Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (15 page)

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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The pain shot through her head with the thought, but she wasn’t going to ruin this for her or Storm by revealing what had just happened. She just had to learn to deal with it and not let it frighten her. They would all help her with this and protect her from whatever brought her to them. Even if it was the devil himself that brought her to these three loving men, she would have to thank him for that.


* * * *


Storm knew the moment she had a revelation as her mouth tensed but a moment later it relaxed again. Fear rushed through him that she would pull away and not finish what she had started so he was relieved when she just sat there, waiting for his permission to let her resume her dalliance with his cock. When his balls didn’t seem to be pulling up into his spine, he hissed. “Okay, baby. Your mouth is so hot, make me come.”

Her tongue flattened along the underside of his cock and slid up it as it followed her lips until it rest right beneath the head. Moving it, she let it swirl around the top, tasting his essence there before beginning her descent down toward his balls again. As she did this, she again let her fingernails run along the seam between his sac and his asshole. She felt him tense, his cheeks clinching together. “Uh, uh,” she moaned around him as she tapped his cheeks with her fingers. She knew that they would do the same to her if she had tightened any of her openings against them.

Drawing in a deep breath, Storm relaxed his ass cheeks. Through his adult years he had been given many a blow job before, but not one of them included having his asshole played with. He wasn’t trying to keep her from playing there. It was so erotic and it sent pulses throughout his groin he thought he’d cum to soon. Placing his hands on her shoulders he began to rub them down each side of her spine, her back arching for him at the sensation. With the comparison of his height to hers, he was able to bend slightly as she still moved her head up and down on his cock and reach her buttocks as they swayed with her movements. Relaxing her butt cheeks, she moaned against him.

She removed her mouth from him. “That feels so good,” she said before moving her mouth to his balls. Kissing and licking at them, she loved how they hung down, ready for her mouth to suck them in, which she did, worshipping one at a time before gliding her wet tongue up his cock to take him deep in her throat again. He groaned at the action. With his hands on her ass, he pushed her toward him and then, squeezing the flesh there, pulled her back slightly, helping her to fuck him.

Lisa let him lead her body as she moved in and out on his cock, relishing the smoothness of the hardened shaft and how it fit well in her mouth. She felt wanton as her ample breasts swung beneath her body, the nipples lightly grazing the rumpled blanket and sheet. That action sent pulses down her abs into her cunt, which throbbed to be touched. Slick juices ran down her thighs, which she rubbed together, rubbing her pussy lips together. The action squeezed her clitoris and she felt the tingle deep within her. Each movement Storm made drove her pussy into a deeper frenzy. She moaned at the sensation, which caused his cock to swell even more. His hips began to piston in and out of her mouth, rocking her body between his groin and his hands.

One of his large hands slipped between her thighs through the moisture that was leaking from her slit and found her clit. Rubbing it, he moved his middle finger in circles, driving her on a collision course with her impending orgasm. Her finger pushed through the tight muscle at his puckered hole and slid in up to her second knuckle, and she began to move it back and forth. Apparently he liked it, for she found when she did that, he bucked even harder and she had to be careful not to let him gag her. After about a half a minute, she felt his balls tighten beneath her chin and his cock throb within her mouth before he thrust one last time, held her body to him, and climaxed within her hot mouth. His seed shot from his cock and down her throat several times. Though the size of him pushed to the back of her throat was a daunting task she tried to drink all of his offering down, and as a bit of his spunk leaked from the side of her mouth, she felt as if she had failed him.

She didn’t have time to think too hard on it as she felt his finger speed up on her clit and then a hard slap on her derriere struck and the coil deep within her sprang, sending out tentacles of sensation throughout her body, and she cried out around his cock. Her pussy seemed to radiate outward as if trying to overtake her body, though she knew it remained in the same place. She was surprised it could cause her to feel so content and the thought struck her that he had slapped her! He had really slapped her ass and that is what had sent her over the edge of the climactic cliff.

Storm slowly slid his hands back up her back and to her shoulders where he gently tried to push her off of him so he could look into his woman’s eyes, but she was still bathing his softening cock with her tongue. Pulling her finger out of his ass he let out a deep breath and she moved her hand to the bed. “God, darlin’, you really do treat me good,” he smiled down at her.

Pride swelled in her chest as she finally removed her mouth from his member and looked up at him shyly, afraid he would be disappointed that she missed some of his seed. He moved his hand to caress her cheek as she licked her lips, cleaning the taste from them. He moved his thumb over, swiped at the small drop of his cum at the corner of her mouth, and spread it on her bottom lip while she gazed up at him. Licking her lip again, she felt his thumb there and tasted his cum. Drawing the digit into her mouth, she sucked on it briefly before he pulled it out. Thinking he was angry with her, she started to back away when he reached out, pulled her up to him, and covered her lips with his own. His tongue pushed through to duel with her own as he held her face in his hands, reveling in the taste of her, and for the first time, the taste of himself on her tongue.

Pulling himself up to his full six foot three inches, he stood before her, love shining in his eyes. Thinking how this little woman had managed to twist them all around her little finger and forage a way into their hearts so quickly was surprising. Little did they know the day they went out to find several head of cattle, which were still wandering around on the mountain, that they would come back with the love of their lives. He could spend days just kissing her but knew they needed to get going.

“Let’s get you into the shower and cleaned up. Did Austin tell you we are going on a little Sunday drive?”

Bewilderment in her iris eyes raised up to his, she asked meekly, “You aren’t mad at me?”

Confusion crowded his mind, trying to figure out why he should have been angry at her. Was it because of her breakdown last night in the kitchen? No. Couldn’t be. Did he miss something? Letting his hand go back to her cheek, caressing it lovingly before kneeling down in front of her still perched on her hands and knees, he asked, “Why would I be angry at you, darlin’?”

Lowering her eyes, she felt vulnerable with him nearly undressed before her, love shining in his eyes. “Because I wasn’t able to take all of your cum.”

Blond eyebrows lifted in surprise at her comment, and then with a shake of his head in disbelief, he moved his hand down to her chin and gently forced her to look at him. When her eyes met his, he was saddened to see tears pooled there. God, what kind of life had this woman lived through before she arrived? They needed to get her memory back as soon as possible and get her out of this living hell she was in. Standing, he stood on the remains of his pajamas pooled around his feet and stepped out of them. Moving his hands down to her waist, he lifted her as if she weighed nothing more than a small child and sat her down on the foot of the bed. Sitting next to her, he returned his hand to her chin, lifting so she’d see his eyes, though they remained closed, and then kissed each eye, catching the tears that dripped down with his lower lip then sliding his tongue on his lip. “Yum. Salty.” A small smile crossed her lips though her eyes remained closed.

“Darlin’, look at me, please.” A moment passed before she gave in to his request. Her sad eyes broke his heart. “I would never be mad at you because you can’t take all of my cum in your mouth. I know I am a big man and that most of the time I can be quite overwhelming, not just in size but quantity as well. I loved your mouth around my cock. You made me crazy with what you did to me. I have never had a woman put a finger in my ass before. It was heaven for me. I was more concerned that I came before you did but once you got going in my ass, I lost all control. I’m sorry about that.”

Her smile grew bigger at his compliment, but that he apologized for bringing her to her climax later than his confused her. “I’m sorry,” she said, crossing her arms in front of her. “I don’t understand. You want a woman to have an orgasm? Before you do?”

A gaping mouth was not what she expected to see but Storm’s reaction was a total shock. Trying to regain his composure, he closed his mouth and then shook his head, trying to shake his thoughts into rational ones. “Oh, honey, we really have so much to teach you. Of course a real man makes sure his woman climaxes before he does. That’s what it means to take care of a woman. We make sure her needs are taken care of before our own. Not just sexually, but in everyday life also. Why does that surprise you?”

It worried him that he put out the question for he knew what was about to happen, but he had to do it. It seemed like the only way she was to remember anything was by holding normal conversations around her and they seemed to trigger memories. Bracing himself, he waited for the fallout of what was sure to be a recollection for her.


* * * *


“Just once I would like to come while having sex,” the redhead said, sailing into the room. Lisa sat on the couch leafing through a magazine. “All these guys want to do is come and they don’t care if you get off or not. I’m tired of going home and getting myself off every night. If the money wasn’t so good I’d leave here and find myself a boyfriend that would take care of my needs before his own.”

“Oh, like those are really out there,” the dark-haired beauty in the barber chair exclaimed. “I don’t think there is a man alive that will get a woman off first. Even in all the porn movies the woman never comes. At least in the gay porn both the guys get off. So, all the way around, the men win when it comes to sex. Just get used to it. What do you have to say about it, Lisa?”

Looking up at the two women, so vastly different from each other, not only in looks but in opinions and personalities, she knew she would have to put in her opinion. The dark-haired woman dominated the room and Lisa knew she hung on every word any of the girls said while they were together because she would report it back to their boss. All the girls hated when Bridgette was in the room as they had to monitor their actions and their conversations.

“I agree with Bridgette on this one, Lani,” she said, addressing the fiery redhead. “I don’t know any man that wants a woman to come before them. They just want you to suck them off or just stick their dick into you, fuck you until they are done, and then get up and walk away.”

Damn, she was good! Pride swelled within her until she saw the tears in Lani’s eyes. The girl was eighteen and fresh from a farm in Kansas. Their boss had picked her up six months prior while she was still seventeen, a runaway on the street in Topeka. Dirty and starving, he took her in, promised her the land of milk and honey, and brought her here and began to pimp her out immediately. At first she was terrified until the money began to come in and she had something she could call her own, even though she really didn’t know how much their boss made off of her. For what she brought in for him, she only received about twenty percent. Lisa knew he got fifty percent and the rest went to the hierarchy of the organization. In general, since the clientele were more upper class, wealthy business men, and the exchange of money was done between their boss and the men. The women had no idea how much was paid for them. Lisa was inadvertently made aware of the payout to the girls when her boss had gotten drunk one night and bragged to her about it.

Lisa was sorry that she had hurt the girl but there was no other way around the conversation. The girl had to know the truth, but also, she didn’t want to give Bridgette ammunition to take to their boss about her. She couldn’t afford to lose this job at the moment, but most importantly, their boss had taken to showing her too much attention lately and she didn’t need that right then. She had to concentrate on the bigger picture here.

The door opened and a plump blonde entered, smacking on her gum. She was the epitome of the term hooker and blonde bimbo all wrapped into one. Bleached blonde hair usually teased up and piled high with hairspray, Lisa would swear the woman used a can of hairspray a day. E-cup-sized tits adorned her chest which the girl had paid a pretty penny for. She was determined to snag one of her clients as a husband so she was also living in a fantasy world. Plopping down on the couch next to Lisa, her breasts bouncing with the action, she turned to Lisa. “Boss wants to see you, sweetie.”

Exasperated, Lisa stood. “Great. Wonder what he wants right now?” she said before she exited the door.


* * * *


Storm wrapped his arms around his lady before the memory set her off into tears. The gasp that emerged from her before she relaxed against him sent a chill through him. Since he had been observing her nuances and could now read the distant look in her eyes that meant she had reverted within the confines of her memory, he knew that he had to catch her before she fell into the tears that would surely follow.

His hand soothingly smoothed her hair down from her crown to her shoulders and then back again repeatedly in an attempt to calm her. Snuggling deeper against his warm chest, Storm reveled in her hand moving across the expanse of his wide chest and shoulders, as if reveling in the strength beneath the skin. He could tell the memory seemed to be teetering on the edge of her consciousness as her hand caressed his chest, but it seemed to elude her. Kissing the top of her head, he laid his chin on the spot. “Do you want to talk about it?”

BOOK: Lyndee's Saviors [Men of Montana] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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