Love Redesigned (20 page)

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Authors: Jo Iles

BOOK: Love Redesigned
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‘Stop.’ She placed her free hand on his chest. ‘You’ve given me absolutely no indication that you want to rekindle anything seriously with me. In fact, I get the distinct impression all you really want is me as your bit on the side—whenever you fancy something a bit different to Miranda. I deserve more than simply being your mistress, Daniel.’

‘I know,’ he said soothingly, and leaned in to try to kiss her again, clearly not hearing a single word she’d said. He must have thought he could simply bamboozle her with his physicality and caresses, as he always had done in the past, but Holly was having nothing of it.

‘I said,
,’ Holly said, shoving him back more forcefully. ‘It’s too late,’ she added, the weariness now coming through in her voice. ‘We’ve been dancing this dance since you first came to find us. We’re over, Daniel. And have been for a long time. It’s just official now. You’ve moved on. I mean, you’re getting married to Miranda. It’s time I did the same, don’t you think?’

‘If that’s what you want,’ Daniel replied flatly, dropping her arm. ‘See you at the party,’ he added, clearly offended that she’d turned down his pass at her. He opened the door to leave, then turned abruptly.

‘By the way, if Miranda mentions anything, just tell her you were too busy to plan the party,’ Daniel said authoritatively, his amorous tone from a mere moment ago now gone.

‘What party?’ Holly said, looking lost.

‘This party.’

‘But I’m not a party planner,’ Holly said, still confused.

‘That’s what I said. Especially now that you’re some property entrepreneur, soon-to-be mogul,’ Daniel said, not even trying to hide the edge of bitterness in his tone. ‘She wanted me to ask you to do it, but I clearly didn’t, so just play along if it comes up in conversation, okay? Keep the peace.’ And then he was gone. In a grand old Daniel Madison sulk. Harry definitely took after his father in that respect.

Holly quickly got dressed, and felt the urgent need to get out of Daniel’s house and well away from him. She felt shaken by what he’d said to her in the bathroom. What did the man seriously expect her to do? He hadn’t exactly swept her off her feet with a grand declaration of love. He hadn’t said he was going to end things with Miranda and try to win her back. No. Not at all. He’d said he
still liked her
. Holly couldn’t work with just being ‘liked’. She needed more than that. It was all so annoyingly frustrating. Here she was, trying to move on with her life, and Daniel had somehow managed to pull her back so she was betwixt and between, yet again. The words had been hanging there between them. Unsaid. With neither of them brave enough to take a risk by saying them.

Holly returned to the bedroom, folded up the dress as best she could, and shoved it into her huge mummy handbag, along with a pair of strappy gold sandals and a clutch she’d found after a quick rummage in the wardrobe. Glancing quickly around the room, she noticed the bed was now empty. Harry must have gone off with Daniel to do boys things. She quietly left the room and tiptoed her way out of the house. Not wanting another confrontation with Daniel, she even forwent saying goodbye to Harry. He would be fine, she told herself, as she felt for her car keys in the recesses of her bag.

Chapter 2

Holly rushed over to Jake’s house and proceeded to kiss the socks off him as soon as she laid eyes on him. Unfortunately, Jake seemed quite immune to her charms, and was having none of it. Apparently he had some spreadsheet or something or other that was extremely important, and he was working on a tight deadline. Try as she might, he couldn’t be persuaded to take even the teeniest, tiniest break. Holly huffed silently and pretended not to feel the rampant rejection coursing through her veins. So instead, she set about making herself look red-carpet gorgeous. She’d show them both. Jake for not jumping her bones when he had the chance, especially seeing as she’d offered herself up on a plate (how often did something like that actually happen to him?), and Daniel for being such an egotistical, self-centred prick, who insisted on hedging his bets with the women in his life.
Make a fucking decision
, she kept screaming silently in her head.

‘You look nice,’ Jake said as he walked into the bedroom to get ready. That was when Holly knew it wasn’t going to work out with him.
. That wasn’t a word that over three hours of primping and preparation warranted, as far as she was concerned.

‘Thanks,’ Holly replied as sweetly as she could muster, simultaneously swearing off men for all eternity. They were all bloody useless, the lot of them. She had a bone to pick with Chloe the next time she saw her. Jake looked good on paper, and his early appearances had been promising, but he’d well and truly let the side down now.
Oh well
, she sighed to herself, as she made her last minute titivations. She could sort out her love life tomorrow. All she had to focus on now was getting through Daniel and Miranda’s engagement party, which, knowing Miranda, would be a spectacularly over-the-top spectacle that would prove their love for each other.

* * *

Holly and Jake stepped out of their taxi to a house that was positively pulsing with flashing lights and booming with loud music. Miranda had obviously called in the disco for her engagement party. The place was also teeming with people spilling out onto the driveway, none of whom Holly recognised. Holly checked her watch. Yes, they were late. Of course. She’d gone and gotten herself ready nice and early,
on time, but somehow they were still not
time. She blamed Jake for the inordinate amount of time it took him to find a clean shirt. That was three black marks against his name in as many hours.

As they walked through the house, getting their bearings, they both steered clear of the DJ booth in the living room in search of a quieter space. There was no marquee for this party, and Holly felt a tingle of pride that the house was being used to its full party potential. Even if it
very loud. The new downstairs layout really allowed for easy access and circulation for what must have been over a hundred party attendees. Holly led Jake through to the kitchen in search of liquid fortification and smiled on seeing another one of her design elements being well used: the huge kitchen-door-slash-window had been opened up to the terrace, creating another massive entertaining space.

They each grabbed a glass of champagne and wandered out onto the terrace together. Holly noticed the smell of honeysuckle and breathed it in deeply. Despite whose party this was, she was impressed with the house and pleased that it showcased her work. Whoever had organised things had done a great job—and in just a few hours as well. The place looked totally different to how she’d left it earlier that afternoon. Conscious that Jake was doing her a favour, Holly made an effort to play nice and engaged him in what she considered flirty conversation. Now that he was away from his laptop, he finally seemed to be lapping her up. He was paying her compliments left, right, and centre, and continually leaning into her neck. Holly let him have his fun. He didn’t need to know tonight that she’d already decided to give him the boot tomorrow.

‘Holly!’ came a slightly slurred voice from behind.

‘Oh, hi, Stephanie! How are you?’ Holly replied, happy to see her. Their paths had crossed regularly during the renovation, and Holly had really gotten to like the efficient, no-nonsense housekeeper. ‘This is Jake, and Jake, this is Stephanie,’ Holly said, remembering to do the introductions only after a couple of awkward seconds of silence. ‘Are you having fun?’ Holly asked, noticing Stephanie’s nearly empty glass.

‘Yes thanks, it’s marvelous, don’t you think? I think you did a wonderful job with the house, Holly,’ Stephanie rattled off. ‘Much better than how it was before. I must say it is funny being a guest here though. I’d much rather be helping out with the drinks, but Daniel did insist. Now tell me, did you manage to speak to Daniel earlier?’ she asked in a lower voice, touching Holly’s arm.

‘Umm, well I did see him,’ Holly began, not sure what she was referring to, or how much Daniel had told her.

‘I see,’ Stephanie said, her eyes suddenly sharp and alert. ‘That boy is useless when it comes to talking about his feelings. No offense to you, Jake,’ she said throwing him a sympathetic look, ‘but you and Daniel really need to talk. Properly. For your own sakes, but also for that gorgeous little boy.’

‘Speaking of the devil, where is Harry? I’d like to see him before he goes off to bed,’ Holly said, artfully ignoring all of what Stephanie had just relayed and instead looking around the terrace as though her son would suddenly magically appear. It took a second before her eyes returned to Stephanie’s face, only to see a lost look there.

‘Stephanie,’ Holly said carefully. ‘Where is Harry?’

‘I haven’t seen him, Holly. I didn’t even know he was here today. I thought you’d maybe changed your mind about bringing him,’ Stephanie said evenly. ‘It’s busy inside. You stay here and I’ll go and see what’s happening,’ she added, taking control. All her earlier tipsiness evaporated instantly.

Thankfully, Jake had also chosen to ignore Stephanie’s previous comments and began doing a sterling job of rubbing Holly’s back, trying to keep her calm. Every fibre of her being wanted to run about like a madwoman, shouting Harry’s name at the top of her lungs, but Jake’s soothing touch was just about keeping that urge at bay.

‘So—you brought your guy candy along, I see,’ Daniel said flatly, taking a big swig of champagne whilst looking her up and down. How he could drink and perve on her at the same time, and—oh yes—be engaged to someone else, she would never know.

‘Not now, Daniel,’ Holly said impatiently. He’d appeared out of nowhere, and Holly craned her neck around him to see if Harry was in his wake.

‘Daniel,’ he said confidently as he extended a hand to Jake. ‘And you must be Jason?’

‘It’s Jake,’ Jake replied politely, shaking the proffered hand. ‘You have a great house,’ he added.

‘It is, isn’t it? My wife designed it,’ Daniel replied bitterly, taking another swig.

‘Enough, Daniel. Have you spoken to Stephanie?’ Holly asked more urgently. The longer she went without seeing Harry, the bigger the knot in her stomach was going to get.

‘No,’ Daniel said quickly. ‘What has she said to you?’

‘Never mind. Where the hell is Harry?’ Holly asked in a shouty whisper, trying to contain her internal panic.

‘What?’ Daniel said dumbly.

‘Where is
my son
, Daniel? I left him in your care, remember,’ Holly said, trying to use simple language to make him understand. ‘I haven’t seen him since this afternoon when he fell asleep. When I left, he was gone. You took him somewhere. Where is he now?’

For the first time in Holly’s life, she saw abject fear cross the features of the all-powerful and normally in-total-control Daniel Madison. A fear that only served to amplify the mounting terror beginning to surface in Holly.

‘I… didn’t see him,’ Daniel said slowly, as the reality of what was happening at last dawned on him.

‘What you do mean, you didn’t see him? Did you even look? What have you been doing for the past five hours?’ Holly said, her volume increasing and her brain firing off multiple questions. She was frantically trying to grasp what had happened. ‘You were supposed to be playing with him,’ she added more softy, tears coming to her eyes. They both stood there frozen, looking into each other’s eyes, unable to say any more, or even move.

‘Daniel, my darling fiancé,’ gushed Miranda as she swanned over, seemingly oblivious to the strain on Daniel’s face. ‘There you are. Oh, hello Holly,’ she added, as though she’d only just noticed her standing there. ‘Daniel, I must steal you away for a moment. The wedding planner is here, and she wants to know what you think of the colour scheme she’s used in the living room. She’s suggested we replicate it for the ceremony.’

‘Not now,’ Daniel said, not looking at her. His eyes were still fixed on Holly.

‘But Emma can only stay for another ten minutes. It’ll only take a moment,’ Miranda said, grabbing Daniel’s hand and trying to lead him away.

‘I said
not now!
’ Daniel roared at her. ‘Harry is missing,’ he explained more softly. ‘Have you seen him this afternoon?’

‘No, but I’m sure he’s fine. Probably just playing or something.’ Miranda sounded completely unconcerned. She tried again to lead Daniel back inside. ‘I’m sure he’ll turn up when he’s hungry, but Emma really—’

‘How can you be so fucking cold?’ Daniel cut her off, shrugging out of her grasp and turning his full fury on her.

‘Well, I hardly think that’s necessary,’ Miranda responded with venom. ‘So what if Harry’s gone missing for five minutes? He’s probably just up to some mischief. I expect he’s absolutely fine, while you’re all overreacting out here.’

‘We’ll talk later,’ Daniel growled at her as he turned to go. To where, Holly didn’t know; she was rooted to the spot, her legs unable to move.

‘Is this how it’s always going to be?’ Miranda shouted, seemingly loving the drama and the little crowd that had now congregated around them.

‘What do you mean?’ Daniel said, turning reluctantly back.

‘With Harry and
always coming first?’ Miranda practically spat in Holly’s direction. ‘I know you’ve been seeing more of them than you’ve admitted.’

‘Don’t be so childish. Harry is my
and he’s
. Possibly in danger for all we know. Do you seriously expect me prioritise colour schemes right now?’

Miranda stood firm. ‘It’s me or them, Daniel. I have to come first.’ Her eyes were pleading. It was a dramatic line, but Holly sensed it was one of Miranda’s more heartfelt comments.

‘There’s not really any choice, Miranda,’ Daniel replied, looking across to Holly.

‘I’m going to search the house,’ Holly announced, finally shaking herself out of her stasis and walking indoors. She felt suddenly embarrassed and aware that while her son was missing, she was playing a motionless bystander, earwigging on her ex-husband’s possible break-up conversation, rather than doing something. ‘Are you coming?’ She asked, turning around. To the observers who’d been watching with bated breath, her question could have been directed at either Jake or Daniel—but only Daniel made any move to follow her, leaving a confused Jake and a stunned Miranda on the terrace to field questions as to what was going on.

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