Losing Herself: Surrender (7 page)

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Authors: Alicia Roberts

BOOK: Losing Herself: Surrender
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“Please,” she moaned, “Please, let me come.”

“Not yet,” he said hoarsely, slowing down again.

whimpered in dismay, feeling the exquisite torture of his lust, and she tried to rock her hips and squeeze her walls to make him lose control. But he continued to torment her, and finally, Emily accepted her fate: she would wait for Nate’s permission to come.

As if sensing her obedience, Nate began to move faster, slamming into her roughly and making her groan loudly.
Emily felt the pressure building inside her, the familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach begging for release. “Please.” The word came out as a soft whimper, but she already knew the answer.

“Not yet.”

Emily closed her eyes. She clenched her muscles, trying to stop the climax from escaping, and then she tried to relax and breathe deeply. Every nerve body was alert, every sense was heightened. It seemed like an eternity, the frustration grew and grew and every part of her body was on fire. 

“You may come.”

Emily let go instantly, and the torrents came gushing out of her. Her body bucked and spasmed and the climax flooded out. She felt Nate stiffen inside her, and she knew he was coming too, and then she felt the world darken around her and the orgasm burst inside her like a firework.

When it was over, Nate moved out of her carefully, and she stayed limp and immobile.

“Don’t move,” he told her, and she felt him spread a cool gel across her bottom. It stung a bit but he said, “It’ll help the soreness.” He rubbed it in, all across, and then said, “You can get dressed now.”

Nate watched as
Emily cleaned up and got dressed shyly. She smoothed down her hair and put on her bra and blouse, and then slid her skirt on over her bare bottom. She picked her torn, drenched panties off the floor and threw them away.

When she was fully dressed, she turned and stared at Nate.
This was the man who had created such intense pleasure and pain within her, but he was still a stranger. She didn’t truly know anything about him, and she wondered what happened next.

Nate pressed a button on his phone, and put it on speakerphone. A male voice answered.

“Aaron. Please bring the car around. You’ll drop Miss Miller home and then come back here.”

“Sure thing.”

He disconnected the line and turned to Emily.

She started to protest,
“You don’t have to – ”

I don’t want you going home on the subway like this.”

He smirked and she couldn’t help but
remember what he’d done to her, and smile back.

“It’s late,” he said, wrapping his arms around her waist. “You should go home.”

And then he pressed her closer, and brought his lips down on hers. Their mouths met, and she tasted his hot, minty breath, and explored with her tongue. He kissed her for what seemed like hours, passionate and with all the time in the world.

When he moved away she felt slightly dizzy.

“Aaron’s waiting for you.”

“Of course.”

She nodded and left quickly, not wanting to make things awkward.


As she passed by her desk, Emily noticed that Tiffany was still there. The blonde looked like she was in shock, and Emily wondered if she’d heard what had happened inside.

That would be funny, decided
Emily. Especially since Tiffany was rumored to be telling people that she slept with Nate.

As the elevator went down,
Emily wondered what would happen next. But she wasn’t too worried. After all, Nate would see her again, and then they could get to know each other better.

She wasn’t too worried that Nate had sent her home quickly. He probably had somewhere to be, too. Or maybe he was just concerned about her getting home too late. She definitely wasn’t worried.




As she stepped out of the car, Emily saw Isabel walking towards her. Great. This was just her luck. She strode up the stairs quickly, and Isabel caught up with her as she was fumbling with the key.

“Who was that?” Isabel’s eyes sparkled with excitement and curiosity. “Did you just have a date with some guy who has a chauffeur-driven

laughed nervously. “No, don’t be silly. That was Nate’s car. His driver needed to drop off a parcel nearby so he offered to let me use the car to get home.”

Isabel looked at her suspiciously but
Emily kept a straight face. She didn’t know why she was lying to Isabel, but she felt like this was essential. She didn’t know where she stood with Nate, and she really didn’t want to face any questions about it, let alone hear how she was going to be miserable.

Isabel put her bags down and as she was heading towards her room she turned to Emily. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”

“Of course.”
Emily nodded and gave her a bright smile. “And if there’s ever anything to tell you, I will.”


Emily didn’t see or hear from Nate for a week. She wondered what was going on with him, when he would want to see her next. It never occurred to her that he wouldn’t want to see her – there was no doubt in her mind that they shared an incredible connection.

However, as the days went by, she alternated between hope and fear. She imagined Nate asking her out to dinner, and having a gorgeous, romantic time. She imagined them cuddling up under a blanket with popcorn, and watching a cheesy movie together.

And then she worried that she’d misread his interest in her. He had wanted her body, and after one use, he had tired of her. She imagined that he would fire her, and she’d be out of a job. But for once, the fear of not having a job paled in comparison to something else – the fear of not having Nate.

She began to replay that evening over and over in her mind, and when she was at home, she allowed herself to imagine another passionate punishment. She played with herself every
day, but despite that she spent most of her time walking in a haze of arousal. She needed to be punished again, she needed Nate.


On Thursday morning, Emily got a text from Nate.
Come to my office at 7.30 tonight.

She rushed through her work, trying not to think about what would happen, but she found herself remembering his touch and his lips,
and was desperate for the clock to rush forward.

Finally, it was time, and she went up to his office. This time when she
knocked on the door, she felt more confident. She knew that Nate obsessed about her body just as she obsessed about his, and when she stepped into the room, their eyes locked and the air between them smoldered unmistakably.

Nate broke the glance, and pressed his phone. “Tiffany. That’s it for the day. See you tomorrow.”

Emily knew without a doubt that Tiffany wouldn’t leave. She frowned: something was bothering her about that girl, beyond the fact that she was rude. But before she could think further, Nate had come over to her and grabbed her shoulders.

“I missed you,” he said, looking into her eyes. He slipped his hands lower along her back and pressed her against him, his mouth seeking hers and devouring her.

Emily gave in to the intensity of the kiss, and she felt the blaze burning inside her. Nate’s hands dropped lower, and as he kissed, he grabbed her bottom, squeezing her ass cheeks and kneading them until she moaned into his mouth.

When he let go and stepped back,
Emily realized that she had become wet, and her breasts felt heavy and swollen.

“I missed you too,” she said, “Why didn’t we meet sooner?”

Nate smiled. “Because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to resist spanking you again. I didn’t want to hurt you. Are you still sore from last time?”

looked down and shook her head.

Nate took another step back. “Take off those clothes.”

This time Emily wasted no time. She was eager for what was to come, and she stripped off her blouse and skirt hurriedly.

When she stood in her bra and panties,
Emily looked up at Nate. His eyes were glowing darkly with lust, and he was drinking in the sight of her. “Keep going,” he growled. “I want you wearing only those shoes.”

did as he said, stripping off her bra and panties until she stood there before him in her high heels, naked and excited. She wanted to see him take off his clothes, but Nate just stood there, fully dressed and drinking in her nakedness.

“So,” he growled, “During the last week, have you ever played with yourself?”

Emily blushed. “Yes, sir.”

“How often?”

“E-every day. Sometimes more than once.”

Nate frowned, and there was
an anger in his eyes that surprised and scared Emily. “That’s bad,” he said. “From now on, your body will belong to me. You will not orgasm without my permission.”

remembered the agony of the past few days. If she hadn’t masturbated, she would have been miserable. “But I – it’s so difficult for me. I’ve been feeling so aroused all the time.”

Nate’s frown disappeared. “That’s good, that’s exactly what I want. You will stay aroused until you come for me.”

Emily gulped. She could see lots of frustration ahead of her. But then she remembered the way Nate had tortured her last time until her orgasm had exploded, and she smiled.

“Yes, sir,” she said.

Nate nodded. “Good girl. But now, I have to punish you for coming without my permission these past few days. Get on your knees.”

knelt down and looked up at Nate. The corners of his lips had gone up, and she wondered what he was thinking. Her eyes dropped to the bulge in his trousers. Last time he had entered her from behind, she hadn’t gotten a chance to see his cock.

Now, more than anything, she wanted to see what it looked like. She wanted to take it into her mouth, to taste him the way he had tasted her.

“Your nipples are hard,” Nate said, walking towards her. “I want to play with them, but that might bring you pleasure. And today is not about your pleasure. I will not allow you to come. Put your hands behind your back.”

Emily did as he said, arching her back and thrusting her breasts forward. Nate’s eyes locked onto her chest. She wanted him to suck her nipples, to bite them and squeeze her tits, but he looked up into her eyes again, and unzipped his pants. He drew out his cock and Emily licked her lower lip. He was huge – thick and hard. No wonder he had filled her so completely. She wanted him inside her again, she wanted him to stroke against her inner walls.

As if reading her mind, Nate said, “You will not be allowed to orgasm today, so I won’t enter you after I spank you. I’m going to fuck your mouth now, and then I’m going to spank you, and that’s it.”

A soft whimper escaped Emily’s lips. She was disappointed by Nate’s words. She was already aroused, and her juices were trickling out, but she was also eager to taste his erection.

Nate come closer and stood before her, and
Emily reached out her tongue eagerly, and licked the tip of his cock, and then twirled her tongue around the sensitive head.

Nate groaned and grabbed the back of her head. “You tease,” he said, “You’re going to take it all in.”

Emily smiled happily and Nate held onto her head and pushed his cock into her hungry mouth. She rubbed her tongue against his shaft, and as he pulled out, she gave the tip a quick lick. Nate groaned again, and began slamming into her mouth violently. Emily’s tongue pressed against the lower side of his shaft, and her lips wrapped tightly around him. She was powerless as he thrust into her mouth over and over again, and she tasted the salty pre-cum and felt her arousal grow. And then he stood frozen for a split second and let out a soft groan, and the hot liquid gushed into her mouth.

Nate moved away and returned with a glass of water. Nate watched her drink it with darkened eyes, and asked her if she wanted another one.

She shook her head and stood up slowly. “No, thanks.”

“Ok then.” Nate jerked his head towards the table. “
It’s time for your spanking.”

Emily clasped her hands and pressed against her lower stomach. There was a dark pit of pressure there, and hearing Nate casually command her to get into position for him made her feel weak. “Oh,” she said again, and stumbled unsteadily towards the table.

She grabbed the other edge and bent down, spreading her legs apart and pressing her breasts against the cool wood.
The air felt cold against her exposed, wet entrance, and she felt her nerves tingling with anticipation. She let out an involuntary moan and felt the juices dripping out of her.

Nate stood beside her, watching her silently. She waited for his touch, waited to receive what she deserved. The anticipation was killing her and she wriggled her hips slowly from side to side.

Nate let out a short sigh. “This is crazy. You’ve made me hard again.”

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