Read LustUndone Online

Authors: Desiree Holt

LustUndone (19 page)

BOOK: LustUndone
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Sophia wound her arms around his neck, pressing herself to
him so her breasts flattened against his chest. His skin was cold even from the
short walk from his truck and the contrast of temperatures between the
lingering chill and the heat they were generating almost steamed up the air
around him.

They were both breathless when Clint lifted his head and
smiled into her eyes. “I wonder if we’ll ever get enough of each other.”

“Not any time soon, I think.”

He tossed his jacket onto a chair and reached down to untie
his work boots. “I think I have every bit of grease from The Crown plastered to
my skin. What are the chances of a shower?”

“Depends on whether or not you want to do it solo.”

He cupped her chin. “Definitely not solo.”

“Then I think your chances are pretty good. Make that very

Clint stripped out of the rest of his clothes while Sophia
pulled off the gown she was wearing. He took her hand and led her gently toward
the bathroom. When he had the shower water the right temperature he stepped in
and tugged her in with him.

Even before he touched her body there was something so
erotic to her about showering with Clint. So intimate. Her pulse heightened in
intensity and her pussy throbbed. She wanted his hands all over her, slick with
soap, touching all of her secret places.

The first thing he did was pull her under the hot stream
with him, tilt her face up and give her another hot, deep, hungry kiss, using
his tongue to scrape every inner surface of her mouth. He ate at her, fusing
his mouth to hers, sending jolts of heat spearing through her body. Sophia had
never been kissed like this, a kiss that demanded everything from her, took
everything, and gave it back.

At last, oxygen-starved, he lifted his head and smiled that
very sexy crooked smile.

“Kissing you is addictive,

“Same goes,” she breathed.

Clint took the squeeze bottle of shower gel she’d left on
the built-in soap dish, poured some into his palm and worked it into a rich
lather. Then his hands began a slow journey over her body, first caressing her
shoulders and arms, kneading gently, rubbing slowly.

His hands slid easily to her neck, down to the hollow where
her pulse was beating rapidly then across the upper slope of her beasts. When
he took her nipples between thumbs and forefingers and squeezed and rubbed them
the throbbing accelerated, her vaginal muscles clenching.

Then down so slowly across her tummy, pausing to trace the
indentation of her navel and the crease where hip and thigh joined. When his
fingers tangled in her soft pubic curls and probed between her folds sensations
rippled through her and she had to clutch at his harms to hold herself upright.

“I think this little button needs a lot of attention,” he
crooned, finding her clit and massaging it slowly, slowly, slowly.

“Yes. Please.” She could barely get the words out.

He insinuated one of his legs between both of hers and
pressed a foot against one ankle.

“Spread your legs for me,
.” His voice was
guttural. Hungry.

Still holding on to him for support she widened her stance
and immediately one long finger slid into her pussy. Then two. Then he was
stroking her slick walls, curving his fingers just enough to reach her sweet
spot. His thumb paid busy attention to her clit as he continued to fuck her
with his fingers. Sophia shook with sensation, her head spinning as Clint
rubbed and stroked and squeezed. She was glad he was using his other hand to
support her.

When he pulled his fingers out she cried out, demanding he
fill her again but Clint had other ideas. He turned her around, placing her
hands flat against the tile wall, and went to work on her back. Down the sweep
of muscle, dancing along her spine, rubbing the rounded globes of her ass. She
heard the hiss of the squeeze bottle then those talented fingers were sliding
into the crevice of her buttocks, up and down, massaging, rubbing.

Instantly she remembered the feel of his cock in her ass and
a surge of lust shot through her so strong she actually shook from its

“You like that,

“Yesss,” she hissed, barely able to get a word out.

“You loved my cock in your ass last night.” He bit her
shoulder lightly then kissed the spot. “And I will do it again. Because it
makes you mine. Remember that.”

As he murmured the words against her skin he pressed one
finger into her hot, dark tunnel, sliding it in and out. Sophia’s pussy
clenched, spasms rippling through it. She felt completely empty when he
withdrew the fingers, soaped his hands again and smoothed the lather up and
down her legs.

When he reached the lips of her cunt he stroked through the
slit then found the nub of her clit.

“Don’t move,” he ordered.

The next moment he felt a finger sliding into her ass again
while with his other hand he continued to rub and pinch her clit. Everything
inside her body was roiling with need, the coil of orgasm unsnapping deep
inside her and spinning through her until it exploded with the force of a

Clint drove her through it, fucking her ass with his finger
and rasping her clit over and over until the last tremor subsided and she sank
weakly to her knees. Brushing her wet hair aside, he kissed her nape and
stroked his hands over her body then pulled her back against him so she was
resting on his thighs.

“You’re so beautiful when you come,” he murmured.

“You’re going to kill me,” she said in an uneven voice.

That would definitely defeat the

Sophia rose shakily to her feet. “My turn,” she told him and
reached for the shower gel with hands that still trembled slightly.

She looked up at him and he was grinning lecherously at her.

“I can’t wait to feel your hands all over me.”

She lathered and soaped him the same way he’d done her,
taking her time, scraping her fingernails over his nipples and smiling as he
sucked in a breath. His body was well toned, his muscles solid and sculpted,
his abs as hard as concrete and his stomach firm and flat. She could feel the
firm definition of those muscles, the flex of them beneath his skin as her
hands roamed over him. She teased him with her hands up and down his legs
before finally reaching for his cock and squeezing it gently.

Hands slick with lather, she caressed him from root to tip,
slowly up and down before cupping his balls and squeezing them gently. When she
pushed at his shoulder to signal him to turn around he lifted an eyebrow at

“You like to play hard,

“What’s good for me is good for you,” she said, nudging him

She made him stay in the position he’d arranged her in,
hands flat against the wall, legs spread as she worked lather into his broad
back, his strong arms and legs and finally reaching his very fine ass. Working
her finger into him the way he’d pressed his into her, she pushed until it was
all the way in. Clint sucked in a deep breath and his whole body tightened.

And when she reached around to take his cock in her other
hand a low groan rumbled from his throat. She worked his shaft and his ass,
setting up a tempo, in and out, in and out.

“You keep that up,
, and I’m gonna come right

“Do it. I want you to.”

“But I want to be inside you,” he pointed out.

She laughed softly. “No problem, big man. Remember, I know
just how many times you can come.”

She loved the sounds of his guttural moans as she worked
him, slowly at first then faster and faster.

“Oh, hell,” he ground out. “Here it comes.”

His entire body tensed and in seconds his cock was pulsing
in her hand, thick semen pouring over her fingers in hot spurts. Sophia
squeezed his shaft rhythmically until the last drop had pumped from it before
sliding her finger from his ass. Then, very deliberately, nudging him to turn
so he could watch, she licked the cum from her fingers.

“Jesus, Sophia,” he breathed, still trying to catch his
breath. “Give a guy a break. Watching you do that makes me want to fuck you
right now but my poor dick needs time to recover.”

She laughed softly. “Not all that much time.”

They soaped each other completely one more time then rinsed
off and stepped out of the shower. Clint dried himself quickly before blotting
the water drops from Sophia, lifting her up and carrying her to the bed.

“Let’s see how much time we really need, okay?”

“Don’t forget Logan’s expecting to run with you tonight,”
she reminded him.

“Logan can wait his turn,” he growled, leaning over her to
take a nipple into his mouth.

* * * * *

“I don’t think either of us got much rest last night,” Logan
joked, slightly bleary-eyed as he drank the hot coffee Sophia handed him.

She’d decided to brew coffee in the little kitchenette area
instead of waiting to get to a restaurant, knowing they could both use the jolt
of caffeine.

“Did you guys find anything while you were out?” She blew on
her coffee then took a slow sip.

He shook his head. “No. We split up and each took a
different section. You know how fast we can run as wolves so we covered a lot
of territory. We each mentally marked some possible sites but we hardly even
saw a deer. Or anything else.”

“Damn.” She nibbled her lower lip. “I just have a really bad
feeling that we’re too far behind the curve here.”

Logan opened his mouth to answer but before he could get any
words out Sophia’s cell phone rang. She looked at the readout and flipped it

“Morning, Bec. We’re about to finish our coffee and get out
of here.”

“You better not stop for breakfast this morning,” her sister

Sophia’s stomach knotted. “Why? What’s happened?” But even
as she asked the question she was sure she knew the answer.

“Another body. Husband found her just after first light.”
Her voice was strained and sharp. “Get here as fast as you can.” She rattled
off the address. “Can you find it?”

“I think I remember the location but we’ll just plug it into
the GPS.”

“Get your ass moving. Bobby’s already headed over there with
the team and the crime scene techs.”

“On our way.” She clicked off and looked at Logan. “Another
dead body. Early this morning. Let’s move.”

“Damn it.” He tossed back the rest of his coffee and pitched
the cup into the trash. “Just damn it.”

When they pulled into the driveway they could see activity
everywhere. Yellow crime scene tape was strung all around the detached garage, the
crime scene techs were photographing everything and placing orange markers on
certain spots and Bobby Lacroix was talking to a tall, disheveled-looking man.

Rebecca trudged up to them, lines of strain marking her
face. “It’s awful. Just awful.”

“Who is it?” Sophia asked.

“Her name is Elaine Warren. She’s a pharmacy tech at the
hospital. Her husband works security for Xeniplex, the big manufacturing
complex outside Houlton. He came home from a night shift and when he pulled
into the driveway he saw something on the snow in front of the garage. He
really freaked when he discovered it was his wife. Dead.” Pain shadowed her
eyes for a brief moment. “Body ripped open, blood drained.”

“Shit.” Logan clenched his jaw. “Just shit.”

“He looks like he’s taking it pretty hard,” Sophia

Rebecca nodded. “He’s still in shock. They’ve been married
ten years.”

“Any kids?” Logan wanted to know.

Rebecca shook her head. “Just the two of them. Now it’s just
him.” She held up her hand when Logan started forward. “Before you talk to
Bobby I want you both to take a close look at the body,” she said. “A
close look. And tell me what you see.”

Sophia frowned. “Why?” She studied her sister’s face.
“There’s something wrong, isn’t there? What is it?”

“Just…pay careful attention. Then come talk to me before you
say much to Bobby.”

Bobby and Scott Mooney were still talking to the tall man
when Sophia and Rebecca reached them.

“This is Harland Warren,” Bobby said. “It’s his wife Elaine
who’s been killed.”

“I’m very sorry for your loss,” Logan said.

The man just nodded, his face expressionless.

“Okay if we take a look?” Sophia asked Bobby.

“Of course.” He walked her to the side, away from the
grieving widower. “But Sophia, I think it’s clear now we’ve clearly got a nut
running around loose. I’ll need to contact the sheriff and get support from him
on this. We need all the manpower we can get to canvass and dig around.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Logan and Sophia moved carefully over to the body, stepping
around the marked areas. The minute she saw Elaine Warren’s lifeless form she
knew what Rebecca was talking about. When she looked up at Logan she saw the
same thing in his expression. He took her elbow and steered her to the side of
the garage, away from the activity.

“It’s not the Chupacabra,” she said the minute they were out
of eavesdropping range.

“No,” Logan agreed. “It’s not.”

“For one thing the woman’s got a huge bump on the side of
her head. It looks like she was knocked out before she was killed.”

“Or else the hit killed her.”

“And look at the cut right down her body from neck to
crotch. Too clean. It looks like it was made with a knife or something equally
sharp. The devil beast uses its claws and the incision is much more ragged.”

Logan rubbed his jaw. “Two puncture wounds in the neck that
look like they were made with some kind of instrument. And most importantly,
not all the blood has been drained.”

“If this was a deliberate kill,” Sophia commented, “whoever
drained the blood wasn’t able to get it all. I pointed it out to Bobby and he
shrugged it off. Said maybe the killer saw Harland’s car coming down the
highway and had to leave in a hurry.”

BOOK: LustUndone
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