Love Unbound (4 page)

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Authors: Angela Castle

BOOK: Love Unbound
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She groaned, and
Brendon swallowed her cry with his mouth. Slow and easy, he pushed his tongue
between her lips and devoured her mouth, while he remained at her entrance,
only rubbing her. She was certain she was going to combust or
into a thousand pieces, before he ever stopped

He grabbed two
handfuls of her hair and pulled. Another sharp sting of pain, this one more
intense, coursed through her, giving her a thrill she couldn’t get enough of.

It was in that instant
that Brendon surged inside her to the hilt. She cried out at the next
mind-blowing combination of pain and pleasure, as her body stretched to
accommodate him.

This was what she

To be taken. To be
tied and helpless so he could do whatever he wanted. Not what she wanted. To be
forced to endure, to accept, to enjoy everything he wanted her to.

“Good god … Jay!” His
fingers dug into her hips and pressed her into the mattress.

She groaned against
Brendon’s mouth. At the same time, she swiveled her hips and contracted her
vaginal muscles around him.


Already on the edge
from playing with Jay, Brendon knew he couldn’t hold out much longer. He
pounded ruthlessly into her, over and over. His balls tightened, and cum boiled
hot and ready for an orgasm he knew would blow his mind.

“Come, Jay. Come now!”
he commanded.

Brendon shuddered and
shouted, “Oh god, blue jay!” as he lost the fight.

When Jay’s orgasm hit,
her screams echoed off the walls. Her eyes rolled back and her face turned
serene. The beauty of her pleasure consumed him.

Slowly he pulled from
Jay, removed the condom and threw it in the trash. Together, they sank to the
bed, limp and exhausted. Physically, Brendon was spent.

He reached for her
bound wrists and quickly untied them. The skin was red and slightly chafed. She
might have some faint marks the next day, but nothing beyond that. For a few minutes,
he massaged the tender area, easing the blood flow back to normal. Reluctantly,
he released her hands, and Jay curled into his embrace, the heat from her body
seeping into his weary frame.

Brendon stroked the
side of Jay’s face, tucking her hair behind her ear. Her eyelids fluttered, but
she kept them closed. He sensed she was hovering on the edge of consciousness
and deep sleep.

Damn. It was hard not
to think about wanting to keep her, how greedy he was to think about two little
subs under his command. Christ, he’d need to start taking Viagra to keep up
with his two imps. Still, the knowing smile spread over his face.

He’d had but a taste
of Jay’s submission and he wanted more.

Life was damn, fucking



Chapter Four


Brendon glanced up at
Ryan, who hesitated at the kitchen door.

Brendon hooked his finger
at him. Immediately Ryan went through and knelt at Brendon’s feet.

“Did you like your
gift, Master?” There was an element of concern in Ryan’s expression.

“She is exquisite,
thank you.” He leant forward and Ryan eagerly accepted his Master’s kiss.

“Where is she?” Ryan
kept his gaze steady.

“I took her home to
sleep. The session was intense for her first time, but I was very impressed.”
Thinking about both his subs together had him hard again.

“So, you’re going to
keep her?” Ryan’s gaze was expectant, as a child who had brought home a puppy
and was begging his parents to let him keep it.

“I think one collared
sub, under my roof, is enough trouble, don’t you think?”

“But you want to,
don’t you? I know I’m not enough for you; I knew Jay would meet your needs,

He studied Ryan’s face
and could see he was eager for this. There was not an ounce of jealousy or

“You’ve been enough
for me, for years, pet.”

“Jay’s special. You
really want to let her get away? What if another Dom sees her potential and
snaps her up?” He almost sounded urgent.

Brendon smiled. “You
really want to share me with another sub?”

Ryan nodded. “It’s not
sharing, Master, more a belonging. I think Jay needs you as much as you need
her.” Brendon already had a suspicion that Ryan knew he wouldn’t say no. He had
a taste of Ryan’s sweet, young friend. She was smart, beautiful and a perfect
complement to what he had with Ryan.

Ryan also seemed to know
Brendon wouldn’t let anyone else take her.

“Make sure she’s here
tomorrow evening. I enjoyed her, and it was intense for Jay. You’d best have
her around for dinner, before I go any further. You did well educating her, but
women need a different kind of training.”

triumphant smile, made Brendon chuckle.

“Thank you, Master.
You won’t regret it.”

“I may not, but you
may, pet.
Dungeon, now.
I am damn hard, and I want you
bent over the horse.”

Ryan was off his knees
and quickly headed down the hallway, stripping off as he went.


Jay was daydreaming
again, and she’d wrongly filed her fifth book.

“Earth to Jay, hello?”

Emma was waving her
hand in front of Jay’s face. “What’s wrong with you today?” Jay blinked,
feeling the heat rise into her cheeks.

“Good gracious, it’s a
man, isn’t it? Who are you mooning over this time?”

Jay looked down at the
books in her hand and set them down on the re-shelving trolley. “I’m not
mooning, just remembering.”

have been a hot date last night.
I thought you were going out with Ryan.”

It was more than
hot—intense, wonderful, Jay had no idea sex could be like that, that she could
be so aroused by being tied up, made to beg for her release. Once she came, her
orgasm had been mind blowing, life altering.

What amazed her was
how tender Brendon was afterward. He’d soothed her down and he’d actually
carried her up to his bedroom to rest. She had always loved Ryan, but she was
in great danger of falling madly in love with Ryan’s master. But that had been
his design, a new sub for his Master—her.

“Yes and no.” She
glanced down to a book in her hand, re-checking the spine-label, before moving
off to find the right shelf in the library.

“Hang on a
you can’t leave me hanging like that.” Emma followed.
“I’ve never known you to be so vague.”

Jay slid another book
onto the shelf, before glancing down at the one in her hand. “It wasn’t a date.
I was just keeping a promise. I really don’t want to talk about it.” Or how her
body still throbbed from Brendon’s touch, her skin slightly sore from his nipping
teeth and how she craved to do it again.

“Okay fine.” Emma gave
her an offended glare, swiveling around on her heals, walking away in a huff.

Emma already
forgotten, Jay pondered over her reactions to last night’s session.

a natural little sub, blue jay.
words echoed in her head. Everything she knew about
was from Ryan and what he told her about Brendon. It had
confused her at first, her friend’s choice to go into the lifestyle. But the
love and devotion she saw in her friend’s eyes made her both happy and envious.

She wanted a little
slice of the happiness she saw on her friend’s face. Now, it was all crumbling
apart in their hands.

“There’s the new
little sub.”

Jay swung around in
horror and Ryan caught the books before they thumped loudly to the ground. He
had a shit-eating grin on his face.

“We did it, or I
should say you did it. You made Master very happy.”

Jay let out a relived
breath, before setting down the books and hugging him tightly. “I only did what
you taught me. It wasn’t anything like I expected.”

“It never is, but he
wants you to come for dinner this evening—think you’ll be recovered by then?”
He smirked, tugging at the scarf on her neck.

Jay shoved his hand
away. “You sure it’s okay? About what he … we did.”

“Oh just say it, he
fucked you. And, by the looks of it, properly too; you’ve been
to get laid for a long time. So don’t start with any
guilt trips. We’ve been over this a hundred times. I am in no way jealous.”

“So, when are you
going to tell him your news?”

Her heart ached as
Ryan’s face fell, and his eyes dulled over slightly. She gently squeezed his

“Once we’ve got you
settled, then I will.”

“It’s not fair to
Brendon. He needs to know, to prepare as well.” She swallowed down her
heart-sized lump in her throat. Ryan didn’t need to see her tears.

“I know. I can see it
in his eyes. He wants to keep you, but he needs to work out the control
dynamics, before he fully commits.”

I’m trusting
you on this. He won’t like the fact you’re
lying to him.”

“Master is sharp. He’ll
soon figure out something is else is up, other than you. I’ll know when the
time is right.”

Jay nodded. Damn, why
did it have to be so hard? Why did she have to accept that her very best friend
would not always be there for her? It wasn’t fair; she wanted to rage against
every God at the injustice of it.

“C’mon, take me to
lunch. Your smiles always make me feel better.”

Jay let her lips curl
up, giving him her best loving smile, which wasn’t hard. How did he always make
her feel better? “They’re yours for as long as you need them.”

the end of my days.”


Delicious smells
wafted from the kitchen, making Brendon’s stomach growl with hunger. Ryan was
going to extra lengths for a special dinner. Slowly, he came down the stairs, Fridays being the best days of the
week, as neither of them needed to work. Although Brendon could support them
both, Ryan loved his job as a part-time veterinarian’s assistant.

Brendon quietly leaned
against the doorframe, watching Ryan move fluidly around the kitchen, setting
everything up, lighting candles and checking his favorite dish of beef

Brendon frowned when
he saw Ryan pause to rub his temple in obvious discomfort. Ryan reached up to
the medicine cabinet and pulled out a box of over the counter pain pills.
Ryan’s hands trembled as he hastily popped the pills from their packet,
swallowing them down with a swig of wine.


Ryan startled, swung
around as guilt flushed his face. Brendon raised a curious eyebrow.

“Yes, sorry, I don’t
want to spoil this evening, Master. It’s nothing to worry about. The
will help.”

Ryan diverted his
gaze, moving to stir the pot on the stove. Concerned for Ryan’s health, Brendon
moved in and laid his hand over Ryan’s forehead. It hadn’t escaped his notice
that Ryan’s headaches had increased over the past month.

“You’re running hot. Are
you okay?”

“Yes, Master, maybe
the start of a little cold, but I’m fine. I’m more worried about tonight and

Brendon knew he should
push the subject. “If you don’t feel any better by morning, I want you to see a
doctor.” His tone gave no leeway for argument.

Ryan turned and looked
him, directly in his eyes. “Yes, Master.”

Ryan poured him a
glass of wine and Brendon took it from his hands, before sitting down.

“What made you hatch
this little plan with Jay?” Brendon sipped the smooth burgundy liquid, enjoying
the full-bodied aroma, as it ran over his tongue.

“She’s been unhappy
for such a long time. It didn’t seem fair to rub what we have in her face, all
the time, although she would never admit to it.”

“I did notice her
self-image issue. I’ll never understand why beauties, like her, can feel so

“Not entirely her
fault. Her family is no help, when it comes to her self-esteem; her mother
bitches constantly about her weight, and Jay has two younger, thinner sisters.
Both of whom her mother dotes on.”

“She mentioned a
boyfriend, a while back?”

“Asshole, Ben.” Ryan
shook his shaggy sandy-brown mane.


“He tore her heart
out, brought her so fu—so low.”

Brendon smiled, Ryan
remembering not to swear for a second time.

“Jay is beautiful
inside and out, but she needs someone, other than me, to help her see that. Not
to mention, she is even more submissive than me.”

Brendon saw the ghost
of a smile on Ryan’s face, as he bent to pull out the scalloped potatoes.

why me?
I know you know a few
who would take her, train
her, help her to shine.” Not that Brendon wanted to let her go now.

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