Love's Enduring Promise (Love Comes Softly Series #2) (7 page)

BOOK: Love's Enduring Promise (Love Comes Softly Series #2)
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"I wonder jest how he'll say it without backin' down none."

Jedd and Clark were soon in and seated, and Marty fairly held her breath waiting for Jedd to spill the good news. He brought news all right--news that made him grin from ear to ear--but hardly what Marty had been expecting.

"Sold me my farm yesterday."

Clark looked up in surprise.

"Ya did? Someone local?"

"Nope--new guy jest come in. He was with thet wagon train thet's goin' through--had planned to go further west, but his Missus took sick. Decided to stay on here. I showed 'im my farm and he offered me cash--outright. Good price, too."

Jedd stopped to let his good fortune take effect on his hearers. Then went on.

"The train's restin' fer a couple of days 'fore goin' on. I'm thinkin' a takin' his spot with the train. Arays did want to see what was further on; never can tell--might find me gold or sumpin'."

Marty finally drew a breath.

"What 'bout the girls?" she said.

She knew that it was a foolish question. All hope now of keeping her promise seemed to be vanishing. If Jedd was moving away, there would be no hope of the girls ever getting any schooling.

Jedd answered, "What 'bout the girls? Wagon-trainin' won't hurt 'em none. Do 'em good to see more of the country." "But--but they be so young."

Marty stopped. Something within her warned her to be silent, but she suddenly felt sick to her stomach as all her hopes and unanswered prayers came crashing down about her.

Jedd looked at her evenly, but said nothing. He then reached for another piece of gingerbread and went on as though Marty had never spoken.

"This new man--name's Zeke LaHaye. Seemed to like the looks of my land real good--paid me a first-rate price fer it. He's got 'im three young'uns--a near-growed girl an' two Young boys."


"Thet right?" Clark responded. "Guess I should pay me a call on 'em. Might want to send his young'uns to school." Jedd snorted.

"Don't know why he'd do a fool thing like thet. Both of those boys be big enough to git some work out of. Must be around twelve an' eight I'd say. An' thet daughter be almost of an age to take on a home of her own. I be thinkin' myself thet she might be right handy to have along goin' West."

He grinned a lecherous grin. Marty felt her stomach sicken. Clark humored the man.

"S'pose," he said slowly, "thet a young good-lookin' buck like you be takin' another bride 'fore ya know it."

He winked at Jedd, and Marty felt hot anger raise against him. Clark looked thoughtful, then broke the silence.

"Ya know I'm a thinkin' thet when it comes to marryin' agin a young woman might think twice 'bout takin' on two near-growed girls. 'Course an older, more sensible-like woman might not mind. Ya could always do thet--take ya an older, settled one 'stead of some flighty, pretty young thing. Might not be as much fun but. . ."

Clark was silent, and it was obvious by the look on Jedd's face that he was thinking on the words.

"Ya could leave the girls here I s'pose, so's they wouldn't slow ya down none, either in yer travel, or any other way."

Clark gave Jedd a playful jab with his elbow. Jedd grinned.

"Hadn't thought of thet," he deliberated, "but those new folk gonna move into my house--hafta have everythin' all cleared out tomorra. Don't s'pose they want the girls hangin' on."

"Thet's tough," said Clark and appeared to really be working on Jedd's problem. "Kinda puts a man at a disadvantage- like, don't it?"

Jedd looked worried. Marty wished that she could excuse herself and go be sick. Never had Clark made her so angry--or so puzzled. To sit there feeding the ego of this, this disgusting person and disposing of his two daughters as though they were unwanted baggage made her so upset that she feared at any


moment she might explode.

Clark seemed to have suddenly thought of something.

"S'pose ya could put 'em up here fer a while. We do have us an extry bedroom. Mightiest be able to make room."

So that was it. Marty's climbing temper began to recede. Clark was using Jedd's self-image as a male of desirable qualities to try to fight for the girls. He was offering to keep them. Marty wondered why she hadn't thought of it. She sent Clark a quick glance to show him that she now understood and to implore him to please, please fight.

Jedd rubbed his grizzly chin.

"Thet right?"

"I think we could manage--'til ya got kinda settled-like," Clark grinned and jabbed with his elbow again.

Jedd appeared to be thinking carefully.

" 'Course," Clark continued, "Marty has the say of the house an' how crowded-in she wants us. Sorta up to her."

Marty wanted to cry out, "Oh, please, please, Jedd," but instead she took her cue from Clark, and even surprised herself at her nonchalant empty-sounding voice.

"S'pose we could--fer a while--iffen it'll help ya out some."

"Might do," Jedd finally said. "Yeah, might do."

Marty didn't dare look up. The hot tears in her eyes threatened to spill into her coffee cup. She quickly left the table on the pretense of tending to the fire. When she had herself somewhat under control, she poured the men another cup of coffee and then went to her room where she leaned against the cool window ledge and prayed God to please forgive her lack of faith and to please help Clark in the battle he was presently engaged in.

A few moments later Clark came in, gave her shoulder a quick squeeze, and rummaged in a drawer, then was gone.

Marty heard the men leave the house, and in a short time Jedd's team was on its way out of the yard.

Clark returned to the bedroom and gently turned Marty to face him. Her tear-filled eyes looked into his and she hardly dared voice the question.

"Did he--?"


"Did he agree? Yeah, he agreed."

Her tears started again.

"Oh, Clark, thank ya," she said when she was able to speak. "I never, ever thought thet I'd be able to have the girls right here." She sniffed and Clark pulled out his handkerchief. It was man-sized, but Marty blew. "Thank ya," she said again. Suddenly her eyes snapped, "At first I was so mad, you a talkin' thet way to thet--thet conceited--" she sputtered, knowing that she should not voice the words that she was thinking.

"I couldn't imagine why ya'd say sech things 'til--'til I began to see--. An' he believed it all, didn't he? Believed thet a woman--a young woman--in her right mind would take to him."

She was getting angry again at the very thought of it all, so she decided to change the subject before she worked herself


"An' he said thet we could take the girls?"


"To keep?"

"Well, he didn't exactly say fer how long, but I'll be very surprised iffen Jedd Larson ever wants his girls back. He'll git hisself all tied up in this or thet, an' his girls won't enter much into his thinkin'."

Marty had a sudden thought that she knew she shouldn't express, yet she felt that she needed an answer.

"Ya didn't make 'im pay their keep, did ya?"

Clark grinned at that.

"Well--not exactly," he said slowly.


"Jedd said thet we could keep the girls iffen we gave 'im ten dollars a piece fer 'em."

Marty pulled back. "Well, I never!" she snorted. "I never thought thet I'd live to see the day thet one had to pay fer the privilege of feedin' an' clothin' another man's young'uns."

Clark pulled her back against him and smoothed the long brown hair as though by so doing he could smooth her overwrought nerves, but when he spoke there was humor in his voice.


"Now, now," he said as though to an angry child, "ya wanted yer prayers answered, didn't ya? Who are we to quibble as to how it be done?"

Marty relaxed in his arms. He was right of course. She should be feeling thankfulness, not frustration.

"The girls will be here tomorrow. It's gonna be strange fer us all at first, an' will take some gittin' used to. Seems thet all of our energy should be goin' into makin' the adjustment of livin' one with the other."

He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes.

"You've got ya a big job, Marty. Already ya have yer hands full with yer own young'uns. Addin' two more ain't gonna lessen yer load none. I hope ya ain't takin' on too much. Yer tender heart may jest break yer back, I'm a thinkin'."

She shook her head.

"He answered our prayer, Clark. Iffen He thinks this right, what we're doin', then He'll give the strength thet we need too, won't He?"

Clark nodded. "I reckon He will," was all he said.


Chapter 12

Nandry an' Clae

True to his promise, Jedd arrived the next day with the two girls. Their few belongings were carried in a box and deposited in the bedroom that would be theirs. Marty wondered if the parting would be difficult for them, but there seemed to be no emotion shown by either side.

Jedd was anxious to be off. He had packed his possessions in his wagon, and with the money from the sale of the farm lying heavy in his pocket, he was hard-put to hold back, even for a cup of coffee. He did fill up on fresh bread and jam, however, and with the food barely swallowed announced that he must be on his way. He gave Marty and his two daughters a quick nod, which Marty supposed was to suffice for thank you, goodbye and God bless you, all three, and went out the door. He was full of the coming trip west and of all of the good fortune that he was sure it would hold. Jedd always had regarded good fortune more highly than hard work.

Thus it was that Nandry and Clae were established as members of the Davis household.

Marty decided to give the girls a few days of "settlin' in" before establishing routine and expectations.

She looked at their sorry wardrobe and decided that a trip to town would be necessary if they were to be suitably dressed for the soon-to-commence school classes.


Marty seldom went to town, sending instead a well-itemized list with Clark, but she felt that this time she should go herself. Clark would find the selecting of dress materials and other articles difficult and time consuming.

Marty had
saving egg-and-cream money over the months and felt that now was the time to dip into her savings. It wasn't fair to lay all of the expenses on Clark. He had already had to pay Jedd for the dubious privilege of raising his daughters. Marty felt her hackles raise at the thought.

Well, that was all passed and done--so be it. From here on they were hers to care for, and to the best of her ability, she planned to do it right!

Nandry seemed her usual withdrawn self, neither expecting nor finding life to be interesting, but Clae seemed to observe everything around her and even dared at times to delight in what she discovered.

Both girls were surprisingly helpful--a fact for which Marty was grateful. Nandry preferred to spend time with young Arnie rather than the other members of the family. Marty did not mind, for help with the adventuresome and often mischievous little boy was always welcomed.

Marty planned her journey to town for the following Saturday. She would go in with Clark and thus save an extra trip.

On Friday after breakfast was over, she called the girls to her. It was time, she decided, that they work a few things out.

They sat down silently, their hands nervously twisting in their laps. Marty smiled at them in an effort to relieve their tension.

"I thought thet it be time thet we have a chat," she began. They did not move nor speak.

"Is yer room okay?"

Clae nodded and Nandry followed suit. The fact was that Clae had never believed that anything so fine really existed. The bed was soft with warm, nice-smelling blankets, colorful rugs were scattered over the floor, printed curtains with ruffles hung at the window and two framed pictures graced the wall. A neat row of pegs was on the wall behind the door and a wooden chest stood beneath the window. There was even a


small bench with cushions all of its own. How could she ask if the room was all right? Clae nodded mechanically, trying to keep the sparkle from bubbling up into her eyes.

Marty continued to smile.

"I thought maybe we should be sortin' out our work. Missie washes the dishes two mornin's a week, an' she cleans her room--makes her bed and hangs up her clothes each day--an' she helps some with Arnie, too. Now then, what ya be thinkin' thet you'd like to be doin' fer yer share-like?"

No response.

"I know thet ya already been makin' yer bed. Thet's good; an' ya do a nice job of it, too. But, is there enythin' thet ya 'specially like to do? Better than other things, I mean."

Still no answer.

Marty felt trapped, and just when she was wondering whether to assign the work as she saw fit, or to dismiss the two and forget the whole thing, assistance came to her from her own Missie.

"Mama says I wash dishes good," Missie announced, "but I'll share. Do ya want to wash dishes sometimes, Nandry?" Nandry nodded.

"An' do you too, Clae?"

Clae nodded.

"Well," said Missie, very grown-up like, "then why don't we take turns?"

It was settled.

Missie went on. "We all need to make our own beds, but Clare is too little yet to make his bed, an' Arnie can't make a bed atall! Ya have to git 'im up an' dress 'im every day. Who wants to make Clare's bed an' who wants to dress Arnie?"

"I'll care fer Arnie," Nandry was quick to say.

"Then I'll make Clare's bed, I guess," spoke Clae.

"An' sometimes there's special jobs," went on Missie, "like gittin' more wood, or hangin out clothes, or peelin' the vege'bles."

"I'd rather feed the chickens," Nandry said slowly. "An' gather eggs," she added as an afterthought.

"She likes chickens," Clae informed. "She was always

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