Love on a Dirt Road (The Roughneck Series Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Love on a Dirt Road (The Roughneck Series Book 1)
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  "Maybe" I said with a wink.

  He grabbed my hips and pulled my weight down onto him harder as he kissed me again. But then he broke away. I wanted to pout.

  "We better get out of this truck." He said as he opened the door.

  I climbed off his lap and out of the truck. He followed right after.

  "Can I see you again tomorrow?"

  "I'd like that"

  "I'll pick you up in the morning at 7:00."

  "7? AM?" I said, a little confused.

  "You're a morning person" He reminded me with a laugh.

  "Ok. Where are we going at 7 in the morning?"

  "You'll see" He said. "I better get out of here, I've got a cold shower waiting on me."

  He kissed me gently.

  "See ya in the morning"

  "Yes ma'am" He said as I walked away.

  I made sure to put a little extra swing in my step, just because I knew he was watching. I turned around and blew him a kiss before I opened the front door.

  He gave me a smile, shook his head and hopped in his truck.

  As soon as I shut the door, I had to lean against it before my knees gave out.

  "Did ya have fun, you dirty little slut?" Sam said with a giggle as she lay sprawled out on the sofa.

  "Were you spying weirdo?" I laughed.

  "I saw headlights so I peeked out the window. I didn't know I was gonna see you dry humping Jase." She cocked her eyebrow "Get it girl!"

  "I'm going to bed! Nighty night bitch!" I said as I walked into my room

  "I've got batteries in the junk drawer if you need them" She yelled from the living room.

  "GOODNIGHT!" I yelled.

  I put on my boy shorts and tank top then crawled in my cozy bed. I couldn't get Jase out of my head. It was too soon for this. I've only known him a couple of days, I can't have feelings for him. But he was so sexy. And sweet. And sexy. I had to stop thinking about him or I would definitely need those batteries. After picturing his face and that body for what seemed like hours, I finally drifted to sleep.


5:00 am

  My eyes popped open. Jase wouldn't be here for 2 hours but I couldn't sleep. I was way more excited than I should be. So I got up and started getting ready. I wasn't sure where we were going. But it was early in the morning, casual was my best bet. It was also October, so layers were a good idea. 


6:59 am

  I was sitting on the sofa with the TV down low when I heard his truck pull in the driveway. I grabbed my purse and went to the door. I wanted to meet him outside so the knock at the door wouldn't wake Sam. I walked outside and he was standing at the driver’s side of his truck. He was wearing faded jeans and a flannel shirt. Perfection.

  "Mornin' beautiful" He said as I walked up to him. He gave me a peck on the lips and opened the truck door to let me in.

  As I climbed into the truck the smell of coffee hit my nose. I was so excited this morning I didn't even think to make myself a cup. But the smell of it now made my mouth water. I saw two cups sitting in a to-go container on the passenger side.

  "I brought you coffee." He said with a smile, he must have noticed me drooling over it. "I wasn't sure how you took it. So I just made it like I have it. One sugar, lots of cream"

  "That's perfect actually, thank you" I said as I picked up one cup and handed him the other once he was buckled.

  "I think I need to see you more often in the mornings, Lainey. It looks good on you." He said with a grin. That innuendo didn't go unnoticed as he squeezed my knee.

  "So where are you taking me on this beautiful morning?" I asked.

  "Do you like to fish?" He asked with a little hesitation.

  "Really?" I asked, my voice full of emotion.

  "Is that a no?" He asked. "It seemed like a good idea last night. Shit, was I way off?"

  "No, Jase. Not at all. I love to fish. My dad used to take me fishing all the time.  I haven't been in years." I said as I leaned over and kissed his cheek. "This is perfect"

My heart swelled with emotion. But I wasn't going to cry. I missed fishing. It was an amazing memory of my dad I would always have. I thought about going the last couple of years, but didn't have anyone to go with. And I never wanted to go alone. Yep, I was falling hard and fast for Jase Foster.

  As we pulled up to the fishing hole I couldn't help but squeal a little and clap my hands like a little kid. I was so excited.

  "You're so damn cute" He said as he wrapped his arm around my neck and kissed me on the head.

  "You're not so bad yourself" I said.

  Once we parked, Jase unloaded the poles, tackle box and blanket. I tried to help but he wouldn't let me. He laid the blanket out, sat down and patted the spot beside him. I gladly sat right next to him.

  "Thank you for this" I whispered to him.

  "I'm just glad you wanted to come. I was hoping I wasn't being too pushy wanting to see you again so quick. But I can't seem to get enough of you."

  I couldn't speak. I had to bite my lip to keep the cheesy grin to a minimum.

  "You keep biting that lip babydoll and you're gonna be in trouble." He said as he glanced over at me.

  "Maybe I like a little trouble" I shocked myself when I said it out loud.

  It took about 2 seconds and I was on my back with Jase hovering over me. My breathing hitched and I ran my hands up his arms. His body was rock hard and I wanted to explore. Then his lips were on mine. I let my legs fall apart so he could be closer to me. Our kissing became more intense as I wrapped my fingers in his hair.

  "God, Lainey. You are so fucking sexy, I can't keep my hands off you. Tell me to stop."

  I couldn't. I didn't want him to. So I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer. I put my hands under his shirt and rubbed my nails down his back.  He felt so good.  He let out a quiet moan and started kissing my neck. I needed more. He sensed my need and put his hands under my shirt. He started rubbing my breast gently. I couldn't help but moan his name. Then he unbuttoned my shirt and started kissing down my neck. He licked my nipples and I thought I would burst.

  "Jase, please, don't stop." I whispered.

  He unbuttoned my jeans and put his hands in between my legs. I couldn't help but raise my hips and try to get even closer. He put his hand inside my panties and started to rub gently. This was too much. I felt the familiar tingle in between my thighs. I needed this. I needed it now. I started to rock with his hand as he put one finger inside me. I kissed his neck and begged in his ear.  He rubbed my clit and I felt my orgasm building. When the moment hit I couldn't help but scream his name. I was coming undone underneath him and it was the better than I could have imagined.

  When I came down off my high, reality started to hit me about what just happened and I got embarrassed.

  I put my head in his chest and became perfectly still.

  "What's wrong?" Jase asked

  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen." I whispered.

  "Are you kidding me? That was the sexiest thing I've ever seen. I could watch that every day for the rest of my life and I still wouldn't get enough. And since I'm being honest I'm just going to tell you that I want you more than I've ever wanted anything. In my life. But it can't be here. So you're going to have to give me a minute." He said and then exhaled. I couldn't help but giggle.

  I felt selfish but I couldn't deny how amazing that was. Jase gave me a kiss, buttoned my jeans and then rolled off me. He sat beside me on the blanket as I tried to pull myself together and then sat up.

  "Don't ever be embarrassed with me" He said as he pulled me closer to him and kissed my temple. "Because if I have my way about it, this is just the beginning."

  I leaned into the crook of his shoulder and kissed his collar bone.

  "I don't think I could stop this if I tried." I admitted.


  The rest of our morning was absolutely peaceful.  Jase put the bait on my hook every time. I loved to fish, but I was a little girly. I didn't like to touch the gross stuff.

When I caught my first fish, I couldn't help but do a little dance. Jase just laughed and grabbed me around the waist.

  "Have I told you how cute you are?" He said as he gave my ass a squeeze.

  "I think you mentioned it" I replied and squeezed right back. I was waiting for the opportunity to do that.

How could I be so comfortable with someone so fast? But I was, I couldn't deny it.

Chapter 5




  When Jase dropped me off at the home, I couldn't wipe the grin off my face.  Sam wasn't home and I decided to take a Sunday nap. As soon as I got comfortable in my bed, I heard the ding of a text message. My stomach did a quick flip, I was hoping it was Jase.

Derek: I miss you

  Are you kidding me? I hadn't heard from him in weeks. Why was he bothering me now? My blood immediately started to boil. I had such a great morning with Jase and Derek ruined my mood with three words. I didn't respond. But now I was too pissed to sleep.

Ding. Damn it!

Derek: Aren't you going to answer me?

Me: What do you want me to say?

Derek: Tell me you miss me too.

Me: I don't.

And for the most part, that was the truth. I didn't really miss him. Derek did have some good in him. He was there for me when I was in a new city all alone. But our relationship became just a habit. I dealt with him because I didn't want to be alone. The bad in him outweighed the good. I didn't need him anymore and I sure didn't want him.

Derek: Look, I gave you time to get over being mad. I just want to talk.


Derek: Lainey, please. Just talk to me. I really am sorry.

Me: Please. I'm going to say it one more time.  DON'T TEXT OR CALL ME AGAIN. I don't want to talk. We're over. There's nothing else to say.

I put my phone on the nightstand and rolled over.

"God, please don't let him text me again." I mumbled.

Ding! Son of a bitch!

My bad mood fled immediately when I looked at the screen.

Jase: I can still smell your perfume on my shirt

Me: Is that good? :)

Jase: It's real good.

Jase: I wanted to text you as soon as I pulled out of your driveway but didn't want you to think I'm a stalker.

Me: I wouldn't. And I'm glad you did.

Jase: Good to know.

Me: Thank you for this morning. It was so much fun.

Jase: It was my pleasure. And you have no idea

Me: Oh I think I do ;)

I had to change the subject! My body couldn't handle this conversation right now.

Me: So when do you go back to work?

Jase: Next Tuesday.

Me: Oh :(

Jase: Do you leave for lunch during work?

Me: I can

Jase: Have lunch with me tomorrow

Me: Ok

Jase: I'm trying to move slow with you. I know you just got out of a relationship and I don't want to scare you away. But there's something about you, Lainey. Ur making it hard to do

Jase: And it's not just because you're the sexiest fucking thing I've ever seen. It's more than that.

If some other guy said that to me, I might be offended. But with Jase, it was fucking hot!

Me: I know the feeling :) I want to go slow too. Try to anyway. But YOU make it hard for ME! ;)

Jase: Well then I better get in the shower before I show up at your door

I had to push thoughts of Jase in the shower out of my head.

Me: Ok I'm gonna take a nap

Jase: Dream about me

Me: I just might :)

Jase: Call you tomorrow

Me: I'll be waiting

Jase: But if you do dream about me, make sure your naked in the dream too. K?

Me: Deal :)


  When I woke from my nap, I walked into the living room and saw Sam laying on the couch.

"Afternoon hussy" she said with a wink

"Hey, I didn't hear you get home"

"I got in a while ago."

"Were you with Moon?" I whispered

"Why are you whispering?" She whispered back

"Shut up! Smart ass." I laughed

"Yeah I was."

"Early mornin’ booty call?" I asked with a quick raise of my brows.

"He made me breakfast first. He knows his pancakes will get him in my pants every time. And I didn't see Jase's truck there so I'm guessing y'all were together?"
"Nice way to change the subject, but yeah." I paused

"He took me fishing Sam." I said as I put my hand over my heart.

"Were you ok with that? Did he know about your dad?" Sam knew me so well.

"I told him. And it was good. Really good actually."

"So you kinda like ol Jase huh?"

"Oh my god, he is so sexy. And sweet. And funny."

"He's funny? I don't think I've ever heard him say more than five words. He's so quiet."

"He's really not. And he's got a trash mouth that's sexy as hell" I said

  "Oh my god, you love him, and you wanna have like ten thousand of his babies" She laughed.

  I didn't miss the American Beauty reference. It was our favorite movie we would sneak to watch when we were younger.

  "I haven't watched that in forever! Think it's on Netflix?"

  "It is! But I've been waiting for you to watch it with me, you slut."

  "I'll make the popcorn" I said as I headed to the kitchen.

  "Ok but you're gonna give me all the dirty details of you and Jase after the movie"

  "Promise" I grinned.



  I made an extra effort getting ready for work since I knew I would see Jase at lunch. I left my hair down and curled the ends instead of my usual ponytail and took a little extra time on my makeup.  Although I still had to wear my black scrubs, I felt pretty good about myself. Sam always had to be at work an hour before me so at least I didn't have to hear her comments about getting dolled up this morning. As I was getting my keys and purse together, heading out the door, my phone started to ring. It startled me because I was a texter, I rarely talked on the phone. But once I saw his name on the screen, I got butterflies. But then I got worried, what if he was cancelling?

  "Hello" I said

  "Mornin’ beautiful" He said in a sleepy raspy voice that made my lady bits tingle.

  "Good Morning" I replied, trying not to let the shakiness in my voice show.

  "Is it lunch time yet?" He asked. I don't think his voice could get any sexier if he tried.

  "Mmm. I wish"

  "You headed to work already?" He said as it sounded like he was stretching.

  "I'm about to head out the door. You're awake early?"

  "I just woke up."

  I couldn't get the vision of Jase, lying in bed, shirtless, out of my head. That was a picture I was convinced would entertain my thoughts all morning.

Did I just say that out loud?

  His sleepy laugh made me smile. God, even his laugh was sexy.

  "Well I'll let ya go so you can head out. Just wanted to make sure we were still on for lunch. And I wanted to hear your voice."

  "We're definitely still on. I'm glad you called."

  "I'll text you in a little bit. Be careful."

  "Ok, bye Jase"


  Damn. I really wanted to be strong and not fall head over heels for this man. I was honestly afraid if this didn't work out, he would completely ruin me for anyone else. Because I had never fell this hard, this fast for anyone.  I hated to admit it, but even after such a short time, Jase had the power to destroy me.


12:10 pm

  I pulled into LuLu's Cafe and started scanning the parking lot for that beautiful truck of his. I decided it was better to meet him for lunch instead of him picking me up. We weren't very good at keeping our hands off each other and I figured my job wasn't the place for that. I spotted him immediately leaned up against his truck. He was standing with his arms crossed looking sexy as usual. He was wearing faded jeans and a fitted grey T-shirt. He had on the extra worn baseball cap again and a pair of aviators. His scruff seemed a little darker today. Maybe it was just growing longer. Whatever it was, it definitely worked for him. He looked absolutely edible. He gave me a nod and that crooked smile as I pulled my car next to his beast.  As soon as I turned off the ignition Jase was at my driver’s side opening the door for me.

  "Hey you" I said as I stood in front of him

  He immediately put his lips on mine.

  "Hey yourself" He whispered as he pulled away, then he looked me over from top to bottom.

  "How do you manage to make scrubs sexy?" He asked

  I didn't answer, I just stood on my tip toes and planted a kiss on those beautiful lips of his.

  "We better go get a table, I have to be back by 1" I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the cafe.

  We sat at our booth and I couldn't keep my eyes off his arms. I realized this was the first time I had ever really had a good look at his tattoos. Other than the first night we met, he was always in long sleeves. I was thanking God in that moment for a warm October day.

  "So when did you first start getting tattoos?" I asked as soon as the waitress left with our drink order.

  "My 18th birthday" He said with a smile.

  "Which one was your first?" I asked as I scanned both of his arms.

  "This one" He said as he raised his left sleeve and pointed from his shoulder down to his elbow.

  "You got all that at once?”

  "Yeah, it was a tap out session. I lasted almost 5 hours. There was a lot of tequila involved."

  "You're crazy" I laughed.

  "So do you have any?" He asked.

  "No I don't. I've always thought about it. I actually almost went through with it about a year ago but..." My voice trailed off, I didn't want to bring him up.

  "But what?" He asked.

  "Tell me" He said, when I didn't answer.

  "Derek didn't want me to. He said tattoos were trashy, especially on women."

  "You want to know what I think?" He asked.

  "What?" He had peaked my curiosity.

  "I think Derek is a puss who couldn't handle it anyway." Then he leaned in closer to me. "And I think you would look sexy as fuck with any tattoo you wanted."

  I couldn't help but bite my lip to keep from grinning. The way he talked to me was seriously hot.

  "And I warned you about biting that lip" He whispered as I watched those emerald green eyes of his turn just a shade darker. I couldn't help but stare at him as I tried to keep my breathing even.

  Our moment was interrupted by the sound of a phone. The ringtone was different so I knew it wasn't mine. Jase pulled his phone out of his pocket. He stared at the screen for a second before he declined the call. He put his phone back in his pocket and gave me a smile. But it didn't meet his eyes. There was something there. I couldn't put my finger on it. Was it anger?

  "So what kind of tattoo did you wanna get?" He asked, it took a minute but his genuine smile was back.

  "I'm not sure. Something pretty." I said with a giggle. "Is that lame?"

  "Not at all"

  My eyes were scanning his arms again when I noticed the word "Trust" written within another design on his forearm. It was hard to distinguish unless you were looking close.

  "What about that one?" I asked and pointed to it.

  He was quiet for a minute.

  "I got that about 6 months ago"

  "Is there a reason behind it?" I asked bluntly.

  "Trust is everything" He said very matter of fact.

  "Ain't that the truth" I said. "Did someone break your trust?"
God Lainey, nosey much?

  "It's been known to happen."

  "What happened 6 months ago that made you get it?"
I needed to shut up.

  He started to scratch his chin. I had already learned that's what Jase did when he was trying decide how to answer one of my questions.

  "Just a girl that shouldn't have even been worth my time."

  "She cheated on you?"

  "Yep. The rig life ain't for everybody. It wasn't for her, she just didn't tell me. She liked the stuff that came along with it. She just didn't like keeping her legs shut when I was working."

  "Ouch" I said "I'm sorry" I grabbed his hand and rubbed my thumb across his knuckles.

  "It's ok. Trust me. I shoulda known. We weren't together for that long. It's just something I expect out of people. And again, I had been hitting the tequila." He said with a laugh. I had a feeling the tattoo wasn't just about the slut.

  "I agree. When trust it broken, there's really no turning back" I said.

  "Which is why you left the puss?" He asked. I realized that Derek's new nickname was fitting.

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