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Authors: Sarah Purcell

Love Is a Breeze (12 page)

BOOK: Love Is a Breeze
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She swung her legs off the counter but John prevented her from jumping down by placing his hands on either side of her hips. She could feel the warmth of his hands through her thin pajama pants, warmth that quickly spread throughout her body. He searched her face as his head lowered, slowly, until his cell phone rang in the bedroom. He dropped his head, took a deep breath and straightened. His eyes held a hint of regret before he went to answer it. Brianna slid off the counter and retreated to her room.

A few minutes later John stopped at her open door.  “I’m going over to Kaitlyn’s. She can’t get a hold of her building super and there seems to be a problem with her AC. I’ll be back soon.”

Not if Kaitlyn has her way .

She stood under the shower letting the cold spray cool her heated body.
Funny, I’ve heard of a man taking a cold shower but never a woman.
If the phone hadn’t rung–
Her cheeks burned despite the cold water.  Was it just her overactive imagination or was her really going to kiss her? Did he regret almost kissing her or the interruption? Her shoulders sagged. Now, he’s going to Kaitlyn’s which she should be glad of but wasn’t. She wished her apartment was ready. She couldn’t be trusted anywhere near the man








CHAPTER thirteen




Brianna stood in front of her bathroom mirror applying her makeup for the third time. It was Saturday night, finally, and she really was looking forward to going out– if only her blind date and Kaitlyn Schuster weren’t going. Wiping off her lipstick and reaching for a different color, Brianna thought about how the night would be if it were just she and John, a thought that crept into her mind often during the past week . She shook her head.
It’d never work.
Running a hand over her hair, Brianna lifted it off her neck.
Maybe I should wear it up.
She reached for a clip and dropped it on the floor when John spoke from the bedroom doorway.

“Are you about ready?” He looked up from his watch.

Brianna noticed his gray eyes darken to near black as they traveled over her, head to toe, before returning to hers. She blushed and swallowed the lump in her throat.

“Is this okay?” She swept her hands down her dress – the dress he had bought for her had quickly become her favorite.

“Perfect,” he said, eyes lingering on her lips. He blinked and straightened, indicating she should precede him out of the room.

She took a deep breath as she passed him, filling her senses with the masculine scent of him.

“Do you have a jacket?” John asked. “It’s cool this evening.”

Brianna shook her head, quickly dismissing her denim jacket and bulky, oversized sweater as totally unsuitable. John opened the coat closet and pulled out a mossy green mohair shawl.

“My mother’s,” he said, as he placed it around her shoulders.

Brianna smiled her thanks, relishing the warm imprint of his hands more than the soft warmth of the shawl.

“We’re meeting your date at the marina but we need to pick up Kaitlyn.” He held the door open for her.

So much for the feeling of warmth.
However, she was determined to have a good time in spite of Kaitlyn. Who knows, her date could very well be the love of her life. She glanced up at John as they waited for the elevator.
Then, again, probably not
. She sighed.

“You’re not nervous, are you?” John looked down at her.

Brianna bit her bottom lip and shook her head.

“Your date is a very nice young man. Did I mention he’s Dr. Anderson’s son?”

Brianna shook her head again, not trusting herself to speak without squeaking. Maybe she was a little nervous. 
Everybody’s nervous going on a blind date, aren’t they?
She stepped into the elevator.

“He’s in medical school at Loyola,” John continued as he pushed the button to the ground floor.

She nodded.

John grinned at her. “You
nervous.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

Oh, that helps
. She gulped.
Better to let him think I’m nervous about the date than weak-kneed over him.
She glanced up and gave him a feeble smile.

“That’s better. You’ll be fine.” He dropped his arm as the doors opened.

Brianna willed herself to walk steadily to the waiting car. She welcomed the assistance of the doorman as he seated her and closed the door. John slid behind the wheel.

“It’s the suit,” Brianna said.

“The suit?” John glanced at her, eyebrow raised. “What’s wrong with my suit?”

“Nothing’s wrong with the suit. It’s just that with it on you’re Mr. Sharp, the boss. Without it you’re just a– John.”
That didn’t sound right.
The corner of John’s mouth twitched. “I mean, under the suit you’re a man.”
Oh, yeah. That sounded better
! The twitch morphed into a grin. “I’ll just shut up now,” she said, sliding down in her seat and hugging the door handle.
Lord, if You’re planning a rapture, now would be a good time.

The remainder of the drive to Kaitlyn’s was in silence except for the occasional chuckle from John causing Brianna to silently rain Irish curses on his head.

“I’ll just be a minute,” John said, pulling into a space in front of Kaitlyn’s brownstone. Brianna nodded, still too mortified to speak.

When he disappeared into the building, Brianna took the opportunity to avoid an awkward moment by switching to the backseat. She picked up her purse, wrapped the shawl more securely around her and opened the door. Stepping onto the curb she pushed the door shut and reached for the handle on the back door.
Oh, great!
She lifted the handle and pulled anyway.
Damn automatic door locks!
She leaned against a lamp post to wait. It shouldn’t be long, she thought.

She smiled at a woman pushing a baby in a stroller and a man walking his dog. She shifted from her left foot to her right. She ignored the whistles from a couple of teenage boys across the street. The woman with the baby came back with a sack of groceries. The man with the dog came back with a bag that wasn’t groceries. She wrinkled her nose and shifted her feet again.

Just as she finished counting the windows in the building across the street she heard, “What’s she doing here?”

Brianna pulled herself up to her full five-feet-four, with the aid of high heels, mustered a smile and turned to face Kaitlyn and John.

“We’re double dating,” John said. Turning to Brianna, he asked, “Why are you standing on the curb?”

Brianna glared at him. Kaitlyn glared at Brianna.

“How nice,” Kaitlyn said to John.  She did not look like she thought it was at all nice.

“Ms. Schuster.” Brianna said.

“Oh, please call me Kaitlyn. We’re not at the office.” Her lips formed a saccharin smile.

Lord, control my tongue!

Before Brianna could temper an answer, Kaitlyn turned her attention back to John, leaning toward him and claiming his arm.

Brianna wrinkled her nose. John disengaged himself, unlocked the doors and opened the front door for Kaitlyn. When she was seated he opened the back door for Brianna giving her a look that said, “Behave yourself.”

She returned it with an “I will if she will” look of her own. John’s eyes narrowed in warning. Brianna jerked the door shut.

Mercifully, the ride to the marina was short. Kaitlyn’s flirting was nauseating and would have been a real threat to Brianna’s determination to have a good time if she hadn’t taken so much pleasure at seeing John’s discomfort.

They pulled up in front of the restaurant. The valet simultaneously opened both passenger doors and attempted to assist Kaitlyn who ignored his proffered hand and tossed her head toward the backseat, indicating he should help Brianna. She flashed Brianna a triumphant look as John reached for her hand. Resisting the temptation to stick her tongue out, Brianna accepted the valet’s offered hand. Kaitlyn possessively latched onto John’s arm thwarting his attempt to turn to Brianna, leaving her to trail behind them.

Once inside, Brianna stood to the side as John spoke to the Maitre d’.

“Your date is waiting in the lounge,” John said stepping back to allow the ladies to precede him into the dim and crowded room.

A young man seated at the bar turned as they entered the room, waved a greeting to John and walked toward them. He was tall, though not as tall as John, had sandy blond hair and a friendly smile. Brianna liked him instantly. The men shook hands and John introduced Kaitlyn. He turned to Brianna. “Brianna, this is Brian Anderson.”

Brian clasped her hand and held it.

“Brian and Brianna. How cute is that!” Kaitlyn said. “You make such a perfectly adorable couple.”

They both blushed slightly, glanced at each other self consciously and laughed.

“Thank you,” Brianna said, lacing her arm through Brian’s. “I think so, too.” She tilted her head up meeting Brian’s eyes with a twinkle and squeezed his arm.

“I believe our table is ready.” John scowled.

Kaitlyn attempted to grasp John’s hand but he took hold of her elbow and followed the Maitre d’.

They were seated at a table overlooking Lake Michigan and handed menus. The Maitre d’ gave John the wine list.

              “Is white wine good for everyone?” he asked, when the waiter stopped at their table. Brian and Brianna nodded.

“I’d prefer a merlot,” Kaitlyn said.

“A bottle of Sauvignon Blanc and the lady will have a glass of merlot.”

“I’ve changed my mind,” Kaitlyn said. “I’ll have a Gray Goose martini, with two olives not onions.”

Brianna and Brian stole quick glances and hid smiles behind napkins. Brianna felt a foot nudge hers under the table and looked at John. He narrowed his eyes, Brianna widened hers. They missed Kaitlyn’s puzzled look.

“That certainly is a colorful dress, Brianna. Wherever did you get it?” Kaitlyn asked.

“I– it–” she glanced at John. “It was a gift.”

“Well, it’s simply darling.”

“I think the color matches her eyes,” John said.

Kaitlyn looked at John then turned back to Brianna.

“I could show you how to apply make-up to enhance them,” Kaitlyn said.

Brianna looked up but before she could voice the retort itching to leap off the tip of her tongue, John responded, “Her eyes are gorgeous the way they are.”

Brian looked at her intently, “Yes, they are beautiful.”

Kaitlyn and Brianna both reddened but for much different reasons.

Brianna studied the menu until the waiter returned with their drinks.

“Are you ready to order?” he asked.

“Brianna?” John indicated for her to order.

“I’ll have the shrimp scampi, please and a salad with ranch dressing.”

The waiter looked at Brian.

“That sounds good. I’ll have the same.”

“Kaitlyn?” John said.

“I want the grilled salmon, lightly grilled but not undercooked and with lemon on the side. No butter.  Sautéed vegetables but only if they are fresh and not frozen. I want a Cesar Salad with the dressing on the side. And bring another one of these.” Kaitlyn tilted her glass toward the waiter before taking a sip.

Brianna hid behind her napkin covering a giggle while casting a sideways glance at Brian who didn’t bother to hide his grin. Brianna felt her foot nudged again and, again, it was accompanied by John’s narrowed gaze. Brianna frowned and, this time, returned a warning look.
Next time you get a kick in the shin.

Kaitlyn drained her glass and set it on the table with a thump.

John placed his order, then looked a Brianna and Brian who appeared to be having an intimate conversation.

“So, Brian, your father tells me medical school is going well for you.”

Brian looked up. “Yes, sir. It’s going very well. I start my residency next fall at Johns Hopkins.”

“That is impressive. Congratulations.” Even Kaitlyn looked impressed.

“Thank you, sir. I’m lucky to have been accepted.”

“I’m sure luck had little to do with it,” Brianna said, laying a hand on his arm and giving him a warm smile. John frowned.

Kaitlyn laid her hand on John’s arm. “John, you are the envy of men twice your age. You’ve built an impressive business.”

“Excuse me,” John said, reaching for his glass of wine, effectively removing Kaitlyn’s hand. “I didn’t build it singlehandedly. I have an amazing art department for one thing.” He smiled at Brianna.

Kaitlyn reached for her empty glass. “Where is that waiter with my drink?”

John refilled the wine glasses as the waiter returned with Kaitlyn’s martini.

“It’s about time,” she said, grabbing the glass before the waiter could set it down.

Brian and Brianna exchanged glances.

Again, Brianna felt a nudge on her foot.

“Ouch,” John jumped and glared at Brianna.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Was that your leg?” Brianna said, sweetly.

Kaitlyn looked at John, then Brianna, and back at John. John picked up his wine as Kaitlyn slid her hand onto his thigh. He jerked and the wine sloshed onto Kaitlyn’s dress. She jumped up with a shriek as wine ran quickly into her cleavage. John’s wide-eyed stare had Brianna nearly hysterical with laughter.

“Well, at least it’s white,” Brianna said when she composed herself.

“Brianna, come with me to the ladies’ room.” Kaitlyn said.

“No, that’s okay. I don’t need to go.”

“I insist,” Kaitlyn said through clenched teeth.

Brianna glared at John. “Well, since you put it that way, how can I refuse.” John and Brian stood.

John held Brianna back and whispered in her ear, “Watch yourself.”

Brianna freed her arm and followed Kaitlyn.

“This dress is pure silk and it’s ruined,” Kaitlyn said, as she stood in front of the sink.

BOOK: Love Is a Breeze
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