Read Luke's Surprise Online

Authors: Lavinia Lewis

Luke's Surprise (6 page)

BOOK: Luke's Surprise
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Mark nodded his agreement. They finished the rest of their meal in a companionable silence. When they were done, Luke washed up their dishes while Mark dried. Luke smiled to himself thinking about how well they worked together. He was growing
more fond
of Mark by the minute. When all the dishes were dried and put away, Mark grabbed Luke by the waist and pulled him close to his body.

“Come on, it’s been too long since I saw that hot, naked body of yours.”

Luke gulped but let Mark pull him upstairs to his bedroom. When they were inside, they quickly stripped off their clothing and got into bed. Luke lay on his side and rested his head in his hand.

You think I’m hot,” Luke teased.

Mark chuckled. “Fuck yeah, I do.
Hotter than hell.
Come here, let me show you.”

Mark wrapped his arm around Luke’s waist and pulled him closer until their bodies were touching. He wasn’t sure who groaned the loudest when their hard cocks came into contact with one another.

Luke shivered when Mark trailed his fingers over the mating mark on his neck.

“Did you like me biting you here, baby?” he asked, replacing his fingers with his tongue.

“Oh Mark,” Luke groaned. “Please?”

“Please what, Luke?” Mark
his voice full of innocence.

Luke didn’t get the chance to answer. Mark took his mouth in a hot, sizzling kiss he felt all the way down to his toes. Mark’s tongue pushed in without preamble and just when Luke’s own tongue came out to play, Mark flipped them on the bed so Luke was lying on top, straddling his mate.

Mark grabbed hold of Luke’s ass and they ground their cocks together. Luke went wild above him. They kept moving together, increasing the tempo until they were both gasping for air and desperate for release.

“I want you to fuck me,” Luke blurted out.

Luke couldn’t believe he’d spoken the words out loud but he was relieved to tell Mark what was on his mind, what he wanted. It felt liberating. He only hoped his mate felt the same way. Mark had gone still beneath him and deathly quiet.

“Luke, look at me,” Mark said, filling the silence between them.

“I can’t.”

Mark sighed and put his finger under Luke’s chin, lifting it until Luke was looking him the eyes.

“Say that again.”

“I…I want you to fuck me.” Luke’s answer was barely more than a whisper.

“Are you sure?”

Luke nodded. “Yes. I want to feel you inside me.”


Mark sucked in a shaky breath. He wanted the same thing but he had been afraid to vocalise his desires to Luke in case he scared the younger man off. They
agreed to take things slowly, after all. This was anything but.

“You don’t have to,” Luke said. “It’s okay, I understand if you think it’s too soon for that.”

Mark leaned up and touched his lips to Luke’s.

“Look, we already said we’d try to make a go of this and that means you and me together for the long run. That doesn’t mean I feel forced to be here or that I’m not attracted to you because I am. I want to do everything with you, Luke. Right now, I can’t think of anything I’d like better than to make love to you.”


“Most definitely.”

“Okay. So how do we do this?”

“I take it you haven’t done this before with women.”

Luke shook his head.

“Well, we’ll have to stretch you first so that it won’t hurt. Do you have any lube around here?”


“That’s okay. We can improvise.”

Mark looked around the room and his eyes fell upon a tube of hand cream on the nightstand. He reached for it and inspected the label.

“Peach scented hand lotion?” Mark said, raising his eyebrows in amusement.

“I like my hands to smell nice,” Luke mumbled.

Mark chuckled. “Okay, this will do for now. Lie on your back for me, babe.”

Luke rolled over at once. He lifted his arms above his head and splayed his legs open, his face eager, needy. Mark groaned. He didn’t think he’d ever seen anyone look so wanton.

“Oh God, Luke, you are seriously sexy.”

“So are you,” Luke replied. “What do I do now?”

“Just lie back and enjoy, I’ll do the rest.”

Mark leant down and licked a path up Luke’s hard cock, smiling to himself when he heard Luke’s sharp intake of breath. When he reached the head, he dipped his tongue into the slit, capturing a drop of pre cum before swirling his tongue around the sensitive nerve endings just below the head. He loved the way Luke’s smooth cock felt against his tongue. He couldn’t believe how quickly he had got used to this. He didn’t just want Luke now, he craved him.

He licked his way down until he reached Luke’s balls and captured one in his mouth, soliciting another groan from Luke. He released it and did the same with the other, sucking first and then soothing the heated skin with his tongue. Luke had already started shaking beneath him. His moans were becoming louder and interspersed with nonsense words and grunts.

Mark used his shoulders to open Luke’s legs further while he continued licking his way down to Luke’s entrance. Luke scent was strongest here.
He trailed his tongue leisurely around the tight ring of muscle, sweeping it over the hole, pushing inside a little as he passed over it.

“Oh my God!”
Luke shouted. “More.”

Mark grinned and reached for the tube of hand lotion. He popped open the lid and applied a generous helping on his finger.

“You like that, baby?” he asked.


“Patience,” Mark chuckled, lightly nipping Luke’s thigh with his teeth.

Mark licked his way back up to Luke’s cock, his fingers teasing around Luke’s entrance at the same time. Without hesitation, he engulfed Luke’s cock in his mouth, sucking it down to the base while at the same time he slipped the tip of his index finger inside Luke’s hot channel.


Mark knew Luke was close to coming but he wanted Luke to come when his cock was buried deep inside him, so he backed off a little, slowing down the tempo. He released Luke’s cock but continued to lick around the head as he pushed his finger further inside Luke. He felt Luke tense a little so he stilled his movements and used his other hand to rub soothing circles on Luke’s stomach.

“Easy, baby, just relax for me,” he soothed.

Mark’s words seemed to calm Luke. When his finger slipped all of the way inside Luke’s body, Mark felt Luke relax, and the pressure around his finger lessened.

“Yes.” Luke groaned. “More, Mark, please.”

Mark moved his finger in and out of Luke’s ass
using Luke’s moans and whimpers as a guide to tell him when to increase his speed. Luke was practically vibrating beneath him. When he was certain Luke was used to the sensation and comfortable with it, he sucked hard on Luke’s cock and added another finger.


Luke’s eyes were wide and his breathing was becoming shallow. Mark
his fingers, gently stretching Luke to prepare him. Mark’s own cock was aching now and he knew he was leaking pre cum onto the sheets. He ground into the bed, trying to get some friction. He didn’t know how much longer he could hold out. He was desperate to be inside his mate. He had to know how Luke felt wrapped around his cock.

“I’m going to add another finger now, Luke.”

Luke’s head shot up from the pillow, his eyes black with lust, wanting.

“No, please Mark, I need
inside me now.”

Mark groaned and rested his head against Luke’s hip. He had to reach down and grab the base of his cock to stave off his orgasm because Luke’s words nearly sent him over the edge.

“Fuck Luke. Don’t say shit like that, you’ll make me come before I even get inside you.”

“Please, Mark, I need it,” Luke said desperately.

Mark couldn’t wait any longer, not with his mate begging him to fuck him like that. It was too much. He got to his knees and began applying a generous helping of lotion onto his cock, stroking and massaging with the liquid until he was covered in it. Luke didn’t take his eyes off the action and at one point his tongue darted out to wet his lips, causing Mark to have to grab hold of his cock again and squeeze.

“Shit Luke.”


“Okay baby, you ready for me?”

Luke nodded his head frantically, eyes wide and burning with desire.

God yes!”

Mark grabbed hold of Luke’s hips and lifted them slightly off the mattress, inching his cock closer to Luke’s waiting hole. He looked up and met Luke’s eyes then slowly pushed inside, breaching Luke’s tight ring of muscle. Luke felt so hot and tight wrapped around him that Mark had to use all of his willpower to stop himself from thrusting hard into Luke.

He waited for Luke to get comfortable, checking his face for any sign of discomfort. When he didn’t find any, he slid his cock in a little further.

“More,” Luke breathed.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Luke.”


Luke frowned. He grabbed hold of Mark’s hips, angled his own and then thrust up so that Mark’s cock slipped the rest of the way inside him.



Luke pulled on Mark’s arms until he fell forward and then he wrapped his legs around Mark’s hips, his feet pressing into Mark’s ass.

“You won’t hurt me,” Luke said. “Please, just fuck me.”

Mark leant down and captured Luke’s lips, thrusting his tongue inside forcefully. At the same time, he pulled almost all the way out of Luke’s ass and thrust his cock back inside, hard. Luke bucked off the bed, holding Mark in place with his feet.


They started to develop a rhythm, moving together with ease. Every time Mark pulled out, Luke whimpered at the loss, his ass clamping down onto Mark’s cock in a vice-like grip. Mark was starting to lose it. Every time he thrust into Luke, his movements became more and more erratic. His legs were shaking, threatening to give out, and his breathing was laboured. He was so close.

Luke couldn’t believe the pleasure he was experiencing. Sex had never been this good. He wanted it to go on forever but he was so close to coming, he knew he wouldn’t last much longer. When Mark grabbed his hips and thrust upwards, changing the angle ever so slightly, Luke thought his head was about to explode.

“Holy shit, what was that?”

Mark grinned down at his mate. He’d forgotten about that. He’d heard that it was supposed to be extremely pleasurable for a man to have his prostate massaged, but he’d never experienced it himself. He took note of the angle he’d used and thrust into Luke again and again, each time hitting the sweet spot, causing Luke to cry out.

Luke was lost to the pleasure. Mark was so deep inside of him, he didn’t know where his body ended and Mark’s began. The tingles started at the base of his spine and his cock throbbed between their sweat-soaked bodies. When Mark plunged hard into him, again nailing that spot that made him mindless with pleasure, Luke gave up trying to stave off his orgasm. He threw his head back on the pillow, back arched, and shouted out his release.


Mark couldn’t hold back any longer. Luke’s release was all it took to throw him over the edge. As Luke’s cock spurted out its seed between them, his ass clamped down on Mark’s cock, milking it. Mark fell forwards on his arms and thrust inside once more and then he was coming, harder than he ever had before. Lights danced in front of his eyes as his orgasm ripped through him. His fingers dug into Luke’s hips with a bruising force as he emptied himself inside his mate’s ass for what felt like an eternity.

Luke felt choked with emotion. The intense pleasure and sense of belonging he felt at being this close to his mate was unparalleled. It amazed him how besotted he’d become with Mark in such a short space of time. Wet heat flooded Luke’s ass in long bursts. Mark was still shuddering above him when he lifted his head and stared down into Luke’s eyes.

“Do you accept me as your mate?”

“Yes,” Luke said it without hesitation.

“Then claim me, Luke.”

Mark tilted his head to the side and offered himself to Luke. Luke immediately lifted his head and sunk his teeth into Mark’s neck. The euphoria Luke felt when Mark’s blood seeped onto his tongue caused tears of pure joy to form behind his eyelids.

Mark continued to tremble above him. He let out a low, rumbling growl and his cock twitched in Luke’s ass, filling it with more liquid heat.

When Luke finally extracted his teeth from Mark’s neck, he swept his tongue over the mating mark to close the wound. His head fell back against the pillow and he felt a tear trickle down his cheek. He was exhausted but happier than he could ever remember being.

Mark collapsed on top of Luke. He rolled to the side a little and his cock slipped out of Luke’s ass, spent. He sought out Luke’s mouth and seemed to put everything he had into the kiss. They were still clinging to each other, limbs tangled together and kissing languidly when they fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.

BOOK: Luke's Surprise
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