Loving the Tigers (5 page)

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Authors: Tianna Xander

Tags: #Adult, #Erotic Romance, #Menage, #Paranormal, #Shapeshifter

BOOK: Loving the Tigers
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There. She’d said it. As crazy as it was, as much as she felt like a fool for saying those words when she barely knew these two men, they somehow felt right.

“You have no idea how long we’ve ached to hear you say those words.” Derek lifted her hand to his mouth and pressed his lips to the back of her fingers. “We have waited many long years to find you, mate.”

Kelly swallowed thickly. Why hadn’t she believed them before? Why couldn’t she have taken them at their word all those months ago?

“I—I’m sorry.” She sobbed into her hands. “I should have listened to you. I should have believed you in that little town with its strange ways. I just... I just didn’t have faith.”

“Shh... little one,” Zach said cupping her cheek. “How could you have known that we wouldn’t be like the others who have hurt you?”

“Little one.” She laughed. “Only you two would call me that.” To them, she
little. They both towered over her by at least six inches and their muscular forms made her feel small when they stood or sat next to her.

“Why do you say that?” Derek canted his head. “We are not so large. You should see the few liger shifters we have met.” He grinned. “Now
are huge. I’ve never seen one less than seven feet tall and three-hundred and fifty pounds.”

“Why are they so big?” She twisted her fingers together. “And what’s a liger?”

“A liger is the offspring of a male lion and a female tiger. They grow huge. While genetically, the male lions have growth-expanding genes, the lionesses have growth inhibiting genes. Female tigers have no such growth inhibition genes and any offspring from a male lion would grow faster and larger than any tiger or lion. Theoretically, they could continue to grow all of their lives.”

“Oh...” She bit her lip. “Should I be glad that you’re not ligers, then?”

“I don’t know.” Zach raised a brow. “Maybe, maybe not. They could be
all over.”

“I—ah, have the feeling that you two are plenty large enough for me.” Her face burned as she thought about what she wanted to do with them—what they all wanted to do. She could see the anticipation on their faces and it unnerved her.

“I need a cup of coffee.” Standing, she took a few steps toward the kitchen before spinning to face them. “Would either of you care for one?”

“I’m fine,” Zach said as he stood. He glanced at Derek. “I believe he is, as well.” The right side of his mouth lifted in a sardonic grin. “I don’t think you want anything to drink. I think what you need happens in a room other than the kitchen.”

“I—I don’t know if I—” She pressed her hands to her scalded cheeks. “What if I’m not what you expected?” Kelly didn’t know what she would do if the whole affair turned out to be a huge disappointment for them. “Regardless what you think, I plan to make a pot.”

Derek grasped her arm as she turned to go. He pulled her gently into his embrace. Holding her upper arms, he held her flush against him and lowered his head toward hers.


Chapter Ten



Zach watched Derek kiss their mate. It was all he could do to keep himself from yanking her out of his arms and into his own. He wasn’t jealous—never that. Impatience drove him to taste her himself.

When Derek finally lifted his head and met his look with a slight nod, Zach reached out and gently pulled her against him. Though he wanted to hurry, to ravage her mouth with his—her body with his—he took his time. Gently as he could, he molded her body against him, fitting her curves against his hard muscles and reveling in her softness.

Nothing could have prepared him for the way he felt, the way his tiger settled down when she wrapped her arms around his neck and tilted her head back, her neck exposed in ultimate surrender.

Feeling her pressed so close was as though someone spread a soothing balm over his heart, his very soul. Breathing deep, he took in her sweet scent. She always smelled of some kind of fruity bath products and her own underlying scent. The two together worked on him like an aphrodisiac. It was as potent as any drug he’d ever heard about.

Her dark chocolate gaze met his as he leaned down to press his mouth against her full lips. Their kiss was electric. Power sizzled through them, rocking him to his very soul. She was his—would always be his.

Full lips parted beneath his and he dipped his tongue into her mouth, gently probing the wet velvet depths as she returned his kiss with such passion it nearly overwhelmed him.

He drew her closer, tighter. If he could have drawn her within the protection of his body, he would have done so. Not one thing in his life compared to the way she made him feel.

The softness of her hips pressed so tight against his, made his cock ache for release. His body hardened, his temperature rising as she moved with natural sensuality, her hips undulating against his, the tips of her full breasts brushing the deep muscles of his chest through his t-shirt.

“You’re exactly what we expected,” Zach said, finally gathering his wits to reply. “You’re what we hoped for, what we begged the fates to deliver to us.”

He skimmed his hands down her back and over her lush hips. “You’re so beautiful, I can almost believe there is a god, after all. If there is, surely
are heaven itself.”

He watched as her blush traveled over her full bosom, up her neck to darken her cheeks.

She shook her head. “I’m not all that.”

“You are everything.” He breathed the words against her neck before nipping her throat.

She leaned into him with a moan. Her hands roamed over his chest, her fingernails scoring his muscles through his shirt. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.” She shook her head and pushed slightly away. “How can I resist you when you do that?”

“You’re not supposed to resist,” Derek said, stepping up behind her. He pressed his body close, his hips grinding her against Zach.

Closing his eyes, Zach swallowed deeply as he thrust against her, his cock begging for release as she reached between them and squeezed the hard length.

Who first?
he asked Derek telepathically.
Which one of us is the lucky one tonight?
He had no illusions that she would or
take them both on their first night together. She might not be a virgin, but, by her own admission, it had been years since she had taken two men together and he would die before he hurt her, even by accident.

Zach was of the mind that Kelly should decide, but he wanted to know how Derek felt, though he was sure that his friend would feel the same way.

Let our mate decide. It should be up to her. If I had my way, she would always decide. I wouldn’t have either of us force anything upon her that she didn’t want.

My feelings exactly.
Bending, Zach scooped her up in his arms and walked toward the door he assumed led to her bedroom.

“Put me down before you hurt yourself!” she cried as she wriggled in an attempt to force him to set her down.

“You forget, little one. We are not human. Our strength is at least ten times that of a human. To me, you weigh little more than a wisp.”

“Riiight.” She crossed her arms with a scowl. “I won’t be responsible for your strained back, so put me down.”

To her rising consternation, he ignored Kelly and carried her into her bedroom where he slowly lowered her to the bed.

“I don’t know what you’re trying to prove.” She glared up at them both. “But stop it.” She slapped his arm lightly, her eyes going slumberous as she stopped to caress his bicep. “Nice.” She ran her tongue over her lips.

“Tell me,” she said, leaning back on her elbows. “How does this work?” Kelly glanced between them and she bit her lip, her brow furrowing. “I mean, I’m not sure I can... that I’m ready to...” She fell back on the bed with a sigh. “I just don’t know.”

“It works whatever way you want it to work, baby.” Derek moved around to the other side of the bed. “I can stay here and Zach can go, or he can stay and I can go. We both can stay and give you the attention you deserve.”

“You both could go?” she asked, her expression almost hopeful.

“You don’t really want that, do you?” Zach asked as he met her gaze. He hoped not. He knew that he was too weak to let her walk out of their lives a second time.


Chapter Eleven



Kelly stared up at them. Her heart raced every time they looked at her as though she were the only woman in the world, which was pretty much all the time. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw their expressions fall with disappointment.

How could these two men want her so much? What was it about her that made them think she had a snowball’s chance in hell of making them happy?

Glancing down, she felt her face heat as she saw the evidence of Zach’s desire tenting the front of his slacks. A glance Derek’s way, proved he felt the same way.

“Face it, you two. I’m no prize. I’m the woman that everyone loves to fuck, but no one is willing to take home to mama.” She threw that out there to see their reactions. “I’m not the kind of girl guys like you marry.”

“Boy, she’s a bit of a bigot, isn’t she, Zach?” Derek grinned and glanced at his friend before he turned back to her, his expression hard. “I know we told you that we didn’t want to hear you talking bad about yourself.” He grinned, the look in his eyes changing from irritation to something she wasn’t sure she wanted to name. He looked almost pleased that she’d said what she had.

“I’m not a bigot. I’m confused. Never has anyone told me the things you two have said.” She alternated her gaze between them. “If I’m so beautiful, why is it that only you two have ever told me that? If I’m so perfect, why has no one else bothered to say so and if my curves are so pleasing, why have other men passed me up to marry skinny, stuck-up, tight-assed white girls?”

She pushed herself up against the headboard, crossed her legs at the ankles, her arms in front of her chest, and glared at the two men who would have her believe that they couldn’t live without her. “Well?”

“They have no taste,” Zach said as he settled on the bed next to her.

Derek sat on her other side, adding, “And they’re blind.”

Kelly’s eyes burned. Never in her life had anyone made her feel so loved, so cherished. She wanted to believe them. She
to believe them. “I—I want to believe you. You don’t know how much I want to believe. I just don’t know if I’ll survive it if you decide to leave me after I give in to you.”

“That’s what we’ve been telling you.” Derek leaned down to press a quick kiss to her lips. “We’re never going to leave. You’re our life, the very air that we breathe. We can’t live without you and wouldn’t want to do so if we could.” Lifting her hand, he pressed a kiss to the center of her palm.

Darts of awareness shot up her arm and heat pooled in her middle. Liquid fire moved through her veins at his touch and she trembled beneath their heated stares.

She licked her lips, wanting to take the chance—
to take it. Inhaling deeply, she bit her lip. “Okay.” She glanced between them. “I can’t choose between you.” She never could. If she lived to be a hundred, she didn’t think she would be able to choose one over the other. Each of them touched her heart in his own way and they both meant the world to her.

Zach stood, staring down at her with his intense, gray gaze. “I’ll leave.” Bending, he pressed a quick, hard kiss to her lips. “I’m just that little bit out of control. I don’t want to hurt you.”

Canting her head to the side, Kelly stared up at him. “Then, wouldn’t you be the obvious first choice?” Frowning, she pushed away from the headboard. “I don’t like this. I don’t like leaving either of you out.” Still, how could she take them both so soon?

“It’s my choice, baby. I don’t want to hurt you.” He smiled and winked, bringing his hand up he wiggled his fingers. “I have a date.” Turning, he glanced at Derek. “Be careful with her.”

Kelly would have missed the other man’s slight nod had she not glanced his way. “Come on, you guys. I’m not all that.” She shook her head. “I don’t believe you two.”

Zach kissed her forehead and straightened. “I’ll be in the other room.”

“Yeah,” Kelly said as she rolled her eyes. “Listening and jerking off.” The thought should have repulsed her, but somehow, it made her feel somewhat powerful and
made her feel just a little bit wanton.

When Zach left the room, Derek leaned closer, nuzzling her ear. “I’ve waited lifetimes for this moment.” His tongue traced the shell, causing her to shiver.

Strong arms pulled her close, holding her tight as she leaned against his hard length. Kelly moaned when he sucked the lobe into his mouth, his teeth gently biting down. Warm breath bathed her ear, caused goose bumps to race up her arms and legs.

“I’ve waited so long for you, baby.” Derek nuzzled her neck, his mouth moving down her throat. Pushing aside the neckline of her blouse, he licked the slope of her breast, his hands cupping their heavy weight as his thumbs caressed the hardened tips.

Bolts of electric fire shot from her nipples straight to her middle, causing liquid heat to pool deep inside her. His tongue rasped over her exposed skin like warm, wet velvet. Slowly, he unbuttoned her shirt, gently pushing the material from her shoulders. With a quick flick of his wrist, he unfastened her bra, her breasts spilling from the cups, into his hands.

Kelly arched her back with a moan as his mouth closed over one sensitive nipple. She thrust her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer. Liquid warmth pooled between her legs. She cradled his head to her breast as he alternately sucked each hardened tip.


Chapter Twelve



Derek held her, reverently worshiping every inch of her body. It seemed as though he’d waited forever for this—for her. Consumed with the need to possess his mate, he held her close, needing to feel her soft skin against his as he laved her hypersensitive nipples.

Kissing his way down her body, he stopped at her navel, his tongue delving into the indentation as she panted beneath him. Her fingers tangled in his hair as he moved lower still, his breath stirring the downy soft curls at the apex of her thighs.

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