Love After Dark (15 page)

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Authors: Marie Force

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Love After Dark
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“Gee, I have no idea what we should do,” Maddie replied.

“They’re up to something,” Mac said.

“Do ya think?” Adam asked.

“You hired the male strippers, right?” Maddie asked Adam’s fiancée, Abby.

“All set,” Abby said. “They’ll be on the five o’clock boat, and we’ll bring them right to Syd’s place.”

“Wait just a second,” Luke said. “Syd’s place is
place, too, and I never signed off on strippers.”

“It’s okay, babe,” Sydney said, patting Luke’s arm. “I don’t need your approval to have some friends over.”

“They’re not friends! They’re strippers!”

“Who will be
very good
friends by the end of the evening,” Stephanie said with a dirty grin.

“You’re not partying with strippers,” Grant said.

“Oh yes, I am, honey,” Stephanie said, laughing at her husband’s outrage as the other women egged her on.

“Maddie won’t be there,” Mac said.

“Grace won’t be there either,” Evan said.

“No Abby,” Adam said.

“Laura is pregnant,” Owen said.

“What the hell does that have to do with anything?” Laura asked him.

“It’s indecent for pregnant women to party with strippers.”

“Color me indecent, then,” Sydney said. “Pregnant and partying with the boys.”

“You are not,” Luke said, glaring at his wife.

“Janey can’t make it that night,” Joe said.

“In your dreams,” Janey shot back. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything.”

Mac noticed that Ned was laughing his ass off. “What the hell is so funny over there?”

“All ya fools thinkin’ ya can tell yer ladies what to do.” He dabbed at laughter tears. “Funniest thing I ever heard.”

“What do you know about it?” Mac asked. “You’re a newlywed. Us crusty veterans know how to manage our women.”

More napkins and other items flew in Mac’s direction.

“You’re such a freaking blowhard,” Janey said.

“No kidding,” Maddie said. “I have a few ideas of how I can show him who’s really in charge around here. I believe I’ll begin his retraining program at bedtime tonight.”

“Oh damn, dude,” Adam said. “You’re getting the deep freeze.”

“I know a few ways to defrost her,” Mac said.

“Better bring your blowtorch,” Maddie said.

“I carry it with me everywhere I go.”

“I’m going to puke,” Janey said.

“So about the strippers,” Evan said. “We’re clear on how we feel about that, right?”

“Crystal clear, honey,” Grace said with a smile for the other women. “We heard you loud and clear.”

“They’re going to do it anyway, aren’t they?” Evan asked no one in particular.

“I believe they are,” Grant said.

“Wait till you ladies see the guys Abby and I hired,” Tiffany said with a wink. “They make the Chippendales look ugly.”

“Wait till your husband hears you’re hiring strippers while he’s off protecting our fair island,” Mac said to his sister-in-law.

“What can I say? The ladies consulted the expert, and I came through for them.”

“Blaine will hit the roof when he hears about this,” Mac said.

“I can’t wait,” Tiffany said. “I love when he gets stern with me.” She shivered dramatically, making the others laugh.

“I was living such a nice quiet life in Nashville,” Evan said, shaking his head. “What was I thinking moving home to be treated this way?”

“Awww, baby,” Grace said. “No one has ever treated you better than I do.”

“Most of the time, that’s very true. Today? Not so much.”

Grace covered her mouth but couldn’t hide her laughter.

“It’s very inappropriate of you to laugh in my face, my love.”

“I’m so sorry.”

“You are not!”

The laughter and joking continued until everyone began to leave when the kids started getting cranky. As they did every night, Mac and Maddie worked together to get their kids bathed and into bed. Stories were told, night-lights illuminated and kisses were given to sweet-smelling cheeks.

They left Thomas’s room and propped the door open so they could hear him if he got up in the night.

Mac put the gate across the top of the stairs just in case Thomas went wandering. Exhausted after the long day and a little buzzed from the beer he’d consumed, Mac went into the bedroom, where Maddie was applying lotion to her arms as she sat up in bed. She wore one of the sexy silk nightgowns he bought her for every occasion. They were more for him than her because he loved how she looked in them.

He took a quick shower, shaved the stubble off his face and emerged from the bathroom to a dark bedroom, which was unusual. Maddie usually waited for him to come to bed before turning off the light. The sheets were cool against his naked skin, but he found the heat when he curled up to her.

“Nice time tonight, hon. Thanks for letting the family invade.”

“Mmm, it was fun.”

He slid his hand from her flat belly to the valley between her spectacular breasts. The rest of his body reacted predictably to her closeness, her scent, her sexy curves. Mac pressed his erection against her ass and kissed the back of her shoulder.

A soft snore from his wife was like a bucket of cold water on his plans. “Maddie,” he said softly. Cupping her breast, he ran his thumb over her nipple until it stood up.

Her breathing changed before she turned over, dislodging his hand and nearly unmanning him with her knee.

“Oh, sorry,” she murmured sleepily. “Did I hurt your blowtorch?”

“Oh my God! You were

She began to laugh and couldn’t stop. “You’ve got some defrosting to do, Mr. McCarthy. I can’t make it too easy on you.”

With his hand on her ass, he tugged her in tight against him. “I know how to defrost you, Mrs. McCarthy.”

“You really are an awful blowhard, Mac.”

“You can blow me hard any time you want.”

She slapped his shoulder but rocked with silent laughter. “It’s a good thing I love you so much, or I’d have to do something about your out-of-control ego.”

“My ego is very healthy, thank you very much. And you’re not going anywhere near male strippers, you hear me?”

“What was that you said? I can’t hear from all the noise your blowtorch is making as it tries to thaw me out.”

Growling, he turned her onto her back and settled into the V of her legs, one of his favorite places to be. The nightgown was now hitched up around her hips, and he was delighted to realize his lovely wife hadn’t worn panties to bed. How convenient for the kind of defrosting he had in mind. “You’re very sassy these days, my love.”

“You like me that way.”

He kissed her sweet lips. “I like you every way, but I don’t want you going near those strippers.”



“Shut up and make love to me before I change my mind about forgiving you.”

Never one to have to be told twice, Mac did as directed, entering her in one smooth stroke that took his breath away. God, he loved her. He loved being inside her. He loved laughing with her and raising their beautiful kids with her. He loved every minute he spent with her, even when she was pushing his buttons, which was most of the time.

“No strippers near my gorgeous wife,” he whispered.

She responded by tightening her internal muscles and nearly finishing him off.

“That was dirty.”

“I can fight dirty when need be.”

“As long as you’re only fighting dirty with me, that’s fine.”

Running her hands down his back, she grasped his ass and squeezed.

He captured her mouth in a ravenous kiss. She made him crazy every time she touched him. Hell, she made him crazy every time she walked into a room and looked at him with those golden eyes. The thought of her looking at—or, God forbid,
—any other guy made him positively feral.

When he was fully seated inside her, he said, “I’m not letting you come until you promise me you won’t even look at those strippers.”

She shocked the shit out of him when she ran her hand down the front of her body to tease her clit, brushing up against his cock in the process.

He could feel her smile against his lips.

“Damn it, Madeline. You’re making me mad.”

“Seems to me I’m making you harder.”

“That, too.”

She laughed, and he couldn’t help but smile at how cute she could be—even when pushing buttons.

“Your sister is right about you.”

“What does that mean?” he asked indignantly.

“You’re a bossy pain in the ass.”

He slid his hands under her and pinched her butt. “This family would fall apart without my steadfast leadership.”

“You’ve really sold yourself a bill of goods, haven’t you?”

“I only speak the truth, babe.” Because he did, in fact, know just what it took to push
buttons, he picked up the pace, thrusting into her repeatedly until her body was quivering beneath him and her legs were wrapped around his waist. Then he went for broke and felt her orgasm hit. Bending his head, he bit down on her nipple, making her cry out as she continued to come. Satisfied that she was satisfied, Mac let himself go, too, giving in to the pounding need that she inspired in him every damned time he touched her.

Spent, he collapsed on top of her and loved the way her arms came around him, how her fingers slid through his still-damp hair.

“We didn’t use anything,” she said softly.

“I know.”

“Are we really doing this?”

He pressed his hips against hers. “I believe we already did.”

“You know what I mean, Mac.”

“Yeah, baby,” he said, kissing her. “I know what you mean, and I hope we made another little person who looks just like you.”

“Because God forbid he’s anything like you.”

Chuckling softly, he kissed her again before withdrawing from her.

She took hold of his hand to keep him from getting out of bed. “You know I’m joking, don’t you? I want Thomas and any other son we might have to be just like you.”

“Even if I’m a pompous blowhard?”

“You’re both of those things, but you’re also loyal and faithful and strong and loving and sexy. Very,

Touched by her kind words, he leaned in to kiss her one more time. “Don’t forget funny.”

Laughing, she said, “That, too, although I hesitate to laugh at your outrageousness because that might encourage you.”

“I’m easily encouraged by you.” He cleaned up in the bathroom and brought a towel to the bed to clean her up, too. Then he crawled back into bed with her, wrapping his arms around her. “I might be a pompous blowhard, but I’d be lost without you. You’re the one who makes it all happen.”

“We make it happen together.”

“You think we’ll be celebrating our fortieth anniversary someday?” he asked.

“I know we will. I have no doubt whatsoever.”

With her warm and snug in his arms and her promises of forever together to lull him, Mac closed his eyes and let sleep take him.

Chapter 10

Though he was exhausted from pushing himself to get things done all day, Paul couldn’t sleep. All he could think about was kissing Hope in the store and how it had felt to hold her and kiss her and touch her. He wanted so much more than the little taste he’d had of her.

His body vibrated with tension and arousal as the erotic memories refused to leave him in peace. Groaning, he turned over onto his belly, his throbbing erection wedged between his body and the mattress. He hadn’t suffered like this over a woman since he’d been a horny teenager lusting after Leslie Donald, who’d never given him the time of day.

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