Love on a Dirt Road (The Roughneck Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Love on a Dirt Road (The Roughneck Series Book 1)
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  "Yeah, I got to see it with my own eyes."

  "Damn. I could tell he deserved to be punched when I first laid eyes on him."

  "Wait? What? When did you see him?" I was confused.

  "When we went to get your stuff from your old apartment. He was only there for a minute. Sam tore into him pretty good, so he shagged ass when we started loading your stuff up."

  I was so relieved when Sam got all my belongings I never even asked for the details.

  "I'm so glad I didn't have to go back there, it would have been too much to deal with. He's too much to deal with."

  "I'd do it over 100 times if you needed me to. But I guarantee, I'd have laid his ass out for sure if I got the chance."

  "Have I told you that being a bad ass is pretty sexy?"

  "I'm not a bad ass, I just fight for what I want."

  "Well it sure looks good on you" I said as our food arrived.


  When I walked through the front door after work, all I wanted to do was pull my hair up and take my shoes off. As I was getting settled my phone started to ring.

  It was Derek.

  The ding of a voicemail.

  I wasn't giving in to him. I would change my number if I had to. Surely he would give up soon. I went to the kitchen to decide what to do for dinner when Sam walked out of her room. At the same time, my phone started ringing again. Sam looked at me, waiting for me to pick it up.

  "Derek's been calling and texting me."

  "Are you shitting me? What did you say?"

  "I told him it was over and to stop calling. He's just not letting up."

  "Let me answer!" She said with a shit eating grin. "I'll set him straight"

  "Nah. He'll give up eventually" And I was convinced that he would. Derek was a spoiled brat who had always gotten his way. He just wasn't used to being told no. He would find a new toy soon and move on.


Friday Afternoon

  It was 5 o'clock and I was more than ready for the weekend.  Derek hadn't called back, maybe he finally got the hint. Things were going great with Jase. We had our lunch date every day. That was definitely something I could get used to. But I was ready to spend time with him that didn't involve conversations in a crowded restaurant with a waitress interrupting every 5 minutes. Jase had made plans to go hunting with Moon tonight but promised he would pick me up in the morning and we were spending the entire day together. I didn't even ask what we were doing, because it didn't matter. Just being with him was good enough for me.

  As I pulled into the driveway, I had an eerie feeling. But I ignored it, I was probably just tired. I grabbed my purse and got out of the car when Derek's Honda pulled up behind me. 
You have got to be kidding me!

  "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to keep my voice even.

  “You keep ignoring my calls, you can't ignore me if I'm right in front of you" He said with anger in his eyes.

  "Look, I told you it was over. There's no coming back from what I walked in on. You said it yourself, you're not interested in being with one woman. So go find someone who's ok with that. Because it's not me!"

  "I'm not leaving until we work this out"

  "There's nothing to work out. My god, how did you even find me? I'm pretty sure I didn't leave a forwarding address."

  "I followed that bitch best friend of yours when she came to get your things."

  "Oh my God, are you hearing yourself? You sound like a fucking nutcase! Following Sam. What is wrong with you? Just get out of here!"

  "DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT LAINEY!" He screamed at me, with a look in his eyes I've never seen before. It might have even scared me, if I wasn't so pissed.

  "Don't tell me how to talk, DEREK! I spent two fucking years listening to you tell me how to be. What not to say, what not to do. How to act in front of your stuck up friends. I'M DONE!" I screamed right back and turned to walk away.

  "You don't walk away from me until I tell you I'm finished" He said as he grabbed me by the arm.

  I heard the front door slam. I turned around and there was Sam on the front porch with a shot gun in her hand, pointed right at Derek.

  "Get your fucking hands off her and get off my property." She said in a calm voice.

  "What is this back woods skank going to shoot me now?" Derek said with a nervous laugh.

  "Try me, Mother Fucker" She said as she cocked the gun.

  Derek put his hands up in surrender and started to walk backwards to his car.

  "Crazy bitch" He mumbled as he got in his car.

  I stood still until Derek backed out of the driveway and pulled out of sight. I finally turned around and walked onto the porch where Sam was still standing.

  “Holy shit, you were totally gonna shoot him" I said, unsure of whether I was about to laugh or cry.

  "If needed." She said "And what kind of man drives a fucking Honda?" She said as we walked in the house.

  Sam walked into her bedroom, I'm assuming to put her gun back in the case.  My nerves were completely shot. I was shaking uncontrollably. How could he just show up here? I can't believe he would follow Sam all the way here, it's a 2 1/2 hour drive. I've never seen him so angry. He looked like he wanted to hit me. When he was standing right in front of me, my adrenaline was pumping and I didn't really get scared. But now, I was freaked out. Would he have hit me if Sam wasn't here? Although he had never put his hands on me before, I'm almost convinced today might have been the first time. I need a drink. I've got to calm down. I remembered there was some Shine in the freezer. I hadn't drank that stuff since high school but a glass of wine wasn't going to work for me right now.

  I got the jar out and grabbed a shot glass.

  One down. Oh my god, it really does taste like kerosene!

  Two down. Ugh! Shouldn't Moon have gotten better at the taste of it by now?

  Three down. My chest was starting to feel warm.

  A few minutes later Sam walked out of her room and came into the kitchen.

  "Whoa there speed racer... You better slow down." She pulled the jar closer to her.

  "How many shots did you take? Your eyes are already glassy" She was staring at me.

  "Three I think, four maybe" Or was it five?  My brain was starting to get fuzzy.

  "Oh shit Lainey. You know you're a light weight and this shit is strong."

  "I'm fine. I can't believe he showed up here." Was I slurring already?


Chapter 6




  Oh my God. Did I eat cotton? My mouth was so dry. I started to open my eyes but the light was too bright. Ow! My head. It was pounding. I feel like I was run over by a truck. Do I have the flu? Where am I? What happened? I was so confused. Was it day time? I was keeping my eyes closed but feeling my surroundings. I found my favorite blanket next to me. Ok I was in my bed. I couldn't think straight.  Open your eyes Lainey! God the room was spinning. So I laid there for another minute. After dozing in and out of consciousness for a while, I started to gain a little focus.  I remembered the whole scenario with Derek. I still can't believe he came here. The memory of slugging moonshine shots came to me and my body shuddered. Ugh! I hadn't been hung over in so long, I almost forgot what it felt like.  I slowly peered my eyes open. Yes I was definitely in my bed. I scanned the room and Jase was asleep on the floor.
  What the hell? When did he get here? What is he doing on the floor?

  I tried to raise up but the truck slammed into my head again. I let out a little whine and put my head back down on the pillow. How much did I drink? Jase must have heard my whimpers. He started to stir. He peeked his eyes open and looked at me.

  "You ok?" He asked

  "I think I might be dying" I said. I was being completely honest.

  "That shines a sneaky little bastard." He said in his raspy morning voice. "Can I get you anything?"

  My stomach chose that moment to decide it needed to be emptied. I sprung off my bed and ran to the bathroom as quick as my wobbly legs would let me. I didn't even have time to shut the door before my head was in the toilet. I was puking violently when I heard footsteps behind me.  I heard the sink running and felt a cool rag on my forehead. It felt good but I couldn't let him see me like this. I was so embarrassed.

  "Thank you" I whispered. "But can you please go in there? This is gross"

  "I've seen way worse baby, but yeah I'll leave you be. Holler if you need me"

  He was even sweet when I was disgusting. This was humiliating. Once my stomach was completely empty, I just put my head on the cool bathroom floor. I didn't have the energy to move. I needed to rest my eyes for just a minute.

  A while later I heard a light tap on the door.

  "Come in" I whispered.

  "Thought you might need this" Jase said as he handed me a Gatorade and Tylenol.

  "Thank you" I said as I took both of them out of his hand.

  He wet the washcloth again and wiped it across my forehead. I closed my eyes and let him run the rag over my face and down the back of my neck.

  "That feels good. Thank you Jase"

  "Anytime" He said

  "I'll be out in just a minute" I said "I just need to put myself together a little bit"

  Jase stood and kissed me on the top of the head.

  "Don't forget to brush your teeth" He said with a chuckle on his way out.

  I put my hand over my mouth and took in my breath. Ugh. He wasn't lying.
God, he's never going to want to see me again.
That was my first thought but I knew it wasn't true. So I pushed that notion aside and grabbed my toothbrush.


  A few minutes later I walked out of the bathroom to see Jase sitting in the lounge chair in my room. He had his hat pulled over his eyes and his hands propped behind his head. He looked so peaceful. My eyes went to his boots and camo jacket sitting in the corner. I totally forgot he was supposed to be hunting last night.

  "You slept on the floor all night?" I asked.

  He lifted his hat so he could look at me. "Wouldn't have been right to climb in bed with you while you were passed out. Besides I didn't want you to puke on me" There was that crooked smile of his.

  I walked over to my bed to lie down. The room was still a little tilted and I didn't think I could stand for much longer.

  "I'm awake now. Come here. I brushed my teeth." I said with a little giggle.

  Once I put my head on the pillow Jase was sliding in next to me. He gave me a little peck on the lips

  "Much better" He said.

  I buried my face in the pillow.

  "I'm just kiddin’ with ya" He said as he put his arm around my waist and scooted closer to me. Luckily he was the one moving so I could remain as still as possible.

  "What happened last night?" I asked.

  "You don't remember anything?" He asked just as there was a knock at my door.

  "You alive?" Sam said as she peeked her head in.

  "Barely" I said as I rolled over slowly to face her.

  "I think she blacked out" Jase told Sam.

  "Well I don't doubt it" She laughed.

  "Y'all I don't remember anything, drinking moonshine in the kitchen was the last thing I remember doing."

  "Damn girl. A lot happened." Sam said as she got comfortable in the chair Jase just got out of.

  "I'm a little nervous to hear it, but fill me in" I sighed.

  "Well after the douche left here yesterday, he didn't leave town. He went to The Canteen"

  The Canteen was the local bar where all the old timers spent their weekends. Sam's Uncle Jimmy was the bartender and heard all the town gossip. He was as bad the old women in this town.

  "Well Uncle Jimmy called me last night because he said some city slicker was getting hammered at the bar. He kept rambling about a girl named Lainey and the crazy bitch that pulled a gun on him.  Well of course it didn't take a genius for Uncle Jimmy to realize who he was talking about" She continued. "I had a feeling he would come back so I called Moon to come over and sit with us. You were drunk and feeling feisty so I didn't think I could handle it alone if there was trouble. Not without shooting the bastard anyway."

  "And he came back?" I asked, although I already knew the answer.

  "Yeah, but luckily it was after Moon and Jase were already here. You don't remember any of this?"

  "Not a bit, keep going" I said.

  "He pulled up, belligerent, screaming about how he wasn't leaving until you talked to him. You tried to charge out the door but I held you back. Screaming at him about being a pussy who couldn't handle getting a tattoo. Wherever that came from?"

  I felt Jase shaking from laughter as he buried his face in my shoulder.

  "Oh my God." I wasn't just drunk. I was a stupid drunk.

  "Anyway" She continued. "He called you a whore and this one right here went to town" She said and nodded to Jase.

  At that moment I looked down at Jase's hand on my stomach. His knuckles were scabbed over and swollen.

  "You hit him?" I said and couldn't help but grin a little.

  Before Jase could answer, Sam chimed in.

  "Girl, he laid his ass out. Did you know The Douche has a fake tooth?"

  "What? No he doesn't" I said, confused.

  "Well he will now." She started to laugh so hard tears started rolling down her face.

  "And I'm pretty sure he won't be coming back or calling you again. I think he even promised you didn't he, Jase?"

  "He won't bother you again" was the only response from Jase.

  "Ok, well I'm starving. I'm making Moon take me to LuLu's for breakfast. Y'all wanna come?"

  The thought of food made me want to be sick again.

  "Ugh. No. I think I need to go back to sleep." I said.

  "Suit yourself" Sam said as she closed the door behind her.

  "Will you take a nap with me?" I asked Jase.

  "Mmm… you bet" He whispered in my ear.

  It took less than a minute before the steady sound of Jase breathing in my ear relaxed me enough to fall asleep in his arms.


  I started to wake from my much needed nap when I felt Jase stretching beside me. I turned on my side to face him and enjoy the view.

  "Hey you" I whispered.

  "Hey beautiful" He said as he nuzzled my neck. "You feeling any better?"

  "I think so" I hadn't really moved yet but I'm pretty sure I was going to live.

  "I'm sorry about last night" I said. I was really embarrassed. That wasn't like me. "I don't usually get drunk like that I swear. And I'd probably be even more embarrassed if I remembered any of it."

  "I know" He said. "Don't worry about it. I won't hold it against ya babydoll" He whispered in my ear as he pulled me closer to him.

  "I can't believe he came here."

  "I don't think he'll be back."

  "You really tore into him huh?" I asked.

  "When he called you that, I just snapped"

  A whore? He had the nerve to call ME a whore? It was almost laughable.

  I grabbed his swollen hand and brought it to my lips. I kissed each of his knuckles softly.

  "I'm sorry you hurt your hand" I told him.

  "Fucker had sharp teeth" He said with that grin of his.

  "Thank you for defending me" I told him. I really meant it.

  "You couldn't stop me if you tried" He said and then gave me a kiss.

  "I'm sorry for ruining your hunting trip" I said as I broke my lips away from his.

  "You didn't ruin anything, Lainey. Quit apologizing." He said sweetly as he ran his hand along my cheek. "I would rather be with you than hunting anyway. Besides, Drunk Lainey was fun to watch. And she has a dirty mouth, which is sexy as fuck." He said as he started to kiss my neck.

  At that moment, my stomach decided it wanted to imitate a bear and growled louder than it ever had. Jase started to laugh against my neck.

  "I can't help it." I started to laugh also. "I'm so hungry. What time is it?"

  Jase took his phone out of his pocket. "1:00. Want me to grab you something to eat?" He asked as he sat up on the bed.

  "I think I just need carbs. Cheetos. That's all I want for now."

  "I'll run to the store" He offered.

  "No need, Sam and I keep them in stock" I said as I got off the bed.

  I grabbed the bag of Cheetos from the kitchen and headed back into my room. Jase was putting his boots on.

  "You're leaving?" I asked, trying not to sound too disappointed.

  "I've gotta run to the store. I want to make you dinner tonight."

  "You're gonna cook for me?" I asked.

  "Yes ma'am" He said with a wink.

  Wow. Derek had never cooked for me. Derek never did a lot of things for me. It was official. Jase was going to ruin me if he broke my heart. I was already convinced that no other man would compare to him.

What’cha thinkin’ about?" Jase asked as he stood in front of me. I didn't even notice him walk over.

"How amazing you are" I answered honestly.

  "I'm nothing special Lainey. You're the one that's amazing." He said as he wrapped me in his arms.

  "Jase, you don't even know" I said as I kissed his shoulder.

  "Want me to pick you up later?" He asked.

  "I can just drive over to your place."

  "Be there by 6" He said as he gave me a quick peck on the lips then slapped my bottom as he walked to the door.

  "Ok. Do you need me to bring anything?" I asked before he left.

  "Just need you." He said as he turned around and gave me a smile. "And make it 5" He said as he opened the door.

  "Even better" I said and blew him a kiss before he shut the door behind him.

  I stood by the door and listened as Jase started his truck and pulled out of the driveway. Then I walked over and flopped down on my bed. He was too good to be true. I can't believe he beat the hell out of Derek for calling me a whore. Which I wasn't! God, he pissed me off just thinking about him. He deserved to get his ass beat.  I hadn't even slept with Jase. Yet. But I was pretty convinced tonight was the night. I was more than ready and I know he was too. But first I had to figure out what to wear. Thank God I had slept my hangover off. No more moonshine for me. Ever. I didn't want anything to ruin my night with Jase, especially a stupid hangover.


  I pulled up to the guest house at exactly 5:00. I didn't want to seem too anxious but I couldn't wait another minute to see his beautiful face. I knocked lightly on the door.

  "Come in" He yelled.

  When I walked in the door, I took in my surroundings. It was manly with brown leather furniture. The only thing hanging on his wall was a European Mount. There was a gun case in the corner. My Jase was a hunter. My Jase. Yes, I was claiming him.

  It was really clean which of course I loved. But I didn't expect anything else from Jase. I caught a glimpse of him in the kitchen. He was bending over putting a pan in the oven. He was wearing a fitted gray tshirt, faded jeans and his feet were bare. Even though he was wearing his usual baseball cap, I could tell his hair was still a little damp. He must have showered earlier. The thought of Jase in the shower gave me butterflies. I needed to be close to him. Now.

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