Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne (24 page)

Read Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne Online

Authors: Catharina Shields

Tags: #adult fiction, #erotica brother sister incest, #adopted siblings erotica, #romance with adopted sister and brother theme, #older female younger male, #adult romance fiction

BOOK: Loving Siblings: Aidan & Dionne
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So when he kissed her, he did so with tender
passion as he gently held her wrists down on the bed. His tongue
moved inside her mouth until hers finally slipped inside his, and
they began tasting each other with deep, long kisses.

He was very careful not to hurt her, of
course, but he wanted to gently rekindle her lust for him. He
didn’t want her to have the opportunity to change her mind as he
helped her over that very high threshold to be with him.

He needed their newfound relationship
consummated with as much gentle passion as he could muster, but not
enough to give her time to second guess herself so she could run
and hide again. He couldn’t afford to let her thwart this growing
but delicate bond forming between them. Not again.

Soon, though, and much to his delight, his
patient efforts were rewarded. He could feel her sink back into the
ashes of her spent lust, giving in to his seduction while
tentatively exerting her own. He could feel his pretty sister
respond to him, answering him, and he swore he could feel her sweep
up into a renewed state of passion as she slowly began to writhe,
hot and languid, beneath him.

Her brother’s concentrated seduction was
having a profound effect on her, now she welcomed with open arms
and legs. She hugged him tightly to her as she kissed him with all
the fiery passion and love she felt for him. There was no longer
denying it to him or to herself. She wanted him. Yes, she wanted
her younger brother as she’s never wanted any guy before, but she
also knew this wasn’t just lust. She knew it ran much deeper than

With her attention diverted by his
wonderfully delicious, erotic lips and gentle, caressing fingers,
she was completely unaware how he moved to position himself to take
their love a step further.

His free hand lowered, gently taking his
sensitive, strutting cock. He was so hard for her now that pre-cum
dropped from his tip onto her bed. He’d valiantly fought his own
fiery passion for much too long so he wouldn’t rush things with
her, but it was all going to pay off.

He was barely able to contain himself now,
but he forced himself to exert patience. He had to take it slow.
This wasn’t just about sex or cumming. No. This was far more
important than than any of those things.

This was the moment of truth.

It would either make or break everything
he’d set out to build with her. It would either solidify their deep
love, or it would crush all hope of having a life with her.

Aidan gently pressed the blunt, nearly
purple, mushroom-like tip against his sister’s wet virginal
entrance. She was slick enough for a quick and least painful
penetration, but he still hesitated. He’d already felt how tiny she
was, and he knew he was anything
, so he had to be extra careful with his
sister. This was as new to him as it was to her because he’s never
been with a virgin before, and he had to rely solely on

As he distracted her with his kisses, he
keenly brought her wrists together above her head, taking them in a
single hand. He felt a brief resistance, followed by a weak whimper
of protest muffled against his tongue, but he pretended not to

Gently but securely holding his sister’s
wrists while carefully pinning her body down with his, his naked,
sinewy thighs carefully slid up along the crease of her ivory legs,
gently parting them in such a way, he knew, she barely noticed.

But he knew that would inevitably

No matter how caught up Dionne was with her
brother’s lips and tongue, she couldn’t avoid the pain she was
about to experience. It was simply inevitable. When he gently
pushed into her tight hole, she stiffened before she was torn from
her sexual trance. She felt hot, engorged cockhead pull back before
it gently rubbed along the burning, wet cleft of her overly
sensitive pussy.

Then he tried to push into her again.

She stiffened before she successfully broke
the kiss, gasping with lust and pain.

Aidan?” he heard her whisper,
sounding confused. And a little afraid.

They were both breathless. He paused as he
raised his head to look into her pretty face, dreading what he
would see there. But his heart skipped a gleeful beat when he
didn’t see rejection.

She wasn’t going to stop him.

His gaze softened as he relaxed, feeling
less apprehensive now. And with that gentle look, he watched her
raise her magnificent eyes to look up at him with insecure but
beautifully glowing, bunny-brown eyes.

I’ll be extra careful,” he assured,
and saw her search his dark eyes a moment before she finally nodded
in silence.

She was sure he couldn’t know how
heartrending and endearing he appeared to her at that moment. He
couldn’t know he’d become that much more sexy and handsome to her
when she saw, unbeknownst to him, that brief spark of insecurity
and tenderness in his eyes.

It made her heart swell twice its size.

For a few moments, they stared silently into
each other’s eyes. Both knew they had a lot riding on what would
come next. Both knew the significance of the moment, even though
for two completely different reasons. Now, staring into each
other’s eyes, neither doubted this moment would have eventually
come, and both were well aware how significant it really was.

Aidan moved first.

Holding her gaze prisoner in the fiery
depths of his, he finally reached down, taking his thick, veined
cock with shaking fingers. He poised its purplish tip at her
dime-sized hole, and while gazing deeply into her big glowing eyes,
he gently pushed forward.

Dionne’s jaw tensed before she caught her
breath and slowly expelled it.

Oh . . .” she gushed with a ragged

He watched as her eyes widened, and he knew
she hurt, but that couldn’t stop him.

Slow and undeterred, he felt her hot, wet
silk give way for his bold and persistent cock. She began to pant,
but she didn’t try to stop him. He felt her body arch slowly
upward, against him, and he watched her pretty face wring a little
out of the pain—not unlike the pain he, himself, was experiencing,
too. He had to use every ounce of his iron will not to plunge into
her, and it was physically painful for him.

But it was nothing like her pain. She was
hurting. Badly.

He tried to not pay it any heed, and
instead, concentrate being inside her. He really did. But as he
watched pain flash repeatedly over his sister’s face, he couldn’t
bear to continue. He couldn’t bear to hurt his Dionne. And then he
felt insecure and at a loss what to do. It was the first time in
his life when he realized his young age was a liability. He was
sure a more experienced man wouldn’t hesitate to take her with the
least amount of discomfort for her.

He finally quit pushing. He had every
intention to stop, but not soon enough, because at the moment,
slippery by her moist pussy, the fat purple head of his cock
plopped into her small, vaginal hole, drawing an instant moan of
pain from her.

I can’t do this,” he finally said
between deep, hoarse breaths. “It’s too much for you.” He closed
his eyes, hiding the disappointment he felt in himself, and laid
his head on her shoulder. “It’s too much for both of

Never in her wildest dreams did she
think it would hurt
much! Every one of the medical textbooks read “. . .
there will be some discomfort
. .
BULLSHIT! This was all out

Yet for all her pain and anger at existing
medical textbooks, and the hope that having played volleyball
vigorously throughout most of her life might have rid of her hymen
by now, she blinked teary eyes before she turned her head and
looked at his stark profile resting against her shoulder.

He opened his eyes and whispered, “I can’t
go through with this, Dionne. God how I want to, but I can’t hurt

The last remnants of pain faded from her
face, and in its place, a gentle look unfolding, and it took his
breath away.

It’s okay,” she whispered softly,
laying a soothing palm against his handsome face. “It’s okay,

I . . .” he paused and looked deeply
frustrated. “I just don’t want to hurt you.”

Then don’t stop.”
Holy hell! Did SHE just say that?

No.” He shook his head. “I have to,”
he said, trying to keep the tone of disappointment out of his
voice. Then he moved to get off her, but her legs came alive and
wrapped around him, stopping him. He looked confused as she looked
up at him through shimmering tears.

Dionne ,” he said, “you’re in a lot
of pain—”

Please,” she whispered softly but
urgently. She tenderly cupped his face as she let her wet, warm
gaze roam his beautiful visage; the face she’d loved all her life.
“Please don’t stop now. I want you to be my first,” she said with
genuine conviction.

He stared silently into her big eyes,
feeling his heart pound mercilessly in his chest, but he didn’t

So she did.

With the tenderness of a sister and the need
of a lover, Dionne pulled herself up to press her lips against his.
His heart skipped a beat, and his lips parted to meet hers until
they touched and melded as one, and he felt her strength in the
kiss as she told him, with that delicious act, how much she needed
him now.

When he finally broke the kiss he was
breathless. “I want nothing more than to be your first,” he
whispered. Then he gazed deeply into her eyes as he followed her
down to the bed. “And I want nothing less than to be your last,” he
added with the strength of the Alpha male that he’d always

Dionne wasn’t sure about his second
admission, but she was certainly convinced about the first. She
wanted Aidan to be her first. It felt right. It felt as if it was
meant to be. And she smiled as she watched as a visible tic
appeared in his lean cheek before his full lips tightened.

Like taking off a band-aid,” he
murmured, making her slowly frown in confusion. But he didn’t give
her enough time to analyze his words when he suddenly clasped warm
hands around her face, and in the next instant, crushed his mouth
over hers.

She suddenly heard him make a sound not
unlike an angry growl, and then she felt him haul back hips. She
instinctively knew the time of reckoning had come, and she suddenly
took his head between both her hands and kissed him back as
feverishly, as desperately, as she could, bracing for what would
come next.

He returned with a solid punch and with
enough intensity that Dionne really didn’t have much time to think.
Still, she bit her tongue not to cry out when the first flash of
pain shot through her like a fiery sword, but she refused to make a
sound for fear he’d stop.

She was wet enough, and the punch was swift
enough, to allow him to force tight muscles to give way as he tore
down the last vestige of girlhood in one go. With nothing blocking
his way now, unused muscles surrendered to the thick invading shaft
burrowing deep inside her.

She fought to relax, minimizing the
discomfort for herself and her brother, never knowing that her
exquisitely hot, uneven tunnel was so tight, he’d nearly exploded
his churning cum prematurely.

Dionne grabbed hold of him, clinging tightly
to him while pressing her teary eyes shut. She buried her pale face
in his hard shoulder, fighting off the alien fullness in her hips,
but he was large, and it was more than she could take.

Please—don’t move. Don’t move, yet,”
she whispered almost frantically.

And he paused. He fought his raging lust,
and gently wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “Don’t
worry. I won’t,” he promised. “I’m so sorry I hurt you,” he
whispered in her ear, over and again, as she fought the tremors of

He tenderly kissed her tears away and
caressed her face. But even though he knew she hurt, even though
her pain was rapidly subsiding, he couldn’t squelch the all-out
male pride that he had finally made Dionne his, and that he was her
first. She was his now; mind, body, and soul. Should she decide to
stop now, he wouldn’t leave her bed without at least knowing

He lifted his head and looked down into her
glowing eyes with all the love he felt for her. His sister’s eyes
were still a little teary, but now they had a look that never
failed to take his breath away, and, unbeknownst to him, he had the
same effect on her.

What Dionne saw was pure,
unadulterated love looking back from the most handsome face she’s
ever known. He was now looking at her as if she were the most
beautiful thing
seen. And knowing damn well she wasn’t, it only touched her that
much more.

Through her brother’s smoldering eyes, she
felt empowered, strong, and pretty. The heat of his gaze and body
was the most wondrous thing she’s ever experienced. And these new
and wonderful things softened her heart and her body, making her
relax for him. They silently stared into each other’s eyes with
only the faint sounds of her sweet hiccups breaking the silence,
and at that moment, they both swore time stood still.

His burning gaze slowly absorbed every
inch of her teary face that, she was sure, must look a mess. In his
eyes, however, none of that was mirrored. And in his touch, as his
hands tenderly stroked back the hair from her face, she
none of that,

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