Loving Angel 3 (2 page)

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Authors: Carry Lowe

BOOK: Loving Angel 3
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“Yeah, but how could she not return when she knows she’s close to her due date. I’m gonna be mad as hell if I missed the birth of my first seed.” I could totally understand that. One of the happiest days of my life was the day I watched my son enter this world. Gangsta or not, my fucking eyes teared up the first time he was placed in my arms.

“Well we’re here now and hopefully she didn’t give birth yet,” I tried calming him.
“So what’s up with Maria? Is she still stalking you, trying to get back together?”

“I’m starting to think that she’s crazy as fuck. She almost ran me off the road yesterday
while chasing me down because I wouldn’t stop to talk to her.”

I glanced at him quickly before focusing back on the road. “Damn nigga, you better watch your back with that one. From the shit you’ve been telling me she might be a little touched in the head.”

My boy had broken up with his longtime girlfriend the very day Angel and Daisy had disappeared. And he had been mad as hell when he realized that he’d dumped Maria and Daisy had cut out on him. But he stuck with his decision knowing Daisy would eventually return and he didn’t want to have to repeat the breakup.

Maria wasn’t too keen on
being dumped though so she created a lot of drama for Delco when he tried moving his things from the house they had been sharing. She had maliciously destroyed a lot of his gear, cussed his ass out and even tried fighting him, but it didn’t stop him from leaving her stupid ass. It only made him want to get out faster.

Now she kept stalking him, begging him to get back together with her. Delco told her that he wasn’t in love with her anymore although he had love for her but she still didn’t get the point that he didn’t want to be with her crazy ass anymore. She tried laying the guilt trip on him, reminding him that she did a bid for him but my boy wasn’t buying into her manipulation anymore. For the time she had done for him Delco had paid her back in spades. After the breakup he let her have the 650 thousand dollar house they had been sharing, the 58 thousand dollar Benz she had been driving and gave her half a million dollars.

My dude wasn’t an ungrateful nigga and it was time for her to accept that it was over. Relationships ended all the damn time, sometimes someone got hurt but they just had to learn to move on.

As we pulled up to the front of Angel
’s and Daisy’s condo we saw two people coming from the building. It may have been three months since I last saw her and the lighting wasn’t that good outside the building but I could recognize Sexy anywhere.

She had gained a few pounds of baby weight and was sporting a small baby bump under her tight T-shirt and leggings
, but she was still the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. A badder bitch than my wife didn’t exist.

“There goes the two of them Delco,” I told my boy
while gesturing to the two women walking towards a car. It seemed as though Daisy was leaning on Angel and could barely walk.

“What the fuck are they doing outside at this time of the mornin
g?” Delco wondered. “Let me out here.” He didn’t even wait for me to come to a complete stop before he hopped out of the truck, sprinting over to my wife and her cousin.

I slid into the first parking space I saw and didn’t even bother with shutting off the engine. It was obvious something was wrong with Daisy so time was of the essence.

When I caught up with them Delco was leaning through the open passenger side door trying to comfort Daisy as she moaned in pain. While my wife was standing beside the car with a worried frown on her beautiful face.

“She’s in labor,” Sexy told me
, having deciphered the curious expression I was wearing. “Come help me get the kids together.” She was in such a hurry that after delivering that seed of information she started heading for the apartment building. But I grabbed onto her hand then pulled her into my arms and gave her a deep kiss as I held her tight. She returned the kiss with enthusiasm and that was a good sign for me.

I really missed her. “I love you and I’m sorry,” I confessed. “We’ll talk about everything later when we’re not in such a hurry.”

Her eyes teared up. “I love you too bay.”

We hurried upstairs and got the kids together. They were both happy to see me but nothing could match the smile on Ricky’s face when he woke from his sleep and saw me. He jumped into my arms and kissed me all over my face like his mother often did.

When we got back downstairs Delco had moved Daisy to the rental because the kid’s car seats were in the back of Angel’s whip. And he didn’t even wait for us to strap the kids into my wife’s ride. As soon as we got to the parking lot he sped away, leaving us to follow them to the hospital when we were ready.

I took my wife’s hand in mine as I drove and luxuriated in the feeling of touching her again and having her close.

“I thought you were going to come down here all angry and shit,” Angel revealed, rubbing her thumb on the back of my fingers. She seemed surprised at the fact that I wasn’t acting a fool.

“A nigga learnt his lesson Sexy,” I revealed. “I may have acted like an idiot when you told me you were pregnant but since you left me I’ve had a lot of time to think
. I realized that it didn’t matter if I wasn’t the father, all that’s important is that you’re the mother and I love you enough to accept that baby as mine no matter what.”

She had tears running down her face at the end of my speech. She tried holding back her sobs but they were too powerful. I used my hand to wipe her tears away as best as I could without running us off the road.

“Daddy make my mommy cry,” my son complained sounding like he was about to be in tears himself.

“It’s ok Ricky,” Angel soothed our son. “Mommy’s only crying because daddy made her happy.”

For the rest of my life I would always kick myself when I remembered the day I made my wife leave me. But the important thing was that although I’d made a mistake I was able to see the error of my ways and fix them.






A nigga couldn’t believe he was a father. I kept looking at my beautiful baby girl as she slept peacefully in the crib beside her mother’s bed. She was a seven pound eight ounce mini-me with lots of wild curly hair like her older sister.

“You don’t need to watch her that much,” Daisy said playfully. “Nothing is going to happen to her and she ain’t going nowhere.” But I wasn’t the only one fascinated by Makita Loren Forester. Her mother doted on her just as much as I did.

I couldn’t love Daisy any more than I did at that moment. She had given me the greatest gift by giving birth to my first seed and I’d be damned if I wasn’t appreciative of that shit. It was the first time I had ever seen a woman giving birth and it looked more painful than getting kicked in the nuts. I was scared there for a minute watching Daisy scream in pain as she pushed our daughter into this world and swore to myself that I wouldn’t get her pregnant again. But as soon as I looked at the precious little princess that my girl and I had created, I was ready to create a prince to keep her company.

“When are you going to give me another one?” I asked Daisy, only half joking.

“Nigga you must be out of your fucking mind if you think I’m thinking about having more babies,” she replied with a look of disbelief.

Are you sure about that?” I inquired as I rubbed her head teasingly. “Because I’ve got something in my pants and I know when you see it you’ll be more agreeable.”

She scowled at me in disgust, playing right into my hand. “You must be one nasty nigga to be thinking about sex right after I just pushed out your baby,” she railed
. The pissed off look on her face had me cracking up inside. “Plus I don’t know why you’re coming to me with a conversation pertaining to fucking when you and I aren’t together anymore. How about you go ask the bitch you’re living with for some.”

“So, you don’t want this then?” I asked as I removed the small black box from my pocket and placed it on her lap. “Because this is what I had in my pants. And if you don’t want it you should let a nigga know.”

She looked from the velvet box in her lap to me and then to the box again. “What’s inside this box?” She asked calmly. But she wasn’t fooling me. I knew that she was excited. She gave herself away with the way her hands were trembling.

“How about you open it and see.”

She grabbed it and popped the lid, revealing the five carat oval cut diamond set in a platinum band.

“Oh shit
!” she breathed, staring at the engagement ring in shock.

“What do you think Daisy? Are you gonna marry a nigga?”

“Yes,” she squealed, throwing her arms around my neck and kissing me on the lips. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

“Well believe it.” I took her left hand and placed the ring on her finger causing tears to come to her eyes. I wiped them away with my thumbs feeling confident they were tears of joy.

“I’m so glad you finally chose us,” she smiled through her tears. “It took your dumb ass long enough. I had to come all the way to Miami for this shit to happen.”

I chuckled at her. She wouldn’t be Daisy if she wasn’t a bit peeved that it took me so long to do the right thing. “If you’d stayed in N
ew York you would have known that I made my decision months ago, but your ass ran away before I got the chance to tell you.”

“Mhhhhmm,” she replied disbelievingly. “I hope you know we aren’t having a long engagement.”

I gave her another kiss to shut her up; this one deeper than the first.

I knew I was making the right decision. I couldn’t see myself spending the rest of my life with anyone but Daisy. She was it for me. Not only was she the mother of my child
, she also made me very happy. So why wouldn’t I put a ring on it?

Later that evening while Daisy and my daughter were sleeping
, I stepped out the room to check my phone messages. I saw that I had several text messages and missed calls from Maria. The first text she sent me said there was an emergency and I should call her. The others were just her cussing my ass out because I hadn’t responded. I decided to give her a call back to see why the fuck she was blowing up my phone. I also wanted to know why she wouldn’t just leave me the fuck alone. I had already given her all I had to give and even though I appreciated what she had done for me I didn’t think I owed her my entire life.

“I’m happy you finally found the time to return my call,” she greeted in a snarky voice.

“Why do you keep calling me, Maria?”

“The better question is
, where the fuck are you?” she countered.

“We’re not together anymore Maria. I don’t have to keep you abreast of my whereabouts.” It was getting mad old having to say the same thing to her over and over again.

“Nigga, you can never leave me. You owe me your life. If it wasn’t for me you’d be in prison right now calling some big black motherfucker daddy when he fucked you in the ass.”

She was getting me mad
der than a motherfucker. “Listen bitch, I’m tired of having this conversation with you. I don’t want to be with you. I gave you a nice house, a fat whip and a shit load of money. I don’t owe your ass anything else. Lose my number and leave me the fuck alone.”

I was about to hang up on her ass when she said something that I was hoping I didn’t hear.

“What did you just say?” I asked her and when she repeated it I knew I was fucked.

“I said enjoy your time with your bitch because I know that’s where you are right now
. But your black ass better know that she isn’t the only one having your baby because I’m pregnant too.”



















It was the day of Daisy
’s and Makita’s release from the hospital. And I was on my way up to my cousin’s room when my dad and my stepmother stepped onto the elevator I was riding in after it made a stop at the second floor.

“What are you doing here dad?” I asked in surprise, ignoring the glare Rosario was throwing my way.

“Andro was attacked last night,” he revealed, sounding both sad and exhausted.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry.” I gave him a hug
, feeling bad for him. As much as I disliked my stepmother and her kids I never wished for anything bad to happen to any of them. “What happened? Is he going to be ok?”

“Someone jumped him and beat him up pretty badly,” he sighed. “He’s got a co
uple cuts, some bruises and some cracked ribs but he’ll live.”

“Angel let’s go, we have a son who is badly hurt waiting on us
,” Rosario said in an irritated voice, pursing her collagen riddled lips. The elevator had reached their floor.

My dad scowled at her. “If you’re in such a hurry you can damn well go on ahead without me.” He turned to me and gave me a quick hug. “I’ll see you later Simone.”

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