Lying Love (Lazy Love Book 3) (7 page)

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Authors: Kirsten Osbourne

BOOK: Lying Love (Lazy Love Book 3)
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Amber laughed. “I’ll see what can be done. I’m going to call my mother tonight when I get back to my trailer, and see if she knows anyone.” She wrinkled her nose. “I’m not looking forward to it.”

There was a knock at the door, and Valerie walked over, still as graceful as ever. Amber wondered when she’d start waddling, but she wasn’t sure it would ever happen. There was something special about her friend.

She paid for the pizzas and carried them in, setting them on the table. “I don’t have enough chairs for everyone, so use your laps as a table.” Looking at Nicki, she asked, “Are you hungry? Do you want me to fix you a plate?”

“I’m not hungry. We had a picnic by the river.”

May wiggled her eyebrows at Amber. “A picnic by the river sounds very romantic.”

“Sounds like something you’d write about for sure.” Amber sighed. “I’m not hungry either. We just ate.”

“You’re not wearing a ring,” Tony commented. It was the first thing he’d said in a long while.

Amber looked down at her bare left hand. “No, not yet. He’s going to bring me a ring tomorrow.”

“He proposed without a ring?”

Amber frowned at him. “Yes, he did, but he’ll get me one. Why are you so concerned about my ring?” She didn’t think men were even supposed to notice things like that.

May shrugged. “I didn’t have a ring when Bob proposed to me either.”

“I never got an engagement ring,” Valerie added. “We picked out a wedding ring together the day after we got married.”

Tony blinked. “I thought it was normal to have the ring first.”

May shrugged. “In most cases, that’s what people do, but not all. You can’t judge someone on doing things their own way. I don’t know of any marriages happier than Jesse and Valerie’s or Bob’s and mine. Sometimes different is best.”

Tony nodded, getting up to fix himself a plate. Valerie brought a plate of the taco pizza to May, who sighed contentedly. “I need tacos like I need air.”

Amber just rolled her eyes, refusing to join in on the taco love-fest. “When I have a baby, I’m going to crave something normal like chocolate.”

May looked at her. “Oh, we’re craving chocolate too, but tacos are just the worst of the cravings.”

“Are you craving chocolate, too?” Amber asked Valerie.

“Yup. Chocolate, pizza, and tacos, but tacos are the worst. I think I could eat tacos every day until this baby is born and not get sick of them. And I just might! Of course, I’ve even been buying these frozen tacos at the grocery store and baking them in the oven. It doesn’t seem to matter what kind or where, I just want tacos!”

“I’m not quite that bad yet,” May said, “but I have a feeling it’s only a matter of time.” May was due several months after Valerie.

The three men came back into the trailer, and Amber spent a moment looking at John, trying to find any visible injuries. “Everything okay?” she asked.

John nodded. “You wanted to be home thirty minutes ago. I’ll walk you there.”

Valerie smiled at John. “Leave Nicki here. We’ll watch her while you say goodnight.”

Amber flushed, a little surprised at the offer. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I want to,” Valerie insisted.

Amber got to her feet and joined John. “G’night, everyone. See you bright and early.” She yawned just thinking about how early her day was going to be.

As they walked to her trailer, she said, “I hope the men weren’t too overbearing. I know they were in a mood tonight.”

John shook his head. “They obviously care about you. I think it’s sweet.”

Amber blinked a couple of times. “You do?”

“I do!”

They reached her trailer, and she unlocked the door. “Do you want to come in for a minute?”

He nodded, following her inside and closing the door behind him. As soon as it was closed, they reached for each other simultaneously, drawn together as if by powerful magnets. They had kissed too many times in the past for it not to feel exactly right.

Her arms wrapped around him, and he grabbed her waist, pulling her body as close as he could. “I don’t want to wait to make love!”

She pressed her lips to his, feeling the passion rising up within her, just as it had every time he’d touched her for years. “I do. I want to kiss you, but we need to wait.”


She sucked in a breath, resting her head against his shoulder. “We’re going to marry in six days. If we can’t wait that long, there’s something wrong with us. Our relationship ended over sex five and a half years ago. We need to wait this time, if only to prove that it’s not the most important thing. Besides, I think waiting until you marry for sex is the right thing to do.”

He groaned, his hand coming up to cup her breast. “I’ve missed touching you. I’ve missed everything about you.”

“But you’ll wait?” she asked softly.

“Yeah, I’ll wait. I’ll do whatever you want me to do!”

She yanked his head down for another kiss. “I need to be able to work in the morning, and this is going to keep me awake all night.”

“Why is that?” he asked.

“Because you turn me on like nothing else in the world ever could.” She sighed. “I don’t want to wait either, but I feel like we need to. I feel like it’s imperative for our relationship to work.”

“Then we’ll wait.” He kissed her one last time. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m bringing your ring.”

“All right.” She waited until he was almost to the door. “John?”

He turned and looked at her. “Yeah?”

“I’m glad we’re getting married.”

As John left, he realized he’d told her he loved her several times, but she had yet to say it. He only hoped she still felt as he did, because it was going to be hard enough being married to a big time actress with love. Without it, they were doomed.

Chapter 7

n the drive home
, John thought about what a confusing day it had been. Cashing in on one of his dates with Amber had resulted in an engagement and a quick wedding.
How on earth did that happen?

“Daddy, is Amber going to move in with us?” Nicki asked from the backseat.

“Yes, she is. Does that make you happy?”

“Yes! Can Miss May move in too?”

John thought about the question for a moment. “Miss May lives with Mr. Bob in her house. She’s having a baby.”

“They could still move in with us. I’d share my room with the baby.”

John grinned. “Why do you want them to move in with us?”

“I like Miss May. She’s nice.”

“She is.” He didn’t comment on her husband’s disposition though. Bob and Jesse had made it very clear they expected nothing short of perfect behavior from him. They told him he’d better treat Amber as if she was a precious object made of glass, and if she got broken, so would he. With the actors on either side of him, it was clear that he was either going to have to make sure she was never unhappy or leave the country the moment she was.

It wasn’t that he was afraid of either of them, because he wasn’t, but the combined power of the two men was downright scary.

“So can they move in with us?” Nicki persisted.

John shook his head. “No, they’re happy where they live, and Miss May sleeps during the day, so you’d have to be quiet all the time. That would be hard, wouldn’t it?”

Nicki sighed dramatically. “Yeah. I guess we’ll just have to visit her a lot when she’s awake.”

“I guess we will. I think you’re going to go shopping with Amber, Miss May, and Miss Valerie this week. Will that be good?”

“For my flower girl dress and the basket I carry my throwing flowers in?”

“You know you don’t really get to throw flowers at people, right?”

“Why not?”

“Because that’s not what flower girls do.”

“It’s not? How do you know?” Nicki asked.

“Because I’ve been to weddings before.” John wasn’t sure how long he could keep up this line of conversation. He wanted a few minutes of silence just to think!

“Like your wedding to my mama who ran away?”

“Yes, like that one.”

“Grandma says I’m better off without her, and I should count my lucky stars that she left.” Nicki paused for a moment. “I want to count them, but I don’t know that I can count that high! Grandma says she can’t.”

John bit back a laugh. His mother had never been fond of Kayla for very good reasons. His ex was a little witch and had hated Nicki from the moment she’d known of her conception. She’d cussed John when he’d fought with her about getting an abortion, and had fought with him about marrying.

John hadn’t been surprised when Kayla had left, and he’d thanked God every day that she’d left Nicki with him. It had been hard to raise the little girl without a mother, but his mom had stood beside him every step of the way. He wouldn’t change a thing that had happened, because Nicki was the best part of his life.

And now Amber was back. Amber—the girl he’d dreamed about every night for years. The woman who would be his wife in six short days and very long nights. Amber. How had he lived through five and a half years without her? He’d never know.

* * *

mber sank
down onto her couch for a moment, thinking about all that had transpired. She was going to marry John. She was going to tie her life to his, and spend forever with him. It’s all she’d needed for years, and it was finally going to happen.

She pulled her phone from her pocket and took a deep breath before tapping her mother’s phone number. She had no desire to talk to her, but she knew she’d find out and show up at the wedding regardless. If she was invited personally, there was less chance of her causing a scene to end all scenes.


“Mother, it’s me.”


“How many people call you Mother these days?”

“Don’t get snippy with me.”

Amber sighed. “I’m getting married on Saturday. John asked me, and since we’ve been in love forever, we decided not to wait. We’ll marry in his yard at two in the afternoon. Will you come?”

There was a long pause. “Of course we’ll be there. Is there anything I can do to help you plan? We could go wedding dress shopping!”

“I have a dress. I was hoping you could help me with a caterer, though. I want to serve tacos at the reception, and I don’t know how to find a chef who specializes in tacos.”

“Tacos? How about something a little more—classy?”

“I want tacos, Mother. Both of my attendants are pregnant and craving tacos. And if you could find a way to have chocolate ice cream tacos for dessert, you’d be my hero forever.”

There was a deep sigh. “I’ll never understand how a woman of your tastes came from your father and me.”

“I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment to you.”

“I didn’t mean that—you’re just so different from what I expected my daughter to be!”

Amber closed her eyes. “Can you make the tacos happen?”

“Leave the catering to me. I’ll have a taco buffet like you’ve never dreamed of. And yes, there will be some sort of chocolate taco for dessert.”

“Thank you, Mother.”

“And you’ll come for Thanksgiving? To thank me for the favor?”

Amber closed her eyes. She should have known there would be a catch. “Yes, we’ll be there for Thanksgiving. You’re going to love Nicki.”

“Of course I will.”

“I’ll see you Saturday, Mother.”

“I’ll call if I have any questions before then.”

Amber ended the call and leaned back on the couch, closing her eyes.
What have I done?

* * *

mber was dragging
the next morning, but she had a couple cups of coffee to get her started, and she was on her way. She met Tony on her way to wardrobe and smiled in greeting. “How long did the party at Valerie’s last?”

He groaned. “I didn’t get back to my trailer until eleven, which is plenty early if you’re not getting up at a ridiculous hour.” Rubbing his eyes, he glanced at her. “I’m glad we get to work together. I’m a huge fan of yours.”

Amber smiled. “Oh, thanks. I love acting, and I’m blessed to have been cast on this show. It’s changed my life.”

“I can’t believe you got engaged yesterday. I had all these dreams of coming here and sweeping you off your feet. I wanted to pull a Jesse and Valerie.”

She shook her head. “Not a chance. I’ve been in love with John for ten years.”

“Since you were twelve? Really? And he didn’t have a ring when he proposed?”

“You’re really obsessed with my ring.” She opened the door to the main ranch house, where most of the scenes took place, and headed into wardrobe. “Did anyone give you a tour last night?”

He shook his head. “No, I feel like I know the house, though.”

“You know the parts the audience gets to see. Wardrobe is through here.” There was a cook’s room just off the kitchen, and they’d transformed it into the wardrobe, make-up, and hair room. The actual altering was done in a trailer outside the house, but that’s where the actors dealt with wardrobe.

Amber spotted the make-up artist, Jennifer. “Hey, you. This is Tony. He’s going to be playing my new love interest on the show.”

Jennifer, who was young and single, smiled at him. “Well, hello there. Let’s see if I can make you look all hurt and stuff so Amber can find you in need of her nursing attentions.”

Tony sat down while Jennifer went to work on his face. Amber watched for a moment, before turning to Brittany, the girl in charge of hair.

Brittany cast an interested look at Tony before looking down at Amber. “Let’s get your hair done. Do you want down or up?”

Amber shrugged. “I trust you. I’ll be riding this morning, and while I’d like my hair out of my face, it would probably look good with it streaming out behind my back.”

Brittany considered for a moment. “I think you’re right. I’m going for the windswept look. Are they going to start filming with you saddling up or already riding?”

Amber raised her hands to indicate she didn’t know. “It just mentions me riding.”

“Then I’ll do a beautiful hair down look and we’ll hope it falls into place as you ride.”

“You know best!”

While Brittany was messing with her hair, Amber called over to Sandy, the older woman who was in charge of wardrobe. “Can I use the dress Jo wore for her wedding to Dylan on Saturday?”

Sandy looked at her with wide eyes. “You’re getting married?”

Amber smiled at the sweet woman. “I am. Wanna come? It’s in Jupiter at two on Saturday afternoon.”

Sandy nodded emphatically. “I’m not flying out til Sunday. I wanted an extra day here to take more seams out for Valerie. She’s getting big fast.”

“She’s pregnant. I think the baby is supposed to grow!”

“It is. It’s just lots of work if I don’t want to buy all new clothes for her. I’ve had to do a lot of that, but now I’m altering more than I’d like.” Sandy glared at Amber. “I hope you’re not planning on a baby straight off. That’s the last thing I need to contend with!”

Amber just stared at Sandy for a moment. She was on birth control to help regulate her cycle, so it shouldn’t be a big deal, but she needed to at least have a quick discussion with John about it. He might want a baby right away. “We haven’t discussed it yet. I kind of like the idea of having a baby soon, though.”

Sandy groaned. “At least wait until after Valerie has hers. Both of you pregnant at the same time would kill me.”

“It’s bad enough that May and Valerie are both pregnant. They’ve both got tacos on the brain. Oh, that reminds me, we’re having tacos at my reception.”

Sandy laughed. “Of course you are.”

Jennifer turned from the cut she was making on Tony’s face. “We’re all invited, right?”

Amber grinned. “Of course! If I have to have a wedding, everyone I love is going to be there.” They could all serve as a buffer between her and her mother.

Jennifer grinned. “I was thinking about flying home on Friday evening, but I think I’ll stick around.” She looked down at Tony. “Will you stay all weekend?”

“Yeah, I’m trying to get to know the area.”

“Well, do you want to ride over to the wedding together?” she asked. Amber hid a grin. It was obvious Jennifer was very interested in the new actor.

“We can if you want. I don’t have a car here yet, so I’ll need to ride with someone.”

The first scene with her and Tony was definitely interesting. She found him hurt in his car, where he’d plowed into a pasture she was riding through. When he woke after she’d called 911 and climbed into the car with him to see if he was still breathing, their eyes had met and held, and the scene had ended.

“You’re beautiful, Amber,” he whispered after the director yelled cut.

Amber hurried out of the car. The last thing she needed was for him to decide to make a play for her. She had no feelings for him. There was no spark at all. For her, it was all about John.

When John came to the set later bringing her the ring he’d purchased, she thought about telling him about Tony, but she didn’t want to make too much out of what had happened.

John led her into her trailer, with Nicki trailing behind. He got to one knee and held out the ring box. “Please be my wife.”

Amber smiled, looking at the ring. It was a diamond, surrounded by small emeralds. “It’s beautiful.”

“You like it?” he asked, obviously worried.

“I love it. Thank you!” She thrust her left hand at him, so he could put the ring on it.

“Do I get a ring?” Nicki asked.

Amber smiled. “I hope you don’t get an engagement ring for a very long time. I need to have you as my little girl for a while first!”

Nicki seemed to think about that for a moment. “That’s true.”

John slipped the ring on her finger, and once it was on, he brought her hand to his lips, kissing it softly. “There’s nothing in life that would make me happier than you being my bride. Thank you.”

Amber smiled, still wary, but ready to ride this rollercoaster wherever it would take her.

“Do you guys want to have supper with me? I only have time for sandwiches, but it would be nice not to eat them alone.”

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