Lone Wolf Pack 03 - Expecting His Alpha's Child (8 page)

BOOK: Lone Wolf Pack 03 - Expecting His Alpha's Child
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Once he was reasonably satisfied with the amount of gel on Finn's cock, Parker straddled his lover again. He positioned his opening over Finn's dick and pushed down.

Finn caught his hips again, keeping Parker from impaling himself on Finn's shaft like he'd originally intended. It was probably a good idea, because Parker hadn't really given Finn enough time to prepare him. He couldn't bring himself to mind. The burn of Finn's entry cleared Parker's mind of the haze of lust while also making him more aware of it. It hurt, of course it hurt, but at the same time, it felt so good it seemed impossible. As Parker's body swallowed inch after excruciating inch of Finn's dick, that very same burn provided an anchor when Parker's reason was slowly cracking around the edges.

To his credit, Finn was right there with him. His control didn't last for much longer. When Parker was fully impaled on Finn's dick, he had the presence of mind—or maybe the instinct—to clench his ass muscles around the thick shaft, and just like that, Finn snapped.

Suddenly, Parker was on his back, his legs thrown around Finn's shoulders. He wasn't even aware of a moment when Finn had left his body, although he must have to change their positions. Parker really couldn't tell, and if he'd been inclined to attempt to figure it out, Finn would have fucked that plan right out of him.

There was no other way to put it. Finn started to thrust in and out of him at an almost punishing pace. The bed creaked, protesting the abuse, but Parker welcomed it. He clung to Finn's shoulders as his lover took him, harder, always harder, faster, always faster. Finn struck his prostate over and over, and layers of pleasure settled over Parker, invading every atom in his body.

He didn't know how long it lasted. It could have been seconds, or it could have been an age. The ecstasy kept accumulating, and Parker hovered on the very lip of an abyss of nirvana, so close, yet so far away. And then, Finn lowered his mouth over his throat and bit down. White-hot pleasure-pain exploded over Parker, and his entire body went rigid, clenching as rapture invaded every cell and burst over every nerve ending.

His cock spurted hot streams of cum, painting his chest and Finn's abdomen white. Meanwhile, Finn thrust inside him one last time and followed Parker over the edge. They shuddered together through their shared orgasm, and Parker never once let go of Finn. Wave after wave of explosive bliss flowed over him, short-circuiting Parker's train of thought, until only that remained—the need to hold on, to cling to this moment, to never let go.

Finn released his hold on Parker's throat, but he made no attempt to extract himself from Parker's embrace. Even when the orgasm settled into an admittedly comforting afterglow, he didn't pull out of Parker. He spent a few minutes kissing Parker, this time with a sweet laziness that curled around Parker, crystallizing into an emotion he was too content to fear.

After that, Finn changed their positions, moving slowly and carefully and somehow managing not to slide out of Parker. He hadn't softened yet, and his cock brushed against Parker's prostate, drawing a soft moan out of him. In Parker's dazed state, he almost thought Finn felt even bigger inside him. When Finn rolled them over and spooned Parker from behind, the motion triggered a new rush of pleasure through Parker. His own cock began to respond, and Finn's hold on his waist tightened, the gentleness melting into the fervent passion Parker could now recognize.

It was much later that Parker finally succumbed to exhaustion. Before he finally drifted into slumber, he thought he heard Finn whisper something in his ear, but he couldn't quite tell what it was. Still, Finn's voice reached out to him, and Parker clung to Finn's warmth even as the oblivion of sleep took over.

Chapter Five


Finn held Parker close, watching his mate as the human slumbered. They'd made love at least three times, and it had felt as right as Finn had known it would be. It was everything he'd wanted and hoped for when he looked at his brothers and their respective mates. However, it also meant that he'd have to tell Parker about his nature, and that was one thing he had no idea how to approach.

How had Saul told Gavin about it? He'd never asked. Saul had encouraged him to take his time and had acknowledged the complications brought on by Parker's human nature, but beyond that, he hadn't provided any input.

Finn wished he could call Saul for advice, but his brother had enough on his plate without worrying about Finn. Between a newborn pup, the two human children he was supposed to care for and their brother's pregnancy... Yeah, calling Saul wasn't a very good idea. His father's experience wasn't exactly a model to be followed, unless Finn wanted to do the exact opposite to what the older werewolf had chosen. There was one thing that seemed clear, though. He had to tell Parker the truth.

He didn't know how long he mused over his dilemma, but it must have been quite a while, because he snapped out of his thoughtful trance when Parker stirred in his embrace. His mate made a contended, almost cat-like noise and stretched. "Mmmm... Time's it?"

Finn turned on the light—more for show than anything else—stole a look at the clock on the wall and whispered the response against Parker's lips. "A little after two am."

Parker pushed Finn away with a disgruntled groan. "Don't. I've got morning breath."

Finn snickered and swept his fingers over Parker's sides, finding the spots he'd discovered were ticklish. "I don't care. Besides, it's not morning yet."

"Close enough." A giggle escaped Parker as Finn tickled him. "Stop. Finn, stop."

"Make me," Finn teased, now crawling on top of Parker. His cock responded to his mate's proximity, but he didn't have any intention of pursuing anything sexual. He liked this game. It was comfortable, sweet, like... Like he'd once imagined his family would be.

The thought sobered Finn, because he'd been very close to forgetting his resolve to come clean. He pulled away from Parker's far too distracting embrace. Parker blinked at him, obviously surprised. "Finn?"

"I just... I wanted to talk to you about something."

That sounded awful, and predictably, Parker didn't react too well. "Oh, shit. God, tell me you're clean."

"Uh..." For the first time, Finn realized they hadn't used condoms. "I... No... I mean, that's not it. I'm clean. I wouldn't risk your health like that."

That was true, since werewolves didn't carry STDs. However, Finn had recently become an uncle after his brother's very male and very human mate had given birth. Fuck. How could he have missed that little thing? How hadn't it occurred to him when he'd been musing over Saul's bond with Gavin? Moon be blessed, he was such an idiot.

Sure, he couldn't deny he wanted a pup of his own, but he'd wanted to do right by Parker. Not to mention that this was the worst possible time, given that his pack was still being threatened by Wendel Adler.

Impossibly, Parker's frown grew even fiercer. "What is it, Finn? What's wrong?"

Finn hated the tone of doubt in Parker's voice. He'd seen that doubt in Parker's eyes before, and it made him ache, because he never wanted his mate to feel that way toward him. Their bond was incomplete, because Parker wasn't ready to accept it yet.

Finn couldn't blame him, or be surprised, given all the secrets he'd been keeping from his mate. Well, he couldn't stall forever, since the longer he hesitated, the worse things would be. "There's something I haven't told you about myself," he began steadily.

"What? Oh, God, you're married, aren't you? No wonder you were so good with kids." Parker buried his face in his hands with a groan. "You probably have a few of your own."

"No, no," Finn rushed to tell his mate. "I'm... divorced. My ex and I never had children."

And wasn't it a good thing that Finn had broken his fake bonding to Lisbet when the damn bitch had attacked Saul. He couldn't imagine how bad things would have been if he'd still had that lie weighing him down.

Parker lifted his gaze and eyed Finn with a mix of relief and wariness. "So... You're straight? Was this an experiment or what? Is this where you say it's not you, it's me?"

Moon be blessed, this was getting worse by the moment. "Stop, baby, please. I'm not breaking up with you. I'm in love with you, damn it."

That shut Parker up, because he gaped at Finn, his mouth opening and closing like he wanted to say something, but he couldn't quite manage to speak. Finn couldn't regret what he'd said, because he did love Parker. Parker had managed to capture his instinct and his heart, his body and his soul. The question was... Would Parker want what he already had when he realized what Finn was?

There was only one way to find out. Finn took a deep breath, braced himself for what he needed to do, then slid out of the bed. "I need to show you something, okay? Just... don't panic."

Parker nodded, although he obviously didn't know what to make of Finn's demand. Finn mentally prayed Parker would remain as open-minded after he saw Finn turn into his wolf form.

He was just about to summon his beast to the surface when he realized something was wrong. His hackles rose, and he cursed under his breath when he realized he'd drawn his enemies to the man he loved.

"Hide," he practically snarled at Parker.

Parker didn't move, and that didn't surprise Finn given that Parker couldn't hear or feel what Finn did. Besides, it was too late. They were surrounded. Finn had to prepare himself for battle.

Before he could move, though, a rain of bullets exploded over the room, straight through the door. Finn had the presence of mind to throw himself over Parker, protecting his mate with his own body. Originally he'd planned to roll Parker off the bed, but several bullets struck him. The silver sank into his flesh, and weakness flooded his body. He gazed down at his mate's beautiful frightened face and for the first time, he wished he'd never met Parker. In his selfishness, he'd just gotten the man he loved killed.


Parker had always been a little amused at all the slow motion scenes a lot of action movies employed to artificially increase the tension. He'd always thought real life didn't slow down like that. He'd had it all wrong.

It was his mind and his perspective that registered things differently, and he did so now, as he lay on the bed with Finn protecting him from the bullets that had come out of nowhere.

Finn looked down at his face, and for a brief instant, their gazes met. It didn't last, and in the sudden stillness in the room—when had the shooting stopped?—Finn rolled off him and straight onto the floor. Under Parker's shocked eyes, his still form melted into that of an even stiller black wolf. Parker wanted to rush to his lover's side, but he was frozen, as if his body was enveloped in a huge ball of cotton that kept him from moving, dulling his senses and even his understanding of what was going on.

The shattered door opened, revealing the culprits behind Parker's predicament. A man with a big gun stood in the hallway, a tall woman by his side.

"Well, that was easy," the man said with a chuckle. "This is what human mates do to you, my dear." He waved his companion into the room, the gesture almost gallant. "Now, if you please... I understand you'd like to do the honors."

The woman smirked, her gaze fixing on Parker as she licked her lips. "It would be my absolute pleasure."

Oddly, she was taking her clothes off, but Parker doubted she had anything sexual in mind. That guess was confirmed once she was finally naked. Leaving the discarded clothes on the floor, she stepped forward, into the room. The next thing Parker knew, that wicked smile disappeared as her human mouth melted into wolf snout. In fact, her entire form changed, and in mere seconds, she dropped to the floor on four paws, now a dangerous carnivore.

Parker's survival instincts finally kicked in, and he leaped off the bed just as she lunged toward him. Mere seconds later, she landed right where he'd been, shredding the pillows and the mattress. Parker's legs tangled in the sheets and he fell to the floor, but he freed himself from them as quickly as possible and got up. He found refuge behind an armchair and frantically looked around for anything he could use for a weapon.

At some level, he knew that he couldn't possibly escape this alive. Even if he found some way to incapacitate the wolf, there was still the man with the gun who simply stood in the doorway, watching them with amusement. He was having fun, watching her play with Parker.

Even so, Parker had never been one to give up easily. For one, he refused to believe Finn was dead. A stubborn part of him insisted he'd have known for sure if that had been the case. He couldn't check, but his heart told him Finn was still alive. He'd moved to give Parker space to escape. That meant he wasn't dead.

As long as that was the case, Parker had to hold on and at least distract these people. Perhaps Jensen had heard the shots and would get help for them.

The female wolf had already jumped off the bed and was making her way across the room, slowly, almost lazily, obviously knowing he had no way out and not in the least bit worried about whatever reinforcements Parker might receive. Dread curled in Parker's belly when he realized the woman and her accomplice must have run into Jensen beforehand. But no... He refused to think about that. He wouldn't succumb to despair. If he did, that was it for him.

Just as he thought this, he caught sight of one of the few ornaments in the room, a wooden wolf sitting innocuously on the dresser. Jensen had undoubtedly carved it and it probably served as a paperweight or something. It would do well... if he could get it.

He had to try. He ran around the armchair, dodging his wolf opponent, his gaze set on his potential wolf weapon. Against all odds, he even reached the dresser and managed to grab the paperweight, but at the last moment, the wolf—the live one—jumped on him. Her claws raked over his naked side, and with a pained cry, he fell to the floor, dropping his weapon.

Her weight pinned him against the wooden flooring, her breath hot against his ear. Her fangs were inches from his throat, and for some reason, Parker had a flash of the moment when Finn had bitten him. Sharp... Finn's teeth had been sharp, like fangs. The fangs of a werewolf. This must have been what Finn had wanted to tell him before all hell had broken loose.

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