Lost Bird (28 page)

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Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: Lost Bird
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“You owe me,” John groused.

“I know, sweetie,” she said, feeling genuine remorse. “Sorry. I didn’t think you’d be standing right there.”

“We were trying to hear.”

“Is she mad?” Oscar asked.

“No, witchypoo is pleased as punch.”

“I hope your dad’s that easy,” Oscar said.

“You and me, both.”

The men had enough forethought to grab spare clothes the night before, so she let them take their showers first. She’d take hers at home and walked downstairs with them to kiss them good-bye at the back door.

When Sachi turned, Mandaline was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, a smile on her face.

“What?” Sachi asked.

Mandaline grinned and held her arms open wide for Sachi. Unable to help herself, Sachi ran to her friend, laughing and crying as Mandaline engulfed her in a hug.

“I’m so happy for you, sweetie,” Mandaline whispered in her ear.

“They love me,” she sobbed. “Can you believe that crap? They actually love

Mandaline held her at arm’s length and brushed Sachi’s hair from her face before cradling her cheeks in her hands. “Of course I believe it. I could tell last night the way you all felt about each other. There is no doubt in my mind those two men are absolutely right for you.” She pulled Sachi close again, holding her. “And congratulations. You deserve this happiness, you really do.”

“Yeah, well, I might be asking you to help me tell that to my dad.”

“He’ll be okay.”

“How can you be so certain?”

“Duh. I’m a witch. And your best friend. And your father loves you. He’ll understand. Well, might not understand, but he’ll be happy that you’re happy. That’s the kind of guy he is.”

“Your parents weren’t so hot about it.”

Mandaline shrugged. “They won’t give me grief about it, though. They know they don’t have a choice but to accept Brad and Ellis. Ellis’ folks were all right with it. It still doesn’t matter. The only people who matter are the three of you.”

She released Sachi. “Now go home, get your shower, and get your butt back here, you damn slacker.” Her grin belied her words.

“Yes, ma’am!” She snapped Mandaline a salute. She had to run upstairs to get her purse and keys, but she was soon home and in her own shower and standing there wondering how the hell her whole world had just upended itself and flipped inside out in the space of a couple of weeks.

Not that it really matters, I guess.
Only the end result mattered.

And that end result was that she couldn’t recall a happier time in her life.


* * * *


Sachi had a skeet student that afternoon. Between working and then, she’d spent the day texting back and forth with Oscar and John. They’d agreed they’d meet her later at her house to have dinner with her and her dad.

She figured it was better to break the news to him with a little bit of backup. She also decided she wanted it done and over with and not stressing her out. She refused to sneak around with the guys in her own house.

As far as full-time living arrangements, they’d figure that out over the next few weeks. They’d have to tell Aunt Tammy, but hoped based on what the men had told Sachi that she wouldn’t be too disappointed by their departure.

Her dad wasn’t home yet when Sachi arrived. She’d opted for easy, spaghetti and store-bought meatballs with a side salad and garlic bread.

She’d also stopped by the drugstore and picked up her own supply of condoms and lube, which she stashed in her bedside table.

I really need to make a doctor appointment.

The men arrived while her dad was in the shower.

“Is he in a good mood?” Oscar asked.

“As good as any, I guess,” she said. “He’s always been fairly even-tempered. And he really seems to like his new job.”

“That’s good, right?” John asked.

“I hope so.”

The introductions went well, her dad happy to chat with the men as they ate, glad to finally meet them.

Sachi waited until they had finished eating to break the news. She was sitting directly across from her dad at the four-person table and it took every ounce of strength she had to force herself to keep her gaze focused on him and not stare down at her plate.

“Dad, we have something we need to tell you.”

A frown creased his brow. “We?”

“Yeah, we. I hope you’ll keep an open mind about this, but me and John and Oscar are…involved.”

“Involved? What does that mean?”

“It means we’re together. Like Mandaline, Brad, and Ellis.”

It felt like eternity passed before he spoke again. “So

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“How long as this been going on?”

“Not real long. But…it’s permanent. We’re still working out the logistics of them moving in here. That’s not going to happen immediately, but they probably will be spending some nights here.”

Slowly nodding, a little smile crossed his face. “Wanting me to move out already?”

Horror filled her. “No! Daddy, no, that’s not what I—”

He chuckled. “Miki, relax. I’m teasing.” He looked from Oscar to John. “You love my daughter?”

“Yes, sir. Absolutely.”

Then to Oscar. “And you?”

“Of course I do.”

He let out a little sigh and pushed his chair back. Standing, he walked around the table to Sachi and held his arms out to her.

She stood and struggled, barely winning over the tears that wanted to fill her eyes as he hugged her.

“You love them?” he asked.

“Yes, Daddy. I love them.”

“And you’re sure this is what you want?”


“Okay then.” He turned to the men. “Mazel tov, gentlemen.” He shook a finger at them. “If you hurt her, it’s not me you have to worry about. She’s got friends who I suspect would make your lives a living hell with all their hocus-pocus.”

Sachi laughed, hugging her dad again. “Thank you, Daddy.”

“We spent a lot of years living apart. It’s good to see you look so happy and young for a change. You looked aged beyond your years when you left home. Who am I to say what’s right and what’s wrong? But I know happy when I see it. And you, sweetheart, look happy. And that makes


* * * *


Oscar and John helped her clean up the kitchen before they said good night to her father and headed for the bedroom.

“You can’t make me scream my head off tonight,” she warned. “My dad being okay with this and me knowing he can hear us are two different things.”

John arched an eyebrow at her. “Is what I’m hearing that you want your mouth stuffed so full that you can’t make noises?”

She felt heat fill her face before it rolled straight to her clit. “Sure. Go with that.”

They stripped, John sitting on the bed and crooking a finger at Sachi. “Come here and let me fill that sweet mouth of yours.”

She knelt in front of him on the bed enjoying the way he scooped her hair into his hands before guiding her down to his eager cock.

Behind her, Oscar lay on the bed on his back after shoving her legs apart and sliding under her.

She needed all the muffling she could get. Oscar licked and sucked her clit for a little bit before easily sliding two fingers inside her wet cunt. All while she eagerly sucked on John’s cock, loving the way it felt hot and hard against her tongue.

“That’s it,” John whispered. “Now you can make all the noise you want, baby. Just make it around my cock.”

She closed her eyes and immersed herself in the pleasure. This was better than anything her fantasies could have ever conceived.

And she considered herself a pretty imaginative woman. Although she’d never imagined two guys for her future.

Hell, she’d never imagined
guy for her future.

That no longer mattered. All that mattered was they were there and loved her.

Oscar flicked at her clit as he finger-fucked her, driving her over the edge of the first of what she suspected would be several orgasms that night.

They guys were apparently eager to overcompensate for her lack of them in the past several years.

Again, not that she was complaining. She thought it was sweet and loved that about them.

She started a slow, rocking rhythm between the men, John holding back, refusing to come until he was satisfied she’d been adequately satisfied. It didn’t matter to her. She was happy to be there, falling off that cliff time and again, moaning her orgasms around his cock.

Time flowed past her, their energies sweeping through her as they made love to her, loving every second of it and wishing it’d never end.

Finally, John gave in. “You think you’ve had enough, baby?”

She didn’t know. They’d managed to send her brain to that delightful little la-la land where she wished they would never stop and hoped they stopped soon, a delicious contradiction she’d never known could exist before.

Oscar slid out from under her. “I take it that’s my cue.”

She heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper, then Oscar was kneeling behind her again. Now she was being seesawed between the men, between their cocks, impaled at both ends by them, mouth and cunt.


Oscar reached around her and fingered her clit as he fucked her. “One more, maybe?”

She started to whine no way, then it hit her and she was glad John’s cock was still there to muffle the sound as she came.

John chuckled. “Looks like you got one more out of her.”

“I’m sneaky that way.”

She loved his sneakiness. Both of them. Everything about them.

The men started working together in a movement that would shove her deep onto the cock in her cunt before shoving her deep onto the cock down her throat. Back and forth, until finally, Oscar gripped her hips.


“Yep.” John’s hands cupped her cheeks and he took one more thrust, his cock deep in her mouth as she started swallowing the jets of hot cum erupting from the slit. In her cunt, Oscar buried himself deep inside her, too, his pleased grunt stirring happy thoughts in her brain.

She’d made them feel like that. She’d done that to them. And yet they’d made sure they’d taken the time to get her off, many, many times before they even thought about their own release.

As they collapsed into a breathless heap on the bed, she found their hands and squeezed. “You have no idea how much I love you guys.”

They squeezed back. “Love you, too, babe,” Oscar said.

“Me, too,” John said.

Chapter Twenty-One


They broke the news to Aunt Tammy the next evening, going over to her house for dinner.

She actually took it far better than they’d expected.

“I have a little secret of my own,” she admitted. “I called Ellis on Monday at his office and talked to him. He’s going to help me with a real estate attorney. He said because of the size of my property, and where it’s located, I can probably file with the county to have it split and sell part of it off. I don’t want to move out of my home, but I really don’t need that back acreage.”

“So you’re not upset?” John asked.

“No, not at all. The money they estimated I might be able to make from the sale is quite substantial. I can hire someone to come in once a week and handle the yard work or chores for me. And I should probably pay for an alarm system, too. Or, if I decide in a few years I want to downsize, I’ll have plenty of money to do that, especially if I sold the house.”

“That sounds very reasonable,” Sachi said.

“Well, it’s for the best. These boys are happier now than I’ve seen them in a long time.” She squeezed John’s hand. “And it’ll get Lisa off John’s case.”

John’s mother hadn’t called him back since their chat Sunday morning.

“Right now, I’m pretty sure she’s not real happy with me,” he said.

“Well, she’ll just have to get over it, won’t she?” Aunt Tammy commented.

Sachi wasn’t so sure of that, based on what John had told them. She felt badly that she might be a wedge between him and his mom, but he’d assured her he didn’t want her feeling like that. He also told her he’d go over to his parents’ house later in the week, alone, to talk to them and break the news to them, but that he didn’t want Sachi to feel guilty.

Sachi made keys for the men and gave them the alarm code for her house. John started leaving his work van at the shop instead of driving it home.

Now she had four vehicles parked in her driveway, where a few weeks ago she’d only had one. She didn’t mind, other than making sure they didn’t park her dad in so he could leave in the mornings. Which, oddly enough, wasn’t difficult to do, because he seemed to come in late every night now.

Sachi knew she’d gladly accept this new status quo over what her life had been a few months before.

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