One Rough Night (BWWM Motorcycle Erotic Romance)

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One Rough Night


By Tasha Monroe



paced nervously in her living room, waiting for the phone to ring. She wasn’t
expecting it to ring for a half an hour, but she wanted to be ready just in
case. She knew that if she missed the call, it could mean the loss of her
house. She’d be broke and there would be no coming back from that.


had lost her job about a week ago. She’d been working as a secretary for a
local business. Then the business collapsed and she was left jobless and with
just enough money to pay her next month’s rent. She needed to find a job, and


A few
days ago, she found something that had caught her eye. It was an ad on
Craigslist for a ‘young woman between the ages of 18 and 25 willing to work
nights.’ It must have been a hard job to get because the ad had been placed a
month previously and was still available. And it seemed like a really good job
too, the salary was much more than she had been earning as a secretary.


quickly got in touch with the person who placed the ad. She made sure it wasn’t
a scam and scheduled an interview. If she could get this job, she’d be safe.
Everything was riding on this and she wanted to make sure she would make the
best impression possible.


was the day she was to go in for the interview. She dressed up in her best
clothes and was careful not to put too much makeup on. She always made sure she
was careful about the way she dressed because she knew she didn’t look like
most girls her age.


She was
only 19, but everyone told her she looked like a woman. She had huge tits, a
nice ass, and beautiful brown eyes. There was just one problem: she was shy.


had been shy for most of her life. She’d always been very self-conscious about
her body. She knew her shyness was the main reason she had been unlucky with
guys, but she didn’t let that get her down. She’d pretty much given up on
trying to be with guys and instead focused her time on working.


Today, she
knew if she showed too much of herself she would definitely not get the job.
Even though everything was covered, she still felt pretty nervous about how she
looked. But that wasn’t the only reason she was nervous.


The man
who she talked to had scheduled the interview for the early evening. He didn’t
specify what the job would be, but he did tell her that no experience was
necessary. Fortunately, he was having the interview in a casual place so she
wasn’t nervous about him kidnapping her or anything.


In fact,
she was surprised at how polite he was over the phone. He had told her the
interview would be at a local restaurant and he’d buy her dinner and
everything. He didn’t even ask who she was, he just offered to interview her at
a restaurant. Sharice was surprised, but she quickly accepted.


At a
quarter to six, the phone finally rang. Sharice snatched it up.




Are you ready for our interview?”


I’ll head right over.”


She hung
up the phone and walked out to her car, heart pounding. Other than when she
went to work, she never really got out of the house much. She wasn’t a big
“people person” so she tried to stay at home as often as she could. Now, she’d
be going out to eat with a man she’d never met before to try to get a job that
seemed hard to get. She was getting more nervous by the minute.


She got
into her car and drove to the restaurant, thinking about what she might say.
She didn’t want this to turn into a “date” or anything. She’d never been on one
of those in her life and she was terrified of the concept. What was she
supposed to say? Would he start asking her hard questions when she had a
mouthful of food in her mouth? Oh god, she was going to embarrass the hell out
of herself.


But she
knew she had no choice. She needed this job. She knew she couldn’t let nerves
get in the way of getting the job. As she pulled up to the restaurant, she looked
around the parking lot, surprised. Usually the place was packed, especially
early in the evening. Now, there were only a couple cars parked.


She got
out of her car and walked up to the entrance, looking around for the guy she
was supposed to be meeting. She hoped they’d be able to find each other. He
hadn’t even given his name, or asked for hers. She opened the door of the
restaurant and walked up to where the hostess stood.


“Hi, I’m
supposed to be meeting someone here. Did a man make a reservation in the last
few minutes?” she asked.


hostess smiled.


this way, ma’am. He’s been waiting for you.”


followed, confused. How would she know the man who was supposed to be meeting
her? The hostess led her to a table in the back. When she saw the man who was
sitting there, she thought her jaw would hit the floor.


He was a
white guy with beautiful, brown, shoulder-length hair and deep, brown eyes. He
had a gorgeous face and she could see rings of muscle threatening to spring out
of his shirt. He was casually dressed, wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt and
jeans. He smiled at her as he stood up, inviting her to sit. His smile made her
heart melt. She wasn’t usually interested in white guys, but this one was
an exception.


sat down, stunned. She wasn’t expecting a man like this to be the one
interviewing her. She felt her heart race as he looked into her eyes. His eyes
seemed to penetrate her body, making her feel as if she was being x-rayed.


“Hi, I’m
James,” he said, extending his hand.


She took
it, his touch warming her to the bone.


“I’m Sharice.”


turned to the hostess.


get us a couple waters to start with, Sarah, and then give us a few minutes.”


The hostess/waitress
nodded and walked off.


“Um, do
you know her or something?” asked Sharice. Instantly she felt like an idiot.
She was supposed to be getting interviewed for what was probably the most
important job of her life and
was she wanted to talk about? She
silently cursed herself.


smiled again and looked at her with those deep, intelligent eyes.


“This is
actually my restaurant. I’m the manager. That’s why there are hardly any cars here.
Whenever I interview someone, I make sure that we can’t be bothered by anyone
else. Before you say anything, though, know that the job I’m offering you has
nothing to do with the restaurant. I’m not going to hire you as a waitress or
anything. What I have in mind is much more special.”


What was that supposed to mean?


Okay. What exactly do you have in mind though?”


let you know soon enough. First I want to get to know you a little bit more.
I’ve had many girls interview for this job, and not one of them has felt like
the right one. But I’m sensing something different with you already. We’ll see
how it goes, though.”


was more nervous than ever. So she was right about lots of people having
interviewed for this. But what could be so hard about a job that required no
experience from the manager of a local restaurant? Though she was very nervous,
she couldn’t help but be very intrigued.


James. What do you want to know?”


chuckled again.


thought I was supposed to be the one interviewing you?” he joked. Sharice
couldn’t help but feel she was off to a terrible start.


go ahead.”


be, you’re fine. Just relax, I promise you have nothing to be nervous about.
I’m already thinking you’re going to be perfect for this. But I just want to
get to know you a little bit. Now, Sharice, some of these questions are going
to be a little personal. If you don’t feel like answering them just say so, and
I won’t press you. Of course I’d like if you answered them all, but you don’t
have to and it won’t hurt your chances. Are you ready?”




First of all, I’m curious. Have you ever been on a date before? Or had a


though his question was very personal, Sharice felt something strange. She felt
as though she could talk to him about this. She didn’t know why, but she found
it extremely easy to talk to him.


no, I haven’t. I’ve never been with a man before and at this point, I’ve pretty
much given up. I have no experience. Would
ever want to go on a date
with me?” she said, without thinking.


laughed again as the hostess/waitress came back with the waters.


“What do
you think this is, Sharice? You’re on your first date. And you know what? I’m
still here. I didn’t know what you looked like before, but I do now. And I
think you look great. The younger women are always the best,” he said, winking
at her.


took a gulp of water to steady her nerves. She realized what he was saying was
true. She was on an actual date, with a real man. She could hardly believe it.
And the way he complimented her… was he hitting on her or something? The
thought almost made her want to laugh. No one would even dream of doing that.
She tried to relax a little.


that’s good to know. But yeah, before tonight, I’ve never been on a date. I’ve
never had a boyfriend or anything, and I’m already 19.”


sometimes things can change when we least expect them to,” he said, winking at
her again.


he was just kidding around, he couldn’t have been talking about himself, right?
Sharice took another sip, waiting for him to keep asking her questions.


“So, Sharice.
What was your job like before this one? I mean you must have had some way of
supporting yourself.”


“Well, I
worked as a secretary for a few years at a business a few blocks from my house.
It didn’t pay that well, but it was a steady paycheck. It was easy, but pretty
boring. My whole life has been pretty boring, actually.”


looked at her thoughtfully, those eyes sucking her in again.


“Hmm. I
think I know a way to help you with that. The job I have in mind for you is
nothing like being a secretary, though you will be working for me. It will
definitely be more exciting for you though, I can promise you that. And it
won’t just be a paycheck you’ll be getting, either. What I have in mind is much
more than that.”


than a paycheck? What was that supposed to mean?


“Now, Sharice,
next question. Are you comfortable living in your house right now? Is it a nice


thought about it. She lived in a small, one bedroom apartment in one of the
noisiest parts of town. She’d only been living there for a few months, and she
didn’t really like it. The only reason she was still there was because it was
cheap and she could afford it.


“Umm. If
given the opportunity, I’d leave as soon as possible. I can’t really afford to
live anywhere else, though.”


won’t be a problem. What I have in mind will make you much, much happier. We’re
almost done, I only have a couple questions left.”


nodded and took another sip.


you mind living with another person? Or other people Are you comfortable with


never been too comfortable around other people. She hadn’t had many friends in
her life, and was fine with that.

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