Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 (81 page)

Read Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 Online

Authors: Michelle Mankin

Tags: #The Brutal Strength Shakespeare Inspired Series

BOOK: Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3
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The feel of her warm hands skimming over his naked flesh. Coming apart together in each other’s arms.

The contentment he felt in her presence.

They had moved too fast.


had moved too fast.

Too fast to have fully appreciated the value of the woman he’d had and now lost.

His hands gripped the cold steel rail in front of him. He stared out into the dark night. Heaviness descended over his thoughts like a wall cloud as he contemplated a future without her.




“PLEASE?” AVERY BEGGED. “Just one more time?”

“Are you sure you can take it?” Bryan asked.

“Man up,” she told him.

“Ok, but this is the last time.” Bryan crossed his stretched out legs at the ankles and hit reset.

“Thanks.” She gripped the controller tightly in her hands and focused on the screen.

“Ugh! Enough already,” Warren groaned from his seat on the couch across from them. “If I have to listen to Rainbow Road music one more time I’m gonna throw myself off the bus into oncoming traffic.”

“Promise?” Bryan deadpanned without looking away from the flat screen TV.

Concentrating, the tip of her tongue between her lips, controller extended in front of her, Avery leaned suddenly to the side, trying to keep her avatar from sliding off the elevated Mario Kart track.

“You’re falling behind again.” Bryan glanced at her and smiled.

“Not for long.” She lobbed a red shell at him and slid past his vehicle, making her Koopa character wave tauntingly.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Bryan said, leaning forward. “I’ve got a star.”

“Crap.” Avery moved forward to the edge of the leather couch, gaze locked on the finish line. She was almost there when suddenly Bryan’s cart, sparkling with gold immunity, bumped into hers and knocked it off into space. The screen changed to show his characters celebrating with the trophy. He’d beaten her again. “Bastard,” she muttered, pursing her lips.

“Mmm. Bring those closer, Red. I think after beating you… fifteen times, I deserve a victory kiss,” Bryan drawled.

“Oh no, let’s don’t,” War said mockingly, glancing at them over the top of his Playboy magazine. “I’m starving and I don’t want to lose my appetite.” He pulled out his cell. “What are you guys in the mood for?”

“I could go for a burger,” Bryan told him.

“Sounds good,” War agreed, throwing his magazine down on the table. “And I wanna get laid.”

“Sheesh, man,” Bryan hissed, inclining his head at Avery.

“What?” War shrugged, giving her a pointed look. “She’s no blushing virgin. She’s been shacking up with Marcus Anthony, for fuck sake.”

“Shut up!” Bryan leapt to his feet and grabbed a fistful of War’s t-shirt.

“Get your hands off me, dude,” War warned, lowering his voice. “You should never have brought her on the bus with us. I told you before. Nothing good’s going to come of this.”

“War’s right, Bryan.” Avery set her controller down on the beige leather and stood. “I shouldn’t have come.” Her voice warbled. “I couldn’t stomach being on that plane, but it’s not my place to be here either. I should have booked a commercial flight to Phoenix.”

“It’s alright, Avery,” War interrupted, shrugging out of Bryan’s hold. “I’m sorry. I’m just hungry and irritable. I’ll check with the guys in the back, and we’ll decide on a place to eat.”

“I’m sorry he said those things to you,” Bryan apologized when War was out of earshot. “He’s got no regulator on his mouth.”

“It’s ok,” she said, glancing away. “I was so focused on getting away from Marcus, I didn’t think about how my being here might make things awkward for you.”

“It’s not.” He turned her face back toward his. “I like having you here. We were having a good time until a couple of minutes ago, right?” he whispered, sifting his fingers through her hair.

“Yes.” She sighed.

“Can we just agree to drop it then?”

“Ok, but…” She trailed off, distracted by her cell lighting up with an incoming message. She went to the couch and picked it up. It was a text message from Sam.


FYI. Marcus is PISSED about the bus.

2 bad.

Right…You ok with them?

Yes. Why?

Just checking. CU soon.


“Everything ok?” Bryan asked, watching her face.

She lifted her chin. “Nothing I can’t handle.”

They both glanced up as the pneumatic pocket door to the back slid open and a rumpled Dizzy stumbled in, flopping down on the couch beside them. His white blond hair was all smashed down on one side.

Sager wandered in after him, pulling a brush through his thick dark hair. “Dude,” he said addressing Dizzy, “fix your hair. We’re gonna stop at Hooters. Looking like that you’re gonna scare all the chicks away.”

“Don’t sweat it. I’m chick nip. They don’t give a fuck what my hair looks like, bro. It’s what’s down here,” he grabbed his crotch, “that draws ‘em in.”

Bryan rolled his eyes.

When they pulled into the parking lot at Hooters, there was a crowd of people lined up in front of the restaurant. As they exited the Tempest emblazoned bus, several people held out cells and took pictures.

“Shit. I forgot it’s a Friday night,” Bryan said to Avery.

“Avery Jones,” a guy in a Brutal Strength t-shirt yelled out, walking toward them.

Avery stiffened.

“Fuck,” War mumbled as they watched everyone in the crowd turn to stare. “Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.”

Avery signed the piece of paper the guy handed her and posed for a picture with him. Then she turned to Bryan. “I should have stayed on the bus. Can you give me the key? I’m not really hungry anyway.”

“No way.” Bryan reached for her hand and squeezed. “We’ll just find another place. Come on guys. This place is too crowded.”

Grumbling, they filed back onto the bus. After driving down the road a little further, they found a bar called Nate’s in an industrial section of town. At least, she thought it said Nate’s. With half the lettering missing from the neon sign, it was difficult to be sure.

“This is more like it,” War said to Bryan.

“Yeah,” Dizzy agreed. “Reminds me of Footit’s back home. Our kind of place.”

The adobe building had a sagging porch precariously held up with rustic wood beams and a tin roof. “Yelp says this place has the best burgers in Phoenix,” War declared.

As soon as they stepped inside the hostess informed them it was still happy hour. The guys high fived each other, immediately sold.

She led them to a corner booth. The smoky interior seemed especially dark through the mirrored sunglasses Avery had borrowed from War. She scooted to the middle of the booth after him. Bryan sat on her other side with Dizzy next to him. Across the table, King’s lips quirked up. It was the first time the cut drummer had ever made eye contact with her. At least she thought he did. The glasses made it difficult to be sure.

“She looks better in that scarf than you do, Warren,” King commented.

Avery smiled.

“Definitely,” Bryan agreed, running a finger over the wide swath that lay over her forehead and following the material down to the tail end where the gauzy black material lay over her chest. His knuckle skimmed lightly over the top of her breast.

She sucked in a breath and shifted closer to War, who gave her a puzzled look.

A young waitress in a low cut top and tight jeans came over and took their order. Her gaze moved repeatedly over the group, her eyes eventually widening in recognition. “Hey aren’t you the opening band for Brutal Strength?” she asked.

“Yeah, baby,” Dizzy bragged. “We’re playing tomorrow night at the US Airways Center. Why don’t I help you
the order, and we’ll talk about getting you some good seats for the show.”

“How long did it take him this time?” Sager asked King when Dizzy left with the server.

“Four minutes, thirty-nine seconds.” King smiled, flashing a dimple Avery hadn’t noticed until that point. He was actually kinda cute, she realized belatedly. “Broke Bullet’s record. Pay up,” he told Sager.

“Alright. Alright.” Sager pulled a rumpled five out of his pocket and placed it in King’s outstretched hand. “Shit. Now my per diem’s all shot. Anyone else got some extra cash they can float me for dinner?”

“I’m buying dinner,” Avery insisted, straightening in her seat. “It’s the least I can do as a stowaway. And anyway, I’ve got a tour credit card. Black Cat’s paying.”

“A tour credit card. Fuck me,” War said in an awed tone. “I want one of those.”

“No way, dude,” Bryan told him. “You’d overspend the limit way before the tour was even through.”

Another waitress, less attractive than the first, brought the first round of beers to the table. The boys of Tempest started getting looser and louder by the minute.

Bryan shifted closer to her. Avery felt his hand come to rest on her thigh. Feeling uncomfortable, she sipped on her water, trying to decide what to do about it when Dizzy sauntered back to the table.

“How was she, Diz?” Sager asked.

Bryan made a zip it gesture.

“I mean when’s dinner

Dizzy laughed, taking a seat beside Bryan again. “The food should be here any minute.”

“You’re a man whore,” Sager told Dizzy, rolling his eyes.

“I prefer to think of it as,” Dizzy smiled lasciviously, “a public service.”

The server soon returned with a tray filled with burger baskets. Her shirt was on inside out. After she passed out the order, she whispered something in Dizzy’s ear. Dizzy leaned his elbows on the table and turned his head to the right. “Hey War. Cheryl wants you to know she’s got a friend who likes lead singers. They both get off in five minutes.”

“I’ll get them
alright.” War grinned, looking up from his food. “Where’s the friend?”

“She’s the bartender.” Cheryl pointed to a curvaceous brunette slinging drinks at the crowded bar.

“Fucking fabulous,” War said lifting his beer in her direction.

“See ya in five, baby,” Dizzy told Cheryl, swatting her on the rear. He turned dismissively from her and offered Bryan a cigarette from a pack he produced.

As they lit up, Avery reflected on the dichotomy between the men of the Tempest and Brutal Strength. She wondered if BS had ever been as wild as these guys. She and Marcus had never really talked about it. Had he just been bored with her?

She frowned.

“How’s your burger?” Bryan asked through a smoky exhalation, moving his cigarette to his left hand and throwing his right arm casually around her shoulder.

“Good,” she replied offhandedly, distracted as a band set up on a small stage across the room. Soon they began playing a barely recognizable cover of “Panama.” The bass was way too loud and muddy. The Eddie Van Halen wannabe was just sad.

“Looks like your appetite is back,” Bryan said loudly near her ear.

Taking a look at her basket, Avery was surprised to find that she had eaten most of her burger along with half of the thick cut fries.

War thumped her on the shoulder. “Can you scoot over?” he asked, motioning toward where Dizzy now stood at the head of the booth. “I need to get out.”

“Sure.” She followed Bryan out of the booth, making a way for War to exit.

He and Dizzy threw arms around the bartender when they reached her and the three departed together.

Avery and Bryan returned to their seats. He covered her hand where it rested on the scarred wood table top. “You want dessert?”

“I should ask you.” She laughed. “Remember I’m the one buying.”

“I never pass up on anything sweet,” he teased, wiggling his dark brows.

A completely different waitress brought a slice of cheesecake that Avery and Bryan shared while Sager and King downed more beer.

After a couple of cloying bites, Avery pushed the plate over in front of Bryan. “I’m stuffed. You finish.”

“As you wish.”

She bumped his shoulder, pocketed her card, and signed for the bill. With all the smoke and the pounding bass, her head had started to throb. She rubbed her temples. “Bryan?”

“Huh?” he asked absently.

“I’m going back to the bus. I’m getting a headache.”

“Sure, Red.” He placed his fork down. “I’m finished. I’ll go with you.”

“Thanks,” she sighed.

His hand on the small of her back, they made their way out through the working class jeans and t-shirt crowd. On the porch, Avery shivered, wishing she had brought her coat. She took deep breaths of the smoke free night air as Bryan led her to the bus. Removing her sunglasses, Avery ascended the bus stairs in front of him. She turned the corner and froze in total shock.

War had his jeans down around his ankles, his naked ass exposed, hips pistoning. The totally nude brunette bartender was sandwiched between him and Dizzy.

Cheeks flaming, Avery spun around and ran into Bryan’s chest.

“Shit guys!” he fussed, hauling her behind him. “Did you have to do that out here in the lounge?” He quickly took Avery’s hand and led her back the way they had come.

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