Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 (39 page)

Read Love Rock'ollection: The Brutal Strength Rock Star Trilogy, books 1-3 Online

Authors: Michelle Mankin

Tags: #The Brutal Strength Shakespeare Inspired Series

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“You like vintage Mustangs?” He gave her a bemused smile.

“Love ‘em,” she said in a reverential tone tracing a finger across the signal flare red hood and along the flawless side panel. Before opening the passenger door, she gave him a questioning look. “May I?”

“Absolutely.” He climbed into the driver’s seat and glanced over at her as he put the key in the ignition. She was continuing her tactile exploration of the dash. It turned him on.

“It’s perfect, Chris. Gorgeous. Who did the restoration?”

“I did.” His lips tilted up in amusement. “It’s a hobby of mine. It’s kept me afloat financially after my musical career went into the crapper.”

“Busy in a good way.” She raised an incredulous brow. “Wow, Chris. I’m really impressed. I looked at a couple of these myself. I’ve wanted one for years, but have never been able to justify owning one. I’m never home long enough to give one the attention it deserves.”
Who’d have thought?
Chris kept on surprising her. What else didn’t she know about him?

Fifteen minutes later, she stood in her living room, shaking her head. “I must have lost my ever loving mind,” she mumbled. It was difficult to focus knowing Chris Alex was naked right now and in her shower. The thoughts that raced through her mind…well, they were not PG rated material. She’d sent him in there to get that nasty product out of his hair. But she’d meant for him to stick his head under the faucet and instead he was in there doing a total wash down...
Holy crap!
Starting to feel flushed, she fanned herself with a magazine and went to check the thermostat.

She sucked in an appreciative breath as Chris emerged from the bathroom. He’d put back on his jeans, but he was naked from the waist up and drying his wet hair with a towel. The man was an erotic dream come true. His chest and arms were ripped, every inch sculpted with muscle. That alone would have buckled her. But the shiny mahogany hair that covered his chest was the coup de grace. She closed her eyes, imagining the feel of it against her smooth naked skin.

Chris had gone along with JR’s and Keith’s recommendations tonight, knowing full well that they were setting him up. He’d looked like a rhinestone cowboy on acid, but had decided to use the situation to his advantage. He’d counted on Sara feeling sorry for him and suggesting that he change, and he’d been right. Having had a previous taste of her lips, Chris wanted more and was getting ready to take it. He hadn’t been able to get the pool hall thing out of his mind and had wanted a do- over ever since. Now, here he was in her apartment with her all to himself. He stood completely still, waiting for her to open her eyes.

When she did, she found Chris watching her with a predatory gleam. Effing cat and mouse indeed. An anticipatory chill ran down her spine as he stalked her. Sara cast her gaze around the room, trying to avoid gaping at his naked torso. No use. Pupils dilated, her eyes followed the trail of brown hair down to the point where it tapered and disappeared into the waistband of his low hanging jeans.

Oh, no. Wrong place to look. Look up. Look up.
Icy fire ran through her veins. She licked her lips, and nervously balled up her hands in response to all that sensual raw masculinity. She risked a glance up at his face. His intense focus made it perfectly clear what he was planning to do, and she wanted him to do it.

One side of his mouth curving up suggestively, Chris reached out, wrapped his fingers gently around her elbows, and pulled her into his arms. Her hands came to rest against his chest. Her fingers curled into the silky hair that was just as soft as she’d thought it would be. She shivered.

His brown eyes were warm as they gazed down at her. He raised one hand to trace her jaw line and tipped her chin back. Her eyelids fluttered closed.

Then it happened.

Her whole body came alive at the first touch of his warm lips on hers, the tender way he‘d looked at her the moment before a tantalizing preview of the gentle way he was devouring her lips now. No one had ever kissed her like this. Like he cherished her. Like no man ever had. She had no experience with this. Years and years of carefully erected defenses toppled like dominos from around Sara’s heart.

Chris Alex was a man who knew how to kiss. At the pool hall, it had been her in the driver’s seat. Not even remotely so now. It was all him, showing her, schooling her, seducing her. His lips slowly savored and sipped from hers. When he eventually released her, Sara let out a ragged sigh.

“Sara… I…” he started then stopped.

He looked as stunned as she felt. The remaining hold over her emotions crumbled. Her grey eyes were held captive by his heated gaze. Watching his face, she splayed her hands smoothing them over the contours of his chest. He closed his eyes, his expression ecstatic. His body was heated steel beneath her searching finger tips. Chris began breathing heavily as did she.

Sara continued her exploration, her hands trailing around to his back, over his shoulder blades, and eventually threading her fingers into the thick layers of his damp hair. He opened his eyes then and they were heavily lidded and smoldering. Sara tugged gently on a fistful of his hair, encouraging him to place his lips back on hers.

Chris slanted his head to the side and lowered it, eager to comply with her unspoken request. His lips covered hers again, and he groaned from the sheer pleasure of it. Never had the feel of just a woman’s lips totally unraveled him like this. He was so turned on, his whole body was shaking. He wanted to taste her. His nipped at her bottom lip, coaxing her to open her mouth, and his tongue entered. Stroking gently, he felt the heat of her like a brand, and tasted her unique wild flavor. After that, all rational thought completely scattered and instinct took over. He began exploring her mouth in a primitive pattern as old as time.

When Chris pulled out of the kiss, some indefinable amount of time later, everything had changed for him. Nothing was the same anymore. She was the one for him. He cradled her flushed face in his hands. He wanted more but somehow found the will to refrain. He rested his forehead against hers, rubbing his hand in a soothing pattern on her back.

Sara took a shaky step back from him on legs that embarrassingly wobbled. She was scared to death by the intensity of the way he’d been able to make her feel, from just one kiss.

Chris took an instinctive step toward her. When she backed further out of reach, a puzzled look crossed his face.

She turned away, moving to the opposite side of the room, and stood with her back to him for a moment, needing some space. She lifted an unsteady hand to rub the back of her neck, trying to think.
Don’t let him know how bad he got to me. Play it uber cool
, she told herself, steadying her breathing.

Spying a black t-shirt hanging over the back of the desk chair, she picked it up and turned back around. Face forced into an even mask, she tossed it to him. “Good thing you had this on under that hideous shirt. It’ll give you something to wear back.”

“Ok, Sara,” he said uncertainly, shrugging his shirt back on. “I’ll take you back in a minute, but first there are things that need to be said…”

“What things? We kissed. Shit happens.” Her voice sounded high and panicked even to her own ears.

Chris’ eyes narrowed. Was she going to casually dismiss what had happened between them just now? What the hell was this hot and cold routine? It was starting to piss him off. “Sara…”

“Don’t,” she snapped like a whip. “I can’t do this with you right now… Please Chris, the concert’s starting in fifteen minutes and I need to be there for Sam.”

“Fine.” He gave her a measured look. “For now.”




“COME ON, MAN,” Dwight said impatiently from backstage. “We’re on in less than five minutes.”

JR nodded, bending down to get one more kiss. He whispered something in Sam’s ear before he walked off with Dwight.

Sam’s eyes widened.
She felt like the rug had been pulled out from underneath her. Mouth agape, she watched him jog to catch up to Dwight. The BS bassist clapped him on the back before they walked away side by side. How dare he drop a bombshell like that and not give her a chance to respond? Her hands were actually shaking.

Just before JR stepped on stage, he glanced back at her, giving her a lopsided smile. Oh my goodness, did John Raymond really just say that he was in love with her? “Holy shoot!” she exclaimed as a huge smile spread across her face. Pulling out her cell phone, she ducked behind the velvet curtain and immediately texted her sister.


Need 2 talk ASAP!
Her cell buzzed with an almost instantaneous reply.

ME2! CU after the show.


After her text, Sam left the backstage area and hurried to take her seat. Scooting down the row to take her place, she didn’t miss the disapproving glare Beth shot her way. So she was a little late. The house lights started to dim. Ok, maybe she had cut that a little close. She twisted around, trying to catch a quick glimpse of Sara before the room went completely dark. She spotted her just to the left, only a couple of rows back, taking her seat next to Chris Alex. Sam raised a brow as she saw Chris drape an arm around the back of her sister’s chair. It looked like they had just gotten back. Where had they been all this time? Heck yeah, they needed to talk.

The house lights and stage went completely dark. Then a lone spotlight illuminated JR as he began to lay down a heavy beat. Strobes flashed as Avery stepped out from behind the black curtain to meet Marcus at center stage. He reached for her, but she leaned away, just out of reach. She winked at him and smiled at the audience. The crowd roared their approval. Marcus stepped up to the lead microphone, eyes still on Avery. Suddenly, all the lights came up as Brutal Strength launched into the rocking tune “B Jezebel.”

For Sam, the spotlight stayed on JR. She didn’t notice anyone else. Frenetic yet fluid, he flailed away on the drums like a madman, a modern day Keith Moon. His sticks spun like twin rotor blades on a Chinook helicopter, and his knees pumped up and down, pistons pounding out the rhythm.

Clearly being a drummer is a total body workout
, she mused
No wonder he was so buff
Her lips curved up at the decadent direction of her thoughts. JR’s upper torso was bare, corded with lean muscle, and covered in a sheen of perspiration. His lower body was hidden behind the drums, but she knew that he wore his usual Diesels. Her heart fluttered in her chest as she continued to watch him. She’d never seen anyone attack the drum set with the voracity that he did. He was a master.

Cheers and whistles from the crowd reached a deafening level by the time the band finished with the ballad, “Mother’s Gift.” Beth grabbed Sam’s hand as the audience stood calling for an encore. “Follow me. Now the real work’s about to begin.”

After a couple of hours of back stage smiling, schmoozing, and handing out CD’s and promotional packets to various media representatives, Sam understood what Beth had meant. She flopped back in her chair, exhausted. She had wanted to talk to John all evening, but hadn’t been able to get anywhere near him.

Finally, the crowd started to thin out. Looking up from her table, she noticed that there were only a few people milling around backstage now. Carter Besille, a popular talk show host and a
doll come to life, was across the room interviewing JR. No doubt Marcus had refused to talk to Besille, given their history.

Sam sighed, bummed at having to wait a little longer. She returned her attention to gathering the leftover packets. Suddenly, a hand touched her shoulder. When she glanced up, Danny leaned in and kissed her cheek, lingering an uncomfortable amount of time in her personal space. “Danny,” she sputtered, pulling back reflexively.

“Just wanted to congratulate you on a job well done tonight,” he said, standing there awkwardly and staring.

“Thanks,” she managed.

“No problem. Anyways, see you around I guess.”

As Danny walked away, she noticed JR moving to intercept him. By the look of displeasure on his face it appeared that he had seen the whole thing. The two men exchanged words with JR doing most of the talking. Then Danny shook his head and skulked off. JR turned and approached her table.

“Hey,” he said, smiling his lazy grin. He grabbed her up in his arms and spun her before setting her down on the tabletop.

She smiled shyly up at him.

“Just so you know, you’re mine.” JR played with an errant curl. “I told that misfit to keep his hands and lips off of you.”

“Huh…What? Who?” Sam stammered, distracted by the play of tight muscles rippling across his naked chest. “I can’t think when you have your shirt off, John.”

“Look all you want, baby.” He put his hands in his back pockets and stuck his chest out, making an exaggerated pose. “I’m all yours.”

Her resulting giggle was abruptly stifled when he captured her hands and trapped them against his bare chest. Her heart pounded in a furious rhythm. He tugged her closer, tucked a curl behind her ear, and leaned down. Sam placed her fingers over his lips. “Stop,” she said breathlessly. “Wait. Just a second. I have something to tell you and I’ve been waiting all night to say it.”

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