Lydia's Twin Temptation (31 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

BOOK: Lydia's Twin Temptation
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Brushing her hair back from her cheek, Chance said, “Lydia, you take very good care of us. We like taking care of you, too.” Her heart swelled with love for him as his lips gently brushed hers. She stroked the tip of her tongue against his lower lip, wanting more, and he gave it. He enclosed her in his arms, and the tension in his body vibrated against her bare flesh.

If he hadn’t taken an interest on her first day at the Oasis Café she never would’ve known the happiness that filled her heart. And she never would’ve met Clayton. In a way, that job fiasco in Fort Stockton was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

Now, here she sat, well-loved, curled up in his arms, and knew this was the place she was meant to be. Finally parting his lips from hers, Chance said, “I’ve been hogging you. Want to sit with Clayton a bit, too?”

Blinking the mist of happy tears from her eyes, Lydia nodded and giggled as they shifted her from one lap to the other as though she weighed no more than a bag of flour. She never for a second worried that they might drop her in the water as Clayton tucked her securely onto his lap, now facing Chance.

Once Lydia was settled again, she kissed Clayton and said, “I never want either of you to feel left out. I love you, too, cowboy.”

They sat outside watching the fireflies as the moon rose and cast its glow on the water.


Chapter Twenty-seven

Like clockwork, Clayton and his brother both woke the following morning at five o’clock. Lydia lay nestled between them, where they’d placed her when they’d carried her upstairs the night before. She’d fallen asleep in his arms watching fireflies out on the boat dock. They tucked the covers around her and went downstairs to take their showers and start the day.

Lydia was an early bird, too, but Clayton hoped she might sleep in a bit. She’d worked so hard all week, trying to get the house into shape, and he and Chance had been able to tell she needed this break. The fact that she had fallen asleep at eight thirty the night before attested to how tired she was, and they weren’t helping much by keeping her up past her bedtime every night. After his shower, he went into the kitchen and quietly put on a pot of coffee and started breakfast.

Chance joined him and said, “It’ll take me a couple of hours to get there and a couple of hours to get back, plus pickup time in between, so you’ll have the whole morning to yourselves.”

Smiling contentedly, Clayton said, “I’m looking forward to it, too.” They both looked up and grinned when a soft yawn was heard on the stairs.

As he gazed at Lydia, time stopped for a moment for Clayton. He would remember her like that always. Her hair was still wild and tangled from sleep, and she smiled at them both, love in her drowsy, sexy eyes. She padded naked across the living room into the kitchen and murmured morning greetings to them both.

Clayton was nearest, and she headed straight for him as he held his arms open. He took in a deep breath, filling his nostrils with her sensual, womanly scent, and groaned as the warmth of her lush, bare curves seeped through his clothing. Without hesitation, he slid his hand down her back all the way to her ass and squeezed a cheek as he kissed her good-morning.

He pressed another kiss to her temple and released her so she could greet his brother. She turned to Chance and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he lifted her from the floor and spun her around.

“Baby, I have a little errand to run this morning. You’re going to stay here with Clayton, and I’ll be back by lunchtime.”

“Oh. You’ll hurry back?”

Chance smiled down at her. “I won’t take any longer than I have to. You can go swimming if you want to.”

Lydia looked over at Clayton and said, “That sounds like lots of fun. I will miss you. What kind of errand?”

“I’m picking up a couple of things we need for today. I’ll be back before you know it,” Chance replied as he hugged her and gave Clayton a wink.

After breakfast, Chance departed, and Lydia helped Clayton clean up the breakfast mess in the kitchen. She giggled when she caught him ogling her as she wiped the kitchen counters down. He couldn’t help it if he enjoyed the way her full, round breasts swayed with her movements.

“If the ranch house wasn’t such a hub of activity I’d let you go nude there any time you wanted to,” he said with a hint of regret in his voice. The office was in the house, and the ranch hands came and went during the weekdays as needed.

“Tell you what, cowboy. Any time you bring me out here and it’s just the three of us, I’ll be your nekkid slave girl. How about that?”

“Slave girl?”

Lydia smiled. “Yeah. I think that’s part of why I enjoyed last night and this morning so much. It plays into my ‘nekkid slave girl at the hands of two handsome ranchers’ fantasy.”

The Rancher’s Lady

“Yeah. I loved that book, by the way. I like that you both have read it, too. I know it’s fantasy, and they are ideal, almost perfect men, which is not what I expect from the two of you. But I think it’s cool that you now know what a woman’s sexual fantasy is like.”

“It turns you on?”

Lydia paused in what she was doing, and he noticed her nipples were tightly peaked as she replied, “Very much. Especially knowing how inventive it has made the two of you. I wish all women, and men, were as lucky. If a woman knew her husband took an interest in what turned her on in erotic fiction she might be more inclined to get a little wild and crazy with him.”

A pink blush had spread from her cheeks, down her throat, to the tops of her breasts, and Clayton wanted to press his lips to them so he could feel how hot they had become. He hung the damp dish towel on the oven handle to dry and walked around the bar to her.

“So you’d like to be our nekkid slave girl when we come out here?”

Nodding, Lydia replied, “Yes. I really enjoy taking care of the two of you, no matter what manner of care I’m giving. Obviously, I love cooking and taking care of your home, but meeting your personal needs is even more fulfilling to me.” Her face glowed as she smiled at him, and she had an impish twinkle in her eyes. “I’d
to be your nekkid slave girl.” His cock lengthened at the way she drew out the word “love.”

“That is a good bit of information to have, Lydi.” His hardening cock seconded that emotion, and Clayton thought of what he’d like his little slave to do next. He licked his lower lip as he stroked her shoulders and then spread his fingers and slid them down her back. “Slave girl, it’s a beautiful morning. Why don’t you bring me the sunscreen and we’ll put some on you, so your pretty skin doesn’t burn. Once the water warms up, we can go skinny-dipping if you want to. Do you like fishing?”

“I love to fish.”

Clayton chuckled and replied, “If you’ll sit nekkid with me on the pier, I’ll even bait your hook, little slave girl.”

After she showered, she brought him the sunscreen and they went out on the deck to apply it. He’d been hard for her since her appearance on the stairs, and he grew almost painfully erect as he took his time working the sunscreen into her delicate skin.

It was every bit as erotic as massaging her several days ago had been. She held still for him, and in the morning quiet he could tell the pace of her breathing had picked up, signaling that she was affected by the attention, too. He’d be hard-pressed not to make love to her before they ever made it out to the pier.

Chance and he had talked about the weekend in advance and had agreed they didn’t want her to feel like she was a sexual slave to them. He was contemplating her words from earlier and had determined that if she derived that much pleasure from it, then he could make her service as enjoyable for her as possible.

So, here he sat on the lounge chair from last night, and she stood before him as he smoothed the sunscreen on her silky calves down to her ankles and the tops of her pretty feet. She squealed as he stroked lotion over her insteps to her delicate, high arches.

“Sorry. I know your feet are ticklish.”

“They feel even more sensitive now.”

Clayton smiled, knowing that being naked outdoors made her more sensitive everywhere. Her response to them last night had proved it. It had been a whim to entice her to go bare all weekend, but it had turned out to be a stroke of genius.

He’d been ready to propose the night before as they sat on the pier. The only thing that kept him from it was that he didn’t want to spoil her surprise today.

He poured more of the sunscreen into his hands and worked it into her luscious, curvy thighs, enjoying every second. She gasped when he pressed his lips to her ass cheek before he applied the lotion there as well. He was very thorough with her satiny derriere because the last thing they wanted was for her to have a sunburned tush.

He worked the sunscreen into the cleft of her ass and her inner thighs, and by the time he was done, he could smell the sweet scent of her arousal.

“Turn for me, Lydi.”

His mouth watered when she turned and looked down at him. Desire smoldered in the turquoise-blue depths of her eyes as she palmed his cheek. He turned his face and kissed her palm before he began applying the sunscreen to her abdomen. Her completely bare pussy was eye level, and he couldn’t resist pressing a kiss to her there. She groaned in pleasure at the contact, and he tasted her when he licked his lips as he pulled back. Like an addict, he returned again to the source of what he needed.

“Clayton,” she whispered as she rested her hands on his shoulders. He swiped his tongue through the center of her pussy, drawing her slick cream into his mouth.

The Neanderthal in him wanted to forget about fishing, swimming, applying sunscreen and just get straight to the fucking, but he somehow maintained control. Her rich, tangy flavor had him returning for thirds, but then he backed off. He didn’t want to rush her to orgasm this morning but rather to play with her and tease her until neither of them could stand it anymore. He smiled up at her and saw her biting her lower lip.
So far, so good.

He spread the sunscreen over her mound and belly. Massaging more lotion onto her breasts, he took his time making sure those beauties wouldn’t burn either. She moaned when he stroked and pinched her nipples, and her eyelids slid closed as she panted lightly.

The job was finished when he’d applied more lotion to her arms, shoulders and throat then allowed her to apply some to her face. Her hair was pinned up with a clip, and he enjoyed gazing at her graceful neck and her flushed cheeks. A simple sunscreen application had turned into a foreplay session for both of them.

“Okay, Lydi. Grab a towel and your sunglasses and I’ll meet you on the pier.”

“Okay.” She padded into the house with a smile. He grabbed the tackle box and two fishing poles, eschewing live bait altogether, wondering why he was even bothering. He’d be damned surprised if they caught any fish before his cock was buried deep in her lush pussy.

He was sitting at the end of the pier on one of the metal lawn chairs when he felt the light vibration of her footsteps as she approached. She stopped beside him, and he draped his arm around her hips. It felt so comfortable between them as he did so. He discovered a little surprise when his hand slid over her hip.

“Well, what do we have here?”

Fingering what lay there, he slid his fishing pole into the PVC pipe holder placed there for it and guided her to stand in front of him at the end of the pier.

She smiled and bit her lip as he looked his fill. The early morning sun glinted off of the body jewelry she wore. A silver, serpentine chain rested across her hips, and a multitude of small silver medallions hung exotically from it, shimmering in the light.

Her tightly erect nipples were each snared inside a little silver ring and three silver medallions swung freely from short silver chains attached to each ring.

Looking her over from head to toe, Clayton saw that Lydia wore a matching bracelet, earrings and ankle bracelet. His eyes probably bugged from their sockets when he saw three medallions, similar to what adorned her nipples, dangling from her pussy.

He breathed out her name. “Lydi.”

His mouth fell open in utter disbelief, and then he looked up into her eyes. The way her chest rose and fell as she smiled at him verified that they were probably not going to catch that many fish.

He slid his hand from her hip down to her inner thigh and she parted them slightly for him so he could investigate this new development. The medallions swayed with her movements and she gasped.

Smiling, he glanced up at her face, saw the pleasure on it, and then set the medallions to swinging with the gentle flick of his fingertip. Her breath rushed from her as the medallions swung, and his mind reeled with the possibilities her body jewelry opened up to them for that morning.

He could only imagine how arousing each step from the cabin must have been for her if that simple movement drew a reaction from her.

Drawing her knee onto his thigh as he steadied her hips, Clayton murmured, “Show me, Lydi.”

With hands that trembled slightly, Lydia slid her fingertips to her mound and parted her delicate pussy lips for him. All he could manage was a guttural groan as he saw firsthand the source of her aroused state.

The three silver medallions dangled from chains attached to a small, wire hoop. The small, open hoop had silver beads at both open ends which currently had a snug grip on either side of the flesh surrounding her clit. Each movement she made must have sent arousing sensations through her clit because she was slick with her juices.

For a split second he worried that she’d gotten herself pierced there, then realized the tension of the hoop held the beads in place on either side of her clit and it could be removed simply by tugging on it.

“I am a lucky, lucky man,” he said as he balanced the medallions on the backs of his fingers. Their combined weight was no small amount, and her clit was already very swollen. He avoided touching her there and released the medallions so they would swing again. She bit her lip and closed her eyes as her hands clutched his shoulders. He palmed her hips and set the silver medallions to rocking and she panted.

“Feel good, baby?”

She hissed softly with her lips parted and finally whispered, “Yes.”

This was going to be a very good morning. “Lydi, why don’t you come up here on my lap.”

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