Lone Wolf Pack 03 - Expecting His Alpha's Child (7 page)

BOOK: Lone Wolf Pack 03 - Expecting His Alpha's Child
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Once Jensen was gone, some of the stiffness left Finn's shoulders. "He cares for you deeply."

Parker nodded, unable to hold back a fond smile. "He's like the brother I never had."

Finn winced. "I'm sorry. I probably acted like a real asshole. I just... I was jealous."

For some reason, Parker found that adorable, and really a man as handsome as Finn shouldn't have managed to be adorable too. It delivered a lethal blow to Parker's already dubious resolve. He leaned against Finn, drawn to this man more than he could possibly explain or understand.

"No need for jealousy," he whispered. "I'm all yours."

Parker had no idea where the words came from, but they had quite an effect. Finn moved so quickly that before Parker knew it, he was pinned against the car, Finn's larger body immobilizing him against the metal. Finn buried his face in Parker's hair and inhaled, as if trying to take in his scent. From this position, Parker could feel almost every muscle in the man's body—from his chest, to his muscular thighs—but also everything in between. And oh, he could never get tired of the way Finn's erection nudged him so insistently. Distantly, he remembered there was something he and Finn had been talking about, but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out its importance.

Finn didn't help his focus. He blew a gust of hot air in Parker's ear, all the while grinding his hips against Parker's. "I want you," he murmured, his voice filled with gravel. "Tell me I can have you, baby. Say it again, that you're mine."

"I'm yours," Parker repeated obediently, breathless and dizzy with need. In his heart, he knew that phrase held a pledge it was unwise to make, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

Finn released a low growl that made Parker shiver with an arousal he could no longer control. He was one step away from reaching between their bodies and gripping Finn's cock. Or better yet, dropping to his knees and taking it into his mouth.

But now was neither the time, nor the place for it, and they both knew it. "Inside," Finn said against his lips, not kissing him, but taunting him with the promise. "Now."

Parker nodded dazedly, and then Finn was gripping his wrist and dragging him toward the building. As they entered the bed and breakfast, Finn arched a brow at him and Parker realized he hadn't actually explained where they were going. Thankfully, Parker stayed here on a regular basis and Jensen always gave him the same room, so they didn't need directions. "This way," he said, pointing toward the stairs. The croaked sound of his own voice surprised him, and it made Finn lick his lips, as if he could taste Parker's lust in it.


They didn't run into any staff, fortunate because Parker didn't think delays would have stood well with either of them. A minute later, they were standing in front of the door to Parker's room. Well, standing might not have been the accurate term. Parker fumbled with the keys, and his hands shook so badly he ended up dropping them. At that, Finn lost his patience and pinned him against the door. This time, he didn't tease. Instead, he took Parker's mouth in a devastating kiss that rivaled the make out session they'd had in the car.

He thrust his tongue into Parker's mouth, devouring, tasting, exploring. Parker eagerly submitted to it, more than happy with this plan. At the same time, he did some exploring of his own. The quest for the key was forgotten as he allowed his hands to roam over Finn's muscular form. Finn's clothes were in the way, barring Parker's access. Why in the world were they still dressed? Oh right. Room. Key.

It was the hope of actual privacy that gave him the strength to break away from Finn's addictive embrace. He leaned over to grab the fallen key, only to realize the position showed off his ass to Finn. Finn made a pained noise which filled Parker with a mix of confidence and arousal.

He took more time than would have been warranted to pick up the key, arching his back and wiggling his ass, putting on a bit of a show. He would have felt ridiculous if not for the way Finn's groan turned into a savage growl.

And then, Finn was snatching the key from him and shoving it into the lock. He didn't even wait for Parker to stumble inside. He just grabbed Parker and draped him over his shoulder, carrying him through the now open door.

The room was familiar, even if Parker never left any personal possessions behind. Finn set him down on the bed Parker had used so many times before, only throughout lonely nights. It definitely didn't seem like he'd be lonely today. Parker barely had the chance to breathe before Finn was on him, tearing at his clothes with a level of sexual despair that rivaled the one building inside him. Finn's desire for him momentarily swept him off his feet, and for a few seconds, Parker could only lie there and take in the pleasure of Finn's caresses. Finn moved breathlessly fast, already working on removing Parker's clothing. Parker tried to help, but he only managed to get tangled in the sleeves of his jacket. Finn made a frustrated noise and yanked. Buttons flew all over the place as Parker's dress shirt yielded to Finn's strength, and really that display shouldn't have been as arousing as it was.

And Finn wasn't done yet, not done by far. The rest of Parker's clothing became his victims. He didn't encounter as many problems with the jacket, somehow managing to help Parker out of it without even jarring his shoulders. Parker managed the unexpected performance of toeing off his shoes, which gave Finn the green light to dive for his pants.

Just like that, Parker ended up naked on the bed, while Finn was still completely dressed. Finn looked down at him, his eyes hot and stormy, and Parker had the strangest thought that he had suddenly become prey for a very dangerous predator. In that moment, there was nothing Parker wanted more than to surrender to it, to be devoured, taken, claimed.

He itched to reach out to Finn and touch him, to disrobe Finn as well. He wanted to finally see what he'd so far only touched through the barrier of clothing. However, Finn made no move to fix the problem of his non-nudity, nor did he approach Parker further. Parker began to feel self-conscious about it. Finn had seemed to desire him before, but a guy like that probably had a ridiculous number of suitors and lovers, men and women alike. Now that he'd seen Parker naked, had he lost interest?

The thought made his brain work again and he started to get up, planning to salvage what was left of his dignity. Finn's hand landed on his chest and pushed him down. "Shush. Let me... look at you."

The words froze Parker, or rather, melted his muscles, along with the doubt that had crept into his soul. How could he have disregarded the heat in Finn's eyes? It was so obvious, so genuine, and so much more than Parker even dared to acknowledge.

Finn had told him to be silent, but Parker couldn't have kept himself from speaking if he'd wanted to. "Finn," he whispered, "touch me."

It was enough, more than enough, because whatever had been holding Finn back dissipated, and then Finn was on him, even more frantic than before. He crushed his lips to Parker's, thrusting his tongue inside Parker's mouth, taking no prisoners. Finn's hands roamed, touched, caressed, teased and altogether drove Parker crazy with lust. Parker wrapped his arms around Finn's neck, trying to pull the other man closer, ever closer, unable to get enough.

He pulled at Finn's shirt, but unlike Finn, he wasn't strong or coordinated enough to get rid of the damn thing. Thankfully, this time around, Finn got the message. Without separating their mouths, Finn worked his own buttons open with even less delicacy than he'd used on Parker's. Parker could have sworn he heard some seams rip, and oh God, it got him so hot. He bit on Finn's lower lip, wordlessly encouraging his soon-to-be lover.

In response, Finn tore their mouths apart altogether. Parker had a brief moment of panic during which he thought he'd messed up, but that idea, along with most everything else—except
holy shit, Finn!
—shattered into tiny unrecognizable pieces when Finn crawled down his body and took Parker's cock in his mouth.

Finn's mouth was so hot, so ravenous that Parker had no hope of withstanding the assault. Finn's tongue worked him so expertly, sweeping over his throbbing shaft with so much skill and thoroughness that Parker felt like he was coming undone, much like his clothing had earlier. How fitting that Finn could do both so effortlessly.

It was too good, and Parker would have undoubtedly been fucking Finn's mouth by now if Finn hadn't held onto his hips tightly, keeping him from setting any sort of pace. Not that Parker really minded. He might be the one having his cock sucked, but he felt consumed by Finn's all-encompassing passion, by the sinful demand of Finn's mouth. The pleasure became so intense it almost hurt and Parker writhed against the sheets, every inch of him burning with the need to climax.

And then, Finn stopped. He pulled away and stopped, and Parker couldn't help a cry of dismay. "Finn...."

His voice came out in a desperate, choked groan, and Finn proceeded to swallow the sound of his own name by pressing another devastating kiss to Parker's mouth.

"I want to fuck you, baby," he murmured huskily when he broke their lip-lock. "I want you to come around my cock."

Parker's thought processes just about melted at that, but he had enough presence of mind to figure out Finn was asking for his permission. He nodded eagerly in response, although he'd have liked to actually vocalize his enthusiasm somehow.

It didn't seem to matter, because Finn's eyes glittered with knowing and lustful satisfaction. "Lube?"

Parker remembered his bags and the bottle of lube he'd added at the last minute when he'd been feeling ambitious. It would have come in handy now, but sadly, all of it remained in Finn's car. Finn must have guessed that, because he left the bed and disappeared into the bathroom, only to return moments later carrying the complimentary bottle of shower gel.

It would more than suffice, since Jensen always supplied Parker with the best products when he stayed here. Finn tossed the bottle on the bed next to Parker, and then under Parker's greedy gaze, finally removed the rest of his clothing.

With every inch of exposed muscle, Parker's own body vibrated with increased sexual need. He released a little whimper when Finn's cock sprang out of his pants, the sight of the thick shaft making his anus clench in need. On instinct, he spread his legs, reveling in the way Finn's gaze swept over his body in an almost palpable and definitely possessive caress.

Now completely nude, Finn took Parker up on his invitation. Joining Parker on the bed, he crawled between his legs, sweeping his fingers over Parker's thigh somewhat absently—no, as if he couldn't
do it. His smile held that predatory edge that made Parker shiver, but also emotion and maybe even a level of disbelief.

Parker wanted to kiss him and decided there was no reason why he should deny himself. He reached for Finn's shoulder and pulled his lover on top of him. When their mouths met, Finn seemed shocked by Parker's daring and didn't immediately respond. That didn't last more than an instant, and after that, Finn took over, turning the kiss into a burning, white-hot seduction.

Their cocks slid against one another, making Parker moan into Finn's mouth. Feeling Finn so intimately just fueled the fire burning inside Parker, increasing his awareness of how much he needed Finn inside him.

As it turned out, Finn reciprocated his impatience. A snap and a click, and then skilled fingers zeroed in on Parker's opening. At first, they just rubbed lightly over the rim, teasing Parker with the promise for more. It wasn't enough, not nearly enough, and Parker lifted his legs, trying to give Finn better access and hoping it would encourage his lover to go further. It did. With a small growl, Finn slid one digit inside Parker's hole.

By now, their kiss had progressed into purely filthy territory. Finn's tongue thrust into his mouth even as his finger pressed deeper inside Parker. They were so close that Parker's hard-as-nails cock rubbed against Finn's abdomen, sending sparks of sensation all over his body.

Another finger made its way into his ass. Finn managed to zero in on Parker's prostate, and that was it. Something inside Parker snapped. He was drunk on Finn's strength and dominance, and he craved it so much he couldn't wait any longer.

Breaking the kiss, Parker shoved Finn off him. He doubted he could have done that had his lover expected it, but as it was, he completely took Finn by surprise. Finn fell back, but he was already reaching for Parker again, so fast Parker's head was spinning. Parker gladly went with it, and ended up straddling Finn on the bed.

Finn's hands landed on his hips, his gaze hot as he scanned Parker's face. "Baby..."

The word held a sensual promise, almost a threat, really. Parker reveled in it. He wanted to see how far he could push Finn before the man truly let go. He could feel it, the fact that Finn was still holding back, trying to be gentle despite his urgency.

Parker doubted either of them had the patience for gentle right now. He grinned down at Finn, and then lowered his body to whisper in Finn's ear. "Trust me."

Finn groaned when Parker bit his ear lobe, but his hold on Parker loosened a little, allowing Parker to do whatever he liked. Parker immediately took advantage of the offered opportunity and dove down to take Finn's dick in his mouth. He was probably a bit too enthusiastic about it, because he choked, unable to take all of it. Still, the almost wounded sound Finn made encouraged him, and he persisted, moving back to swirl his tongue over the head of Finn's cock, then licking down the biggest vein and finally sucking the shaft into his mouth. He'd never been a particular fan of the taste of a man's precum, but for some reason, he found Finn's addicting. A part of him wanted to make Finn come just like this—and he'd have undoubtedly followed his lover into climax just because of Finn's taste—but he needed Finn inside him. He felt empty, and only one thing could fix that.

Releasing Finn's cock from his mouth with a wet pop, Parker reached for the gel. He slicked up Finn's cock, a mix of despair and satisfaction surging inside him at the way Finn clenched his fists in the sheets so hard the material tore. God, to have his man like this... It was a drug, no, stronger than any opiate. Parker might be unraveling, but so was Finn, and Parker forgot to be afraid. For the first time in forever, he felt powerful, wanted, fearless.

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