Luke's Surprise (4 page)

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Authors: Lavinia Lewis

BOOK: Luke's Surprise
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“I’m good. How are you?”

rolled his eyes and headed for the kitchen groaning under his breath. “Christ, shoot me now,” he mumbled.

had left the room, Mark brushed his fingers down Luke’s cheek.

“I’m perfect actually. You know, you really are a pretty man, Luke.”

“Thanks,” Luke whispered.

Mark’s words did nothing to relieve the burning in Luke’s cheeks. They mirrored the fire he felt in his gut every time he looked at his mate. He’d never been so attracted to anyone before. He felt almost dizzy with it.

“I’m sorry you lost your job.”

“Don’t be, I’m not. I didn’t want to work for that idiot anyhow. I’ll find something else, always do. Besides, it was worth it just to see the look on his face.”

Luke giggled. “Yeah it was. He looked about ready to explode.”

“I don’t know about him but I was
ready to explode.”

Luke sucked in a breath. Mark’s innuendo wasn’t lost on him. He averted his eyes, unable to believe how shy he was feeling all of a sudden. Mark’s hand had moved down to his neck, his fingers stroking lightly where they touched. The sensation caused him to shiver. Gooseflesh rose on his arms and his cock became hard enough to pound nails within seconds. He closed his eyes and leaned into Mark’s hand.

, that feels good,” he moaned.

feel good, Luke. Better than I ever imagined. Can I kiss you again?”

Luke opened his eyes and looked up at his mate’s face. The lust he found there caused his heart to accelerate to such a pace he was afraid it would break right out of his chest.



Mark groaned. The eagerness on Luke’s face was nearly his undoing. He leant down and touched his lips to Luke’s. He never thought that a man’s lips would feel so soft but Luke’s were just right. He slid his tongue out teasingly, seeking entrance. Luke opened up to him at once, moaning himself when Mark’s tongue touched his own.

Mark delighted in the noises Luke was making for him. He’d never had such a responsive lover. The kiss was perfect and pretty soon both men were panting into it. Mark slid his hands down Luke’s back and grabbed hold of Luke’s ass, pulling him closer against his hard prick. They both gasped at the sensation of their cocks rubbing together.

Luke’s hand reached between them and palmed Mark’s erection through his jeans. Mark groaned and thrust his hips forward, needing more of the contact. Neither man heard
walk back into the room.

“Oh man,”
groaned, causing Luke and Mark to break apart. “Do I need to knock now every time I enter a room in my own damn house? You do have a bedroom here, Luke.”

“Sorry,” Luke mumbled, feeling his
face fill
with heat once again. Only Mark saw the grin on
face. Luke’s eyes were burning a hole in the rug.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m going out for a run anyway.”
pulled his shirt off over his head. “I’ll see you both later.”



left the room, Luke slapped his hand to his head and groaned.

“Oh crap, that was embarrassing. You know
will never let me hear the end of that.”

Mark chuckled.
“Seems like we keep getting carried away.
Don’t be too embarrassed about it. I’m glad I can make you forget yourself. Though I must admit, it would be nice to kiss you without an interruption for once.”

“Do you, uh, do you want to go to my room?” Luke suggested. Mark hesitated and Luke back-pedalled. “Or we could just stay down here if you want,” he said in a rush. “
will be gone for hours. We could get something to eat, or I think there’s a game showing…”

Mark reached down and grabbed Luke’s hand, holding it firmly in his own. He could sense Luke pulling away from him and withdrawing into himself a little. He couldn’t have that. As nervous as he was, he didn’t want to upset Luke again.

“I’ll tell you what.” Mark put a finger under Luke’s chin and lifted his head until Luke met his eyes. “Why don’t we go to your room and relax a little? We’re both new to this, though, so there’s no rush, right? Let’s just take things slowly for now, see how we go.”

Luke nodded. “Okay. Just so you know, Mark, I don’t want to rush this either.”

“Good, then we’re on the same page.”

Mark was relieved Luke felt the same. Even though he’d agreed to make things work with Luke he wasn’t sure he was ready for everything that being with a man entailed. A slow smile stretched Luke’s lips, lighting up his whole face. Luke looked sexy as sin. Maybe he
ready for this.


Mark followed Luke to his room. When Luke pushed open the door, he suddenly felt very nervous again. Jesus, his emotions were all over the place. Luke’s large bed sat ominously in the centre of the room like a flashing beacon reminding him of what he was about to do. He hesitated at first but when Luke turned to face him looking even more apprehensive than he felt, Mark relaxed a little.

Luke smiled at him. His pale eyes twinkled like gemstones and little dimples formed in his cheeks. Mark was mesmerised, Luke really was incredibly beautiful. All of his reservations disappeared and for a few moments, while they stared at each other, it was as if they were the only two people in the world. Mark closed the distance between them and slanted his mouth over Luke’s.

This time they both knew there would be no interruptions. When he ran his fingers through Luke’s hair and held the back of his head, Mark could feel Luke shiver in his arms. He couldn’t believe the extent to which he excited Luke. It was both terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. It made him feel like the most powerful man in the world.


As the kiss deepened, Luke could feel his already hard cock throb inside his pants. He was desperate for release and wanted nothing more than to reach a hand down to ease his ache. Luke was so lost in the kiss, he didn’t realise they were moving backwards until he felt the bed hit the back of his legs.

Although part of him wanted to take this slowly, there was another part that wanted Mark to ravish him—that craved it. He was so turned
every minute touch of Mark’s hands on his body felt multiplied. The sensation was too much and yet not nearly enough.

Luke fell back onto the bed with Mark atop him. He couldn’t contain the whimper that escaped him when Mark released his lips and raised his head to stare down at him. The look was tender but at the same time filled with heat.

Mark pulled Luke’s shirt free of his jeans and lifted it up his body, his fingers leaving a trail of heat wherever they touched. Luke held up his arms and let Mark pull the shirt over his head. Mark’s eyes grew darker as they took their fill of Luke’s smooth, almost hair-free chest and lightly defined abs. He ghosted his fingers down Luke’s stomach, seeming to delight in the feel of Luke’s silky, smooth skin.

Mark leant down and touched his lips to Luke’s, teasing them with his tongue before trailing it down Luke’s throat. He scraped his teeth over the vein there, and Luke couldn’t suppress a shudder. Mark continued his path down Luke’s neck and chest until he reached his nipple and took it into his mouth, sucking gently. Luke
his back arching involuntarily as he tried to push himself closer to Mark’s hot mouth.

Before he could stop it from happening, Luke’s eyes shifted to their wolf form for the second time that day and he felt his canine teeth elongate until they were poking out the bottom of his lips. He groaned loudly. As desperate as he was to come, what he wanted more than anything else was for Mark to claim him. His wolf was crying out for it. It made him feel vulnerable in a way he had never experienced. As soon as Mark claimed him, there could be no backing out for either of them. They would be bonded together for life.

Mark’s head jolted up and his eyes widened.

“Oh shit, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

“No, it was perfect,” Luke said, looking down at his mate. “But my damn eyes and teeth shifted. I couldn’t control it.”

Luke watched as Mark’s own eyes and teeth shifted to mirror his own. Mark chuckled.

“Guess that makes two of us,” he replied, his eyes narrowing in on Luke’s kiss-swollen lips.

The scent of Mark’s increased arousal filled the air around him and Luke sucked in a breath when he saw Mark’s eyes and teeth shift to mirror his own. He was happy and relieved to know Mark was as turned on as he was. He tugged Mark up and moulded their lips together, pushing his tongue inside almost forcefully. Mark growled and grabbed hold of his ass, pressing their erections together.

“Fuck, I need…”

“Get naked, Luke,” Mark ground out. “I need to feel your skin on mine.”

Luke didn’t have to be asked twice. He quickly divested himself of the rest of his clothing, watching in awe as Mark did the same. In moments, they were both as naked as the day they were born.

Luke’s gaze travelled the length of Mark’s body. It was magnificent.
Firm, tanned and muscular.
Luke guessed Mark achieved his perfect body from working hard for a living, not from working out in the gym. He’d have to ask him later when his brain was functioning normally again.


Instead of being turned off by the sight of Luke’s erect cock in front of him, Mark found himself extremely aroused. His own cock twitched in agreement. Although Luke was much smaller than him, there was nothing small about his cock. It was about the size
of his own,
only lighter in colour with a small dusting of fair hair above it.

Mark licked his lips when he noticed Luke’s cock leaking pre cum. He had a sudden urge to dip his head forward and lick the drop away with his tongue. He wanted to find out if Luke tasted as good as he smelt. And he smelt
. Fragrant and fresh—it reminded him of home. Like cut grass on a warm spring morning or a forest full of pine. It was a heady mix. Luke’s woodsy smell was all man and he was surprised to realise he liked it…a lot.

If he wanted to know how Luke tasted, there was only one way to find out.

He wrapped his fingers around Luke’s cock and stroked it up and
enjoying the moans and gasps he was soliciting from Luke. With each passing moment, he was growing more accustomed to being with Luke, and although he thought he should be
out by being intimate with a man in this way, he wasn’t. Luke’s erection felt perfect in his hands.

Luke was watching him wide-eyed, his fingers gripping the sheets beneath him. Mark caught his mate’s gaze and winked. He leant down and licked a path up Luke’s cock, swirling his tongue around the head until he had captured the drops of pre cum that had escaped out of his slit.
Luke tasted better than he smelt—he was mouth-watering. He dove back down for more. He could quite easily see himself become addicted to his mate’s taste.

“Oh God,” Luke groaned. “Mark please, if you don’t stop that, I swear I’m

Mark was emboldened by his mate’s plea. He suddenly realised how much he wanted Luke to come. He wanted to be the person responsible for driving Luke out of his mind.
Him and only him.
A sudden burst of possessiveness rushed over him.
! He sucked harder, swirling his tongue around each time he pulled up. Having no experience, he tried to do the things he liked being done to him. It appeared to be working. Luke was frantic beneath him. His head tossed from side to side on the pillow and his legs began to tremble.
That’s it, Luke, come for me.

Luke shouted out his release and Mark felt the first burst of his seed shoot into his mouth. He swallowed as much as he could, but a little escaped and trickled down the side of his mouth. He sat up and licked it away, grinning proudly at his mate.
He’d done it, and he’d actually loved every second of it.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Luke was mumbling, still trembling from the aftershocks.

Mark’s cock was so hard it was painful. Luke stared up at him with a dazed expression and Mark was satisfied at having been the one to put it there. He dipped down and took his mouth in a searing kiss, grinding his cock into Luke’s hip almost frantically.

“You’re mine, Luke”

“Yes,” Luke panted.

Luke tilted his head to the side offering his neck to Mark in a subservient gesture. All Mark needed to make the experience perfect was to claim Luke. He suddenly needed it like he needed air.

“Please,” Luke begged.

The wolf in Mark wanted to howl his delight to the moon. He knew what Luke was offering and what it would signify, and he was itching to break free and take what was his. Mark could only agree. Without hesitation, he sank his teeth into his mate’s neck, claiming him, solidifying their bond. Luke’s blood poured over his tongue and he drank it down greedily. It was all he needed to take him over the edge. He ground his cock into Luke’s hip twice more and choked out Luke’s name as his cock spurted its warm, sticky seed over Luke’s stomach in long, even pulses.

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