Authors: Tianna Xander
Tags: #Adult, #Erotic Romance, #Menage, #Paranormal, #Shapeshifter
She laughed before giving a hiccupping sob. “I guess I was just trying to save myself from your rejection.”
“Why would we reject you, love?” Derek grasped her arm and pulled her into his embrace while Zack moved up behind her. “We love you. Nothing you can say will change that.”
“You still want me?” She glanced up at them both, the hope evident in her eyes, in her expression.
“Of course we still want you. In fact, what we have to tell you might even cement your decision in favor of remaining with us as our mate. However, I would have liked to have known you made the choice because you couldn’t live without us.”
“Well...” She licked her lips and gave him a sexy grin. “I guess it’s a good thing I told you both that last night, then, isn’t it? But why does that matter?”
“Because, darlin’, once we truly mate with you, you will be one of us, and I have never heard of any shape-shifter with any kind of human disease. So, you see? You can’t possibly pass anything on to our children but your inherent beauty.”
Kelly stared up at them both, her mouth open. She tried to speak a number of times, but nothing could make it past her lips.
Her life had gone from the never-ending nightmare it had been in her hometown to something too good to be true. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth, wondering how long she should wait for the proverbial other shoe to drop.
“I—I...” She shook her head and tried again. “Are you serious? Once we mate for real, I won’t be a diabetic anymore? I’ll never have to give myself another stinking injection? I’ll never have to stick another pin in my finger to test my blood, ever again?”
She stared up at the two men, her eyes wide, her entire body trembling with something she wasn’t certain she could name.
What would it feel like to be normal again? What would it feel like never to have to worry about whether or not she had a serving of pasta, a scoop of ice cream, or a candy bar? Mostly, she wondered what her life would be like when she finally accepted both men into her bed.
“As far as I know, there have never been any documented cases of any shifters with human ailments. I think there were even a few unscrupulous scientists who have done tests on shifters. Though, I can’t say so with any degree of certainty, but there are rumors.” Derek moved to the tray next to the bed and picked up a slice of bacon and held it in front of her face. “Care to try a slice? You don’t have to eat it all. We can hit a compromise until we’re mated and you’re one of us.” He smiled wanly. “Assuming that you want to become one of us, after all.”
“And if I don’t?”
Zach sighed behind her. “If you don’t, we must leave you to live your life the way you see fit. We cannot remain close to you without completing the bond. It would not only endanger you, it would put anyone near you at risk. Even your elderly neighbor down the hall.” He thrust his fingers through his hair. “Even if you wanted a relationship with us, we wouldn’t be able to stay close to you without completing the bond. In fact, our beasts already rage with the intense need to claim you and make you ours at any cost.”
“Oh.” She sighed. “I guess I don’t really have much of a choice at all.” She held up her hand when they would have said something. “I’m not blaming you.” Smiling, she placed her hands on their chests. “None of us have another option. It seems as though Mother Nature or fate has taken our choices from us.
“The way I see it, nature has done me a huge favor.” She paused and slowly licked her lips. “I can’t think of two better men to spend the rest of my life with and...” She paused again and grinned. “I get to eat chocolate with
sugar again. That isn’t why I’ve decided to stay with you, but it’s a hell of a reward for making that decision.”
“Why have you decided to stay with us?” Derek asked, his expression grim. “Is it because of the heat?”
“No, silly.” She lightly slapped the center of his chest. “I told you already, but I guess you need to hear me say it again.” She shook her head. “Men can be so needy sometimes, I swear.” Glancing up, she met each of their gazes in turn. “I’m accepting you both because it didn’t take long for me to realize that even though I ran from you and we’ve spent the last several months apart, I’ve fallen helplessly and hopelessly in love with you both.”
“Thank God!” both of them said at the same time.
“I didn’t dare to hope that you could come to care for us so soon.” Zach pulled her into his arms and stared down into her eyes. “We knew you would come to love us, eventually. It is the nature of the heat. However, we had no idea that it would come so quickly.”
He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers and her world tilted on its axis. Nothing felt like their kisses. Nothing compared to the way her world tightened to a little pinprick of overwhelming sensation every time they touched her.
Slowly, his tongue slid sensually between her lips, delving deep into her mouth. He tasted of mint and smelled of the forest. Whatever aftershave he used could be an aphrodisiac, it worked so well to overwhelm all of her senses.
Heat pooled in her middle, her stomach clenched and she dropped the sheet without a thought.
Strong arms wrapped around her, picked her up and carried her to the bed. She didn’t protest this time. She didn’t want to ruin the mood. He set her on the bed and straightened to stare down at her as though she were the most precious thing in the world.
As though time didn’t matter, he unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it from his shoulders to fall on the floor at his feet. His jeans soon followed and before she thought to protest, he stood before her proudly naked, his cock jutting toward her.
Steel gray eyes full of the promise of passion stared down at her, pinning her to the bed. She couldn’t have moved if she wanted to.
She didn’t
Kelly met Zach’s gaze with every ounce of courage she possessed. This was it. After they made love, it would be time for all of them to make love together. She wasn’t sure how she knew that, but she did.
Her smile came easily, her eyes closing just a bit in what she hoped made her appear sultry, a siren tempting her man to drown in a sea of sensation. With a burst of courage, she arched her back, cupping her breasts. She closed her eyes on a groan when she plucked and twisted her nipples.
A low groan gave her the courage to reach down and run her fingers through her wet slit. Her eyes flew open when he growled low and made a strange chuffing sound just before he landed over her on the bed, his mouth and tongue seemingly everywhere at once.
Apparently, her tiger had just lost control and it felt glorious.
Brushing her hands aside, Zach nuzzled her breasts, lapping at her nipples with his tongue that seemed half of that of the man and half tiger. Smooth, yet rough, he stroked it over the sensitive tips, pulling each hardened bud into his mouth to nibble and suck before he released it to move on.
Soon, the soft tips of his hair brushed her upper thighs and she groaned, arching her hips in invitation.
“Yesss...” She hissed the word out between clenched teeth as he slid the rough pad of his tongue through her wet slit and circled her clit.
Strong hands lifted her, spread her legs and pulled her against his face as he ravished her weeping sex. He sucked her clit, thrusting his fingers into her until her head thrashed on the mattress. Her hands fisted in the sheets as every muscle in her tightened and she reached for the elusive orgasm she felt building inside her.
Kelly’s world exploded into a million pinpricks of light when he curled his fingers toward the front wall of her vagina, massaging her G-spot. She screamed his name and kept screaming until he crawled up her body and pressed his mouth against hers.
She tasted her own arousal on his lips, his skin as he moved between her legs and settled his hips between her thighs. One long, slow thrust and he buried himself deep into her, his blood engorged cock pulsing out a rhythm that matched her heartbeat perfectly until he finally began to move.
Such intense pleasure couldn’t last long. Neither of them had an ounce of control as he rammed into her. Her inner flesh squeezed his cock, milking it until he groaned over her.
“You’re so tight. I don’t think I’ll last much longer.”
“You’re like Jessi’s mates, aren’t you? You can’t become fully human again.” Brushing the damp hair from his face, Kelly reached around him and caressed the base of his tail that he’d kept hidden in his jeans. How uncomfortable it must be to hide it all of the time.
“You have no idea what that does to me. What your acceptance of me, of us, means.” He growled low, his hips moving faster as she massaged the muscle where his tail met his spine.
She stared up into his gray eyes as another orgasm ripped through her and she screamed. “Come now. I can’t wait for it, Zach. I need... I need...” Her voice gone, Kelly could do no more than scream as he finally came inside her, bathing her inner walls with the warmth of his release.
“I love you,” Zach said against the sensitive skin of her neck as she pressed against her in the shower.
“I love you, too.” Reaching back, she wrapped her arm around his neck, arched back into him and angled her head back for his kiss. “I love Derek, too. Is that wrong?” she asked just before he took her lips in a passionate kiss.
Lifting his head, he smiled down into her beautiful hazel eyes. “I’d have it no other way. I’m sure Derek will say the same. You belong with us now and we belong with you. The mating heat has seen to that.”
He ran soapy hands over her breasts, his fingers stopping at her nipples to give them special attention before he pushed lower, sinking his fingers between her legs as she spread her feet and arched against him.
“I don’t believe how lucky we are to have found you. I can’t wait to take you home and show you off. Proving to the others at home that we have hope, that you have accepted us the way we are will give others like us hope that they will not have to spend the rest of their lives alone.”
He pushed his hard cock against her, begging entrance to the heaven only her body could provide. He cupped her breasts, his fingers tugging her nipples.
Reaching up, she laced her fingers with his. “When we first met, you had a paw. At first, I thought that was another of your... disadvantages.” She smiled. “I didn’t mind that, either.”
“Not me.” He shook his head, but there are a few in the cascade who must live with a paw where his hand should be. We had hoped to give everyone hope.” He kissed her nose. “Is that why you ran from us before? You thought I would hurt you with my tiger’s claws?”
His hands slowly changed into huge paws, the claws gently raking her skin. He circled her right nipple with a huge, lethal looking claw and Kelly moaned.
“Is that fear or arousal, mate?” He breathed the question into her ear as she arched into his touch.
“You know what it is.” She swallowed then licked her lips. “You know what you do to me. What you will always do to me, man or beast.”
“Well,” he said with a chuckle. “We can’t do that until you’re one of us. Our tigers would harm your human form during a mating. If we’re to take you in tiger form,
have to be in your tiger form.”
“Yeah. I get it. I don’t think I could accept you like that, anyway. It would feel too much like beastiality to me.” Turning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a passionate kiss.
“Now, if you don’t mind,” she said as she wrapped her legs around his waist and lowered herself over his throbbing cock. “I’d really like another round.”
After their shower, Zach sat in her little kitchen as she made them dinner. He tried not to curl his lip at the amount of vegetables she sliced and set aside to steam later. It hadn’t taken long to realize her change in lifestyle, once she learned she was diabetic, was what melted the curves from her luscious body.
He hoped it wouldn’t take long for them to return once they completed their bond. He missed those curves and the amazing ass she’d had when they first met. Still, he loved her no matter what she looked like or how much she weighed. Nothing could ever compare to the way she made him feel.
“When will dinner be ready?” Derek asked as he paused to cup her ass and stick his nose in the curve of her neck.
“In less than an hour. Why?”
“Because Zach and I have a bit of shopping to do and I’d like to know if you could postpone it for another thirty minutes.”
“I suppose.” Reaching out, she turned off the burner she’d just twisted on and wiped her hands on a towel. “Am I going with you or staying here?” She crossed her arms in a defensive gesture.
“I’d like it if you stayed here. It’s a surprise.” Derek frowned at her expression. “What’s wrong?”
“She thinks we’re going to leave her here alone.” Zach stood, walked to the stove and pulled her into his arms. “Look at me,” he said when she wouldn’t lift her head to meet his gaze. Hooking his thumb beneath her chin, he gently forced her head back until he could stare deep into the swirling brown-blue of her eyes. “We’re coming back.”
“Of course you are.” She pasted a fake smile on her face that didn’t fool either of them. “Why would I think anything else?”
“Stop thinking about the human men who have been in your life, Kelly. We aren’t like them. We could
be like them. In fact, a part of me feels like going back to that hometown of yours and ripping those men to shreds for what they’ve done to your self-esteem. What gave them the right to tear you down so thoroughly that you have no idea of your worth to us?”
“Okay. I’ll take your word for it.” She glanced up at him and smiled tightly. “Come back for me in an hour and a half and I’ll never doubt your word again.”
“Little liar.”
Kelly shook her head with a short laugh. “Only
two would call me little.” She gave him a quick kiss and pushed him away. “Now go before I change my mind and get all clingy again. I don’t mean to do that. Really I don’t.”