social reform agenda of, 199–200, 238–39

test oaths and, 2, 9, 12, 15, 18

see also

Celler, Emanuel, 253

Central Labor Union (CLU), 143, 163

boycotts by, 148–49

Central Park, 54, 92


Anglo-Protestant domination of, 63–64, 159, 204

anti-Irish bigotry of, 159

moralistic attitudes of, 57–58, 82, 158, 159

worthiness criterion of, 204, 297

see also
Catholic charities

Charity Organization Society, 159

Chicago, Ill., 116, 117

Haymarket Square bombing in, 151

Chicago Daily News
, 303

child labor laws, 212, 239, 243

Children’s Aid Society, 63, 159

Children’s Law (1875), 158

Choate, Joseph A., xxi, 196

Churchill, Thomas, 253

Churchill, Winston S., 139, 171

Citizens Union, 161, 183, 188, 192, 240, 251, 260

Citizens Union Party, 176

City Club, 169

City Reform Club, 161

Civic League, 202, 213–14

civil-service reform, 157

civil-service test, 300

Civil War, U.S., 49, 78–79

onset of, 78

Clan na Gael
, 221

Clark, James Beauchamp “Champ,” 207, 210

Clark, Myron, 67

Cleveland, Grover:

as defender of economic status quo, 137

in 1884 presidential election, 138–40

elected governor of New York State, 136

Tammany’s enmity toward, 137–38

Clinton, DeWitt:

as champion of Irish-Americans, 2, 4

in 1817 New York State election, 1–4

Tammany Hall feuds with, 6

Cockran, William Bourke, xxiii, 49, 138–40, 152, 171, 223, 252

as global disarmament spokesman, 231

Cohalan, Daniel, 90, 200, 220, 221, 226

Collins, Michael, 222

Columbus, Christopher, 5

Commercial Advertiser
, 35

Commercial and Financial Chronicle
, 122

Commission to Devise a Plan for the Government of Cities in the State of New York,
Tilden Commission

Committee of Seventy, 100–101, 107, 116

Connolly, Richard “Slippery Dick,” 85, 91, 92, 101, 103, 115, 118

Conover, Daniel, 54

Coolidge, Calvin, 260, 261

Cooper, Edward, 121, 125

Cooper, Peter, 52, 86, 107, 120

Cooper Union, 46–47, 92

Copeland, Royal, 253, 289

in 1937 mayoral election, 297, 298, 299

Corcoran, Michael, 48–49, 78

Corrigan, Michael, 143, 152, 153

Costikyan, Edward, 306

Cotillo, Salvatore, 251, 253, 290

County Democracy, 135, 140

County Substitute and Relief Committee, 82

Crater, Joseph F., 275

Crédit Mobilier, 115

Croker, Eyre Coote, 145

Croker, Richard, xviii, 167, 171, 172, 177, 179, 203, 225, 311

background of, 145–46

burned in effigy, 184–85

chosen as Tammany boss, 144, 146

corruption of, 180–81, 183

in Ice Trust scandal, 181–82

immigrant newcomers and, 147–48

labor movement alliances of, 164

and mayoral election of 1886, 150–51

Mazet Committee investigation of, 174–75

overreaching by, 183

personal fortune of, 162, 174

as Protestant, 145

, SS, 89, 90

Curry, John, 274, 285

in attempt to block Lehman’s nomination for governor, 283

chosen as Tammany head, 281–82

fired as Tammany head, 296

Curtis, George William, 157

Dail Eireann
, 222

Daley, Joseph, 180

Daniels, Josephus, 246, 272

Darwin, Charles, xxi

Davis, John, 260

Davis, Kenneth S., 249

Davitt, Michael, 141–42

Dead Rabbits, 54

“Decline of Protestantism and Its Causes, The” (Hughes), 63

Delaware Club, 153–54

demagoguery, xxiv, 10

democracy, struggle over meaning of, 160

Democratic National Committee, 303, 304

Democratic National Convention:

of 1868, xiv, 84

of 1912, 206–11

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