London Calling (14 page)

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Authors: Clare Lydon

BOOK: London Calling
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“Where we going?” I said. Lucy squeezed my hand.

“You’ll see.”

She took me to a bar I didn’t even know existed – through a dark door and down into ultra-low lighting which caused my eyes to recoil. Once they adjusted, I saw Lucy was leading me to a booth with red leather seating. A waiter appeared and kissed Lucy on the cheek before holding out his hand to me.

“Max,” he said. “Nice to meet you.”

Max was only a few inches taller than me but he wore it well, his confidence and generous smile making him seem taller.

“Jess,” I replied. I shook his hand. “I assume you two know each other?”

“Max is an old friend from university who’s just opened this place. You like it?” Lucy put her arm around Max’s shoulder and pulled him close.

I nodded. “It’s great.”

Max gave me an easy smile.

“What can I get you?” He ran his hand through his close-cut ginger hair, a pen wedged between his middle and index finger. “On the house of course.”

“You’re not going to make a mint that way sweetheart,” Lucy said. We agreed on gin and tonics with Max waving away Lucy’s money. When the drinks arrived Max put them down with a flourish, telling us to enjoy.

“Here’s to a great evening,” Lucy said. She winked at me and I melted on the spot.

I sipped my perfectly poured G&T, deciding I’d definitely be back if this was the standard of drinks.

“God, these are good,” Lucy said, as if reading my thoughts. She put her hand on my leg and stroked it for a few moments, which caused a shiver right through my core. When were we going to kiss? I drifted off somewhere thinking about this and only zoned back in to catch the end of Lucy’s sentence.

“…really great. Live music most weeks. Perhaps we could do that sometime soon?”

I blinked. I’d been so busy imagining our first kiss I’d faded out of the conversation. And she’d given me her full attention. I tried to style it out.

“Here?” I hoped that was the right answer and I’d got away with it. I had.

“Yeah. They’ve got a band I fancy coming along to soon, Violet Eyes. They’re a bit new-wave disco kinda sound. Do you fancy coming with me?” She paused, looking at me expectantly and drawing her body back as she got slightly defensive.

“I mean, no worries if you don’t want to…”

She was asking me out on a second date. And she thought I would say no. Silly woman. I jumped right in to quash her doubts.

“No no – that’d be great, I’d love to.”

“Really?” she said, grinning and then trying to recover some semblance of cool. My heart flipped as I watched her try to regain it.


We had another drink in the bar and chatted a little to Max before stepping out into the warm night air, which was a welcome contrast after the air-conditioned chill of the bar. As we fell into step beside each other walking towards Hoxton Square, I thought how right Lucy felt by my side.

Neither of us spoke at first and I realised we were both wondering where this was going. At least I was. I’d promised myself I wasn’t going to sleep with her on the first date but if pushed my principles had been known to crumble under the weight of a gorgeous woman – it’s just the way I was built. I wondered if Lucy had made the same promises to herself too.

“Great bar.” I broke the silence first.

“Yeah it is.” She took hold of my hand again as we walked.

“Do you fancy another drink?”

“I can’t, I have to get up tomorrow,” Lucy said, frowning. Getting up? This was news. “I have my cousin coming over from Canada and I’m picking him up from Heathrow at midday.”

“Coffee at mine then? And I do mean a coffee,” I said.

She looked at her watch, squeezed my hand and scuffed her feet on the floor. “I really shouldn’t, it’s nearly 12 now…”

She was being sensible. At least, I hoped that’s all it was.

“No problem,” I said. We stopped in front of my blue front door with the number 73 hanging in chrome on the front.

“Well, this is me,” I said. I turned to face her, my back to the door. I was all set to try to persuade her to come up one more time but before I had a chance to get any words out, Lucy was pressing me up against the door, pressing her lips onto mine, kissing me. Finally.

I felt her right hand brush my face as she kissed me lightly at first. I kissed her back but let her take the lead. After a couple of minutes when her other hand was firmly placed around my back and our hips were locked together, I felt her tongue inside my mouth and I drew a breath.

Her kiss became more intense and I lost myself in the moment. We may have been standing up against my front door in a side street in East London, but we really could have been anywhere in the world. All I knew was that a seriously sexy woman had her hands on me and was kissing me into submission. Eventually, Lucy pulled away slightly, kissing me more gently now, running her hand up and down my back, kneading the skin lower down.

When I eventually opened my eyes hers were already open and locked firmly on mine. She kissed me one more time and grinned. I pushed her away slightly and inhaled, but noticed that she wasn’t being brushed off that easily. We were still joined at the hip, our breathing ragged, our smiles broad.

“You sure you don’t want to come upstairs?”

She stepped back a pace and laughed, running her hand down my face to my breast before coming back in for a kiss. Her face was inches from mine and I was finding it hard to breathe.

“If I did that, I doubt I’d be anywhere near Heathrow tomorrow morning, do you?” she whispered.

“Maybe not,” I mumbled. Lucy planted another kiss on me, which my whole body melted into. Both of us thought of pulling away but neither one of us could.

“I should go,” she said.

“I know....”

She slipped her tongue inside my mouth and I quivered inside and out. Lucy pressed her thigh in between mine and I wondered how I was going to let go of her tonight, how she was going to do the same to me. Her kisses were getting more urgent now.

I took a gamble and pushed her gently off me, moving her with me as I twisted to face my door. I fumbled with the key trying to get it in the lock as Lucy kissed her way down my neck. Not distracting at all.

Neither one of us spoke about the fact that she was meant to be on her way home right now. Walking in the door, I again nearly tripped over Kate’s bike and cursed. Lucy giggled at my profanity as I pulled on her hand and led her up the stairs and into the lounge.

Once there though, I was struck with a case of shyness and was somewhat hesitant of the next stage of the evening. I busied myself by walking to the kitchen to get drinks, telling Lucy to choose something from the iPod as I left the lounge. But when I realised I had no idea what she wanted to drink I returned to find her wheeling through my collection. She looked edible and my fear multiplied.

“Did you find something?”

“Quite a lot about you, I think,” she said. She turned her head towards me from where she was bent over. “You’ve got quite a selection of country on here.”

“I could lie and tell you it’s Kate’s, but I won’t,” I said, holding both my hands up. “Guilty as charged. What do you fancy?”

“Whatever you’re having.”


“Beer’s great.” She flashed me her killer smile.

I gulped down my nerves and grabbed two Peronis from the fridge. When I returned, Kenny and Dolly were warbling about islands in the stream. I laughed and handed her a bottle.

“Good choice.”

“You can’t beat a bit of Dolly,” she said. “I took my mum to see her at Wembley – she was awesome.”

“She is.”

The leather sofa creaked as I sat down next to her, electricity crackling between us as our thighs touched. We both took a swig of our beer, then I twisted so I was facing Lucy. Her focus was straight ahead.

“Nice place,” she said, putting her bottle on the coffee table and running her palms up and down her thighs. “How long has Kate been here?”

“Since before I went to Oz, so a few years now. Pretty cool though…”

“I’d expect it from Kate. She’s quite particular from what I know of her.”

“Good cook too, so I can’t complain.”

“But so are you now…”

I leant forward to put my beer next to hers and then leaned back, taking her hand in mine and entwining our fingers. I twisted into her, kissed her lightly on the lips and felt my whole body react.

“Now where were we?”

She smiled her dazzling smile, kissed me back and twisted her body into mine, crossing her legs and running her foot up my shin. I leaned in closer, cupping her left breast with my right hand and kneading it gently. She responded by stroking my face as we kissed, breathing heavily as she slipped her tongue inside my mouth. I felt her smile as she kissed me.

“You like that?” she whispered. I felt her tongue lick along my ear lobe before it dropped under my ear – her hot breath in my ear at the same time was almost too much to bear. She travelled along my jawline before kissing me passionately on the lips. After a few seconds she pulled back.

“I have to go soon,” she said, staring into my eyes.

“Tell me you’re joking.”

“I’m joking.” Her eyes burned with desire.

Instead, she began to kiss me again, swivelling her body until she was straddling my waist, our hips and bodies now locked together. She began to kiss my neck as I ground my pelvis into hers and put both hands at the top of her buttocks, pulling her into me.

Both of us were breathless and even though we were both still fully dressed we were already in good voice – I wondered what the night ahead held. We were now into the advanced stages of frottage and if they ever do make it into an Olympic sport, I hope to be able to represent my country with honour.

I caressed her lips with mine, reaching up under her shirt to try to unhook her bra – I was out of practice and couldn’t do it. She laughed, reaching behind herself but I pushed her hand away and tried again with both hands, causing her to fall into me and kiss the top of my head.

As I succeeded, I slid both hands around to the front and pushed up with my pelvis. In response, Lucy slipped her top off over her head and shook off her now unclasped bra to reveal full, gorgeous breasts. I touched them as if they were breakable, making sure to take it all in, running my fingers over her soft skin and dark nipples.

“You’re beautiful,” I said. I reached up and pulled her towards me again but after a couple of seconds she pushed away and stood up. She held my gaze as she stood in front of me, a blaze of smooth skin and breathtakingly sexy. I was spellbound.

“Shall we?” She held out her hand and I took it without hesitation. “Lead the way then. This is my first time here remember?” she said. I kissed her and tugged on her hand, stopping momentarily as she ran back to retrieve her discarded clothing.

Once in my room we fell onto the bed kissing, Lucy pulling at my shirt. I sat up and went to unbutton it, but she slapped my hands.

“Let me,” she said. She expertly slipped each button loose, pushing it back and kissing my collarbone, breasts, stomach. She reached round to undo my bra, managed it first time and slipped it off, bending down to kiss my left nipple as she tossed the bra aside. I sighed with pleasure as she teased my nipple, circling it with her tongue and nibbling it gently. Within seconds she was lurking over me on all fours, her breasts delicious above me. She reached down with her right hand to undo my belt, unzip my jeans, slip her hand inside them and press down firmly. I cried out. Fucking hell, I was so ready.

“Are you always this easy?” she said.

“Not always,” I said. Her hand was still on my crotch and I could feel myself pulsing.

“God, you’re sexy.” I never claimed to be a poet when put in this situation. She smiled though and it seemed like I’d said the right thing.

Lucy slipped off my jeans, then worked upwards from my feet, kissing my legs and licking the back of my knees. When she sunk her teeth into my arse I let out a squeal which made her chuckle. I felt her breath in my ear seconds later.

“Was that a good squeal or a bad squeal?” she asked. I swallowed down.

“Good,” I said, my voice cracking. “Just unexpected.” I felt her grin beside me before running her tongue over my ear again and my body shuddered.

Next thing I knew I was on my back and I could feel my sweat against the sheets. She slid my pants off, then her breasts were tantalisingly in my face. But before I could touch she put her whole weight on top of me, pressing her naked body into mine. Her skin fully against mine felt glorious and we both let out low moans.

“Jesus,” I said.

After teasing me some more she finally manoeuvred her body and reached down between my open legs, slipping through my liquid heat. My whole body rocked and I was overwhelmed with pleasure at the feel of her inside me, her leaning on me, her breath on my face. As she slid in and out I felt my body responding, pushing my hips up so she could go deeper. Within minutes I felt the slow, steady build of an orgasm begin but then Lucy began to concentrate on my clit. I was close.

She began nibbling on my neck and whispered: “Come for me baby.”

And that was it. With those few words, she tipped me over the edge. As my body exploded, my back arched and I moaned loudly, Lucy proved herself adept by thrusting back into me. All manner of kaleidoscopic rainbows played in my head – she was that good. After a few moments I put my hand down to hers to stop her for the moment. She went to pull out but I shook my head.

“Stay for a while,” I whispered.

“Okay,” she said, kissing my breast softly before laying on top of me. I could feel myself hugging her fingers inside, not wanting to let her go. When I opened my eyes, she was smiling down at me. I reached up and kissed her.

“You’re beautiful.” I touched the side of her face. She smiled but looked bashful.

“So are you.” We held each other’s gaze for a second.

It was that moment – the time when you’ve just had sex with someone and you feel the connection. I wanted to stop time and stay in that moment forever, Sky Plus it and play it back again and again – my whole being fizzed with the absolute glory of it. It was wordless, but it just was.

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