Love Unbound (6 page)

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Authors: Angela Castle

BOOK: Love Unbound
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He knew how close her
climax was. He could feel her muscles throbbing and rippling around his cock,
while he edged deeper.

He reached around her
and stroked her clit, burying himself in her warmth. She moaned and he held
himself still, giving her time to adjust to his presence.

He felt the rhythmic
contractions of her body intensify, as he began to thrust slowly. She whimpered
when his hand stroked her pussy. He knew she was close. Ready.

"Come for me,
blue jay,
” he
said softly, thrusting deep, his own
need to come taking over. He felt her control break, felt her body contracting
around his, even as his own climax hovered, just out of reach. It was so good,
the tension, which encompassed him, driving him towards release.

His fingers lightly
strummed her clit, pushing her closer and closer to the edge. He felt her
orgasm crash over her, the contractions squeezing his cock, pushing him ever
closer to the edge.

He felt her climax
crash and rise again, his fingers continuing to stroke her clit. The sensation
of her body clasping his finally pushed him over the edge, as she reached the
summit of her second orgasm.

He could feel the contractions of her ass's
grip on his cock tightening, its pressure intensifying with each spasm.

"Come with me,
blue jay. Come now,” he said and thrust deeply, burying his
deep inside her, claiming her completely, feeling her control shatter

His body absorbed her
contractions, even as his own orgasmic contractions merged with hers. Pleasure
ricocheted through him in waves of color and light. It was beauty and joy,
pleasure and light, love and dominance, power and control, giving and taking.
It was everything he wanted. Everything he needed. It was more.

Her scream of
pleasure, while she yielded all control and existed for a time in the pure
bliss he built for her, made him feel possessive, powerful and protective.

As he began the slow
descent to earth, he realized he was curled over Jay’s back, his cock still
buried inside her, but softening now that the storm of passion had passed. He
stroked her back, her hair, her neck, loving her, caring only that she was
okay, that she was as happy and as sated as he was.

“Will you accept my
collar, Jay?” he whispered against her neck. To hell with a six-month trial, he
wanted to own her.

“Yes, Master.”



Chapter Six


“Stop fiddling with that. You’ll get used
to wearing it. Besides, these are only for around the house.”

Ryan tugged at the collar he always wore.
It was a thin, black band with a silver B in the center, looking more like a
trendy, Goth necklace than a mark of ownership.

Her stomach churned from guilt and worry.
“I’m not feeling well. This whole thing is making me feel sick inside, not that
I don’t love being with you and Brendon.”

Ryan raised an eyebrow. “You think I
don’t feel the same?”

“Oh god no, I don’t like lying. Damn it,
I shouldn’t have accepted this. When he finds out what we’ve been up to, he’ll
hate me. I don’t think I could take that, especially as you’re … you’re…” Tears
blurred her vision, sliding down her cheeks.

Jay, it’s
okay.” Ryan moved to pull her into his arms. She shoved at his chest, making
him stumble back a foot.

“No, it’s not okay, and I’m tired of you
pretending that it is. You tell him tonight or I will.”

“Tell me

She spun around so fast at Brendon’s
voice she almost fell over. Ryan gripped her arm, steadying her.

Brendon’s angry glare shifted from her to
Ryan. Ryan’s hand fell away, as he straightened his back, his posture far from
submissive. In that moment, Jay knew Ryan had no choice, but to tell Brendon.

“I’ll go now.” She moved to leave, but
Ryan grabbed her.

“No,” both men snapped.

“If you’re a part of whatever this is,
then you’ll stay.” Usually Brendon’s deep, authoritative tone made her melt and
her skin tingle, but today it only brought a sense of dread.

She pulled away from Ryan, choosing a
chair in the far corner of the living room.

“You two have been conspiring something
for some time. I’m not blind. I was hoping you’d tell me, instead of me having
to force it out of you.”

“It’s not what you may think. You’ll want
to sit down, Brendon.”


At the use of his name, Brendon knew
whatever it was Ryan had to tell him was serious. He shook his head, clasping
his hands behind his back,

“I’ll stay where I am. Go ahead.”

He watched Ryan suck in a deep breath.
Brendon glanced over to Jay’s pale, tear-streaked face.

“As you wish.
You know I’ve been having headaches for a while now.”

He wasn't concerned whether Ryan or Jay
had done anything wrong, but he had been concerned about Ryan's health for some

Brendon knew Ryan loved him, unreservedly.
He had been unfalteringly loyal these past four years. The fact that Jay was
involved, had him worried; the pair had been friends for a long time, longer
than Brendon had known Ryan.

"There is no easy way to tell you
this, so I'm just going to say it. I have a brain tumor;
terminal and I’m going to die. Not right away, but soon enough."

Brendon laughed. "You have got to be
kidding me. This is some kind of joke, right?"

Ryan shook his head, no trace of humor in
his hazel eyes. Brendon’s stomach started to knot and he glanced over at Jay,
tears now streaming down her face. Slowly, it began to sink in that Ryan was
telling him the truth.

"How long have you known? How long
has this been going on and why the hell haven't you told me before?" Anger
curled through Brendon's body. Such a secret shouldn't have been kept from him;
he felt shocked and betrayed by those he loved.

"I have known for three months now.
I have been seen by some of the best medical experts in
—the tumor is inoperable." Ryan
took a step towards him, his eyes pools of sorrow, reflecting Brendon’s own
feelings. "I’ve been trying to get my affairs in order, before I go, and I
want Jay here and made her promise to be here for you."

Brendon swallowed hard. His fist clenched
and unclenched
, as
he struggled to comprehend what Ryan was telling him.

"How … how long do you have?"

"The doctors told me around three
more months. Please understand
it wasn't because I
didn't want to tell you. I want you to believe me. I just wanted everything to
be perfect, before I did. I want Jay here, in your life."

"Do you think she could ever replace
you?" Brendon lifted a shaky hand, pointing it accusingly at Jay.
"She is nothing like you! She will never be anything like you! Damn it,
Ryan, why didn’t you just tell me, instead of coming up with some harebrained

Instantly Brendon regretted his words,
seeing the hurt and pain in Ryan’s eyes.

"Brendon, please, it is nothing like
that. Jay is not a replacement for me. She is another part of your life, as she
is mine. I want you to love her, just a much as I do."

Brendon had never heard Ryan raise his
voice before. The Dom inside him wanted to fight, dominate and control. But the
man in him wanted to scream at the injustice of it all. He needed to fix this,
fix Ryan. He pulled out his phone.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m calling my doctors; I’ll be damned
if I’m going to let you go without a fight.”

Ryan moved in, placing his hand over the
phone. “I’ve seen every doctor there is to see. You have to believe me, there
is nothing they can do. And, it’s
I’m at peace
with that. I don’t expect you to accept it, right now, but you need to soon,
for my sake.”

Brendon dropped the phone, grabbing his
beautiful boy, pulling him into a tight embrace, “I’m not going to let you go,
I’m not! We’re going to fight this.”

Ryan simply gave him a sad smile. In
their moment of distraction, Jay slipped from the room. Brendon only noticed
when he heard the soft snick of the door.

Ryan tugged free of his grasp, moving to
go after her. “Jay!”

“Let her go. We need to have a talk.”
Brendon gripped his arm.

Ryan shook his head, glaring at him,
shaking off his hand. “You still don’t get it. She’s just as much a part of my
life, as she is yours now. And you’re a blind fool if you don’t see it.” Ryan
walked out on him.

What the hell? Never had he lost control
over his life, let alone his subs. He’d opened up the perfect life he’d built
around Ryan and himself to Jay, only to find it built on sand, which was now being
washed away under his feet, and there wasn’t a bloody thing he could do about


Brendon sat through every doctor’s
explanation of why Ryan’s would die. The specialist in neurosurgery grimly
assured Brendon, if they tried to remove it, Ryan would die on the table,
anyway. His mind dulled with emotions of helplessness gripping him, making him
feel cold, detached. Ryan stayed with him, quiet, serene, patiently waiting for
him to come to terms with the truth.

“Three months, give or take?”

“I’ve talked to my family; my mother
didn’t take the news very well, and you know Dad has disowned me—you and Jay
are my family.”

Brendon jolted at Jay’s name.

“Please don’t be angry at her. She only
did this for me, and she cares deeply for you.”

Brendon wanted to hate her, wanted to
hate the world and tear it apart. Brendon drew in a shaky breath, trying to
bring his rage under control.

“Do you wish me to release you as my

Ryan’s face fell. Brendon’s heart
shattered, seeing the pain in his lover’s eyes.

“I don’t. I committed to you for life,
but now I don’t have much of it left. I will understand and accept it, if you
no longer wish to be my master.” Ryan’s quiet voice only made him feel more
like a bastard.

“God, no, pet.” He pulled Ryan into his
arms, claiming his mouth with a hard kiss. Ryan’s body molded against his.
Brendon ran his hand over his face, not knowing what to do, having to deal with
so many intense, conflicting emotions. Brendon needed an outlet. He needed to
hit, break or fuck something—rough and hard.

He pulled away from Ryan. Brendon
couldn’t subject Ryan to any more rough treatment. He needed to treat him with
more tender care.

“Go rest, Ryan. I need some time to
process all this.”

He could see the disappointment flashing
in Ryan’s eyes before he turned away, moving past him, slowly taking the stairs
towards their bedroom.

He paced for a moment, trying to clear
his head, the words of the doctors echoing, making him want to scream in
frustration. He walked out, wanting to follow Ryan upstairs, crawl into bed
with him and hold him in his arms, but couldn’t risk it until he brought his
inner rage under control. What he needed was to get out of the house and get a
stiff drink. Snatching the keys from the side table, he headed for the front


A thumping jolted Jay from her dreamless
What the heck?
She glanced
over at the red glowing lights of her nightstand clock, two in the morning.

She stumbled out of bed, switching on the
light as the pounding at her door continued. She walked through on wobbly legs
and peered through the peephole to see Brendon, leaning against the doorframe,
raising his fist to thump again.

She quickly unlocked the bolt and swung
it inward, before the fist could land again and wake her neighbors.


His bloodshot gaze ran down the length of
her body, taking in her plain, grey cotton nightgown. She gasped when he
grabbed her arms, pushed her backward and slammed the door shut, pushing her
roughly up against it. His clothes reeked of cigarettes; she could smell the
whisky on his breath.

“Brendon? What happened to Master? If I
remember correctly, I collared you. You belong to me.” Despite the alcohol, he
didn’t sound drunk.

Jay’s body flared to life. She trembled,
her mind clouded in confusion. Still, she felt the need to lower her eyes, to
submit. “I … I thought you didn’t want me, after … y … you needed time with

“I’ve been with Ryan all day. I needed
time away… I needed something else. I … look at me, damn it!”

Her eyes snapped to his. She gasped at
his intense, brown gaze, ablaze with rage and burning desire. Her lower stomach
clenched, and her clit pulsed.

“Master, I never meant to come between
you and Ryan. I’m sorry, he insisted and I … I—”

“Couldn’t say no?”

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