Lost Bird (23 page)

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Authors: Tymber Dalton

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance

BOOK: Lost Bird
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She scooched farther down the bed so his cock was in front of her. Then she ripped the wrapper open, tossing it over her shoulder as she kept eye contact with Oscar. In the dim light, his blue eyes took on a sexy midnight hue even more stunning than the color of their auras.

Slowly, seductively, she rolled the condom down his cock before she rose up and lined him up with the entrance of her pussy. “Enjoy this,” she said. “I know I will.” She slowly impaled herself, relishing his moan of pleasure, his hands gripping her hips, fingers digging in.

When he was fully buried inside her, she leaned forward and kissed him. “FYI? Fucky was
the right choice,” she teased. Her hips began a sexy grind against his, her nipples brushing against the light dusting of brown hair across his chest and sending tingles of need straight to her clit again.

It seemed every touch went straight to her clit tonight, every gentle stroke of their hands, every caress of their lips, every kiss, even every sound.

Them. Everything about them.

This is perfection.

Well, in her mind, anyway. If it couldn’t be called perfection, she didn’t know what could.

She sat up again and John kneeled next to her, capturing her lips in a kiss that almost made her forget what she was in the process of doing. Then with one hand resting along the small of her back, his other slipped between her legs, his fingers finding her clit.

“Why don’t you give us another one,” John said. When she looked, he wore a sexy smile she knew would completely be her undoing for the foreseeable future.


He kissed her again, his fingers stroking, speeding up as she started rocking back and forth faster, harder, until she was bouncing up and down on Oscar’s cock with his hands on her hips guiding her, and John’s fingers on her clit pulling her closer and closer to the edge.

The dam burst. She cried out, loving the way John’s lips crushed hers in a bruising kiss that swallowed her moans.

“Yeah!” Oscar said, meeting her thrust for thrust until he buried himself deep inside her, holding her still, his own climax answering hers.

Sachi braced her arms against Oscar’s chest as she tried to catch her breath. John kept an arm around her, supporting her, eventually drawing her off Oscar and against him as they sank down to the mattress together with her draped across his chest.

Oscar stole a quick kiss before leaving the bed. He returned a moment later, snuggling close and draping his arm over her back.

She didn’t want to move, didn’t want anyone to talk. Didn’t want to disturb this perfection.

Except…she had to pee.

Once she was sure she’d be steady on her legs again, she gave them both quick kisses. “Be right back,” she assured them. Dashing into the bathroom, she didn’t bother turning on the light as she took care of business, washed her hands, and returned to bed.

Snuggled comfortably between them, the men lying on their sides and facing her, she caught one each of their hands with hers and laced fingers with them.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

John looked confused. “You don’t need to thank us, sweetheart. We’re the ones who should be thanking you.”

She looked at Oscar, who nodded. “What he said.” A playful smile quirked his lips. “I can’t believe someone like you would want losers like us.”

She drew their hands up under her chin and kissed them in turn. “Please don’t talk like that about yourselves. We all took massive hits in our pasts. We need to let them go.”

“But you, understandably, have a lot more to deal with,” Oscar said. “We just don’t want to screw this up with you.”

“What he said,” John joked with a smile.

“I can forgive a lot. All I need is for you both to promise never to betray my trust. And that covers a huge, honking swath of real estate, from lying to me to cheating on me, to things like tonight. If you can promise me that, we’re good.”

They both nodded. Oscar leaned in first and kissed her. “I promise.”

John kissed her next. “Me, too. I promise.”

She offered them a smile. “Then let’s grab a quick nap before round two, because I suspect you boys won’t have any trouble revving my engine again.”

John spoke up. “Can I ask for a promise?”

She nodded.

“You don’t give us Snarky Sachi to hide when you’re in pain or afraid or triggered. We need to know you trust us, too. You don’t joke it away when you’re alone with us. If you can’t talk about it right then, you say so. And when you can talk about it, you do.”

She glanced at Oscar, who nodded. “Please?”

felt like running toward the cliff’s edge at full bore without attempting to slow down.

“I promise to try,” she said. “I don’t have a lot of experience with it though. It’s kind of my survival mechanism.”

“I’m good with trying,” Oscar said.

John kissed her again. “So am I.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

Chapter Sixteen


The next morning, Sachi awoke feeling disoriented. At first she’d be damned if she could remember where she was or how the hell she even got there.

Or why she felt pleasant aches and pains in places she wasn’t used to having them.

Then she realized John and Oscar lay on either side of her, and the entire night—and their second round of early morning boinkage—came rushing back to her.

Closing her eyes, she mentally counted to three before opening them again.

They weren’t a mirage. They were real, peacefully sleeping, their blue auras flowing over and through her.

She closed her eyes again and breathed a sigh relief.
Thank you, Goddess. Thank you, Julie. And thank you, Mandaline, you sneaky, thoughtful little witchypoo. I really owe you.

On that thought she had to clamp a hand over her mouth to smother the happy sob that wanted to break through. She lay there silently crying, trying really hard not to sniffle too loudly and awaken them.

She’d had absolutely no dreams that she could recall, good or bad. And this morning, despite all the unfamiliar and not entirely unpleasant aches and pains in her body, she still didn’t regret the decision to step forward and move things along with the men.

They were men of their word. A year from now if she hadn’t taken this step, they would still be doing the same dance with her, never looking at anyone else, never pressing her for more than she was ready to give.

After a few minutes she got her emotions under control and carefully climbed down and out the end of the bed and headed to the bathroom.

When she closed the door and flipped on the light, she had to clap a hand over her mouth again. This time, to smother her cry of surprise.

In the mirror, she saw the same brilliant blue aura that surrounded the men.

Never before had she seen her own aura.


Even after trying countless times to do so.

Julie’s best advice had been that maybe it was a fluke, since many others could see their own auras.

In fact, her own aura was the only aura, before now, that she’d never been able to see. No one that she knew who could read auras could ever see it, either.

She reached out, touching the mirror, her mirror-image arm and hand swathed in the brilliant blue glow.

This is new.

Then the giggles hit her. She grabbed a bath towel from the bar on the wall and held it pressed over her mouth as she laughed into it, unable to take her eyes off the mirror, the blue halo surrounding her.

When she looked down at her arms and legs, she couldn’t see it. Only in the mirror.

But it was enough.

It was proof.

She’d made the right decision, of that she was now absolutely certain.

After she used the bathroom and cleaned up a little, she returned to the bedroom. According to the time on the cable box, it was a little after nine.

The men stirred as she nestled herself between them again. Oscar, then John, let out yawns before both appearing to be startled to see her there.

She grinned up at them. “Good morning, gents.”

Equally handsome grins spread across their faces.

Wake up to
every morning?

Yeah, I could get used to that.


* * * *


John stared at Sachi. Part of him had been convinced he’d dreamed the whole thing, so to see her lying there between them was a relief at a molecular level.

He was about to lean in and kiss her when somewhere on the floor his phone rang, the special ringtone he used for his mom’s cell.

“Hold that thought,” he told Sachi. His mom rarely called him from her cell, and then it was usually important. Hoping it wasn’t something to do with his dad, he got out of bed and dug through the pile of clothes until he found his pants. He managed to locate his phone in his pocket and answer it before it went to voice mail.


“Don’t you
‘mom’ me! When were you planning on telling me, huh?”

What few vestiges of sleep remained in his system vanished at her biting tone. “Huh?”

How the hell could she have found out about Sachi already?

He walked out into the living room as she continued her rant. “I had to hear at Sunday school this morning from Emma Davis that your apartment was destroyed by a tornado the other night!”

“Since when do
go to Sunday school?”

, John?
what you ask me? Are you two all right? And where are you staying?”

Relief flowed. Not only was this call not about Sachi, his mom hadn’t figured out they were staying with Aunt Tammy.


“Um, we’ve got it covered for right now, thanks. Friends came and helped us save our stuff. We’ve got a temporary place to stay.”

“Well why don’t you both come here? We have the room. And why didn’t we get a call about this?”

To be honest, the last person he’d wanted to call when it happened was his mom or dad. He didn’t want his dad feeling the stress, and he didn’t want his mom trying to logic him into moving home with them. “It was late and I didn’t want to worry you and it sort of happened really fast. It’s not like we had a lot of stuff to move.”

“So where, exactly, are you staying?”

He didn’t want to outright lie to his mom. “Well, right now we’re at a friend’s apartment.” Technically not a lie.

“Jonathan Roger Evans, you answer my question.”

She’d used both first and middle names.

He winced in preparation. “We moved in with Aunt Tammy.”

Silence met his answer. He checked the phone and the call hadn’t dropped.

“Then why,” his mom finally said, her voice sounding way too calm and steady for his liking, “did you just say you’re at a friend’s apartment?”

This was getting deeper by the second. He turned and spotted Sachi and Oscar, both naked, standing in the bedroom doorway and staring at him with concern on their faces. “Because last night, we did.” Before he even realized what he was doing, he plunged into the icy waters of his mother’s foul mood. “Oscar and I have a girlfriend and we spent the night with her last night.”

Both Sachi’s and Oscar’s mouths dropped open into nearly identical
s of shock.


Well, she was already pissed off at him. Wasn’t like it could get much worse at that moment.

Might as well bite the bullet.
“Oscar and I have a girlfriend.”

“You mean you and Oscar have girlfriends? Since when?”

girlfriend, Mom. She’s
girlfriend. Together.”

Another moment of silence. Then, “I do
want to have this conversation with you.”

“Good. Are we done?”

you talk to me like that!”

He wasn’t going to fall for her guilt-trip trap this time. “Like
? I’m sorry we didn’t call you about the tornado, but it happened really fast. The reason I didn’t tell you we went to Aunt Tammy’s should be self-evident.”
Well, at least we’re off the girlfriend topic.

“How can you be so irresponsible! You can’t take care of an elderly person. You have a business to run!”

“Yeah, and it’s been a bitch of a week, to be honest, and it’s Sunday, and it’s my freaking day off. Aunt Tammy is not an invalid, and I don’t know why you keep insisting she is. I’m not you, Mom. I am thirty-two and can make decisions on my own. Aunt Tammy generously invited me and Oscar to move in with her and we accepted. It’s temporary, but frankly, she’s got her shit together better than I do at this point, and I enjoy her company.”

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