Love, Lies and Scandal (8 page)

Read Love, Lies and Scandal Online

Authors: Earl Sewell

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #General

BOOK: Love, Lies and Scandal
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esse sat in his office staring out of his window at a nearby building. The image of the neighboring building's rooftop generators offered very little in the way of visual stimulation, but Jesse didn't mind. Especially not now, since he was thinking so hard about his life, what he'd accomplished and how best to approach JoAnn about ending their marriage.

Jesse's parents were working-class people. His mother was a social worker who'd worked tirelessly to help poor people advance from their impoverished conditions, but he'd followed in his father's footsteps and attended the University of Illinois at Chicago on a cross-country running scholarship, and later earned his master's degree in business administration.

Upon graduating, Jesse began working for a marketing firm building brands for sports-equipment companies. He worked on marketing campaigns for shoe manufacturers, surfboard companies and even did some work building a presence in the marketplace for an organization that made skateboards. For several years he'd earned a handsome income, but he'd always wanted his own business. After putting the idea off for what he considered to be far too long, he'd decided at the age of twenty-eight it was time to go for it. Jesse used his home as collateral, got a small-business loan and pursued his dream. He'd been running a successful business for more than eleven years and he was looking to expand by opening up another store but he wouldn't achieve that goal married to a woman with a gambling problem, like JoAnn. Jesse was about to call his cousin Regina to vent with her about his circumstances and what he'd planned to do when he heard someone enter the store. It was after hours and he'd locked the door, or at least he thought he had. Jesse rushed to the front of the store.

"So, how long do you plan on being mad at me?" It was JoAnn. She'd let herself in.

"What are you doing here?" Jesse asked. She was the last person he wanted to see.

"I came here to clear the air between us," JoAnn said, as she locked the door behind her. She walked over and sat down on a small bench near the section of the store filled with running shoes. Jesse leaned against a glass display case filled with sunglasses and folded his arms.

"Are you in here alone?" JoAnn asked.

"What does that have to do with anything, JoAnn?" Jesse snapped at her. He didn't appreciate her intruding on his quiet time away from her.

"Come on, Jesse, we can't go on like this forever. I said I was sorry. What more do you want from me? Why can't we just move on?" JoAnn asked.

"You've got some damn nerve, JoAnn. Sometimes I'm utterly amazed by how bold you are."

"Okay, I'll admit, I'm foolish, I'm dumb, I'm an idiot. Is that what you want to hear?" JoAnn asked, locking her gaze on his.

"I've gone through the ups and downs of your gambling addiction once, JoAnn. I'll be damned if I'm going to go through it again." Jesse's words hurt her.

"I know." JoAnn placed her face in the palms of her hands. "I had a relapse. I'll admit to that."

"How long have you been sneaking around behind my back gambling?"

"I swear to you I haven't been gambling. Not like I was before."

"Bullshit! I don't believe you. I've had this business for almost twelve years now. You almost put us in the poorhouse once, and I'll be damned if I'll allow you to do it again." JoAnn remained silent.

"I went to counseling with you and stuck by you through all of your gambling addictions. When you were working nine to five, you couldn't even make it home on payday without going to the casino. Once we got over that, then you started betting on horses. After that relapse, I discovered you were gambling on the fucking Internet. I even stood by you through that shit. I've had enough, JoAnn. I can't take any more. I refuse to put up with it. I'll admit taking you to Las Vegas wasn't so smart on either of our parts, but I honestly believed that you'd gotten over your problem."

"So, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that I can't give any more. You've pushed me to the point that I've tried to kill you. I believe that our relationship has gone as far as it can go."

"Jesse, baby." JoAnn stood up and approached him. "You don't really mean that. I know you don't. We can work through this. I swear I'll do whatever it takes to get better. And if from time to time you have to kick my ass to keep me in line, so be it. I know that sometimes I deserve to have my ass kicked."

Jesse swiveled his head disapprovingly. "What kind of example is that to set for Trina? I don't want her to think that I'm the type of man who beats up on women. Why would you even think that was okay?"

"Look, I agree with you on everything, but we can't throw in the towel. Not yet." JoAnn hadn't expected the conversation to take this twist. "Don't you still love me? When did you stop loving me?"

"I can't love a woman I don't trust. When we went to Las Vegas, I fully trusted you." Jesse paused. "It's not all your fault. I knew about your gambling problems, and, honestly, I should have made sure the money made it to the bank myself." Jesse paused again. "I trusted you, though. I never would have thought you'd use sex to manipulate me in order to deceive me. I will never let you do that to me again."

"I wasn't myself, Jesse." JoAnn's voice trembled. "I just--It was a mistake."

"I'm going to file for divorce and for joint custody of Trina."

"Baby, give me another chance," JoAnn pleaded.

"You're out of chances, JoAnn. The moment I tried to choke the life out of you, I knew it was over."

JoAnn began crying in earnest. "I'll do anything to make you happy. I promise I won't ever do it again."

Jesse swallowed down his emotions. It wasn't easy for him to let her know that he'd thrown in the towel on their marriage. It wasn't easy to detach himself from all his emotions for her, but he knew that he had to. He knew that JoAnn and her addiction would ruin him and his dreams. He wasn't about to change his mind because she was shedding tears.



fter Will forced a public argument with Angela, which he knew was completely wrong, mean-spirited and inappropriate, he got into his car and drove away. Back on the highway, he called DaNikka.

"Baby girl, talk to me," Will said when DaNikka picked up the phone.

"Hey, baby." Will could hear the smile in DaNikka's voice. "Were you able to get away?" she asked.

"I can always get away. Now tell me what you've arranged," Will said. He wanted to make sure that what DaNikka had set up was worth pissing Angela off, because if it wasn't, he planned to make DaNikka pay dearly for it.

"I talked to my girlfriend Shantel," DaNikka teased.

"And?" Will wanted her to get to the point.

"She wants to get together with us. But--"

"But what?" Will asked.

"She wants some money," DaNikka answered. "Five hundred dollars. She said that she's not doing it for free."

"I don't pay for sex," Will snapped at DaNikka. "You know that." He was already thinking about turning around and rushing back to the restaurant to apologize to Angela.

"She said that she'd really make it worth your while," DaNikka continued. Will could hear her voice trembling a little.

"Really?" Will asked, feeling lust burning deep within him. He tried to fight the feeling but he couldn't. It was like having an itch and trying not to scratch it. No matter how hard he wanted to resist, he couldn't.

"Hello? Are you still there?"

"Yes. I'm here."

"Did I mess up? Did I do something wrong?" DaNikka asked.

"No," Will answered. "You've done well."

"Now, if I do this, will it prove to you how loyal I am to you?"

"Didn't I tell you that I was on the housing subcommittee?" Will barked at DaNikka.

"Yes, but--"

"But nothing. I have the power to get you, your momma and your siblings into a really nice place. All you have to do is what I ask."

"I know, baby. But I was just wondering when we'd be able to move? I'm tired of living in this crazy neighborhood."

"Just give me a little more time. Trust me. I'll make sure you get out, especially if you and Shantel satisfy the burning in my soul."

"We will," DaNikka said.

"Yes, you will. I'm going to make some hotel arrangements now. You and Shantel get ready. I'll pick both of you up in about an hour."

"Okay. Shantel just asked when can she get her money."

"Tell her she'll get it once the job is done."

"Okay," DaNikka said, and hung up the phone. Will started laughing. He felt an erection being born as he thought about how young, impressionable and gullible DaNikka truly was.

Will stopped at the drugstore and picked up a package of condoms. With Shantel being as young as DaNikka, he knew that her womb would be fertile ground for even the tiniest droplet of sperm. Then he stopped at a nearby liquor store and purchased some alcohol, knowing it would help the young ladies relax.

Back in his car, he began laughing to himself. "Oh, Angela," he said aloud. "You had the nerve to tell me that I wasn't satisfying you. But the truth of the matter is that you're not doing a damn thing for me. Well, at least not the way DaNikka is doing it."

Will pulled up in front of DaNikka's house and phoned to let her know that he was waiting for her. A few moments later, DaNikka and Shantel approached his black Mercedes dressed as though they were headed to a production shoot for a hip-hop music video. Will smiled at the sight of them--DaNikka with her beautiful chocolate legs and Shantel with her voluptuous breasts and succulent lips. DaNikka got in the passenger seat and Shantel got in the back.

"Look at you," DaNikka said. "You look so happy. Doesn't he, Shantel?" DaNikka turned in her seat.

Will turned to focus on the swell of Shantel's breasts and licked his lips. Shantel was just as young as DaNikka and from the little information Will knew about her, she was in pretty much the same situation. She lived in the 'hood, didn't have a father and planned to use her body to get what she wanted.

"Don't worry. It's all good," Shantel said to him with a smile.

"It had better be," Will said, turning back and heading the car toward the hotel.

Once the three of them arrived, Will got the key to the suite he'd reserved and they headed on up. He placed the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. He didn't want to waste any time, so he immediately approached Shantel and began caressing her breasts.

"Wait a minute, slow down," Shantel insisted. "You're going to get it. Can I just unwind for a moment?"

"Start with me." DaNikka scolded Will for not paying attention to her first.

Will couldn't have cared less about DaNikka's feelings; he just wanted the action to start. He had an erection and a large supply of condoms.

"Why don't we start by having Shantel mix up a few drinks?" DaNikka said, as Will got completely undressed in anticipation of what was to come.

"Cool. I'll do it," said Shantel.

"I have a special surprise for you," DaNikka said as she stepped closer to Will and glided her hand up and down his thick dick. She made sure he was good and hard and then moved him to the bed. Will sat down on the edge and DaNikka lowered herself to her knees so that his pride was directly before her.

"You're just full of surprises today, aren't you?" Will shuddered as he enjoyed the pleasure of DaNikka kissing his shaft.

"Yes, I am," DaNikka answered.

"Oh, you've been reading that book I got for you, haven't you?" Will could tell because DaNikka had finally learned how to perform oral sex correctly.

"I read it from cover to cover twice. I even let Shantel read some of it. I don't want you ever to forget this moment."

"Trust me, I'll never forget this," Will assured her. At that moment, Shantel joined them. She removed her top and, exposing her breasts, she poured a little alcohol on them. Will noticed how erect her nipples were and craned his neck toward her breasts so that he could place moist kisses on them.

"I have another surprise," DaNikka said. "I have a digital video camera. I want to make a porno for you. I'll make sure to give you the memory card so that you can view it whenever we're apart."

Will couldn't wait to show it to Smoky.

"That's good thinking, DaNikka." Will circled his tongue around Shantel's nipple. DaNikka went to set up the video camera.

"The three of us should take a shower together," Shantel suggested. "DaNikka, move the camera to the left a little so that you can record us there."

"That's what I'm talking about. Let's get this party rolling," Will said, standing and heading toward the shower.

In the tiled enclosure, Will lathered up Shantel's silky skin. The sight of her succulent apple-shaped ass standing before him with frothing soap cascading down her back and through the valley between her cheeks was almost too much for him to handle.

"Damn, this is so hot," Will said as he gave in to the pleasure of DaNikka scrubbing his back. "That feels so good, baby," Will uttered as he closed his eyes and became utterly lost in euphoria.

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