Love vs. Payne (23 page)

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Authors: Z. Stefani

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Love vs. Payne
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Gia opened her mouth to speak, but he grabbed her cheeks and pulled her mouth to his for a kiss. This time when their lips touched a tempestuous current sparked through their mouths and pulled them closer together. He kissed her as deeply as he possibly could, holding her even tighter and crushing her to his strong body. They kissed for what seemed like hours, so lost in each other that the world around them ceased to exist. Finally, he pulled back, still holding her face and still amazed that she was there with him. She breathed deeply, bringing the air back in to her lungs. He looked at her, her eyes were filled with tears and he vowed never to allow her to be sad again.


"You better never leave me again." he said, his voice deep and demanding, his eyes dead serious despite the pain shining through.


"Never." she shook her head, tears rolling from her eyes.


"I don't care how scared you are, know that I will always protect you, nothing can ever hurt you again." he pulled her back into his embrace, holding her tightly. That was all it took, once her head hit his chest she was letting out all of her frustration, loneliness, fear and emotion, crying like a child.


Alice and Gwen sat face forward, their own tears had started falling the minute Gia's began to fall. They stifled their sniffles, a travel sized container of tissues between them as they silently listened to the lovers' reunion.




The brawl ended directly after Maddox took off in the police car. Security escorted Victor and Trent Love off the premises, with a threat of jail time if they returned. The police officers were ready to go and chase down Maddox, but their boss Samuel Jacobs, the main man in charge at the precinct, ordered them to wait for his command.


Xavier watched as Samuel Jacobs walked up the front yard to stand before him.


"Mrs. Payne." he smiled, lifting his hat as he nodded towards Beatrix, who nodded in return. "Xavier, I have a damaged car, a stolen car and injured officers." he shook his head, "I expect this from Jaxon, but Maddox?"


"The car will be returned, all damages will be paid for by me and now you have 2 brand new cars, as well as a hefty donation." he said and Samuel nodded. Xavier turned to leave, wrapping his arm around Beatrix before he turned back towards Sam, "this incident disappears."


"What incident." he said with a smile and turned around. Sam was happy, every time one of the Payne boys got in trouble, his pockets got fat and the police department benefited. Jaxon Payne’s actions alone had built the entire second floor of the police station.




When Gia and Maddox arrived at 'The Paradise', they were not entirely surprised that Pascal had been expecting them. Pascal took them back to the room they had been in last time they were guests. Pascal bid them a good night before taking his leave, smiling at the reunited couple as he closed the door behind him.


Gia stood before Maddox and their eyes locked intimately, he pulled her tank top over her protruding belly, his large hands under the material as he slid it up. She lifted her arms, his hands exploring her bare skin and sending a tingle up her spine. She felt a wave of cool air as he slid the shirt over her head, the material breaking their eye contact for a second longer then they preferred. Then she stood before him as his eyes brought the warmth back into her soul.


He felt a sense of pride he had never experienced in his life as he looked at the girl standing before him. The very girl he was ready to fight the world for and the girl he had told his family to fuck off for was finally his. Not only had she returned to him, but she also had his baby nestled deep inside of her.


He looked down at her in awe, her body had changed and he knew he was part of the reason for it, her breasts were very full and her belly was round. She was a lot thinner then she had been, which he knew could not be healthy for her and he worried what conditions she had been living in.


He went to his knees before her, his shaky hands going to the smooth skin of her firm belly. He trailed kisses down it, his hands rubbing the tight round bulge as he slipped her sweat pants down her full hips. He helped her step out of her pants before he stood back up, his eyes relocked on hers.


"I didn't think it was possible that I could love you anymore than I did. Then I hated you when I thought you had betrayed me -"


betray you." the tears fell unabashedly from her eyes.


"No you didn't, you were scared."


"I'm not scared anymore."


"I realized that when you slapped your father." he grinned still surprised by her actions.


"I’ll slap anyone who gets between us." she said sincerely and he pulled her even closer, kissing her soft lips.


"No one will ever get between us," he whispered against her lips, "never again."


He trailed kisses down her neck, then across her breasts, loving how much larger they had gotten. He kissed around her tightening nipple, feeling her squirm before he grinned and took the peak deep into his mouth. She moaned and he wrapped his arm around her to hold her up as he increased the pressure. He lifted her up then carried her to the bed, lying her down carefully. He lay beside her, propped up on one elbow as he looked at her.


"I really missed you." he said dipping his head to kiss her lips, trailing his hand down her body to slide between her legs. She moaned into their kiss as his fingers skillfully brought her to a quick climax.


Maddox watched her body as she came, then sliding between her shaky legs, he kissed her again as he slowly slid his manhood inside of her. It was his turn to groan, she felt like home to him and he was exactly where he wanted to be, deep inside of her.


He gently pushed his hips forward, watching her face to make sure he did not hurt her. He was relieved when she moaned and then rolled her hips invitingly underneath him. He kept her pace, sliding inside of her slowly, inching more and more in with each new stroke.


She cried out as she felt it begin to stir inside, she arched her back and thrust her breasts forward. Maddox took her nipple into his mouth then slid his hand between them finding her clit already firm and ready for his fingers. She yelled his name as the orgasm rocked through her body and Maddox held her tightly. Witnessing her sensual movements during her climax had set him off and he was coming deep inside of her.




"Are you happy?" Beatrix yelled as she pointed accusingly at her husband, "You did this! Now my son and my unborn grandchild are gone!"


“I know.” Xavier was a brute, but he knew when he was wrong.


"You've let this war go on for too long Xavier!" she raged and he nodded his head agreeably. She was right after all, it was his fault and he was miserable about the whole thing.


“I know.” was all he could say.


"You fix this now!" she warned him.


He loved his wife with everything inside of him and despite his ever-changing, foul moods, she had loved him just as much. He had seen her angry before and had felt the brunt of it on occasion, but he had never seen her like this.


"I'm sorry." he said the words he had never said before, words that he swore would dissolve his tongue if ever spoken, and he said them whole-heartedly.


"Sorry is not good enough." she said even though she was momentarily stunned to hear him actually say the words. "My son loves this girl enough to leave us
! I am not going to let that happen and you are going to do
in your power to prevent it, Xavier Payne!" she snapped then stormed out of the room.




They sat facing each other on the enormous bed, Maddox held up the red bow.


"This is the dare of all dares Gia, the dare that wins the game." he said looking into her eyes.


"Dare me." she grinned, opening her hand to take the bow.


"Marry me." he said, instead of dropping the bow in her hand, he untied it for the first time. He then turned her hand over and tied the bow around her finger, over top of the ring his mother had given him.


"Are you doing this because you want to or because you think it's the honorable thing to do?" she asked her hand going to her belly, "If you marry me for the wrong reason, you'll hate me in the end, when it's just us and a baby, but none of your family.”


"I don't think you understand, I meant what I said before you left," he took her hand back in his, "I don't need anyone else but you." he said with all of his love written over his face. "So let’s get married, let’s start our own family, no feuds, no hate, just us and lots more babies." he smiled, pulling her to him.


"Yes," she nodded her head, tears rolling from her eyes, "that's what I want, a big family."


“And I am going to give it to you.” He smiled then leaned in to kiss her, and kiss her he did. He kissed her as if it was the first time he had ever kissed her, he kissed her for all the months he was starved for her, he kissed her until he thought they would both swoon from lack of oxygen and then he kissed her some more.




Victor could not sleep, he was overcome with guilt.


He was a monster.


What had he become? He was not always like this, he had a heart once. He had loved once, so long ago and he had been loved in return.


He was confused, half of him was angry with her for having their enemy's baby, but the other half wanted to hold her. He wanted to tell her how sorry he was for being such a bad father and how wrong he had been. He knew he had gone too far this time, he had crossed the line by slapping her. No matter what, he had no right to put his hands on her. His wife would be so disappointed in him for treating her beloved daughter so cruelly.


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