Logan's Rattler (20 page)

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Authors: A. J. Jarrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Logan's Rattler
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The house was on edge, trying to find the whereabouts of a missing warrior. Since the man by the name of Sayer had been taken, the warriors had been working around the clock, looking for any leads. Ben assumed the witch, Damon, who had promised to help Rhett, was somehow involved with the warrior’s disappearance, but they were unsure of the connection.

On the Carrington pack front, Garrett had started questioning all the wolf shifters in his area. After what Rhett confessed to, they were certain they had more traitors in their pack.

Lachlan took part in helping his mate with the interrogations, but as far as Logan knew, Lachlan and Garrett hadn’t made amends with one another. He wasn’t certain what exactly came between Lachlan and Garrett, but they had their differences. Logan would only get sound bites here and there, and it was apparent the men’s pride kept them apart. Even with everything that was going on, Logan had to admit life with Finn was beyond perfect. Klaus sat Finn down and


AJ Jarrett

explained that Logan didn’t need to become a snake shifter and that he wasn’t even entirely sure the transformation would take, with him being part witch. With time and training, Logan could be as strong as any other paranormal. And according to Klaus, being an empath could come in handy. He was like a human lie detector.

The sun was out, and the air was crisp. Fall was fading fast into winter, but autumn still clung to the days, not ready to relinquish control. Tilting his head up toward the sun, Logan soaked in the blissfully blessed day and the life he had. He smiled toward the heavens and let his happiness roll through his body.

“What are you smiling about?” Finn asked as they walked the back trail of the property hand in hand.

“Oh, nothing and everything,” Logan said as he winked over at his mate.

“Well, that’s pretty vague don’t you think?”

“Yes and no,” Logan taunted Finn, knowing how the man hated having to guess what his mate was thinking.

Finn tugged on his hand, pulling him to his chest. With his arms wound tightly around Logan’s waist, Finn walked him backwards to a tree until he was flush up against it. He bent his knees a bit so he was eye level with Finn. Then he parted his legs enough to allow for Finn to push his thigh between them. Logan rubbed wantonly against the hard-muscled thigh. His cock filled, and he wanted to come so badly.

“Do you want me, honey?” Finn flicked his forked tongue out to lick the shell of Logan’s ear. Logan’s body jerked from the onslaught of sensations between the rubbing thigh and smooth tongue. “Are you hungry for my cock?” he rasped low in Logan’s ear.

Logan gave a jerky nod then pulled far enough away to look into his lover’s eyes. “I do, but you have to work for it.” He pushed his palms against Finn’s chest. The man wasn’t expecting it and stumbled back. It allowed Logan enough of a head start.

This had become a game they liked to play. As Logan got stronger due to the mating bond and honing his magical capabilities with the

Logan’s Rattler


help of Klaus and Carter, he also became faster. Not as fast as Finn but still fast enough to give the man a run for his money.

He could feel Finn right on his heels, but the man never moved to tackle him. Logan had discovered how much Finn loved to play the game of cat and mouse, only stopping when Logan became too exhausted to keep up.

His mate had a kink for doling out pleasurable punishments when Finn caught him, nothing drastic, just a little cock teasing, and Logan loved it. The way Finn’s hazel-shaded eyes would flame to life when Logan begged to be fucked or have his cock sucked gave proof to Logan how much his mate enjoyed it. He didn’t have to plead too long before Finn would oblige his request. Life had changed drastically from what Logan was used to, but at least now he had answers to why he was the way he was and ways to cope with the gift he’d been given. Klaus was teaching him how to turn off the voices and silence the ones he didn’t want to hear. The idea was to get Logan to be able to read others’ minds when he wanted to, not when they allowed it.

There were still times the sounds of soft whispers and the echoes of faraway voices pierced his eardrums, but they were getting fewer and farther between. Logan was gaining control day by day, and Klaus and the council were pleased with his progress.

The sound of heavy breathing was his only warning before Finn caught him around the waist and rolled him to the ground. He lay pinned beneath his lover, and he couldn’t have been happier. Life was good and only getting better. Finn had shown him a kind of love he wasn’t used to, and it was a more precious gift than any he had ever received.

“I got you.” Finn slanted his mouth over Logan’s and kissed him long and hard. “So what’s my reward?”

Logan pulled his arms free and wrapped them around Finn’s neck.

“Me. Forever and always.”



AJ Jarrett

“I love it when you say that.” Finn covered his lips again, and Logan turned over total control to the man he loved. They had to enjoy times like this because, as he had learned, a life as a Warrior of the Light was a dangerous one.

Logan lived every day as if it were his last. Granted, he was immortal and he had an endless amount of days to be with Finn, but it was lazy days like this that made an eternity not seem long enough.








AJ Jarrett currently lives in the Midwest with her husband and four children. A lover of M/M romances, she has started writing her own stories for others to enjoy. She loves her characters to be antagonistic toward one another but ultimately find their happy ever after. She believes love can be found in the craziest of places and a little humor along the way never hurt. To her, there’s nothing sexier than two men finding their soul mate and falling in love. When she isn’t chasing around her kids she can be found sitting on the couch with her trusted laptop giving life to the voices in her head.


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