Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series) (53 page)

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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She emitted an irritated sigh
. “If you insist.” She further situated herself under his arm and placed one arm behind him. Her other hand rested against his ribs.

“Thank you
. Stay right there.” A triumphant grin turned up the corners of his mouth as he glanced at her. He sniffed. “You smell nice. What is that scent?”

something I make myself,” Elowen squirmed. He appeared to be attracted to her. This could not happen.

“Sweet orange and a little spicy, like clove,” Newt whispered without looking at her
. He watched the door.

“And cinnamon,” Elowen
offered and then was sorry she had when he turned to regard her for a moment.

“Yes, cinnamon
. I love cinnamon.”

His eyes burned as if he
wished to devour her. She turned her gaze away trying to ignore him. She watched the door.

Senny was trying to breathe as Wenna instructed her to do
. She could pull out of the vision partially for a few moments yet each time she was sucked back in. When she saw Madingly in a particular corridor she recognized, she looked to the door. Tuesday was on the other side of her and right next to the door.

“He’s here
! Tuesday move away!”

deafening boom sounded. It was followed by a squeak as the door swung partially open.

Micah and Tristan could not turn from the window
s. Brown Coats on the grounds below were currently firing upon them heavily. Newt, Lanyon, Julyan Trevelyan and Harry’s brother, George, raised their pistols and rifles, aiming them at the door. It had not opened wide enough to give them a clear shot at whoever was behind it.

Senny watched in horror
as Madingly’s face appeared in the the opening. He was bald, yet he carried the scar she had given him. She reached to take hold of Tuesdays arm to pull her away. She watched in horror as he grabbed hold of Tuesday, pulling her roughly against him before she could reach her. He held a large knife to her throat. With his movement, the door swung open a little wider.

With his
free hand, he lifted a pistol and pointed it at Senny’s head.

“John Madingly you
are a despicable man!” Wenna shouted. She reached out and pulled her sister away and behind her. As she faced the horrible man she had almost married, Wenna’s chest heaved and her blue-gray eyes flashed.

Madingly grinned
. “I will kill you over your sister that is no problem. I was planning on it anyway. I had no desire to go through life married to a shrew!” He kept his pistol aimed at Wenna. The knife remained at Tuesday’s throat.

continued to shoot out the window. Micah turned to face Madingly. Newt, George and Lanyon also had their weapons pointed at the man. Unfortunately, Tuesday was in the way.

Everyone in the room was still
and quiet. Senny heard the clock upon the mantle ticking.

“Let that girl go
. You cannot come into my house and threaten
family and
guests,” the dowager Duchess said as she stepped past Jane and Caroline Bellingham. Her skirts swished about her as she walked toward Madingly, Tuesday, Wenna and Senny. Her brilliant blue eyes flashed with anger.  Her lips were set in a grim line.

“Mother!” Tristan called

“Aunt Morva, no!” Elowen

Morva didn’t stop
. She kept walking toward Madingly.

When she was within
arm’s reach of him, Madingly raised his leg and kicked outward, striking Morva in the hip with the heel of his boot. He pushed her with all his strength, sending her backwards towards Newt and Elowen, toppling them over upon one another. The trio landed in a heap on the floor.

Many of the ladies
cried out. Tamsin Chynoweth screamed. “Mama!”

left the window. He and Micah moved forward together, their pistols still trained upon Madingly.

moved his pistol from Wenna to point it at them instead. He began backing out of the room with Tuesday.

George assisted the Duchess, Elowen and Newt to their feet.

“We are going to leave now. I’ve a diary and some treasure to fetch. Where is it?” he looked to Micah and Tristan as he brought the knife closer to Tuesday’s throat.

“I don’t have the diary any longer
,” Tuesday said, willing herself to remain calm.

“She does not have
it, Madingly,” Micah spoke. “Nor does she know where the treasure is.”

“Liar, where is
the diary? Where is the rest of it?” he hissed in Tuesday’s ear. “Where is the information on the stone, the cruets, and the sapphire?” he shouted at Micah and Tristan.

None of us know,” Micah offered. Only three of our members know the locations of what you ask for. None are in this room.”

Someone had best tell me or she dies!”


As the gentlemen neared the corridor where their ladies awaited them, they heard screams. They turned the corner and bolted down the long corridor toward the parlour near the stairs.

They stopped as Madingly sidled out of the
parlour holding Tuesday, the new Lady Elveston, up against him. He held a long blade to her throat.

Marrek saw Isaac Slaughter
, known previously to those in Cornwall as John Madingly, back up slightly. He could see he was nervous. He hadn’t planned to encounter

“If anyone moves, she is dead
. I want the diary, the cruets, the sapphire, the information on the stone. Get it for me and she lives.”

Tuesday looked to Jack
. He looked concerned, but calm. She saw love and strength in his amber eyes and it calmed her.

Jack knew he must
remain collected. Tuesday’s life depended on it. He wanted to draw Madingly to focus upon him. Tuesday could be hurt. The man was cornered and he had to realize it. That made him desperate.

From inside the sitting room,
Newt had his rifle aimed at the man’s shoulder. He was about to take a shot when his vision blurred.

“You said you could hit him
, Newt. You’re the only one of us who can pull off this shot,” Micah whispered.

Newt blinked, “I can’t see very well
. Everything is blurry all of a sudden. I can’t take a chance on hitting Tuesday.”

At his words, Elowen looked to him
with concern. She watched him blink then rub his eyes with his free hand. She laid a hand upon his arm. She sent healing energy to him. She felt it course through her body, leave her hand and enter him.

Newt looked to his witch when he felt it
. The energy. It was warm. It rose in temperature until it felt hot. He could almost hear it crackle and snap as it raced through his body like lightening. When she opened her eyes, his vision focused.
His Witch had healed him!

bent slowly, reaching for the knife in his boot.

The Reverend caught the movement out of the corner of his eye
. “Try that again and she’s dead. Stay where you are, Wincanton.”

Madingly brought his pistol
to Tuesday’s head.

Micah straightened

All were silent in the sitting room including
wide-eyed little Alice.

In the
corridor, Jack watched as Madingly backed up and angled closer to the stairs. He couldn’t let him take Tuesday any farther away from them. He knew this. He, Marrek, Gabriel and Trevan now had their pistols aimed at Madingly.

Madingly was not far from the main stai
rs, he continued to back toward them, inch by inch.

Then Jack saw t
he shadow of someone coming slowly up the stairs. He would have to make a move to get Tuesday away from the man before he realized someone was approaching him from behind.

It was Stephen Johnstone, Lord Lyndhurst.
And Nightshade! They moved silently and with stealth, keeping to the deep shadows of the corridor wall when they left the stairs. Stephen gave Jack a nod as if in silent understanding.

“Let her go, Madingly
. Take me if you need a hostage, but let her go,” Jack spoke.

Madingly laughed
. “Think again, Elveston. Not a chance. She’s mine now. Until you give me what I want.”

“I’ll get what you want.
The diary, the treasures,” Jack said calmly. He remained standing where he was.

“Go!” Madingly shouted
. “What are you waiting for?”

I have to go down this corridor. I must walk past you.” Jack pointed in the direction he was speaking of.

Madingly thought for a moment.

Marrek could see the man was in fear. Men who feared for their lives reacted in unpredictable ways.

“Be quick about it!
” Madingly snapped as he backed up and moved closer to the opposite wall, bringing Tuesday with him.

Now Stephen did not have a clear shot of his back and Madingly was now out of Newt’s line of fire altogether
. Jack realized that hadn’t helped at all.

“Here I go,
” Jack said

“Throw your pistol down,
” Madingly barked.

Jack bent and carefully placed his pistol on the floor
. He held up his hands.

More gunfire
could be heard from outside. Shouting rose up from downstairs. They heard Harry’s deep baritone voice as it carried upstairs, “We’re under attack. They’re in the house!”

Madingly smiled menacingly, fortified by the knowledge he was no longer alone in the house
, and that he would soon have reinforcements. He sneered, “Move slowly past me, Elveston.” He lowered the pistol and tightened his grip on Tuesday, keeping his knife firmly at her throat.

Jack gave him a nod and walked very slowly
. When he came near Tuesday, she reached her hand out toward him. The Drayton diamond winked as the light flickering from the wall sconces caught it. Jack watched Madingly look to see what had caused the flash.

“Jack, be careful,” Tuesday said

Jack watched as Madingly pulled her
an inch closer toward the direction of the stairs. His back was now a perfect target for Stephen and Nightshade.

A sob escaped Tuesday
. Jack watched Stephen raise his rifle out of the corner of his eye. Nightshade followed suit.

lowly, Jack reached out and touched his fingertips to Tuesday’s. “Stay calm, my love. Everything shall be fine. I will get what he wants and you will be safe,” he said in an even tone. The Drayton diamond blinked in the light once again.

The bri
ght flash of the diamond momentarily blinded Madingly. He blinked his eyes.

Stephen gave his signal.
“Now, Jack!” he shouted.

Madingly lowered the knife as he looked
in the direction the voice came from. He saw movement coming toward him from the shadows in the corridor. He blinked, trying to focus. He was still seeing bright spots before his eyes.

had already grabbed Tuesday’s hand and pulled her away from the knife and toward him. He gathered his wife into his arms and turned her around so his back was to Madingly and not hers.

Stephen fired and hit his mark, sending Madingly
spinning and slamming against the wall. Nightshade fired seconds after him hitting Madingly in the chest as he began to slide downward.

had walked to the doorway with Elowen’s help. He fired a shot from just inside the parlour door, hitting him in the leg. Madingly’s legs crumpled beneath him as he slid down the wall. His knife clattered to the floor.

Gabriel kicked his pistol from his loosened grip.

Marrek kicked his knife away.

Jack held Tuesday
. She trembled in his arms. He stroked her back and whispered to her, “It’s over, Tuesday. Everything is fine, sweeting.” He placed a soft, tender kiss to her temple as he squeezed her tightly against him.

Stephen and Marrek approached Madingly

“You can save your soul, Isaac,” Marrek spoke
. “Tell us who the leader is.”

Madingly seemed to be having problems focusing
. He had a wound in the back, one in the leg and one in the chest. A pool of blood was forming beneath him.

He looked to Stephen
. “You? Where did…you come from? Not supposed to…be here.” He cocked his head and tried to focus on his former Superior.

You’re a traitor, Isaac. Yes, I shot you. It’s my job,” Stephen said in a serious tone.

“Who is the Leader of the Brown Knights?” Marrek persisted

BOOK: Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)
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