Hard and Fast

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Authors: Erin McCarthy

Tags: #Man-Woman Relationships, #General, #Romance, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Contemporary, #Stock Car Drivers, #Women Sociology Students, #Stock Car Racing

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“McCarthy’s a great writer with gifts for humor and telling stories that resonate with everyday women. Equally fab is her way with writing down-to-earth yet evocative sensuality that pumps the happy hormones to us readers by way of our romantic hearts.”
—Romance (Buy) the Book
“A fun character-driven romance set among the world of race car driving, highlighted with some great love scenes.”
—All About Romance
“Erin McCarthy has written a fun, sexy read. The love scenes are sizzling, and the characters are memorable.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“This is one smart, sassy, steamy, and Flat-Out Sexy read. McCarthy will have you giggling on page one, fanning yourself by page twenty-five, and rooting for the hero and heroine the whole way through. Buckle your seat belt and hold on—this is a fast and fun ride.”
—Romantic Times
“If you are looking to read a romance that will leave you all warm inside, then
Heiress for Hire
is a must-read.”

Romance Junkies
“McCarthy transforms what could have been a run-of-the-mill romance with standout characterizations that turn an unlikable girl and a boring guy into two enjoyable, empathetic people who make this romance shine.”
“Amusing paranormal contemporary romance . . . Fans will appreciate Erin McCarthy’s delightful pennies-from-heaven tale of opposites in love pushed together by a needy child and an even needier ghost.”
—The Best Reviews
“One of McCarthy’s best books to date . . .
Heiress for Hire
offers characters you will care about, a story that will make you laugh and cry, and a book you won’t soon forget. As Amanda would say: It’s priceless.”
—The Romance Reader
(5 hearts)
“A keeper. I’m giving it four of Cupid’s five arrows.”
“An alluring tale.”
—A Romance Review
(5 roses)
“The perfect blend of sentiment and silly, heat and heart . . . Priceless!”

Romantic Times
(Top Pick, 4½ stars)
“An enjoyable story about finding love in unexpected places, don’t miss
Heiress for Hire
—Romance Reviews Today
“Do yourself a favor and make A Date With the Other Side.”
—Bestselling author Rachel Gibson
“One of the romance-writing industry’s brightest stars . . . Ms. McCarthy spins a fascinating tale that deftly blends a paranormal story with a blistering romance . . . Funny, charming, and very entertaining,
A Date With the Other Side
is sure to leave you with a pleased smile on your face.”
—Romance Reviews Today
“If you’re looking for a steamy read that will keep you laughing while you turn the pages as quickly as you can,
A Date With the Other Side
is for you. Very highly recommended!”
—Romance Junkies
“Fans will appreciate this otherworldly romance and want a sequel.”
—Midwest Book Review
“Just the right amount of humor interspersed with romance.”
—Love Romances
“Ghostly matchmakers add a fun flair to this warmhearted and delightful tale . . . An amusing and sexy charmer sure to bring a smile to your face.”
—Romantic Times
“Offers readers quite a few chuckles, some face-fanning moments, and one heck of a love story. Surprises await those who expect a ‘sophisticated city boy meets country girl’ romance. Ms. McCarthy delivers much more.”
—A Romance Review
—Huntress Reviews
“Will have your toes curling and your pulse racing.”
“The sparks fly.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Erin McCarthy writes this story with emotion and spirit, as well as humor.”
—Fallen Angel Reviews
“Both naughty and nice . . . Sure to charm readers.”
Titles by Erin McCarthy
The Vegas Vampires Series
The Seven Deadly Sins Series
(with Donna Kauffman, Beverly Brandt, Alesia Holliday)
(with Maggie Shayne, Nalini Singh, and Jean Johnson)
(with Lori Foster, Toni Blake, Dianne Castell,
Karen Kelley, Rosemary Laurey, Janice Maynard,
LuAnn McLane, Lucy Monroe,
Patricia Sargeant, Kay Stockham, and J. C. Wilder)
(with Susan Sizemore, Chris Marie Green, and Meljean Brook)
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Berkley Sensation trade paperback edition / May 2009
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
McCarthy, Erin.
Hard and fast / Erin McCarthy.—Berkley Sensation trade pbk. ed.
p. cm.
eISBN : 978-1-101-04427-8
1. Women sociology students—Fiction. 2. Stock car drivers—Fiction. 3. Stock car racing—Fiction. I. Title.


For all the wives of racing and your true love stories
Special thanks to Rhonda Stapleton for suggesting Shakespeare, to Kathy Love for suggesting the name
, and to Jamie Denton for suggesting I get out of my own way and just write the book. You all are the best.
A maneuver in racing where the car following the leader in a draft steals his good air and takes the lead.
How to Work It:
Hang back if your man is interested in another woman. When she proves herself too obnoxious or clingy, move right on past her into the lead.
How to Marry a Race Car Driver in Six Easy Steps

, my God, run!”
Imogen Wilson had her shoulder nearly dislocated from its socket when her friend Tamara yanked her arm, trying to drag her down the hallway. Stumbling to keep up with Tamara and their other friend Suzanne, Imogen glanced behind her to see why they needed to sprint, worried about a herd of angry race fans, a fire, or a sudden act of terrorism in the speedway.
What she saw was worse.
It was Nikki Borden. Twenty-two years old. Bouncy. Bubbly. Blond. Built like Barbie, thanks to Nikki’s campaign of personal starvation and the assistance of breast implants and lip injections. She was definitely a beautiful girl by most male standards, and Imogen knew Nikki worked hard to maintain her appearance. Unfortunately, it seemed to be at the expense of nurturing her mind. The few times Imogen had tried to have a conversation with Nikki, she had been left wondering if there were residual effects of the excessive use of hair dye because there was a whole lot of nothing going on in that girl’s head.
None of which would bother Imogen, per se, except that Nikki was dating Ty McCordle, the stock car driver Imogen had an inexplicable attraction to.
“Don’t turn around,” Tamara said to Imogen, horrified. “She’ll see us!”
“Damn,” Suzanne said. “Too late.”
Nikki was waving to them with a big smile, and Imogen stifled a groan. She did not want to spend her time at the racetrack trying to make small talk with Nikki, and it was her fault they were going to have to do the polite. She should have just run and asked questions later, but that wasn’t her personality. She always had to know what was going on, and it was highly likely her curiosity would be the death of her someday. Today it was going to result in fending insults from Nikki, who seemed to think it was her duty in the name of friendship to inform Imogen of all her physical flaws.
“Hi!” Nikki said, making record time over to them despite her high heels. “Where are you guys going? I’ll go with you.”
“We have passes to sit in the boxes,” Suzanne said. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure we can get you into the restricted area.”
Suzanne didn’t look the least bit sorry, and Imogen almost felt bad for Nikki, who clearly was hanging around the track by herself. Imogen knew what it was like to always be the loner.
“Oh, I have a pass, too,” Nikki said, pulling a piece of paper out of her giant purple handbag. She grinned. “I guess having sex with a race car driver ought to get you something, right?”
Ugh. Imogen had known that Nikki was having sex with Ty—she had to be. It wasn’t like Nikki was the kind of girl who could cook a man a meal, discuss politics or racing with him, or even be considered a candidate for bearing his future children. Nikki was a booty call, if Imogen understood the definition of the term correctly. But to know it and to hear it out loud were two different things entirely.
“I guess that I’d rather get an orgasm out of sex than a paper pass, but that’s just me,” Suzanne said.
Imogen had to concur with that. She would really like to have an orgasm at the hands of a race car driver.
race car driver. Ty. Sexy, laid-back, always wearing a grin Ty. Who was instead giving Nikki orgasms and track passes.

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