Logan's Rattler (7 page)

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Authors: A. J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Logan's Rattler
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“Hello there, friend,” Finn greeted the man. “Can I help you?”

“That all depends,” the stranger answered back.

Finn narrowed his eyes at the man. “On what?”

“On who exactly you are here to see.” The man stepped closer to Finn, invading his personal space. “If you answer wrong, then you and I are going to have a huge problem, shifter.”

Finn barked out a laugh. “Now ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black, wolf?”

“I smelled you on him,” the man sneered down at him. Spittle sprayed on his face. “He’s mine.”

Before Finn thought better of it, he pushed the beast of a man away from him. Finn could only take so much before his aggression took over and he popped the guy with a nice left hook. “Think again, pal. I already mated with him, and you know the rules.” Finn gave the man a malicious grin. “By the way, who the fuck are you?”

The man didn’t answer. He came at Finn again, and before he knew what was happening, the man shoved him up against the side of the building. “You filthy snake,” he growled. “How dare you take what belongs to me?”

The door to Finn’s right flew open, catching the man off guard. It allowed Finn the opportunity to shove the man back, causing him to stumble.



AJ Jarrett

“Rhett, what the hell are you doing?” Logan rushed over to Finn, grabbing his face and staring longingly into his eyes. “Are you okay, Finn?”

“Yeah, honey, I’m fine.” He darted his eyes to where Rhett stood, glaring daggers at him. “So this is the ex?”

“Get your fucking hands off him, you rotten snake.” Rhett lunged forward but stopped when Logan shifted to stand in front of Finn.

Logan crossed his arms over his sturdy chest. “Really? We’ve resorted to name-calling,” Logan said with a pinch of annoyance in his tone. “Hell, Rhett, that isn’t even a good insult.”

Finn had to bite his tongue to hold back his snicker. If his mate only knew it wasn’t an insult but actual truth. He was a snake. A prairie rattlesnake to be exact.

“This isn’t over with,” Rhett ground out between clenched teeth.

“Not by a long shot, dog.” Finn couldn’t help adding the insult.

Wolf shifters hated when others referred to them as dogs. They thought themselves above that species.

Finn and Logan stood as an angry Rhett turned and walked away.

When he was out of sight Logan spun on his heel to face him.

“I’m sorry about that. He came in earlier. I assumed he went home, but he must have been lurking around outside somewhere.”

Logan worried his lower lip so hard a small drop of blood beaded up on the inflamed flesh.

“Honey, it’s not your fault.” Finn wrapped Logan in his arms and pulled him close. Now that he knew Rhett was a wolf shifter, he had no doubt in his mind about the danger Logan was in. Because as it would appear, the crazy wolf thought he had some claim to Finn’s mate.

“Are you ready to go?” Finn asked. He wanted to get Logan back to the warrior compound as soon as he could. They had things to discuss. He had to have the talk with his mate so he knew the seriousness of the situation. Rhett was a wolf shifter with the potential to be very dangerous. Finn had to talk with the alpha of the

Logan’s Rattler


Carrington pack to see if this Rhett fellow was one of his pack members or not.

“Yes but I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Leo. The one I told you about the other night.” Logan grabbed his hand and guided him into the coffee shop. “Hey, Leo!” his mate shouted.

Finn turned around when he heard footsteps coming toward them.

A man of medium build with sandy-blond hair came around the corner. He was pleasant on the eyes and wore a huge smile.

“Hi, you must be Finn.” Finn accepted the hand Leo held out to him. “Logan has told me so much about you.”

“Likewise.” Finn didn’t want to be rude, but he didn’t feel comfortable out in the open with Rhett on the loose. He wasn’t certain what side the man fought for, good or evil. So it was better to be cautious when it came to his mate’s safety. “Leo, I hate to be rude, but we really need to go.”

Leo waved a hand at him. “Not rude at all. I, myself got a date to get ready for. You two go and have fun.”

“Thanks.” Finn gave the man a friendly smile as he turned to his mate. “You ready, hon?”

Ten minutes later, after shutting off coffeepots and loading the dishwasher, Finn led Logan to his truck. They had stayed to help Leo close up. It was the right thing to do. Part of him, the warrior half, wanted to make sure Leo got home all right before they took their leave.

His mate was unusually quiet on the drive. Finn prayed Logan wasn’t having second thoughts.



AJ Jarrett

Chapter Six

The white noise that always preceded the voices that echoed in his head started to begin. A static rustling rumbled through Logan’s mind, drowning out his own thoughts. It was like being in a deserted area, flipping the dial on the radio until a station came in. Highly annoying.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. There still wasn’t a single peep coming from Finn, which was great. Logan didn’t think he could handle if the man he had come to care for turned out to be like the others, a selfish prick who just wanted to use him.

Logan brought the palm of his hand up to his forehead to rub circles across the sensitive area. A groan eased past his lips. For the millionth time in the past several months, he wondered why he couldn’t just be normal.

“Logan, you okay?” Finn asked as he took his eyes off the road to look at him.

“I’m fine.” Logan sighed. “Just the beginnings of a headache is all.”

“Honey, I’m sorry.” Finn reached across the cab of the truck and took his hand. “We’ll be to my home soon. I need to talk with a friend that lives there, then I have some things to discuss with you.”

Logan’s body tensed, and he felt his muscles go bowstring tight.

What could Finn possibly have to talk to him about? Yes, they just met, and their relationship was moving fast, but was there more?

Maybe it was the pain in his head speaking, but he had to wonder if Finn was too good to be true.


Logan’s Rattler


“What things, Finn?” he asked in a low voice as he stared off into the distance laid out before him.

“Just about me and the work I do.”

Logan released the breath he’d been holding. At least it wasn’t that he didn’t want to see Logan anymore.

“What?” A smiled played across Finn’s lips. “Did you think me wanting to talk was code for I was breaking up with you or something?”

“Can you blame me? We just met, and I know absolutely nothing about you or you me.” Logan silently cringed at his own whining.

“That’s why we are going to talk. I want you to know everything about me.” Finn lifted Logan’s hand to his lips and lightly kissed his knuckles. “But I need to fill you in on my living situation before we get to the house.”

Logan looked over at Finn. “Okay, what about it?”

“I live in a large home with other men I work with. I guess you could compare us to a task force.”

“Are you a cop?” Logan could tell Finn was holding back. It could just have been his skepticism mixed with the brewing headache causing him to question what Finn was saying.

“Not a cop but similar.” Finn pointed out the window. “Oh look, we’re here.”

Logan followed Finn’s hand. Set back from the road, shrouded by trees was the largest home Logan had ever seen close-up. His mouth dropped open at the sheer size of the structure.

“It’s big I know.” Finn chuckled. “But very homey on the inside.”

Logan nodded. He still couldn’t make his mouth work. It would appear that whatever job Finn had paid extremely well. And that brought up the question of whether what his new boyfriend did for a living was legal. He hated to think that way, but he was only human.

The car came to a stop, and Finn got out of the car. Before Logan realized it, Finn was opening his door as he stared gawking up at the house. Finn reached in and grabbed his hand and tugged Logan out of


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the truck. When Finn wrapped his arm around his waist, Logan leaned into the support Finn gave. Between the headache and the shock of seeing where his boyfriend lived he was a little overwhelmed. He would never financially be able to provide Finn with such a home.

As they walked up the cobblestone driveway, Logan thought he heard voices traveling on the wind. He looked to Finn to make sure he heard them as well.

“That sounds like Quinn.”

Logan let out a sigh of relief as Finn guided him toward the back of the home. Standing in a section of the backyard were three men.

Two rather large men and one petite man. They appeared to be exercising in the open space.

“Even better. Lawson is here.” Finn let go of his hand, and Logan trailed behind him as Finn approached the small group. “Hey, Lawson, where’s your brother at? I need to speak to him about something.”

A man with strawberry-blond hair stepped toward Finn. His smile was welcoming, and Logan felt a pinch of jealousy at having such a beautiful smile aimed at his boyfriend. Beyond having a perfect mouth, the man’s body bulged with muscles Logan could only dream of having.

“Finn, buddy, how’s it going?” Logan watched as the two men exchanged a handshake.

“Good, but I have some questions regarding work for him.”

Lawson’s eyebrows shot up his forehead. “You don’t say?”

Just then the other two men came forward. Logan couldn’t help noticing how the larger man walked behind the smaller one and ogled the guy’s behind. His eyes tracked every bounce and step the man made. He had to wonder if they were lovers.

“You going to introduce us to your friend here?” the man named Lawson teased Finn.

“Shit, where’re my manners.” Finn turned and placed his hand on the small of Logan’s back, pushing lightly. Logan followed the

Logan’s Rattler


motion and stepped forward. “Guys, this is Logan, my boyfriend.”

Logan couldn’t contain the blush that heated his cheeks at Finn’s declaration. “Logan, this is Lawson, Trevor, and Quinn.”

Logan shook each man’s hand in turn. “And you all work together?” he asked.

“You can say that.” The little man chuckled. “We’re like superheroes here to save the world, and this is our headquarters.” The man named Quinn smacked Trevor in the back of the head. Logan giggled at the liveliness in the younger man’s voice. “Ouch!” Trevor rubbed at his head as he glared at Quinn.

“Please forgive Trevor. He has a tendency to think he’s funny when in actuality he’s just annoying,” Quinn explained.

“I don’t think anything, you ass.” Trevor turned from looking at Quinn to him. “You thought it was funny, right? Helped ease the tension of meeting us? I like to think I’m a perfectionist at breaking the ice, so to speak.”

Logan nodded. “Yes you did, and it’s very nice to meet all of you.”

“Hon, I’m going to step over here and speak to Lawson and Quinn for a moment. Will you be okay for a few minutes? I promise Trevor won’t bite.”

He better not.

The smile fell from Logan’s face at the words voiced in his head.

By the tone it came from the man named Quinn.

“I’ll be fine,” Logan reassured. Finn reached up and brushed a kiss over his lips then led the two men several feet in front of Logan, out of earshot.

“So you and Finn are dating?” Trevor asked, and Logan nodded.

“Damn, that was fast.”

Logan tore his attention from Finn to look at Trevor. He shrugged his shoulders. “I thought so at first, too, but why wait? Life’s short, and we all deserve a little happiness when we can get it, and Finn


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makes me happy.” He couldn’t help but explain the way he felt to Trevor, a complete stranger.

“That’s cool.” Trevor patted his shoulder. “From what I hear when you meet your ‘soul mate’”—Trevor made air quotes in front of him—“there’s no stopping it.”

“No, there isn’t.”

With nothing more to say, because both he and Trevor were watching the men in front of them, silence reined between them.

Man I’m hungry.

Logan looked over to Trevor. The younger man wetted his lips as he stared at the dark-haired man standing with his arms crossed over his chest.

I wouldn’t mind having a sip of Quinn. He’s so strong and
controlling. God I’d love to make him beg.

Keeping his eyes forward, Logan focused on Finn. He couldn’t control hearing Trevor’s innermost thoughts, and he felt like he was intruding.

I bet his blood tastes like fine wine aged to perfection.

Logan turned to look at Trevor.
Did he just say blood?
And that
he wanted to taste Quinn’s?
He gasped in fear as he saw two small points jutting out from under Trevor’s upper lip. The teeth looked like fangs.

Oh my god! Blood! Teeth! Drinking Quinn! I got to get Finn and
get the hell out of here.

His own thoughts screamed in his head as he took off across the yard toward Finn. Glancing over his shoulder he could see Trevor chasing him. Just as he was about to turn back around, he ran into a solid wall.

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