Lying Love (Lazy Love Book 3) (8 page)

Read Lying Love (Lazy Love Book 3) Online

Authors: Kirsten Osbourne

BOOK: Lying Love (Lazy Love Book 3)
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John nodded. “That would be really nice.”

Nicki scrambled to sit at the table while Amber jumped up to make three sandwiches. “I hope you don’t mind chips with it. I’d have actually cooked something, but I’ve been working all day.”

“No one is criticizing you,” John said. “I’m just glad we can have a few minutes together today.”

Amber smiled at him over her shoulder. “Me too. And tomorrow I’ll be free any time after eleven or so to go get the marriage license. We can have lunch together, or I can eat alone here.”

“I’ll pick you up, and we’ll go for lunch somewhere they have never heard of tacos.”

Amber laughed. “We’ll definitely be going far from Texas then.”

“I’m actually thinking we’ll need to go into Weatherford. Do you mind?”

She shook her head. “It’ll be nice not to eat steak or Mexican for a change.”

“I guess Wiggieville is pretty limited. Don’t you guys ever go anywhere else?”

“Not often. If we leave Wiggieville, there’s more chance that people will be weird about us being there. Wiggieville people have grown used to having the actors around. I’ll have to wear a ball cap and sunglasses most likely.”

“I didn’t think of that. We’re not going to have a lot of privacy, are we?”

Amber shook her head. “I kind of gave up the right to my privacy by choosing such a public career. You’ll give it up by marrying me.” She put the sandwiches on the table in front of them, then moved to get water for them all. “It’s not too late to change your mind.”

He sighed. “No, I’m not going to change my mind. It’ll just be a little harder than I’d realized.”

“Life is hard. People who get that through their heads at a young age do better than people who don’t.”

He grinned. “When did you get so full of wisdom?”

“I guess it comes with the territory.” She sat down beside Nicki. “Do you like the sandwich?”

Nicki nodded emphatically. “It’s good. I love turkey and cheese.”

“They’re my favorite too. Someday I’ll make a grilled cheese for you. I’m a whiz at grilled cheese.”

“Do you cook a lot?” John asked.

Amber laughed. “I keep stuff for sandwiches and ready-made stuff I can nuke or throw into the oven here. That’s about the extent of my cooking ability. My mother didn’t exactly think it was necessary for me to learn the culinary arts.”

He grinned at that. “Of course she didn’t. That’s not her type of thing at all, is it?”

“I’m still not sure if my mother has ever stepped foot in a kitchen. Maybe once to yell at the help.” Amber shook her head. “If I ever start to act like her, will you promise to put me out of my misery?”

“Did you call her?” he asked, taking her hand in his.

“Yeah. I called her last night before I went to sleep. She’s going to be at the wedding, and she’s going to be in charge of the catering.”

“What if we don’t like what she decides to serve?”

She shrugs. “Doesn’t matter if we like it. Only matters if my two pregnant friends get their cravings taken care of. She promised to serve tacos and chocolate tacos for dessert. Being my mother, she thinks tacos are too ‘common’ for a wedding, so she’ll serve a variety of other things as well.” She looked at Nicki. “She’s looking forward to meeting you.”

“Will she let me have one of the tacos?”

Amber couldn’t help but laugh. “She’ll let you have all the tacos you want. That will mean less for her.” She looked at John. “I really think she was excited to have a job to do for the wedding.”

“She probably was. I’m sure she hates the fact that you two are estranged as much as you do.”

“I keep telling myself I don’t care at all, because I’m happier now than I was under her roof, but I don’t know if that’s true. I want to be at peace with her, but I don’t know if it’s even possible. Especially with how much she hated you when we were younger.”

John nodded, taking another bite of his sandwich. “I can understand that. I wish I had an answer for you. I can sure forgive everything that’s happened in the past, depending on how she treats Nicki.”

Amber nodded emphatically. “How she treats Nicki is the key for me in all of this. I don’t care if she lavishes her with toys, because I’ll probably do that. I just care that she’s kind to her.”

Nicki perked up at the mention of toys. “Toys? What kind of toys?”

Amber laughed. “What kind of toys do you like?”

“Barbies! All kinds of Barbies. I want a Barbie camper, but Daddy said it’s too expensive. It has a water slide even!”

“Well, I’ll talk to Daddy about it. Maybe he’ll let me get you one for Christmas or your birthday.” Amber knew Nicki’s birthday was in February, so it was still a way off.

“I’d like that. Maybe he’ll listen to reason if you ask, because he loves you.”

Amber bit her lip at the child’s words. “Do you think you’re capable of listening to reason if I ask?” she asked John.

John shook his head. “Why do I suddenly feel like I’m being ganged up on by my daughter and my fiancé?”

“Because you’re smarter than a lamppost?”

“Every word you say wounds my heart…”

“Aww, I bet you’ll survive.” There was a knock on her door. “Ugh. That means ten minutes ‘til I need to be in wardrobe. You guys finish eating. Lock the knob on your way out. I have my keys.” She kissed the top of Nicki’s head, and leaned down to kiss John. “See you tomorrow afternoon.”

John watched as she rushed out of the trailer before he could even say goodbye. “I guess she needed to get back to work,” he said to Nicki.

Nicki shrugged. “She said she did.”

Chapter 8

y Saturday morning
, Amber was a bundle of nerves. She dressed inside John’s house, while he got ready for the wedding at a neighbor’s. She didn’t think she really believed that it was bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding, but there had been enough trouble between them that she wasn’t about to risk it.

When she was ready, she looked down at Nicki who was being dressed by May and smiled. “You look beautiful!”

Nicki preened, smoothing down her mint green dress. “I do, don’t I?”

Amber laughed. “You do. And I have your flower girl basket ready for you.” She exchanged a glance with Valerie as she said it. She knew the girl would be disappointed that she wouldn’t have whole flowers to throw at people’s heads, but she just couldn’t let her get away with that.

Nicki looked down and sighed. “Daddy said you wouldn’t let me throw flowers at people’s heads. I just get flower petals, huh?”

Amber grinned. “Yeah, but that’s all you’re supposed to have. Flower girls never have whole flowers with them when they walk down the aisle.”

“I guess.” Nicki shrugged. “I can still have fun throwing stuff at people. It just won’t fly quite as far.”

“That’s the spirit!” May said, grinning at the girl. “You’re going to have lots of fun with the flower petals anyway. They smell so good!”

Nicki buried her whole face in the basket, sniffing the flowers. “Yup. They smell good.”

The door to the master bedroom, where they were all getting ready opened, and Amber looked up. “Mother. Come and meet my friends.”

She saw Valerie grow still out of the corner of her eye, and she said a quick prayer that her friend would be able to hold her tongue. After being in an abusive relationship, Valerie didn’t allow anyone to mistreat another in her presence. Ever.

She put her hand on Valerie’s arm. “This is my closest friend, Valerie Savoy. She plays my older sister on
Lazy Love.

Her mother nodded. “You’re about the same size with similar coloring, so I suppose you look as if you could be sisters. It’s nice to meet you, Valerie.”

“This is my friend, May Bodefeld. She’s married to Bob, who plays Bob on
Lazy Love

“Bob plays Bob? That’s ridiculous,” her mother said, shaking her head in disgust.

Amber bit her lip to keep from laughing, knowing her mother wouldn’t approve of that at all.

“It’s not ridiculous,” May countered. “Why, it’s downright bobilicious. Ask anyone!”

“Bobilicious? You made that word up!”

May nodded eagerly. “I did. Shakespeare made up a lot of words that are now common in the English language, and since I’m a writer as well, I get to make up words too. I’m currently working on getting bobilicious into the dictionary. Isn’t that a great idea?”

Amber could tell that May was trying to annoy her mother, which made it even harder not to laugh.

“You’re a writer? What do you write? Have I ever heard of you?” Suddenly her mother didn’t seem nearly as disgusted with her friend.

“I don’t know if you have. My pen name is Jolene Gold, and I write romantic comedies. Do you read romcoms, Mrs. Knight?”

Amber swore she would see her mother roll her eyes through the back of her head, but she refused to laugh aloud. Instead, she exchanged a look with Valerie, who was also trying to keep from laughing.

“Mother, this little bit of sunshine here is Nicki. She’s about to become my daughter.”

Her mom sat down on the edge of the bed as if she were sitting on the queen’s throne, motioning the girl toward her. “You’re a pretty little girl. I hope your manners are just as pretty.”

“I’m not pretty. I’m beautiful. Ask anyone!” Nicki threw one of her flower petals at Amber’s mother. “There. Maybe smelling that will make you happy.”

Amber put her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter. “Were you able to take care of my requests with the caterer?”

“Yes, of course I was. You know I have connections where large events are concerned. There will be a variety of items, but there are four different kinds of tacos available, if we don’t include the dessert tacos made from chocolate.”

May and Valerie turned on Amber. “Four kinds of tacos?” Valerie asked.

“Plus dessert tacos?” May added. “I love you Amber Knight!”

Amber grinned. “I couldn’t let the babies starve during my reception, could I?”

Her mother continued to observe the people around her. “Your father is giving you away, isn’t he?” she asked Amber finally.

“I hadn’t thought about it, but yes, I suppose he should.” Amber was looking forward to seeing her father. He’d never approved of John, but his overall attitude toward her had always been a great deal more positive than her mother’s.

“Good. He’s waiting in the hallway to escort you. I suppose you’ll be living here after the wedding?”

Amber nodded. “I will. I think it’s a lovely house. It’s so much bigger than where I’ve been living.” Her words practically begged her mother to say something negative about her new lifestyle, but she managed to refrain.

“You’re welcome to come back to our home anytime, and we’ll expect you at two for the Thanksgiving meal.”

Amber nodded, closing her eyes. Last year they’d had Thanksgiving on the set, because it hadn’t fallen on their time off. It had been the best Thanksgiving of Amber’s life, hanging around with her friends and watching Jesse moon over Valerie without her friend suspecting a thing. This year, she would get to spend the time in the stifling environment of her mother’s dining room, and the meal would be cooked by someone whose name none of them knew, including her mother.

“We’ll be there.”

“You’re welcome to bring your friends if you wish.”

Amber could tell it took a lot for her mother to make the offer. “No, that’s all right. We have our week break in conjunction with Thanksgiving this year, so I’m sure Valerie and Jesse will be off in Wyoming. May and Bob will probably be eating with May’s aunt.”

Her mother turned to May. “Your aunt? Why not your parents?”

“My mother died when I was ten, and I was raised by my aunt. I spend all holidays with her.”

“That’s quite a sacrifice to make for a child who’s not your own. Is she married?”

May shook her head sadly. “No, she never married. I keep hoping she will.”

There was a knock on the door. “Five minutes!”

Amber laughed. “That was Steven,” she said, looking at Valerie. “He’s acting like we’re on the set.”

Valerie shook her head with an amused smile. “You can take the director out of the job, but you can’t take the job out of the director? Or something like that, I guess.”

May shrugged. “Works for me.” She took Nicki’s hand. “Are you ready? Let’s go out there and get into our places. Remember, you’re going to throw your petals on the ground for your new mama to walk on.”

“And in people’s hair too, right?”

“Oh, of course in people’s hair What would be fun about being a flower girl otherwise?”

As her friends left, Amber took deep breaths, realizing her mother had stayed behind.

“I want you to know that no matter what’s happened in the past, your father and I plan to support you in this marriage of yours. We could see how unhappy you were after you broke up, even though you were dating someone who was much more suited to your station in life.”

Amber blinked a couple of times. “So you approve of my marriage to John?” Surely her ears were deceiving her.

“We approve of your happiness. There’s nothing else we care about.” Her mother stood and straightened her own dress, which came to just past her knees. “I’ll see you out there.” She stopped with her hand on the doorknob. “And Amber? We watch your show every week. We’re so proud of you.” She opened the door and left, leaving Amber staring at the door dumbstruck.

“Wow. That was…unexpected.” Amber quickly hurried to the mirror, dabbing the tears from under her eyes. She was glad Jennifer had used waterproof mascara on her, or she’d have black streaks all down her face.

She took a few deep breaths to compose herself, wondering for the millionth time in the past few days if she was doing the right thing.
Carpe diem
. There was no other answer.

She opened the door to the hallway, and found her father standing there. He swallowed visibly and opened his arms to her. “You look so beautiful.”

Amber went into them, burying her face against his shoulder. He smelled the same way he had always smelled to her, and she clung to him for a minute. “I’m glad you’re here.” And she was, to her surprise. She really was.

“Your mother was up in arms over your request for tacos at your reception.”

Amber giggled. “My two best friends are pregnant, and they’re both craving tacos. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Just so your mother doesn’t have to eat the tacos, I think all will be well.”

Amber grinned, taking his arm in hers. “I don’t know what else Mother requested be served, but I’m sure she chose something that she will find more palatable than tacos.”

“Or maybe she’ll try one and realize it’s time to get her nose out of the air once and for all.”

Amber was shocked that he said that. “Thank you for being willing to give me away.”

“When I heard who you were marrying, I was hoping you’d let me have the opportunity. He’s the right man for you, Amber. I think your mother and I knew it even as we were kicking and screaming all those years ago. John completes you.”

She nodded. “He does. I’ve never in my life met another man who makes me feel so alive. I need him in my life.”

“I know you do.” He started walking with her toward the door. “I’ll take a peek out the window and see if everyone is ready for us.” He led her to where the others were gathered in the living room and looked out the window. John, Bob, and Jesse were standing under a trellis.

“Oh, I didn’t think of a trellis!”

Her mother turned to her with a smile. “I did. I thought it would please you.”

Amber nodded, still feeling uncomfortable with her mother, but more unsure than anything. “It does please me. Thank you.”

“I’ll go tell them to start the music.” Her mother slipped out of the house and hurried out to where everyone had gathered, sitting in white wooden chairs.

Amber stared at the gathering. She hadn’t thought of chairs. She certainly hadn’t thought of a small orchestra to play. “Mother did all of that?” she asked her father.

He nodded. “She was certain you were remembering nothing but dresses and reception food, so she got to work as soon as you invited her. I’ve seen her put on some big parties, but I’ve never seen her work so hard and so fast to get one together. ‘My daughter’s getting married!’ is a rally cry that has been heard all through North Texas for the past week.”

Amber bit her lip, once again fighting to hold back tears. Her parents really were accepting her marriage to John. She knew there would be difficulties along the way, but it would be so much easier for them without having to fight every step of the way.

May walked down the aisle first, and then Valerie. Finally, little Nicki set out. “I’m going to throw my petals as far as I can!” she said as she hurried out the door.

Amber watched out the window as the girl ran to the back of the aisle and began flinging flower petals at all the unsuspecting guests. As soon as she reached the front and sat down beside her grandmother, Amber and her father began the slow walk up the aisle.

The dress she’d borrowed was tight at the waist and showed a little more cleavage than she would have liked. It had to be taken in just a smidge, because Valerie had already been pregnant when she’d worn it.

Her gaze met John’s as she was partway up the aisle, and she felt as if she was being pulled into his orbit. Her walk stayed steady, and she knew she had a huge smile on her face.

She stepped up beside John, her hand joining with his. Pastor Steve winked at her as he began the ceremony.

Later, she wouldn’t remember much about the ceremony. She responded when she should have, she repeated her vows, and before she knew it, Pastor Steve said, “I
pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

Amber tilted her face up to John’s, excited for their first kiss as a married couple. Before he kissed her, John whispered softly into her ear. “Mine. You’re finally mine.” And then his lips were on hers.

Her hands went to his shoulders and she clung to him, happy to be right where she was with the people she was with.

They slowly walked to the back of the crowd, behind the chairs, and she looked at him. “We did it. We actually got married!”

John laughed. “Of course we did. After all this time, there’s no way I was going to let you go.”

She grabbed him by his tie and pulled him down for a kiss. “I’m not letting you go either, you know.”

He chuckled. “You won’t get the chance!”

Amber felt small arms wrap around her waist and hold on tight. “You’re my mama now!”

Amber bent down and scooped the little girl up into her arms, hugging her tightly. “I am, and I’m never going to run away.”

Nicki rested her forehead on Amber’s. “Do you promise?”

“I promise!”

“Did you see the flower petals? I did good!”

Amber nodded. There were still people wandering around picking flower petals out of their hair. “You did so good! Are you hungry?”

Nicki nodded. “Daddy forgot to feed me this morning.”

Amber looked at John. “You forgot to feed her?”

“She made herself a Pop Tart. She survived!” He shook his head. “You can’t tell on me, Nicki!”

“She’s my new mama, and she worries about what I eat, right, Amber?”

“That’s exactly right!”

Nicki scrambled down and ran over to her grandmother, grabbing her hand and pulling her toward Amber. “Grandma, I want you to meet my new mama. Do you know Amber?”

“Hi, Mrs. Baynard,” Amber said with a grin. “It’s good to see you.”

The older woman grabbed Amber in a bear hug. “I’m so glad you were the one to marry my John. I knew from the first time I met you that you were meant to be my daughter-in-law.”

“Thank you.”

Amber’s mother walked over. “Hello, Mrs. Baynard.” She turned to Amber. “Your guests are hungry, and no one is supposed to eat until you and John have chosen your food.”

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