Lydia's Twin Temptation (26 page)

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Authors: Heather Rainier

BOOK: Lydia's Twin Temptation
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Chapter Twenty-three

Lydia sighed happily as she removed a lemon meringue pie from the huge oven. After all six pies were out of the oven she closed it carefully and turned it off then looked at her beautiful creations lined up on the butcher-block kitchen island with maternal pride. The ranch hands had decided to thank her for cooking for them by preparing that evening’s meal. They had two big briskets smoking out on the covered pavilion in the backyard and were taking care of everything but dessert, which she was providing.

“My babies,” she whispered as she gazed happily upon the frothy swirls of white meringue tinged with the perfect hint of browning on the foamy waves. The citrusy scent of lemon zest filled the air as she dried the mixer parts and put away the rest of the washed dishes. Thunder rumbled faintly in the distance as she switched off the light in the kitchen and went in search of her men.

Her core quivered at the thought. They truly were her men and they’d proved it to her the night before. While she’d managed to convince them both to make love to her after they’d come home from The Dancing Pony, no amount of begging or pleading had convinced them she was ready to try more. In the end, she’d settled down and let them have their way with her, ultimately giving her what she craved in the process, which was just more of them. She was grateful to them for their tender loving care but she was undeterred in wanting a true ménage.

She found them in the office, sitting at their desks in front of their computers. Clayton and Chance both looked up and smiled when she knocked on the doorframe.

Clayton pulled off his reading glasses and said, “You have good timing, Lydi. I was just about to go look for you. Come here and let me show you something.” Lydia came around his desk and allowed him to draw her onto his lap. After he had her situated, he pointed at the widescreen computer monitor. “I’ve been messing around with landscape-design software and want to know what you think. You seemed to like all the crape myrtles in town so we’re going to put in landscaping around the house.”

“I love that idea. Not that it isn’t beautiful out here, but…”

Chance said, “The ranch house could use some color around it, and we thought you would like the idea.”

“I do like it, very much. So, what is your plan?” she asked enthusiastically, aware that Clayton’s cock was hardening and her body was responding.

“I input the basic dimensions for the footprint of our house and…” He double-clicked the mouse and the image on the screen zoomed out. “Tell me what you think. Crape myrtles in red would go here. Three more oak trees in those areas and new built-up flower beds along both sides of the stairs in front, extending the length of the house in either direction. A white crape myrtle on the side, surrounded by mountain laurels.

“In the backyard, there would be roses on both sides of the steps, and a winding path leading out to the covered pavilion area. Mountain laurels would go here and here, and pink crape myrtles in groupings around the backyard. The real topper, though, is this bed right here, tucked close to the east end of the house so it would have morning sun. We thought you might like an—”

Lydia gasped. “An herb garden!” She turned to Clayton and kissed him. “I love it! That’s very thoughtful of you.”

Clayton wrapped his arms more tightly around her, and even though she was very excited about his plan, she grew even more enthused over his kiss.

Chance finally cleared his throat and said, “Before the two of you get any more wrapped up in each other…”

Lydia slowly surfaced from the kiss, and she tried her best to focus on what Chance had to say. She looked over at him, feeling a flush all over her body.

“I’m sorry, handsome. What did you want to say?”

Chance smiled at her as he pointed at his laptop screen which was opened to an e-mail program. “They’ve finished the work on your car and we can pick it up on Monday. They’re closed now. They said the fuel lines had been tampered with but it wasn’t anything that couldn’t be fixed. They gave the engine an overhaul and were able to replace your compressor which was the only thing wrong with your air conditioner.”

“Was it terribly expensive?”

“What they charged to do the work was fair. Not anything you need to worry about.”

“But you shouldn’t have to shell out money for my—”

“Nonsense. Remember how you claimed us? Well, we claimed you right back, including your car repairs and other stuff. It’s not a big deal. Actually,” he began and motioned for her to come to him. Clayton helped her up and she curled into Chance’s lap, noticing that he was already hard. “I was just looking at vehicles. We’d like to arrange for a newer vehicle for you.”

She started to sit up, but he gently pulled her back down. “You don’t have to do that. Gunther is—”

Chance brushed a lock of hair away from her cheek as he broke in. “—Just fine and not going anywhere. Keep Gunther. We just want you to have something that has a little more power, a phone, safety features, and more comfortable for you.”

Lydia bit her lip and looked from him to the laptop screen as he clicked on a link and the image of a luxury SUV appeared on the screen. “Whoa, Chance. Those are expensive. I’m not so sure—”

Chance patted her thigh and minimized the image. “It was just a thought, baby. You don’t have to decide right now. We’ll pick up your car sometime tomorrow.”

She knew their desire to get her a new vehicle came from the heart and didn’t want either man to be offended

“Chance, the Escalade is beautiful and I’m grateful that you’re willing to get that for me. Please don’t think I’m rejecting the offer.”

Chance caressed her jaw and said, “Baby, I don’t think that. I realize it’s a lot to take in. It’s just a thought for down the road.” He kissed the tip of her nose, and she cuddled to him with her face tucked under his jaw.

“Okay. My pies are out of the oven. We have hours until the guys will be ready with the briskets. What do you want to do?” She tucked her fingers inside the front placket of his shirt and stroked his chest. He stretched beneath her, pressing his hardened cock against her derriere.

Chance chuckled and said, “Insatiable little thing. Do you have any suggestions for how we could spend our afternoon?”

Lydia glanced from him to Clayton and said, “How about making me
The Rancher’s Lady
, like on page two hundred seventy-three?”

“Huh?” Chance asked with a chuckle.

Lydia sat up and he let her rise from his lap with some reluctance. “I’ll be right back.”

Giggling at the confused looks on their faces, she ran out of the office and up the stairs. In Chance’s room she found the dog-eared copy of
The Rancher’s Lady
and hurried back downstairs with it.

Lydia climbed back into Chance’s lap as Clayton rolled closer. She noticed that they both looked like boys who had been caught with their hands in the cookie jar. “Don’t worry, Chance. I don’t care if you or Clayton read erotic romance. It’s my favorite chapter, too.” The ragged paperback flipped open to the page number she mentioned.

Chance tilted her hand so he could see the page she was referring to. “The ménage?”

Clayton drew closer still and said, “Lydia, wouldn’t you rather wait until you’re settled in with us better?”

She’d given this plenty of thought and knew exactly what she wanted. “If you don’t want to, I understand, Clayton. But I want it. Now.” She kept her tone soft and even, not whiny or demanding. She knew what she wanted.

A thrill shot up her spine when she saw the twinkle in his eye and a devilish smile play across his lips. “You do, do you?”

“You trust us that much?” Chance asked.

She settled back in his embrace and gazed into his expressive blue eyes. “I’m a little nervous, but I trust you. I do want it.”

Clayton rose from his chair. “We have all afternoon. Come upstairs.” He walked out of the room without another word and headed that direction. The excitement stirring within her increased. She looked up at Chance, and he raised his eyebrows and nodded. “Don’t worry, baby. We’ll take good care of you.”

“I know you will, handsome.”

The sound of rushing water could be heard as they made their way up to her bedroom. She found Clayton sitting on the edge of the tub, sprinkling some of her lavender bath salts into the tub. Steam rose from the bath and had begun to coat the mirror with condensation. Clayton looked up at her and opened his arms. Without hesitation, she went to him and he wrapped them around her hips. He peered into her eyes and said, “A long, hot soak first, Lydi. I want you as relaxed as possible. We’re big men.”

Lydia smiled at him and nodded. “I know. I love that about you.” The answer referred to both of them, but she gazed into his eyes, wanting him to know how much she valued him and his desire to take care of her.

Nodding, Clayton reached for the hem of her top and lifted it off of her. Chance’s hands snaked around her hips, and her tummy fluttered when his hands traced over her abdomen. He unbuttoned her jeans, and lowered the zipper.

Sensual heat rippled through her pussy when he slid his hands inside her jeans and followed the curve of her hips to her thighs, dragging her jeans and thong down her legs.

A gasp escaped her when Clayton dragged a knuckle over her bare slit. “I enjoy what you’ve done with your pussy, Lydi. It makes you silky soft under my tongue.”

“N–not to mention m–more sensitive,” she stammered as he pressed a kiss against her damp outer lips then made a show of licking his lips clean. Her pussy quivered in response, wanting more kisses.

Clayton said, “But I know that it hurts to be waxed, so it’s up to you if you want to keep it that way. We’ll love your pussy however you groom it.”

Chance kissed her bare shoulder as he released the catch on her bra and said, “I feel the same way. I know a lot of women do it, but don’t feel like we expect it.”

“Thank you. The waxing isn’t super fun, but I love the way it feels afterward. It really does make my pussy more sensitive.” Slowly but surely she was getting used to talking about her body like that with them, and it no longer felt foreign to refer to it as her pussy.

Clayton grinned and murmured, “Oh, yeah?” He leaned forward and licked again, this time flicking his tongue deeper into her slit and lapping at her juices before giving her clit a teasing swipe.

She braced her hand on his shoulders and panted happily. “Yeah, definitely.”

Clayton gave her hip a pat and said, “In you go, Lydi.”

She pinned up her hair and then did as he asked, sighing luxuriously as she climbed into the big tub. “Are you going to join me?”

Chance said, “No, baby. We’re going to shower, and then we have preparations to make.” Squatting down at the side of the tub, he asked, “You’re sure you want to do this, this afternoon?”

Lydia nodded and earnestly looked into his eyes. “I’ll beg if I have to.”

Chance smiled at her and shook his head. “You are an amazing woman, Lydia. You could have us wrapped around your little finger and you still ask so sweetly. How could I deny you anything?”

She leaned toward him and kissed him then said, “I love you, handsome.”

Clayton stood at the door, and when Chance rose to leave Clayton said, “Stay in the tub and soak, Lydi. We’ll come get you when we’re ready. Just relax for now.

Clayton kept her guessing at times. He seemed to appreciate it when she was direct in asking for what she wanted from him, but there were times when he was equally straightforward and she liked that very much, too.

She heard movement in the house on the stairs, and the showers came on in the men’s bathroom. Thunder rumbled again in the distance, seeming a little closer than last time. The heat seeped into her muscles, and her body gradually went limp against the sloped side of the tub. She was glad she’d taken the weekend off and not done any work. A couple of days off had been just what she’d needed, but she attributed the languid, relaxed state she was in to her men.

She thought of the book she’d brought downstairs and was relieved she hadn’t embarrassed them by revealing that she knew about its presence. In thinking about it, she realized that they were indeed recreating the scene from the book. The ranchers left their lady to soak in a tub of hot, scented water, while they made their preparations. Smiling lazily, she waited for the next act. She was dimly aware of her phone signaling an incoming text message from its place on her bedside table, but she chose to ignore it. Anyone texting her now was waiting until tonight for a return call.

* * * *


Ace laid his phone in the console of the Hummer as he drove toward Divine. He’d texted Lydia from Discretion’s parking lot before heading home with Summer. She smiled at him from the passenger seat.

“Don’t worry. She’ll call you when she can,” she said quietly, then pointed out the window. “Look at that.”

It had been an arid summer and dried-up corn shucks swirled inside a dust devil in a plowed-under field just outside of town. He slowed as the speed limit dropped on the edge of town.

The sky was dark, and thunderstorms had been predicted in the area. Ace felt a sense of anticipation as though the elements were gathering strength for a real storm that might finally end the dry spell. Too many farmers had already plowed their unproductive crops under for it to help them, but the break in the weather and high temperatures would be a welcome change.

Divine was quiet this Sunday afternoon, with not much traffic moving. Everyone tried to stay indoors on these days where the temperature soared into the triple digits by noon.

“Grace told me that she met Chance and Clayton’s new girlfriend. Maya brought her into the store yesterday after I left to meet you for lunch. They said she’s a sweetheart and very pretty. She offered to cook for Maya’s wedding reception.”

“Oh, yeah?” he asked absentmindedly. He wondered how Lydia was doing and felt increasingly guilty about putting off calling her. She must be at work or she would have called him by now. He decided he would call back and leave a message when they got to the house, asking her to get in touch with him immediately. He needed to get this over with because it was really bugging him.

He was honestly happy for Chance and Clayton Carlisle. “They’re good guys.”

Ace thought they deserved someone to love them the way Summer loved him and Kemp. Life was so much better with her in it. He squeezed her hand and she squeezed back.

“Can we stop at Batson’s?” Summer suddenly asked. “I just remembered we’re out of coffee.”

“Sure.” He hit the blinker and pulled into the parking lot in the next block up.

“I’ll be right back. Coffee is all we need,” she said as she opened the door and quickly climbed from the vehicle. She’d moved so fast that he didn’t have time to get out and open it for her.

With the air conditioner running, he watched the front of the store, waiting for her pretty blonde head to come into view at the cashier stand so he could catch the door for her when she came back out.

Out of habit he scanned the front of the store and the surrounding area. His eyes settled on a vehicle only partially visible through the windows of the grocery store. It was parked in a lot a couple of blocks down from the grocer’s. It was very familiar and rather uncommon, so it drew more than the casual glance from him.

He was blocked from getting a good look at it by all the sale signs taped in the store windows. He growled to himself when he missed Summer coming out of the store and she climbed into the Hummer without his help.

“Ready?” she asked when he kept peering through the glass. He backed out of the parking spot and drove to the exit that led out to Main Street. He slowed to a stop at the next intersection and peered at the red 1973 Karmann Ghia parked in front of Divine Auto Repair. He waited for another vehicle to turn and then proceeded through the intersection.

Summer said, “So anyway, I was telling you about Chance and Clayton’s new arrival on the ranch. Grace said she looked strikingly familiar to her when she met her in the grocery store and then Rachel confirmed it when I talked to her today. Rachel didn’t say much else, except that she had beautiful, pale-turquoise eyes.” What Summer was saying only partly registered as he rolled ever closer to the auto repair shop.

What the fuck?

He pulled into the parking lot and sat staring at the telltale bumper sticker on Gunther’s rear end.
Life is better in Bliss, CO.
He realized Summer had gone quiet.

Staring at the car, he murmured, “I’m sorry, kitten. I missed the last part of what you said.”

“I said Lydia has pale-turquoise eyes. Why are we stopping?”

Ace nearly strained his neck when his head swiveled as he turned to look at her.

Summer suddenly sat back in the car, her eyebrows drawing together, and he realized he must have said that louder than he’d intended. His heart made like a jackhammer in his chest. “I’m sorry, kitten. You said Chance and Clayton’s girlfriend has pale-turquoise eyes?”

“Yes. I remember Chance telling me once that they were like greenish-blue turquoise. He bought Lydia some turquoise jewelry for that very reason.”

Ace cradled his head in his hands and growled, “Oh,
fuck me

Summer chuckled and replied, “Well, not that I don’t find the offer scintillating, big boy, but you don’t look in a fit mood for me to fuck. You want to tell me what’s going on?”

Ace gestured out the window. “That is my sister’s car. I’d know it anywhere.”

“Really? Wow. Wonder what it’s doing in Divine.”

“My sister, Lydia. Lydia Webster.”

“Lydia? You mean—”

“My sister, Lydia with the greenish-blue eyes.”

Lydia? Her name is Lydia?”

“Yeah. I guess somehow we never mentioned her name. What a dumb-ass I am.”

“Well, you’ve been a bit busy, with that whole blog mess and the crazy shooter and trying to help Patrick Owen. It’s a simple mistake. Are you okay, Ace? Ace?”

Ace barely heard her as all the parts started fitting into place. His baby sister with two grown men. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on Chance and Clayton Carlisle.
Wait until Kemp finds out. They’d better hope he doesn’t have access to duct tape.

The shit had hit the fan.

“Ace? Talk to me, honey.” Summer didn’t sound concerned. She almost sounded amused. He failed to see what was so amusing. He hit Duke on his speed dial.

“Hey, boss.”

“You at the house?”


“I’m almost home. Wait for me.”

“Sure thing.”

His thoughts whirred in his brain as he drove home. Lightning struck nearby as Summer took her phone out and sent a text message. He hoped she was texting Kemp because he needed him as well. The wind gusted, blowing dried leaves and dust into the air.

At the house, he pulled close to the front door, helped Summer from the vehicle and into the house then asked her to wait for him inside. Big, fat drops of rain began falling as he climbed into the wind-buffeted van and found Duke at work on one of the laptops.

“Quite a storm brewing out there. What do you need?”

“Can you show me the footage from Discretion yesterday? You said you thought you saw Lydia in the shop.”

“Sure. Give me just a second to find it.” Duke turned his chair from his work table and began searching for the footage. After a minute, during which Ace planned the demise of the Lydia’s corruptors, Duke said, “Here it is. That
her, isn’t it?”

“Shit.” Those cowboys were fucking his baby sister. “Thanks, Duke.”

He climbed from the van and strode back to the Hummer, barely noticing the wind, rain, or leaves blowing all around him. Kemp wasn’t home yet. Slamming the vehicle into gear, he tore down the driveway, not caring that he probably left a black mark on the raindrop-dampened pavement.

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