Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne (25 page)

Read Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne Online

Authors: Catharina Shields

Tags: #adult fiction, #erotica brother sister incest, #adopted siblings erotica, #romance with adopted sister and brother theme, #older female younger male, #adult romance fiction

BOOK: Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne
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You’re so beautiful, Dionne,” he
finally whispered, filling her with immense love.

She smiled as her eyes glowed.

Although Dionne knew better; that this was
wrong because he was so young, too young for what he thought he
wanted, and although she was convinced this was nothing more than
her brother exploring yet another “new and improved” thing that
caught his fancy, she couldn’t feel any offense now. She tossed her
worries away, because despite all the hurdles between them, she
wanted nothing more than him there with her. And yes. At that
moment, nothing felt more right.

Besides, it was too late to turn back

She felt his thick hot cock twitch deep
inside her as if he knew what she was thinking, and as if he
agreed. In having persisted in his pursuit of her, he earned the
right, and could now claim his prize. But she realized it was going
to be a shared prize, because she wanted this as much as he

Aidan felt his sister relax; her muscles
slowly easing their stranglehold on his quiet, unmoving cock buried
deep inside her. It was time. She was ready.

He began to move, gently pulling out of her,
passing the part where her hymen had been torn, making her briefly
wince as she slowly drew in breath through clenched teeth. He
nearly pulled completely out before he pushed back in, and slowly
repeated this until she quit wincing.

She was exquisite. Perfect. And as he moved
inside her, slowly, tenderly, and gently, quietly bringing up the
pace, he couldn’t suppress a long, luxurious moan.

Dionne was surprised by her younger
brother’s skill and gentle patience at handling being her first.
Overwhelmed by this tenderness from a guy so young, it brought
tears to her eyes. He cared about her. He loved her. He really
loved her.

As he continued to move over her, their
bodies gently caressing, he could still find it within himself to
give her a smile of encouragement; waiting . . . waiting . . .

But for what?

Her answer came when she finally stopped
that sharp intake of breath. She didn’t even notice she’d been
doing it until she stopped. It was then when she also stopped her
wincing when the tender spot in her channel no longer stung. Only
then did he pick up the pace.

She raised quiet, teary eyes to meet his
fiery and intense gaze. Her lips parted, expelling soft, short
breaths that were gently fanning his stark, handsome face. Her
lashes grew heavy, and her head slowly tilted back before she
allowed her eyes to close as she relaxed.

The cocktail of blood, orgasm, and natural
vaginal slick eased her brother’s hot cock as he moved inside her.
The pain vanished and her body began to shudder; softly at first,
but escalating with growing pleasure.

Tell me you love me, Dionne,” he said
breathlessly, pushing a little harder. “Tell me you want me, and
only me.”

I love you, Aidan,” she whispered
in-between gasps. “You . . . only you. I only want you,” she
whimpered with unmistakable need. “Oh god, Aidan, I want you so
much. Please, Sweetheart, please!
” she cried out before he began
rigorously thrusting into her; their groans and grunts became their
music. “Harder, Aidan, harder. Oh god
Oh, Sweetheart!
Make me
. .

She suddenly shot up in an arch. She grasped
his shoulders tightly to her, as if she were afraid she would
disappear because she felt something powerful sweep her away. She
rode the wave to the far edges of the world before she was hurled
out into the universe where she spun just before she exploded among
the stars while calling his name.

He heard he call him, and he followed.
With a growl, he shoved his swelling cock to its hilt inside his
sister’s body as he followed her to the edge of the world with a
deep, long growl, “Argh . . . Dionne!

His sac jumped tightly, and his entire body
stiffened. His heavy-laden scrotem finally released the almost
painfully churning semen, propelling his hot cum to the tip of his
deeply buried cock before he exploded at the mouth of his sister’s
womb. He continued pumping into her tight body as he gave her all
he had, filling her to overflow, and spilling droplets of virile
seed on her newly washed quilt.

Then the storm was over, leaving them both
out of breath.

I love you, Dionne,” he gasped out of
breath. “I’ve always loved you.” He fought to catch his breath as
he lowered his tousled head to her shoulder.

She slowly smiled as she held him close,
awestruck that she could still feel him pulsating as he continued
to empty inside her.

I know,” she purred with a languid
smile, closing her eyes.

He raised his head to look down at her
flushed face, and she opened her eyes to smile up at him, but
something in his intense gaze made her smile fade.

No,” he said quietly. “I

I love you too, Aidan,” she said,
searching his eyes with a confused look.

I don’t think you heard me,” he said,
looking increasingly grave. Even stern. “I love you like a brother
loves a sister. I love you like a guy loves a gal. I love you like
a lover loves a lover. This is a big thing for both of us. I want
you to know I know that, and that I love you.”

I . . . I know that.”

He arched a black brow. “You sure?”

Yes,” she said, nodding. “I’m

He didn’t look convinced, but he nodded
nevertheless. “Okay,” he finally said. “I just want you to know I’m
serious about this. About us.”


Yeah, Dionne,” he said. “Us.” His
face softened. “You need to know this isn’t just a fling for me. I
need you to understand that. I’ve wanted you for as long as I can
remember. Ever since I was little, actually. And I’ve always known
you loved me, too. We were destined to be together. You know you
were different with me than you were with the others, Dionne.
Everyone knows you loved me different than you did

I guess I did.”

you did,” he said a little bossy. “Maybe
you didn’t see it then, but I did. And everyone else did, too,” he
said quietly. “I knew early on we belong together.”

We belong together?

Aidan,” she began, licking her
suddenly dry lips, “how can you be sure this isn’t just—” She
caught herself and swallowed. “How can you know you really feel
this way for me?”

Because I know I’m
in love
with you, Dionne. That’s
how. I also know I want us to be together. I want us to be together
for the rest of our lives.”

She stiffened and went speechless
hearing his words. She stared up at his earnest, handsome face, but
she slowly began to shake her head. “No. You-You, uh, might
you’re in love
with me on account we just had fantastic sex—”

That’s not true.” He now frowned
with a rigid jaw. “I know the difference. I’ve fucked a lot of
girls, Dionne. I know casual sex just for fun. This isn’t anything
like that. This is deeper. So, don’t patronize me,

I’m NOT patronizing you!”

because I
the difference even if you can’t bring
yourself to believe me.”

She didn’t want to admit it, but it kind of
stung to hear about his other dalliances. It actually hurt. It was
then when she became aware Aidan had yet to pull out of her. She
frowned, hurting more than he could know when she heard him almost
boast about his past romps. In fact, it was really beginning to
piss her off.

Aidan,” she said more sternly than
she intended. “Get off of me.”

But he didn’t even flinch!

Aidan, damn it!
Get off of me—!

Not until I hear you say you’re in
love with me, too. I
love me, too, Dionne. Now I need you to hear yourself say it
because I don’t think you get what’s going on here,” he said with
narrowed eyes.

You’re being ridiculous—!”

Am I?” he cut her off. “I know you
want to run away again. I know you’re going to try and pretend
nothing happened just like you did before. But I won’t let you this
time, Dionne. I’ll keep on you until you finally admit to me, and
yourself, that you want me, too! Why not get it over with and just
admit it now? Why not make things easier on the both of us, and
admit you want me, too—”

WHY?!” she finally broke. “Because
that’s what YOU want?? What Aidan Boyd van Nuys wants, Aidan Boyd
van Nuys
? Is that

Don’t,” he said. “Don’t pick a fight
with me so you’ll have an excuse to hate me just because you’re too
afraid to accept I love you, and you love me, too—”

for chrissakes! What do
know about love?”

She frowned when she realized she couldn’t
close her legs. To her surprise she discovered that, although he
was flaccid, he was still securely inside her. “Listen . . . can
you at least let me up so we can talk like civil people?”

He ignored her.

I might only be eighteen, Dionne, but
I know a LOT about love. Were you interested enough to pay
attention, you would’ve seen I’ve been suffering being in love with
you for

She slowly frowned as her temper rose.
“You’re confusing lust for love, Aidan. They might feel the same,
but they’re totally different—”

Again,” he cut her off harshly.
“Don’t patronize me,” he ground out through gnashing teeth. “I’ve
been with more girls than you’ve been with guys, okay? You were
still a virgin for crying out loud!” She went stiff, but he ignored
it. “You think you can lay there and preach to me the difference
between random fucking and making real love—?”


I don’t think you’ve earned that
right,” he finished, undisturbed. “I might only be a couple of
years younger than you, but I’m a whole
lot more experienced!”

Then ponder this one,
Mister Experience
” she
said, no less upset than he was. “When your dick’s still inside one
woman, is it really a mature, let alone
, thing to do to remind her of the other
women you’ve been with? Seriously?”

His lips tightened when he realized
his mistake. It was a stupid and dumb mistake a more experienced
lover would never make. It was up there with whispering another
lover’s name in the throes of an orgasm.
a good thing.

I’m-I’m . . . sorry. I was upset and
I wasn’t thinking,” he finally admitted.

She knew he meant it, and she knew he was
remorseful. The telltale blush creeping up under his tanned cheeks
said as much.

It’s all right,” she sighed,
exasperated. “You’re not the only one doing things without



But my stupidity doesn’t change the
fact that I really do love you,” he said in earnest as he gazed
deeply into her eyes. “There’s no doubt in my mind. There never has
been. I just wish you’d believe me. I wish you could love me back
the way I love you,” he said softly. “I wish . . . if only you
could stop having such a problem with being with me, because I
don’t know what to say or do to convince you anymore. I’ve reached
the end of my wits. I’m out of options. But I can’t stop wanting
you.” He looked sad. “Help me, Dionne. Help me find a way to
convince you this is real. That this is love.”

He finally moved and pulled out of her.

She sat up, pulling knees to her chest. She
turned her head away, keeping her lashes down. She self-consciously
tugged up her bra over her breasts, and hugged her knees to her,
not seeing her brother’s jaw go rigid as he looked over his

What she didn’t know was, her body language
told him she was withdrawing, and this frustrated him. Without
another word, he snapped around and went into her bathroom.

Dionne heard the faucets go in the distance,
almost coming to her through a tunnel. She didn’t even hear the
faucets close. She was lost in deep, troubled thought. There was so
much to think about, so much to absorb, because her emotions were
every which way now. The reality of what happened came crashing
down on her like a ton of bricks. There were still too many
questions left unanswered.

When he returned, he saw she still hadn’t
moved. She seemed frozen in time, deep in thought. He stopped in
the doorway of her bathroom and felt as if he were nailed to floor,
when everything inside him wanted to stalk over to her and grab her
tightly in his arms. But he was helpless to do much else than stare
at her. He was becoming increasingly afraid she might have that
change of mind again.

The rigid slant to his jaw revealed he was
still upset, but seeing her with that dreamy look softened his
gaze. He couldn’t help it. He loved Dionne. He’s always loved her,
and he would always love her even if she couldn’t love him back the
way he so desperately wanted.

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