Love, Lies and Scandal (21 page)

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Authors: Earl Sewell

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ngela was at Jesse's house. It was midday and they were sitting on his sofa watching the daytime talk show
The local reality show was similar to Angela's in that it sought to bring out the truth about scandalous affairs, forbidden pleasures and other topics with shock value.

"You know he's been on a lot of radio shows this week really bad-mouthing you," Jesse said. "I know he was your ex-husband and all, but he's a real jackass."

"Don't worry." Angela laughed. "This show is taped live and he's about to publicly put a noose around his neck and hang himself."

"I still can't believe that you got DaNikka to let you videotape her side of the story. And then you sent it to the producer of the show."

"Well, it wasn't right what Will did to her. He took advantage of a young girl who was in a very desperate state. Then he gets her pregnant and says that it's not his. He's about to get everything he deserves," Angela stated.

At that moment, the show came on. Will walked out and greeted the studio audience and the show host. They sat down and Will began talking about his career as a congressman. He talked about the public housing project he helped to get finished and other highlights of his political career. After a commercial break, the show resumed and Will spoke about his sex scandal.

"I know that I was wrong, but I served my time and paid my debt to society. I'm not some monster who preys on the less fortunate or teens at risk," Will said with conviction. The host of the show lured Will into deep waters by encouraging him to continue to talk about the affair.

"My wife at the time was aware of what was going on and even participated," Will lied.

"Oh, what an ignorant bastard," Angela said aloud.

"Well, you know this show is all about exposing the truth," said the show host. "Will has come onto our show and exposed what he says is the truth about Chicago journalist Angela Rivers and her past. But there are two sides to every story. Angela Rivers has provided the producers of our show with an exclusive interview that she conducted with Will's former lover."

"What are you talking about?" Will asked.

Angela smiled as she watched him squirm in his seat. "Payback is a bitch," she said.

The videotape of her interview with DaNikka was played for the audience and viewers to see. When the audience got the full story of what Will had done, he was booed. He refused to talk, unhooked his microphone and left the stage.

Twenty minutes later, Angela received a phone call from Will.

"Yes?" she answered.

"That was low-down, Angela," Will snapped at her.

"You got everything you deserved, Will. Now go back to Oakland and take care of your child," Angela snarled.

"How did you find her, anyway? Just tell me that."

"Give my regards to Smoky. It didn't take much to get him to talk." Angela heard Will sigh. "It doesn't feel so good now, does it? Don't you ever call me again."

"I just wanted you back, Angela. I just wanted to start over," Will confessed.

started over," Angela said and hung up the phone.


ational bestselling author and award-winning author Earl Sewell has written eight novels which include
The Good Got to Suffer with the Bad, Through Thick and Thin, The Flip Side of Money, When Push Comes to Shove, Keysha's Drama, If I Were Your Boyfriend, Love Lies and Scandal
and his debut title,
Taken For Granted,
which was originally self-published through his own publishing company, Katie Books. His work has also appeared in four separate anthologies which include
On the Line, Whispers Between the Sheets,
After Hours: A Collection of Erotic Writing by Black Men.
He has written numerous romantic short stories for
Black Romance
magazine and has been featured in
Black Issues Book Review
magazine. He is also the founder of Earl Sewell's Travel Network,, which is a travel agency. In addition, Earl is a lifelong athlete who has completed several marathons and triathlons. Earl lives in Chicago with his family. To learn more about Earl Sewell, visit his Web sites at and


ISBN: 978-1-4268-2385-5

Copyright (c) 2008 by Earl Sewell

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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