Loving Angel 3 (25 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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The gravediggers had finally finished cover
ing Mina’s coffin with dirt and were gone for now. I was finally alone with her. I knelt on the ground beside her resting place, placing my hand in the dirt. I closed my eyes as a wave of fresh tears escaped my eyelids.

“I’m so sorry Mina. I want you to know that I love you so much and I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you in the end. Please forgive me.”
My voice cracked on the last words and then I sobbed into my hands in unadulterated anguish.

The things Dread had done to my poor mother were causing me to have nightmares at night. That nigga had been one sick fucker and if he wasn’t already dead I would have killed him myself.

“I hope you’re in a better place and at peace now.” I kissed my fingers and placed it on her grave.

Having said my goodbye
, I hurried away from the grave and its encompassing silence.

Tyga took me in his arms as soon as I got to the car.
“I can’t promise you that the pain will ever go way but I can promise you that it will get easier to handle someday.” If anyone would know about the pain of losing a parent, Tyga would since he had lost his mother when he was younger and his pops a couple years back.

I nodded as he used his thumbs to wipe away the tears from my cheeks. When he was done wiping my eyes we joined my father in the back of the limousine.
As the car pulled away from the cemetery I took a deep breath and began preparing myself to face all the people I knew were waiting for me at my home. We were having the repast at our home in New Jersey, but since the night of the attack we’d been staying at our condo in Manhattan.

The entire NJPD had converg
ed on our home the night of Dread and Ninja’s attack. We lived in a residential neighborhood, so the sound of gunfire definitely had the neighborhoods calling the cops. By the time they showed up all the Jamaicans were already dead and Tyga’s crew, with the exception of Biz, had already left the scene. All the other members had a record so we didn’t want them involved.

Although it was obvious to the cops that the crime scene at our home wasn’t just a run of the mill break-in, they couldn’t prove that we were up to anything
untoward. The story I sold them was that while I was having a peaceful night at home the Jamaicans broke in and attacked me and my family. I defended myself by killing Ninja and Lena then Tyga and Biz had come home and were attacked, so they defended themselves by taking care of the rest of the team.

They had us at the police station, questioning us for hours but with a high priced lawyer named
Debra and no witnesses to attest that we weren’t defending ourselves in our home, the cops had no other choice but to release us.

As the limo was pulling up to the house I saw Chance getting into his car.
I guess he was about to leave the scene of gloom. Tyga and his brother weren’t exactly getting along at the moment. My bay was mad at his brother because he was supposed to have been guarding us the night of the attack but he had run off because he didn’t want to deal with Mina. And even worse, he didn’t even stay in contact with us.

Chance had just pulled off and we were getting out of the car when Maria
and Daisy came through the front door arguing loudly with each other. My cousin had cut her honeymoon short to be there for me and I felt horrible because not only had her wedding been ruined, her dream getaway had been fucked up also.

“Bitch, you better get in your fucking car and get the fuck out of here before I have to throw your ass of
f the property!” Daisy was yelling at my sister. “I can’t believe your bitch ass has the audacity to be telling lies on my cousin in her home.”

“Hoe, you think I’m scared of you
!?” Maria stopped in her tracks and rounded on my cousin. “I ain’t scared of you or your fucking family. Ya’ll should be the ones who are scared of me because if my brother doesn’t show up soon ya’ll are gonna pay for killing him.”

My father rushed over to my sister and pulled her away from Daisy. “What’s wrong with you Maria? Why are you acting up at a time like this?”

She shrugged off his hold on her. “I’m not trying to hear anything you have to say right now pappy because this bitch and her husband killed Andro and you’re acting all buds and buddy with them.”

“No one killed your brother,” my father said.

While at the same time I snapped, “You better listen to Daisy and get the fuck off my property because I’m not about to be disrespected in my own home.”

She immediately stepped to me and got into my space.
“You may think you’re the shit right now but just watch how your little doll house is gonna tumble down.” She gritted before our father pulled her away then dragged her forcefully towards their car. “Just wait and see bitch,” she was yelling as she was pushed into the passenger side of the ride.

I simpl
y flipped the bitch the bird because that was what she deserved.

“I can’t stand that fucking hoe,” Daisy said. “The trick had the audacity to be telling all the guest that you killed her turn coat brother.”

I shook my head sadly. I didn’t have time for Maria or her dramatics. My mother was dead and I had a house full of people who were expecting me to show up so they could express their condolences and remind me that I had a reason to be sad.

Tyga wrapped his arm around me. “You ready to go inside Sexy?”

I nodded. It wasn’t like I had any other choice but to face the music.





















I snorted the line of coke off the mirror then handed it back to David. He placed it on the bedside table and then took my mouth in a heated kiss. It was the day of my aunt’s funeral but I hadn’t attended. Instead I chose to spend the day chilling at my crib with my man.

I couldn’t be bothered with the depression of watching Min
a being put into the ground. I had enough ghosts stalking me and I didn’t need the memory of her funeral added to them. Every time I closed my eyes all I could remember was the shit that crazy motherfucking Jamaican had done to me. And sometimes I wished that I was dead so that I didn’t have to remember. Although Dread hadn’t gotten the opportunity to torture me with his scalpel or his baseball bat, what he’d allowed those dogs to do to me was much worse.

I don’t think I would ever be able to do it doggy style ever again because to me the term doggy style had taken on a new meaning
. One that had me cringing inside and feeling like I wanted to throw up my entire stomach content.

“Are you ready for round two?” David wanted to know.

“Give me another minute and I’ll be ready,” I promised although deep inside I knew what I had just said was a blatant lie.

I was trying to use sex to drown out the memories of what was done to me but so far it wasn’t working. We’d already had sex three times in the last two and a half
hours and yet the horrible memories were still seared into my mind. David had one of the biggest dicks I’d ever taken and he sure as hell knew how to use it so I knew the problem wasn’t him. The problem was that the shit that had been done to me had my head so fucked up, that two of the things I loved most in the world, sex and drugs, couldn’t make it better.

I hadn’t planned on ever doing drugs again. But desperate times called for desperate measures and
with the way I was feeling right now it was either snort a line or slit my wrist. So when David had shown up yesterday begging for forgiveness, I had not only taken him back, I’d also allowed him to convince me to start snorting coke again.

“I think I need to use the little girl’s room,” I told David as I slipped from the bed then headed for the bathroom.

“Don’t take too long because this coke is making my dick harder than a motherfucker,” he yelled at me as I closed and then locked the bathroom door.

I took my piss then I turned on the tap and started washing my hands. When I was done I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror. And the image staring back at me made tears come to my eyes. I looked so fucking haunted. Like a specter of my former self. Sometimes I wondered how different life would have been if I hadn’t fucked Daisy’s baby daddy. What if Ca
rter hadn’t given me the monster, would I still have been living this fucked up life, feeling depressed and shit. Why did my life have to go to the left, while everyone else’s was going great?

The more I thought about things
, the harder the tears came until I was sobbing uncontrollably. I couldn’t take this shit anymore. I just couldn’t take it.

I don’t know when I had flipped the medicine cabinet open and grabbed the straight razor I kept inside it. All I knew was that one minute I was crying
and the next minute I was holding the blade at my wrist. Then there was a loud banging on the bathroom door, and it snapped me out of my madness.

“Keya!” David was screaming my name through the door in an angry voice as the door knob rattled. “Keya, open this fucking door!”

I quickly placed the razor back into the cabinet, then hurried to the door to see what the hell the problem was.

As soon as the door was
open, he pushed a pill bottle into my face. “What the fuck is this Keya?”

It took me a second to realize that it was one of my HIV medication bottles. And my guilty conscience reared its ugly head, causing me to immediately go on
the offensive. “What the fuck are you doing with my shit? Are you searching my stuff now?” I had my shit hidden in one of the bedside table drawers.

“Bitch you better not play with me
. Answer the fucking question,” he gritted.

“I ain’t answering shit because you ain’t got no right to be searching my stuff.”

I walked by him, heading for the bed but he grabbed onto my hand and then slammed my back against the wall. Then before I knew it, his hand was wrapped around my throat as he mushed the bottle in my face. “You don’t have to say shit because I know what this shit is. AZT bitch. Motherfucking AZT. You’ve got the monster and made me go bareback with you!?”

As he ranted and raved, his hand was cutting off my air supply and I
knew I was going to be a goner in any minute. But luckily for me the doorbell suddenly started ringing and the person at the door was pressing on the bell obnoxiously.

“Who the fuck is laying on the bell like that?” David snapped as he released me. “I’m about to teach that motherfucker some manners.” As I fell to the floor gasping for breath he stormed from the room.

I heard the front door being snatched open, following by the loud retort of a gun as two shots were fired. I jumped from the floor, my eyes popping out of my head as I rushed from the room, thinking David had just murdered someone I knew.

I stopped in my tracks as soon as I got to the hallway between my living room and front door. David was lying on the floor bleeding while one of the last people in the world I ever expected to greet my doorstep was standing over him holding the gun.

“Why did you do that?” I said in a hoarse, fear filled voice.

“You’re really going to ask that question you fucking black bitch!” Detective Parker growled as he took the gun off David and pointed it at me instead. “You ruined my fucking life! And then you thought I couldn’t get to you because you stopped working at Glitter. But Delicious told me where you’re working now and I’ve been following you. I was just biding my time until I was ready to take care of you.”

“I didn’t mean to infect you. Please don’t kill me
!” I begged because I could see that my death was written in his eyes.

But he shook his head. “
You fucking black bitches are all a bunch of liars. Don’t insult my fucking intelligence.” As he spoke he was shaking the gun at me to express his point and I could see that he was getting angrier and angrier. “You knew what you were doing. So now it’s time to pay the piper.”



was the loud retort of the gun as the shots were fired and I hit the floor.












Loving Angel

Loving Angel 2

Forbidden Love Unchained




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