Read LustUndone Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

LustUndone (24 page)

BOOK: LustUndone
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“You didn’t believe it when we had the last spate of
killings, either.” She swallowed hard. “I remember what the twins looked like.
And the others. I did all the research on the internet for similar kills. I
found all the information and you and everyone else told me

He looked at her helplessly. “You have to admit it sounds

She looked at him sadly. “Sometimes insanity is the only
answer.” She turned away. “Let’s go see what you can get out of Harland

But Warren was a tough nut to crack. For a while Sophia was
almost ready to think either the man really hadn’t done it or he was a
convincing liar. But Bobby knew just how much to push him to make his temper
flare. It took two detectives to restrain him, even handcuffed as he was, when
he reared up in anger and shouted, “Hell, yes, I killed the cheating whore and
her asshole lover. And I’d do it again. Woman’s place is with her husband, not
in another man’s bed.”

When they got him back in the chair they manacled his ankles
and fastened a chain from the handcuffs to the ankle cuffs. He was still raging
when Bobby assigned one of the two detectives in the room to take his

“Looks like you were right,” he told Sophia grudgingly. “I’m
getting a crew back out to his house to search for weapons right now. God only
knows what he used to kill them the way he did. It turns my stomach just to
think about it. But that leaves me right back where I started. With an unknown
killer or your crazy theory.”

“Logan will be back here around five o’clock,” she told him.
“If you can get all of your team into the conference room I’ll do my show and
tell with the pictures and you tell me what you think.”

“I called the sheriff,” he said, running his hand over his
face. “He’ll send out the night shift to patrol. Why don’t you go over the maps
with me and tell me where you think they’d best spend their time. It’s a
hellacious big county, after all.”

“All right. Logan will be back before then and he might have
something to add.”

* * * * *

The show and tell with the pictures got mixed reactions.
Some of the detectives were beginning to buy into the theory that they were
dealing with some kind of bloodthirsty creature but they still balked at
completely accepting the Chupacabra story.

“At least we got Bobby to get night patrols from the
sheriff,” Sophia told Logan when he reached the barracks at the end of the day.
She’d just finished the frustrating meeting with some of the detectives and her
nerves were frayed. “I wish we had someplace for it to look. Besides the whole
damn county, I mean.”

“We may be able to narrow it down.” He told her about
finding the snow cave. “I’d say the beast has spent a good amount of time in
there or I never would have been able to track its scent.”

“Can you mark that area on a map for Bobby?”

“Sure. If he’ll pay attention to me.”

“Pay attention to what?” Bobby had just come out of the
conference room, looking harried.

Logan looked at Sophia, then back at Bobby. “I did some more
scouting today,” he began.

“Without the snowmobiles?” Bobby stared at him. “How did you
get around?”

“That doesn’t matter. What is important is that I think I
can identify an area where the sheriff should concentrate the night patrols.”

“Yeah? Why’s that?”

“Look.” Logan huffed his frustration. “I’m not about to
waste manpower here. I was in law enforcement myself for a number of years so I
know you can’t just send people chasing after nothing.”

“The deputies will be out anyway,” Sophia pointed out.
“Whoever or whatever is doing this we’re looking for isolated dwellings with
protection close to the house for concealment. I was right about the Warren and
Howard killings, so can you cut me a little slack here?”

Bobby heaved a sigh. “Yeah, sure. Sorry. I know you guys are
trying to help and I appreciate it.”

“How are things going with Harland Warren?” she asked.

“That sick bastard.” A weary expression settled on Bobby’s
face. “He’s lawyered up but I sent Scott and another detective out to the
house, as I said I would. Got the judge to sign a warrant immediately so
there’s no question about the legality.” He shook his head. “They found a box
cutter in the garage and a pail with a rubber hose coiled in it. The lab’s
testing them all for blood right now.”

“He used the hose to siphon the blood,” Logan guessed.
“That’s how he managed to drain it from the body.”

“That’s my assumption. We’re also questioning more of the
Warrens’ friends to get a better handle on what was going on with the marriage.
I’d say we’ve got him nailed.” He looked at Logan. “Why don’t you come into my
office and show me your target area on one of the maps I’ve got in there. I’ll
call the sheriff and tell him covering them is a priority.”

“Thank you, Bobby,” Sophia told him. “I really appreciate
this. I have this bad feeling we’re running out of time.”

“Ric’s sending the helo up,” Logan said when they finally
headed out of the barracks. “He’s bringing it himself. He’ll call when he gets

“Good. I just hope he gets here in time.”

Chapter Twelve


Sophia, Logan and Rebecca took their usual booth at The
Crown, Sophia frustrated after a long and unproductive meeting with the other

“I was so sure they’d at least consider the possibility.”
She sipped on the hot tea she ordered instead of a drink.

“When I spoke to Ric he mentioned that Craig’s not very
happy with the reaction we’re getting from the state cops,” Logan said, salting
his fries.

“But he understands, right? I know his influence got us into
this to begin with but you can’t make a horse drink if he’s not thirsty.”

Rebecca laughed. “I think you’ve got your metaphors mixed,
but I understand what you’re saying.”

When Clint managed to join them for a few minutes they
brought him up to speed. Sophia caught her sister looking at the man strangely
and she was sure Bec was wondering about Clint’s heritage, too. She’d have to
tell her sooner or later, no getting around it. But right now she was pretty
sure her sister could only deal with one shifter.

Clint was back behind the bar when they left for the motel
but he motioned for her to come over.

“Logan called this afternoon to tell me what you’ve found.
I’m gonna hunt with him tonight,
I think two of us working together
can spot more things. Frayne will close up again.”

Did that mean he wouldn’t be by to see her first? She tried
to conceal her disappointment.

“But I plan on a quick stop with my favorite woman first,”
he grinned. “Be ready. Now I gotta get back to work.”

At eight o’clock Logan knocked on her door to tell her Ric
was at the Northern Maine Regional Airport with the helicopter.

“He’s getting something to eat in the coffee shop there.
He’ll hang out for a while then spend some time flying over the area. I emailed
him copies of the maps we’re working with. This way he’ll get a feel for the
spots we’re focusing on.”

“Are you getting him a room here? He can’t sleep at the

“Already taken care of. Tell Clint I’ll be ready when he

“Tell Clint?”

“No secrets in our little family,” he chuckled as he left.

Apparently not.

At eight thirty Clint was the one knocking on her door.

“I have to meet Logan pretty soon,” he told her, “but I
can’t go out in the night air without tastin’ my sweet Sophia.”

“People will start asking you where you’re going so early on
weekend nights,” she said, sinking into his tight embrace.

“It’s none of their damn business,” he told her, his voice
muffled against her hair. “They’ll keep their questions to themselves if they
know what’s good for them.”

Sophia tilted her head back. “If you’re worried about me,
don’t be. I don’t mind if the world knows.”

“I just don’t want to do anything to compromise the job you
came here to do,” he told her.

Sophia snorted. “I think the CID is doing that without any
help from you.” Then she shook her head. “That’s not fair. Our boss got us
inserted into this investigation by using his considerable influence. I should
have known, however, the attitude about the Chupacabra wouldn’t be any
different than it was when my nephews were killed.”

Clint rubbed his hands up and down her back then stepped
away. “Let me get out of my clothes,
. I brought the cold in with
me.” He grinned. “Besides. I want to be naked with you as quick as possible.”

In seconds they were both under the covers, on their sides
skin to skin, Clint’s hands touching her here, there, everywhere.

“I like it better when I can take my time with you,” he told
her, desire edging his voice. “But this is better than nothing at all.”

“I agree.” She slid a hand between them and reached for his
cock, finding it hot, hard and ready. “Maybe I can help speed things up.”

Clint gave a guttural laugh. “If you speed it up any more,
it’ll be over before it starts.” He gently moved her hand away. “Let me help
you catch up.”

He had learned the map of her body over the past few nights
so he knew exactly where and how to touch her. His mouth was hard against hers,
his tongue probing and arousing as it danced with her own. His kisses were
powerful, lighting up the nerves in her body, kicking open the gates of desire
as his hands wandered everywhere.

His lean fingers, still slightly chilled from the night air,
woke up the nerves in her breasts as he cupped each in turn, thumbs brushing
the stiffened nipples, fingers pinching and tugging. Every pull on the taut
peaks sent arrows of shimmering heat straight to her pussy, releasing a fresh
spate of cream.

His mouth never left hers as his hand continued down the
curves and swells of her body. Lightly brushing the soft skin of her tummy,
drifting past the curls on her mound to stroke her inner thighs. She parted her
legs for him, so hot for him she wanted him inside her at once. But even with
limited time available tonight it seemed Clint was determined to go at his own

His tongue continued to probe her mouth as his fingers
drifted lightly and teasingly up and down her inner thighs. A voluptuous heat
suffused her, like an erotic mist settling on her skin, and every pulse point
thrummed insistently. Sophia ran her fingers through the silk of his hair,
clasping his head to her, stroking his tongue with hers voraciously, as if
she’d never get enough of the taste of him.

Fingers probed at her wet folds and when Clint’s thumb
scraped over her clit she moaned into his mouth. He lifted one of her legs and
draped it over his, opening her to him. Strong fingers massaged her labia,
circling her opening but never…quite…there.

She pulled her mouth away from his, gasping with need.

“Please. I need…I need…”

“Need what,
?” His voice was rough with hunger.

“I need…

Two fingers slid inside her. “Like this?” He wiggled them,
scraping her sensitive vaginal walls. “And this?” He moved his head to capture
one taut nipple in his mouth, gently biting down on it.

“Yes,” she whimpered. “Yes. More.”

He slipped his fingers from her cunt and stroked back on the
sensitive skin from her pussy to the puckered opening of her anus. “And this?”
One finger thrust slowly inside her ass.

“Want…to touch you,” she begged. “Please. Let…me touch you.
Your cock.”

Clint rolled her to her back. “How about if you touch me
with your pussy.”

He shifted enough to reach the condom he’d dropped on the
nightstand, expertly rolled it on with one hand and spread Sophia’s thighs
wide. His eyes were hot lights boring into her own. The message completely
I am going to fuck you like mad. Get ready.

“Take me,” she whispered.

One strong push with his hips and he was completely inside
her, tight pussy walls clasping him and pulling at him It was easier for her to
take him now, her body more accustomed to his size and girth. He filled every
inch of her, sensation like molten lava flowing through her veins.

“Here we go,” he growled.

And he began to move. Slow, slow. Then faster and faster
until he was pounding into her, his cock filling every inch of her, his eyes
never leaving her. She couldn’t tell anymore where she stopped and he began.

The climax unspooled from deep inside her, rushing through
her like a locomotive.

” His voice was harsh. “Come for me now.”

The tremors began and as soon as they did his body tensed,
he threw his head back and howled her name. They hit the edge of the cliff
together and dropped over, clutched in the fist of an orgasm more powerful than
a tidal wave.

Once, as a child, Sophia had ridden the parachute drop at
the county fair. Now she had that same feeling, a whooshing through her body as
she dropped in free fall and smacked into an unstoppable force.

Clint lowered himself onto her, dragging air into his lungs,
his body still hot and shaking.

“You’re gonna kill me,” he chuckled when he could speak.

“Same goes,” she breathed. Running her hands over his
sweat-slicked back, feeling the bunch and release of muscles beneath the taut

A good five minutes ticked by on the clock before Clint
roused himself and slid from her body. Sophia lay exhausted on the pillows, the
covers pulled up to her chin, eyes closed so she could recapture those last
moments one more time. She heard Clint in the bathroom, the running of water,
then he was back in the room. The soft whisper of fabric told her he was
putting on his clothes so she opened her eyes.

“Be careful out there, Clint. Please.”

BOOK: LustUndone
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