Lost Angel (23 page)

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Authors: Kitty Neale

Tags: #Sagas, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: Lost Angel
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Chapter 42

By April, with so much to do setting up the shop, Hilda found herself tired, but other than worrying about Doug, she was still really happy. He was doing his best, had planned the shop’s layout, but there was little now he could do. He’d had to stand back while the carpenters put up shelving and she could see he was growing frustrated with the handicap of his back.

With the men working inside, they were both standing outside the shop and watching the newly delivered greenhouse going up. Hilda smiled, saying, ‘Look at Gertie. She calls it supervising, but from here it looks more like she’s shouting orders as usual.’

‘It’s just her way,’ Doug said as they continued to watch the activity. Percy was mucking in, but Ellen was standing back. ‘Ellen’s getting a bit fed up. In her condition, there isn’t much she can do at the moment.’

‘There’ll be plenty for her to get on with once the stock plants start arriving.’

‘If Gertie doesn’t get a move on with ordering them, there won’t be much in the way of profit this year.’

‘From what Ellen said, there’ll be some for sale, but most will be kept for base stock and used for propagating. It seems Gertie isn’t worried about making a profit yet.’

‘That just leaves the shop and I can’t see the tools and things you’ve ordered attracting many customers.’

‘Gertie knows that and she’s prepared to take a loss on the shop too.’

Doug pursed his lips, quiet then as they continued to watch the greenhouse going up, but then he said, ‘I might have an idea.’

‘What sort of idea?’

‘Let me give it a bit more thought first,’ he said, then turned to go back inside. ‘To start with, where are those seed catalogues?’

‘Under the desk, but what do you want them for? We’ve already ordered seeds and a display rack.’

Doug didn’t answer and, shaking her head, Hilda followed him inside. No doubt Doug would tell her when he was good and ready. Some tools had been ordered from local craftsmen but until they and the other bits and pieces she’d ordered
had been delivered, all they could do was to wait. She saw that the carpenters had nearly finished the shelving, and hopefully by the end of May they’d be ready to open.

Ellen knew she wouldn’t be allowed to do anything, and her frustration was mounting. They were all over-protecting her, with Gertie refusing to let her help with preparing the ground. The greenhouse was up now, the work done, the men gone, and, as they stood admiring it, Ellen said, ‘Gertie, are you going to order plant stock now?’

‘With some of the ground prepared and the greenhouse up, yes. I’ll get on to it later.’

‘I’ll be glad when they arrive, but until then I’m doing nothing to justify my wages. I might as well stay at home.’

‘Don’t be silly. You’ve done a lot in helping me to plan the grounds, and I could do with your input when it comes to placing the orders. It was all fruit and vegetables on the smallholding, but you know far more about flowers, shrubs, and trees than me.’

‘Gertie, that isn’t true. I know you’ve been reading up on them.’

‘Yes, a bit, but I don’t feel confident enough to tackle it on my own and need someone to chew over ideas with. It’s funny really, but before you married Percy we were thinking about offering
you a job as our housekeeper. Like me, Maureen doesn’t like housework or cooking, but that all changed as soon as she saw the house. She fell in love with it on sight, and now likes nothing better than staying at home to keep it nice. She’s even learning to cook and shows no interest in developing the plant nursery. So you see, my dear, your help is now going to be invaluable to me.’


‘Yes, really. Now I don’t know about you, but I could do with a hot drink. What about you, Percy?’ Gertie called. ‘Would you like a cup of coffee?’

‘I won’t say no,’ he said. ‘I’ll just check that all the windows fit properly first.’

‘Righto,’ Gertie said before marching off.

Ellen didn’t follow her immediately, but instead wandered up to Percy, saying, ‘Did you hear that? Gertie wants my help with ordering stock.’

‘Yes, and I can see you’re chuffed.’

‘I am, and as I’m not even allowed to dig in a bit of fertiliser, at least I’ll feel that I’m doing something.’

‘You’re five months gone now. Of course you can’t do digging.’

‘Now you sound as bad as Gertie and my mother. I’m not ill, I’m pregnant.’

‘I don’t know anything about having babies so all I can do is follow their lead. If I let you help me with manual work your mother would have
my guts for garters, let alone Gertie. It’s bad enough having one mother-in-law, but sometimes it feels like I’ve got two.’

‘You poor thing. Is it that bad?’

Percy grinned. ‘Now you’re being sarcastic.’

‘Talking of mothers-in-law brings me to mine. I love Mabel and I’m glad you’ve patched things up with her and your dad.’

‘With you and your mum nagging me I didn’t have a lot of choice.’

‘I don’t nag. It was just a bit of gentle persuasion, that’s all.’

‘If you say so,’ he said sceptically as his eyes roamed over the greenhouse again. ‘Anyway, I’d best get on with checking those windows.’

‘I’ll see you in the shop,’ Ellen said as she walked away. She was comfortable with Percy now, but as they lived in the same house, slept in the same room and both worked at the smallholding, it wasn’t surprising. He was still keeping to his promise, but on the odd occasion he would give her a brief hug or a chaste kiss on the cheek. Ellen bit on her lower lip. She liked Percy, was sort of fond of him, but still dreaded the time when she would have to allow his lovemaking.

Not yet, it would be ages yet, Ellen thought, forcing her worries to one side. Soon they’d be ordering plant stock and she was looking forward to wading through what was on offer. In her mind
she was already picturing wisteria, and a showpiece entrance of it dripping from arched trellises. Buddleias, she’d suggest those, and roses of all varieties – in fact, plants for every season.

Gertie went to check on the carpenters as soon as she went into the shop, pleased to see how well things were progressing. Hilda was sweeping up behind them, and Doug was sitting at the desk, scribbling on bits of paper.

‘Hello, Doug, and what are you up to?’

‘I’m working on an idea.’

‘What sort of idea?’ Gertie asked as Ellen now walked in to join them.

‘I’m not really ready to talk about it yet. It still needs more costing to see if it’s viable.’

‘Tell me anyway, and, Hilda, make us all a cup of coffee.’

‘Yes, madam.’

‘I’ll make it, Mum.’

‘No, Ellen. I was told to do it,’ she said, walking off to the tiny sectioned-off staff area.

Gertie lifted her eyebrows, but then perched on the edge of the desk, saying brusquely, ‘Well, Doug, what have you got in mind?’

‘Annuals,’ he said, pointing to the seed catalogue. ‘It’ll bulk up the other stock on offer. So far I’ve worked out the price of seeds, along with trays and soil. I think there’d be a decent profit.’

‘It’s a bit late to think about annuals.’

‘If we start them off in the greenhouse we can force them on.’

‘Maybe, but I can’t see many people wanting to buy them.’

‘A lot of men from around here work in London and, not only that, many women are still working too. Their lives are busier now, with less time to spend on gardening. Ready-made plants might be just what they need.’

Gertie turned it over in her mind. She didn’t really want to sell annuals, felt they were a waste of time and effort, and not only that, for some time yet, making a profit wasn’t an issue.

‘Well, Gertie, what do you think?’

She looked at Doug, saw the appeal in his eyes, and with Ellen straining at the bit for more to do, maybe it
a good idea. Both Doug and Ellen could work together sowing the seeds, both sitting down, and they could do the same when it came to transplanting.

Gertie knew little about pregnancy, but Hilda had lost a baby and perhaps it was something that ran in the family. She certainly didn’t want to risk the same thing happening to Ellen and her mind was almost made up when she said, ‘Well…I suppose we could use the trays again so they wouldn’t be wasted, but show me your figures.’

Doug eagerly shoved them forward, pointing out
his calculations. Gertie studied them, soon working out that the only real costs would be in manpower. With Doug and Ellen doing most of the work she wouldn’t have to take on more staff, so that wasn’t a problem, and when it came to transplanting, perhaps she could drag Maureen from the house for a few hours a day to muck in too. There would be a limit to how much they could handle, but it would keep Doug and Ellen happy and occupied, that was the main thing. Doug especially needed to feel that he was contributing something to the success of the business and if the annuals made a profit, he would certainly feel he was useful.

‘All right, Doug, you’ve got my go ahead.’

‘Go ahead for what?’ Hilda asked as she carried in a large tray of tin mugs, pausing to give the carpenters their drinks first.

Gertie waited until Hilda drew closer and, taking a mug from the tray, she said, ‘To sell annuals – but be warned, it’s going to keep both Ellen and Doug busy so you won’t get much help in the shop from now on.’

‘Me! Why will it keep me busy?’ Ellen asked.

‘Surely you don’t want your father to tackle this alone? It’s a really good idea, but it’s going to involve a lot of work.’

‘Yes, I suppose it will,’ Ellen agreed, ‘but I thought I was going to help you to select plant stock?’

‘There’ll be time enough for that too.’

‘All right then, I’m game.’

Gertie turned to Hilda. ‘What about you? How do you feel about it?’

‘It doesn’t sound like I’ve got a lot of choice, but are you sure you can manage it, Doug?’

‘It isn’t exactly hard labour, so yes, I think I’ll be all right.’

‘I’ll get a nice long work bench set up, and find some decent-height chairs so you won’t be bent over. Percy can fill the seed trays with soil, and when they’re ready, he can put them in the greenhouse.’

‘Gertie, I’m quite capable of doing that,’ Ellen protested.

‘Yes, maybe, but we don’t want you exerting yourself.’

‘For goodness’ sake, you’re as bad as my mother. I keep telling her – and you – that I’m fine.’

‘You should be thankful that Gertie’s looking after you,’ Hilda snapped. ‘You wouldn’t find another boss who’d be as thoughtful.’

‘Don’t call me that,’ Gertie protested. ‘I don’t want you to think of me as your boss. We’re just one big happy family. And you, Hilda, can stop calling me madam. It sounds ridiculous.’

‘With the way you give out orders, what do you expect? You’re not in the army now, but it’s a wonder you don’t expect us to salute you.’

Gertie knew Hilda was right and wanted to
smile, but instead she forced a look of annoyance. ‘Only you would have the nerve to talk to me like that, Hilda.’

Hilda flushed; her manner unusually contrite. ‘I’m sorry, Gertie. You’ve been so good to us, giving us all jobs and a lovely home. I’m grateful, really I am, and I won’t talk to you like that again.’

Unable to hold it back now, Gertie laughed. ‘Hilda, stop it. This doesn’t sound like you at all, and if you must know, I wouldn’t change you for the world. I know I come over as bossy and need someone like you to bring me down a peg or two.’

Hilda smiled, her manner back to normal as she said, ‘That’s just as well ‘cos I ain’t likely to change now.’

‘Good, and as for being grateful, let’s get one thing straight. I didn’t take you on out of pity. I took you all on because I wanted people working for me that I love and trust.’

‘Oh, sod it,’ said Hilda. ‘That means I’ll have to bring back those scissors I nicked yesterday. They’re nice and sharp too.’

‘Very funny,’ Gertie said, grinning as she lifted her mug to finish the coffee. ‘Right, Doug, you can get on with ordering what you need in the way of seeds and things, but I’m off now. Maureen will be back soon and I think you’re all going to love what she’s bringing with her.’

‘Why? What is it?’ Ellen asked.

‘She went to buy a puppy,’ Gertie said, seeing the smile that lit up Ellen’s face. Since Socks, Ellen hadn’t had a pet, and while in Somerset she had loved Bertie. Not that this puppy was a Jack Russell, instead it was a favourite breed of Maureen’s, but one that Ellen was sure to love.

Maureen had been right in saying that paying them all a wage would be a drag on her finances, but Gertie wouldn’t have it any other way. She really did see them as her family – the family she had never had – and soon, in August, Ellen would be bringing another member into the fold.

Chapter 43

Ellen was holding Percy’s hand as they set off on a walk to explore more of the area, something they both enjoyed. They passed Val’s cottage and Ellen wished she could see more of her, but, working all day, six days a week, that only left Sundays and Percy liked them to spend it together.

Val still intrigued Ellen, but as there hadn’t been many opportunities to chat, she knew little more about the spiritual gifts. It was a subject she and Percy had never discussed, but now she wondered what he thought about it.

‘Percy, do you believe in fortune tellers or anything like that?’

‘I can’t say I’ve given it much thought.’

‘Do you believe in God?’

‘In a way, but I’m not one for churches, hymns, praying and I just can’t see God as a man sitting on a throne surrounded by angels.’

‘Yes, but you said you believe in a way. What way?’

‘I look at nature. It’s so perfect, so ordered, unless man mucks it up, and I can’t believe it all came about by chance. There must have been some sort of huge, unimaginable force to create all this, but our minds just can’t comprehend it.’

Percy wasn’t much of a talker, more a doer, and Ellen was surprised at the depth of his thinking.

‘So are you saying that because we can’t understand the enormity of this force, we’ve reduced it to a place called heaven and a God sitting on a throne?’

‘Something like that, but look, there’s a magpie in that tree. It’s a beauty. Just like you,’ he said, squeezing her hand.

‘All right, I’ll take the hint. You’ve had enough of this deep conversation, but thanks for the compliment, ’ Ellen said, smiling warmly. Percy was so sweet, so nice, and she enjoyed his company, yet she still couldn’t feel anything for him other than a deepening friendship. He deserved more, deserved a wife who could truly love him, but much as she tried, Ellen still dreaded the time when he would want a full marriage.

‘Gertie, take your feet off the sofa.’

‘Sorry, ma’am,’ Gertie said. ‘Honestly, I never thought I’d see the day when you’d become all houseproud.’

‘You know that from the moment I saw this place, I fell in love with it.’

‘I’ll admit the Georgian architecture is lovely, but it’s our home, Maureen, not a showpiece.’

‘I like it to look nice.’

‘Nice, yes, but there isn’t even a cushion out of place. Instead of mucking in with the nursery, you spend most of your time in here.’

‘That’s not fair. I’ve been helping out with the transplanting and enjoyed it too. It was nice to work alongside Ellen and Doug. I got to know them better and I feel closer to them now.’

‘I’m glad, but since then you’ve hardly done a thing. I need you working outside so I think it’s time we found a housekeeper. Now that Ellen’s married she won’t want the job, but we can find someone else.’

‘No, Gertie. I don’t want a strange woman around poking into our things, and as we only use one bedroom it won’t take her long to figure it out. If you can’t do without me working outside, couldn’t you take someone on to do that instead?’ Maureen appealed, looking close to tears.

Gertie stood up and pulled Maureen into her arms. ‘There’s no need to get upset.’

‘But don’t you see; this is just what I mean. When we’re in this house it’s the only time we have any privacy and you wouldn’t be able to hold me like this with a strange woman around.’

‘Point taken. All right, I’ll take someone else on
to work outside, but I was going to do that anyway. Ellen won’t be able to work for much longer.’

‘I envy her. I love you, Gertie, but I’ll never be able to have a baby. We’ll never have children.’

Gertie tensed with fear. She knew why Maureen had wanted the puppy, a sort of replacement, but this was the first time she’d brought it into the open like this. If Maureen yearned for a child, what would she do? Would she leave her, find a man who could give her what she needed? Gertie crushed Maureen to her, the thought unbearable.

Hilda smiled at Doug. ‘Well, love, only three months to go now and we’ll have our first grandchild.’

‘Without a spare room, it’s going to be a squash to fit a baby in.’

‘The cot will fit in their bedroom.’

‘It won’t be in a cot for ever. Maybe it’s time they found their own place.’

Hilda shook her head against the idea. ‘They can’t afford it yet. Perhaps in a year or so.’

‘A year or so! They can’t wait that long.’

‘Hello, we’re back.’

‘Hello, love,’ Hilda said, pleased to see her daughter looking so happy. The marriage had worked out better than she’d dared to hope and it was clear to see that Percy thought the world of Ellen. A happy future stretched ahead of them,
and one day she was sure there’d be more children, yet for now she was content to wait for the first one. She looked up at the angel and as always had a strange feeling that it was watching over them.

Hilda sighed. She had so much to be thankful for now, but in truth most of it was down to Gertie. In fact, Gertie had been a true guardian angel, one who had brought them here, to this wonderful cottage.

Their lives were already so different, all working together now, all happy, and the events in London becoming just unhappy memories. Oh Mum, Hilda thought, clutching the necklace. Don’t let anything go wrong again, keep us happy and safe. The thought crossed her mind again and she berated herself for being silly. Of course it hadn’t been her mother who had stood, unseen beside her all that time ago. Or had it?

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