Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (18 page)

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Doc came up between the two men. “So, what are your plans with this young lady? I would hate to see you hurt her.”

The two men slowly turned toward him in shock, but Storm was the one who was able to find his voice first. “What do you mean, Doc?”

“You are all obviously in love with her and she is very much in love with all of you. I won’t admit to understanding it, but please, give her time to recuperate from this debacle. I don’t want to hear you have broken her heart in any way.”

“You won’t, Doc. We do love her and she understands it. We’ll do right by her. We promise,” Trey said, patting the man on the shoulder. “She has a good friend in you, lookin’ after her and all.”

“She’s been through hell and back with this. I think now that she has her memory back, she’ll be okay.”

Glancing back at the house, the brothers spoke in unison. “We hope so.”

“Well, thanks for an interesting time, boys, but I’m heading home. Call me if you need me,” the man said as he walked to his small pickup. He had already put his doctor’s bag in the cab earlier that morning, so he was ready to go.

Trey went into cop mode quickly. “Hey, Doc, don’t forget to go into the Sheriff’s office and have them take your fingerprints. I’ll be sending a team up to the cabin tomorrow.”

The older man had opened his door and was climbing in. “Will do, Trey.”

“Let’s get these in the barn and then I’ll need to get to the office,” Trey said, climbing back onto the vehicle.

“Are you going to be taking Lisa with you?”

“No. She needs to rest before all the questioning and interrogation begins. I’ll try to get anyone interested to come out here so we don’t stress her out too much. Plus we can all keep her in our sights since we don’t know who to trust. As it is right now, I’m not sure she knows who to trust either.”

Climbing onto his ATV, Storm nodded his agreement. His brother may irritate the daylights out of him sometimes, but when he was in cop mode, he was a different person. Storm would never admit it out loud, but he was proud of his brother. Their parents would have been proud of him also.

Chapter Thirteen


The two put away all of the ATVs before heading into the house. Trey made his way to Lyndee’s room to see if he could get some alone time with her before he went to the office. Knocking on the door lightly, he heard her sweet voice bidding him entrance. Austin was just coming out of the bathroom, and glancing at his cousin he gave him a knowing smile. Leaning over, he kissed his woman on the lips. “I’ll be back later. I think the cop wants to interrogate you now.”

Waiting until the door closed behind him before moving, Trey watched her face. There was weariness there as it had been a trying day for her, but he also saw raw desire. Stepping to the bed, he kneeled on it next to her. “I know this has been a trying day for you, so if you want to rest, I’ll understand.”

“No,” she whispered. “I want you. I want you to fuck me.”

No sweeter words had ever been uttered to him, but he didn’t want to tax her after the day she had already had. Laying his hand on her thigh he squeezed it gently. “Baby, I would love to do nothing more than make sweet love to you, but you have been through a traumatic time today and you need to rest. I can see it in your eyes.”

Bravado leading her, she moved his hand to the apex between her legs. He could feel her heat and the moisture that had pooled there and his breath hitched. Popping the button at her fly, she slowly moved the zipper down, tempting him even more. Remaining still, Trey watched her as she slid her hands up under her thermal shirt and up to her breasts. He could see her hands moving around them beneath the fabric, and he tried to will the straining object in his jeans to rest but it was to no avail.

Standing, he moved to the foot of the bed while unbuttoning the red-and-green flannel shirt he had worn. Toe-kicking off his boots, he pushed the flannel off his massive shoulders, all the while never taking his eyes off hers. Reaching over his shoulders, he pulled the white T-shirt off and tossed it aside before he moved down to pull her jeans off by their hems. Eyeing the red thong he saw the wet spot there at the edge of the triangle that met with her ass. He felt a surge in his cock, knowing she was already ready for him.

“Strip!” he commanded as he unbuttoned his jeans, watching her.

He saw the shiver that ran through her body at his dominant tone. As a good sub should, she unbuttoned the few buttons on the V-neck of the thermal. She pulled it over her head and let it loose to fall down her back. Breathless, he watched her undo the clasp at the front of her bra, the material separating and her breasts bouncing from the effect. She let the red straps slide down her arms, wriggled free of it, and then put her hands on the thin elastic material at her hips.

Trey licked his lips as he unzipped his jeans. His eyes followed her hands as they pushed the flimsy material from her hips down her well-shaped, muscular legs. When she got it to her ankles, he took the thong, pressed it to his nose, and growled before tossing it aside. Bending at the waist, he hurriedly removed his socks and then knelt on the bed between her legs. Not having lain back down, she sat spread eagle so he reached out and fondled her breasts gently, surprising her with his actions.

“I love your breasts. They are so big for a little woman like you,” he murmured, moving off to her left side.

Guiding her down onto her back, he gazed upon her breasts before lowering his head. Placing a light kiss to her hardened nipple he pulled back slightly and watched it pucker even more from the mere touch of his lips. Leaning forward again, he licked at the dark-pink nub before letting his tongue move down the side of the large globe, a gasp emanating from her. The tip of his tongue met the tongue of the dragon painted on her side, and he began to follow the languid movement of the serpent on her skin. When necessity rose, he gently pushed her over to her left side and continued to follow the ink. As he got closer to the tail, he pushed her onto her stomach. Her legs separated as she turned and the aroma of her arousal filled his senses. His cock throbbed relentlessly and tapped at her leg. Soon, he told it. Soon.

His tongue began the journey up the slope of her rounded derriere, savoring the taste of her and how exotic it felt to trace the trail of the tattoo. He might have to get a few of his own and have her reciprocate. At the tail, he ended the exploration with a loud kiss and then a nip with his teeth. She shivered beneath him as a breath of ecstasy escaped her. His finger followed the tip of the tail into the crevice between her rounded, fleshy globes, downward past the puckered hole to the moist slit that was his goal.


* * * *


Anticipation shook her as his large digit teased her. When his finger grazed her asshole she had clinched her buttocks together, hoping he would slip his fingers in and claim her there. Once his fingers grazed her pussy lips, she felt the cream leak from within, coating his digits. Slipping two of his fingers inside her he felt her pussy walls contract around him, drawing them in further. She desperately wanted his lips on her and she pushed her hips upward, allowing him to move in deeper.

He chuckled at her movement but didn’t oblige at the moment. Turning his palm over so it faced the bed he cupped his hand and began to slide his fingers in and out, rubbing across the soft, spongy area within her dark, moist pussy.

Her legs spread apart, providing the room he needed to maneuver in, as she gasped at the motion he made within her. He nipped at her ass near the tail of the dragon, sending chills through her body. “Do you want me, sweetheart?”

Her breath escaped her lips as his hand ceased pumping into her and stilled, and his callused fingers began moving against her G-spot. “Yes, Trey. I want you so bad!”

Licking the cleft in her ass, he asked, “You want me to do what?”

Aggravated that he would choose this time to tease her, she said, “I want you to put your cock inside me and fuck me with it!”

There was another chuckle from him before he said, “Oh such dirty language for such a sweet, innocent girl. You better not swear in front of Austin unless you’re in bed or he’ll take you over his knee and spank you.”

Pushing the envelope slightly to see what her men were capable of in the bedroom, her voice came out in a whisper of anticipation. “What about you, Trey? Would you spank me? Would you tie me up and fuck me?”

Pausing, Trey became worried that she was fearful of the concept. “Do you want us to? Does it scare you?”

“Yes. It scares me but it also intrigues me. I’ve seen the girls have it done to them and they seemed to enjoy it, but it looked scary. What if you lose control?”

Trey licked his way down to her asshole, feeling the tremor rush through her body before resting his chin on her soft flesh. “We don’t lose control, honey. We are experienced Doms. We know when to give pleasure and when to punish you with pleasure but we never hurt just to hurt you. Austin is the one who speaks the harshest, but the one you have to watch out for is Storm. Once in Dom mode, he takes control until we have all had our fun. We would use safe words to keep you safe so you don’t have to be frightened. Let us show you tonight after dinner. We can stop at any time.”


* * * *


Pushing her ass back toward him, her breath hitched in desperation. “Okay. You can do what you want to do to me tonight, but please Trey, make love to me right now!”

With the anticipation built up within her and the talk of bondage, she was so close. His fingers moved within her again, striking that special spot within her, and she rose slightly from the bed as she screamed out her orgasm. When she loosened her hold on him, he pulled out and swung himself up between her legs. With his hands on her hips, he pulled her backward so her hips were up in the air. Taking the hint, she rose up on her hands, swaying her hips against his hard, throbbing cock. He groaned at her brazenness.

Lyndee felt his thick cock at her ass and had to wonder what he was planning. Her ass was sore from the ride up the mountain, but if he wanted to take her there she would let him. She felt the tip of him move down and rub through the moisture that was dripping from her, teasing her opening before moving to rub against her clit. Gasping, she bucked a bit and his dick moved back to the slit before he slowly, tantalizingly slid just the tip inside of her. Moving one hand up her hip and then down under her he found the hard pearl within her folds and when he barely touched it she came again. Her pussy clamped down on the tip of his cock and she felt him still.

Relaxing her vagina, she felt him finally push deep into her until his root seemed to open her further. His thighs were flush with hers and she could feel his hard abs against her ass. Then he pulled out until only the tip remained. It seemed like an eternity before he pushed back in. The fullness he created with his cock inside her made it seem as if she felt every vein in the organ as he began to move in and out of her. Her moans filled the room whenever he passed over her sensitive spot. As if he wanted to make sure she was satisfied, he moved his hand around to enclose her clit between his index and middle fingers and squeezed it gently. She bucked her hips at the sensation but continued to thrust back to meet his hips with each inward stroke.

Lyndee felt his other hand move to the cleft in her ass and move lower, swiping at the fluid that escaped her cunt around his cock and glided it up to the puckered hole. A growl escaped her when she felt his thumb pressed against it, anticipation growing along with the sensation building within her pussy. In a moment his wide digit popped through the tight muscle, and he moved it around the rim, giving her time to adjust. She was now panting as all three erotic zones were being pleasured.

The tingling feeling that had begun deep within her shot through her like a bullet from a gun as it travelled to all of the nerve endings in her body. A scream of ecstasy escaped her lips as she bucked back once more and held herself to him as he held her by the hips with one hand and buried his cock deep inside her. His cum jettisoned into her and she felt as if he wasn’t going to stop as it seemed to go on forever.

Her arms were shaking and weak, finally giving way, and her upper body collapsed onto the bed, sweat bathing her whole body. Moans continued to emanate from her as her pussy kept contracting around his cock and she continued to feel him throb within her. Finally he pulled his thumb out of her ass with a resounding pop and then pulled his arm from around her hip. Pulling himself out of her he rose and made his way into the bathroom. She vaguely heard water running and then felt a warm washcloth cleaning her, but she was soon drifting off. From a distance she heard Trey whisper, “I love you, sweetheart. You won’t be leaving us.”


* * * *


Waking slowly Lyndee stretched her body sinuously, her muscles sore not just from the lovemaking with Trey but from the journey on the ATV and the frantic run down the hill and then the climb down and then up the ravine. She needed a hot bath and she really needed to find a gym to work out in. It had been too long without it and she needed to stay in shape. Her job required it. She wondered how the men stayed in such fantastic shape out here on the ranch. Was it all the lifting they did? She would have to ask.

Rising, she realized she was alone. Trey had disappeared and she wondered where he had gone but she would find out eventually. It was the first time she had been alone since her men had found her and now it felt strange. Going into the bathroom she started the water running in the large tub, and for a minute let her mind slip back to the other morning after they all made love to her and all ended up in the tub together. Smiling to herself she took a clip and pulled her braid up and clipped it so it wouldn’t get wet. She could already tell that it was still damp from her shower earlier today. That was the problem with long, thick hair. It took forever to dry.

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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