Love Is Louder (32 page)

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Authors: Antoinette Candela,Paige Maroney

BOOK: Love Is Louder
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I glance over my shoulder as I walk to the car. Pink birthday balloons still float from the mailbox, and the laughter of the children fill the air, squeezing my heart one last time before I slip into my car. All of it becomes a distant picture in my rearview mirror as I drive toward the center of town where the park is decorated in red, white, and blue streamers and lined with refreshment stands.

I quickly pull my sunglasses from my eyes and watch couples and families scurry for spots on the grass to lay down blankets in anticipation for the fireworks show that is happening at sundown. I’d give anything to be sitting under the stars on a warm July night than entertaining guests all night. Just James and me. Maybe next year.

Will we make it to next year?

This get-together at our home will be a test for me, something new since we tend to find ourselves at monotonous functions like this at other homes. With James’ position, his presence is sought out. He doesn’t mind them so much; he’d rather not be invited to so many of them, but it’s a necessary evil in his line of work. Having his name constantly out there can only benefit his career that he’s worked hard for. As his wife, I have to support him.

A few minutes later, I pull up to my home and notice an unfamiliar white Lexus parked in the driveway, quite possibly one of his friends arriving to celebrate early. Maybe Michael, his “golfing buddy.” I smirk to myself and grab my things to head inside when my phone chirps. I dig through my purse to fish it out.

“Hey,” I answer.

“How come you weren’t at yoga class this morning?” Ava asks in greeting.

“I had a birthday party to shoot this afternoon.”

“Taking the business to the next level?”

“I don’t think so. The way my feet and back are feeling right now, this is going to be a onetime deal.”

“So, who was the lucky customer to have your services on the weekend?”

“I prefer to call them clients.”

“Whatever. Just tell me already, or I’m gonna come over there and beat it out of you.”She gripes in a good-natured tone.

I chuckle softly, anticipating Ava’s response when I reveal my client. “Mason.”

She gasps over the phone. “Mr. Fuckable?”

“Yes.” I snatch my things and hop out of the car and make my way up the walkway to the front door.

“Like, when you say ‘birthday,’ was it you taking pictures of him in his birthday suit?” she asks like a giddy teenager.

“Seriously, Ava.”

“What? You’re not the first married photographer to take pictures of naked men. So, was he?”

“Was he what?”

“Naked? Dammit!”

“No, can you please get your mind out of the gutter.” I shake my head at my friend’s one-track mind.

“You mean to tell me that while looking at him as much as you have, the thought has never crossed your mind.”

More than once.

“Okay. Enough about Mr. Fuckable.”
Which is easier said than done at the moment.
“You’re coming to the party, right?”

“Wouldn’t miss it. It’ll be great.”

“Good.” I breathe a sigh of relief as I open the front door, shocked to hear female laughter floating from the kitchen. A sharp stabbing begins in my chest. There’s never been another woman in the house except for James’ mother. I would know her annoying high-pitched laugh anywhere, but this one is seductive and breathy, causing a ball of anxiety to form in my stomach as I’m digging my nails into the palms of my hand.

“I have to go,” I say, trying to keep my voice composed when I hear James’ voice coming from the kitchen. My arrival is not acknowledged since they can’t hear me with Phillip Phillips “Tell Me a Story” coming over the radio from the living room. I wonder what my husband’s story is today. Will this song remind me of this moment when I found him with another woman in our house? Just like the bench will always remind me of the blonde?

“Is everything okay?” Ava’s voice jolts me from my thoughts.

“I just have a lot to do before the party.”

There’s a stillness in the air as I continue to listen to their muffled voices and laughter for another painful thirty seconds.

“Okay. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

“No worries. Take your time.” I don’t want her to be here. I want to handle this without witnesses if anything embarrassing happens, like me not able to keep myself together because of the current situation.

“See you soon!”

Ava’s words help me relax somewhat as I let out a whoosh of air, but the sound of the foreign voice in my house causes bile to rise in my throat.

I hang up after we say our goodbyes and pad down the hallway and nonchalantly walk under the archway and out of view so that I can observe James interacting in my house with another woman.

My eyes take a few seconds to adjust to the bright sunlight steaming though the room, and that’s when the pit in my stomach becomes a mountain.

There she is.

The woman from the park.

She’s standing shoulder to shoulder with James, who’s chopping veggies for a salad, as she sips a glass of wine. Her blonde hair is entwined into two lose sexy braids. She’s tall and fit, but full through the chest and hips. She is smiling brilliantly at my husband, displaying her perfectly aligned white teeth. I want to punch her. I want to puke.

I want to hate her. And I do.

James wouldn’t do this on purpose—have another woman in the house without me present. He didn’t plan this. I was late.

If I weren’t late, would she be in my home acting like she belongs here, playing house with my husband?

It burns to see him enjoying himself with some other woman, but somehow I find the courage to walk toward them while intentionally jingling my keys, a warning to possibly distract them from doing something inappropriate.

James looks up with a look of relief, his face softens when he sees me approaching. “Baby, you’re late. I was just about to call you.” He stops preparing the salad, washes his hands, and comes around to kiss me.

“Sorry, baby.” He takes my purse and camera and sets them onto the countertop. I glance over at Blondie, giving her a tight smile as James wraps his arm around my waist. “Did I miss anything?”

Something in the air changes. James seems on edge, not relaxed like a few seconds ago.

“Not much. Lisa surprised me. I didn’t know she was coming.” His eyes find mine.

“Yes, I didn’t want to miss this event, getting to mingle with my colleagues outside of the office. It’s nice,” Lisa replies in a smooth voice, but it runs over my ears like a serrated knife.

When Lisa looks over at me, my husband apologizes and says, “Lisa, I want to introduce you to my wife, Brie. Brie, this is Lisa, the deputy district attorney.”

Why is James just telling me about her? How long has she been working with him?

“Nice to meet you, Lisa.”

All this fake smiling is starting to hurt.

“Same here. I’ve heard so much about you,” she says before turning her attention to James as she drops my hand. The ways she looks at my husband grates on my nerves.

“I was just telling Lisa about your photography business.” James picks up his beer and takes a swig.

“Actually, I heard about it through some friends. I’ve seen your work. You’re very talented.”

I don’t give a shit about what you think. I just want to know why you’re here with my husband.
“So, did you come alone?” I ask, catching the hesitation in her eyes. James presses me closer to his side as if to reassure me or to make sure I’m not provoking a situation. With a soft smile, I give him a sliver of obedience. Anything for James. First impressions are everything.

“Yes, I wasn’t sure if I was going to come at all. I was one of the last ones to find out in the office.” She smiles, an overly sweet smile that I’m starting to despise.

“Oh,” I reply as the doorbell rings.

“I guess I missed the memo.”

“It’s been so busy at the office. I thought I may have mentioned it to you.” James’ body tenses as his strong hand slides to my hip.

“I’m glad you could make it.” Sarcasm drips like acid from my mouth.

I lift my chin to James, and his eyes are soft as well as his voice when he says, “I’ll answer that. Be nice.”

I have a strange feeling he doesn’t want to leave us alone. He releases me from his embrace, glancing fleetingly at Lisa. I watch him stroll off, the tight muscles of his butt hidden under his light blue jeans. When I turn my attention back to Lisa, I see she’s ogling my husband too as she picks up her wine glass before she finally speaks, “You have a nice place.”

Small talk. Hate it.

“Thank you. It’s not quite finished.
still working on decorating it. I want to make sure James has some input in the design and colors since we spend so much time here.”

“Yes...compromise is essential in a relationship.” She fidgets with the gold bracelet on her wrist.

“What about you? Are you seeing someone?”

Besides my husband for eight hours each day Monday through Friday?

She laughs a quick laugh, her eyes connecting with mine.

“No, I’m so busy with work that I haven’t had a chance to meet many people.”

“You look familiar to me. Have I seen you before? I swear I’ve seen you around town.”

With my husband.

“I don’t think so. I don’t get out much. Sometimes when the office is working late, we may go out for a drink, but other than that, it’s just me.”

“Are you telling me an attractive woman like yourself isn’t dating or in a relationship?”

Her smile grows mischievous. “Well, I should clarify that, Brie. I’m not in relationship, but I have male friends.”

Has she ever given James that look when they are scouring through case files in the office or chatting over drinks

“With benefits,” I finish.

“Something like that.” She laughs gently before casting a glance behind me toward the front door.

Is she looking for James?

Tension rolls through my body at the mere idea of it.

Can she be more obvious?

This woman spends more time with James than I do. She wants my husband. I can feel it in my every fiber. I refuse to let this knowledge affect me and refuse to notice how beautiful she is. After a few seconds, I finally speak, making sure my voice is pleasant. This is near impossible to do, but I fight through it like a champ.

“I see.” I don another fake smile. Before I could say anything more, I hear the voice I’ve been waiting for.



I inhale a deep breath, relieved to see my friend has arrived. When I look at her, I notice the perceptive expression sprawled over her features as she flicks her eyes for a brief second toward Lisa. She always had a knack for swooping in at just the right moment, but right now, I want to learn more about my new friend. Any friend of James’ is a friend of mine.

“I’m here to help.” Ava gives me a peck on the cheek. She leans her back on the counter, folds her arms across her chest, and gives Lisa her signature
what the fuck is she doing here

“You were in my salon a couple weeks ago. Lisa, is it?” Ava’s eyes enlarge in mild shock.

“Yes…small world. Nice to see you again.”

“I remember all my customers. I didn’t know you were friends with —” Ava glances between us.

“She works with James,” I interrupt. “She’s the deputy DA.”

“Oh.” Ava gives Lisa a pointed stare. “Have you been working there long?”

My eyes flick between her and back to Lisa’s, whose lustful eyes are taking in my husband when he reenters the kitchen and grabs a beer from the fridge. The need to lunge at her skitters across my body like a raging inferno.

How would that look? James breaking up a catfight between his wife and a woman who is openly coveting him? I know Ava would have my back.

“Six months,” she replies with a smug face.

My hands clench tightly at my sides. Six months. Was that when the problems started, or did it coincide with the increased workload and the need to hire her? This isn’t the time and the place for this.

So, when is the right time for anything? Will I always avoid and procrastinate the issues that bother me?

Ava pivots to look at Lisa, her face holds determination.

“Oh, this is a first.” Ava meets her gaze, doing her best to communicate how unimpressed she is with her.

“Yes…well, it’s been really busy at the office with a load of new cases, so I can understand how it can slip his mind. He is very committed to his job.”

“I’m sure he is,” Ava insinuates. “What about you? Are you committed?”

“I love what I do, and I have a great boss.”

Lisa picks up her glass of wine and puts it to her lips. For a split second, I think about pouring the whole damn bottle of white wine over her head, kicking her out of my house, or shoving her into the pool. Each option sounds promising.

At the sound of James’ clearing his throat, an awkward silence descends upon the room. He comes to stand behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Lisa flashes him a blinding smile and then glances my way before taking another sip of wine. This woman is making me so uncomfortable.

“So, what we were talking about?” His body tenses underneath me, and I wonder what his face looks like.

Does James see the obvious lust in her eyes? Is he so in love with me that he doesn’t notice? Is he ignoring it?

“Work,” Lisa chips in.

He stills for a moment. “Can we not talk about work on the weekend?”

“I agree.” Ava picks up a sliced cucumber and bites into it.

“How about I get you ladies some wine?”

Teetering on the edge of anger, I look to James and smile. “That would be great, hon.” I stand on my tiptoes and lean in for a kiss. “Can I have red wine? I
white wine.”

“Sure, babe.”

“Same for me. White wine does something to my stomach.” Ava eyes my husband. He avoids her gaze as he scrubs his hand through his thick hair before walking to the fridge to grab the wine.

“Lucky for us, I went and picked up a few bottles the other day,” I say, my voice slow and steady. Lisa looks me in the eye, pausing to grab her ringing cell from her purse. She pulls it out and smiles when the number comes across the screen.

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