Lizzy's Lessons (The Hunt Family Series) (14 page)

BOOK: Lizzy's Lessons (The Hunt Family Series)
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It had been two months since Liz had officially moved in with Cole, and now she sat in the kitchen, chuckling to herself every time he cursed the hammer for not hitting the nail and getting his finger instead.

He was building her a new bed. Only because he’d broken the last one when she’d turned the tables on him and tied him up. It seemed he could dish it out, but he couldn’t take it.

He’d already given her a new shower system and, with the help of his Aunt Adala, she had convinced him to get some decent furniture in the house. Life was going pretty good.

Suddenly, someone pounded on the front door, making Liz jump. She didn’t know whether to answer it, but thought she should open the door when she heard scuffling on the front porch.

When she did, she found Cole, pinned to the floor by three big, burly men, and another man, much smaller, just standing there yelling for them to let him up.

The men listened, the man turned to Liz, and she recognized him right away as Dorian’s brother, Alexander.

“Hello, Elizabeth, nice to see you again,” Alexander greeted, and Elizabeth saw no ill will in his expression.

“Alexander, what are you doing here?” she asked.

He smiled and brushed off the leaves that Cole must have gotten on him when he attacked.

“I came to give my congratulations,” he answered. “Also, to ask where my brother is.”

“Your brother is dead,” Cole snarled.

Alexander just laughed, “Oh, I know that, good man. I just wondered where he his body was. I don’t really want it popping up just yet.”

Liz smiled. She’d always liked Alexander.

“Why don’t you have your men let go of my mate?” she nodded to the two goons that were still holding Cole in place. “Then come in and we’ll talk about it.”

“Well, that sounds like quite a good idea,” Alexander answered. “You wouldn’t have anything to eat? I’m hungry.”

Then he turned to his men, “Let him go, boys, he isn’t going to hurt anyone.” he said, winking at Cole, and Liz laughed at the perplexed look Cole gave him.

Alexander loved the men, just as much as he loved the women. The way he saw it, they lived for so long, there was no reason to be so picky. There was fun to be had by all. Liz couldn’t wait to see Cole’s reaction when Alexander explained this theory to him.

Everyone followed her in the house, Cole grumbling something about uninvited guests behind them, and Liz shut the door.

She didn’t know what Alexander was doing there, but she knew it wasn’t bad. She also knew, no matter what it was, Cole and she would handle it together, forever, the way they were meant to be.


The End


Continue to read excerpts from Selena Cross’s other books.



Excerpt from
Damien’s Second Chance

Blood Journals Book One

by Selena Cross


Chapter One


The Interview


Katie was nervous about her second interview for the high profile job she was attempting to land. If she were hired she would be the personal assistant to the richest and most powerful man she had ever known, Damien Drake. He was richer than Bill Gates and Donald Trump combined, he had the most prominent politicians in the country in his pocket, and he was the most eligible bachelor in the world. The only down side is no one really saw him, except for the people who worked very closely with him, and even they had only seen him once or twice.

The knots in her stomach tightened as she looked up at the clock to make sure she was on time. Not that she had to go anywhere; the second interview was being held in her apartment. She thought it was strange but Mr. Porter said that Mr. Drake liked to see what kind of environment his personal assistants lived in before he decided to hire them. She wanted to impress him as much as possible, so she spent the entire day cleaning and cooking. Okay, so why did it have to be so late in the evening? Nine o’clock was just an absurd time to hold interviews for prospective assistants.

She had enough time to put the finishing touches on the table setting before there was a knock at the door. She struggled with her apron as she made her way to the door, just able to get it off before she reached for the doorknob. Her nerves made her stomach turn as she opened the door. What was he going to be like when she finally got to meet him? She pictured an old decrepit man with liver spots and a receding hairline. The first person she saw was Mr. Porter, which she had seen before. He was okay looking for a middle-aged workaholic with a drinking habit.

“Welcome, Mr. Porter,” she smiled graciously at him as she held out her hand to shake his.

“Hello Katie,” he smiled, showing his yellow cigarette and coffee stained teeth. “I have someone with me I would like you to meet.”

From around the corner of the door came a man, but not the old man Katie was expecting. He was young, around her age, beautiful, god-like, as if he were sculpted out of marble. His dark shoulder length hair curved around his strong jaw line, framing his beautiful face. His eyes were a dark brown, almost so dark they looked black, his lips were cherry red, soft, and inviting. He smiled at her as he reached out his hand to take hers. He lifted her hand to his lips and gently brushed the top of her hand with a kiss.

“Hello Katherine,” he said, staring deeply into her eyes. “I’m Damien Drake.”

No one had called Katie, Katherine, since she was a little girl. It was what her mother called her to show disdain for her only daughter. She hated being called Katherine, but for some reason when he said it, it didn’t annoy her like it usually did. Still, she didn’t want to be called Katherine, “Please, call me Katie.”

He smiled at her sheepishly, but he didn’t reply. They just stared at each other, looking in to each other’s eyes, as if they could see into one another’s souls.

Mr. Porter cleared his throat, breaking their attention. “Well, Katie, aren’t you going to invite us in?”

She looked at Mr. Porter; then realized they were still standing in her doorway and Mr. Drake was still holding her hand. She snatched her hand back and gestured for them to come in, “Of course, I’m sorry, come in.”

She shut the door behind them, circled around them, and led them into the dining room. She could feel Mr. Drake’s eyes on her butt as she walked in front of them. She turned around quickly when they entered the dining room, “I hope you’re hungry, I have been making a feast all afternoon.”

She looked at the men. While Mr. Porter was scanning the table and swallowing back the saliva that was evidently pooling in his mouth, Mr. Drake kept his eyes locked on her and examined Katie closely from her head to her feet. Her heart pounded as she watched his eyes go down the length of her body, stopping briefly at her breasts then continuing down.

She stepped back and grabbed one of the chairs, pulling it forward, then standing behind it, as if to block herself from his eyes, “Have a seat, gentlemen.” She ushered for them to sit.

They both just stood where they were. Mr. Porter, looking disappointed, spoke up, “Well, we would love to Katie, but unfortunately this is just a short visit. We both have other engagements after this and can’t stay long.” He swallowed again, “It’s a shame….it smells so good.”

“Yes, it does.” agreed Mr. Drake, but when she looked at him, she had a feeling he wasn’t talking about the food.

Mr. Drake stepped toward her and reached out his hand to her face. Katie backed up, startled by his advancement. He smiled, “You have something on your face, my dear.” He ran his thumb over the corner of her mouth, and pulled away, putting his thumb in his mouth, as if to taste whatever it was he had wiped off her mouth.

“Oh,” she laughed, embarrassed, “I must have gotten some on me when I was taste testing the food.”

He smiled deviously, “It tastes better than it smells.”

Now she knew he wasn’t talking about the food.

Mr. Drake broke their stare this time, when he turned to Mr. Porter, “Well, shall we be going Mathew?”

“Oh,” Mr. Porter began moving toward the entrance, “Yes, Mr. Drake, we don’t want to keep our other engagements waiting.” He said as he hurriedly reached for the door.

Katie followed behind them, “Oh……well…….okay then, but what about the job?”

They both stopped and turned to her.

“Yes,” Mr. Porter said as he held the door open for Mr. Drake, “You will start tomorrow Katie, eight a.m., nice and early.”

Katie smiled in relief, “Okay, well it was nice to meet you Mr. Drake.”

Mr. Drake took her hand again, “It was nice meeting you, Katherine.” He planted another kiss on her hand, then gently let go as she pulled it back.

She smiled courteously, even though it annoyed her that he insisted on calling her Katherine, even after she asked him not to. However, she wasn’t going to say anything this time, since he was after all, her boss.

“I look forward to working with you,” he flashed another devious smile. “Good night, my dear.”

“Good night,” she said abruptly, trying not to sound too sharp.

“Well, good night Katie, see you in the morning,” Mr. Porter shook her hand vigorously, and then turned to walk away.

“Good night Mr. Porter,” she waved to them as they walked down the hallway, but neither of them turned around to wave back.

She shut the door and leaned against it for a minute, bringing her hand to her lips. Realizing what she was doing, she then wiped the back of her hand on her dress pants and made her way to the dining room. She stared at all the food on the table, and sighed in disappointment. This evening didn’t go at all like she had planned it to go. She began picking stuff up off the table and carrying it to the kitchen. Oh well, she thought, at least she got the job.




Excerpt from
Their Runaway Mate

By Selena Cross


Chapter One


Anna laid in her bed thinking about her life so far. When she’d been going to school for accounting she never thought this was how her life would be. She’d started college a bit later than usual because before she’d even finished high school both her parents had died. Being there was no other family; she was left taking care of her sister, who was just a couple years younger than her. She got her GED instead of finishing high school and started working two jobs to support them both. Then her sister graduated high school and immediately moved away to go to some university in southern California. She never called Anna, or wrote, and for years, Anna wondered if she was even still alive.

Then she received a letter one year around Christmas time from her sister saying that she’d met a man in California and they were getting married. That was the last she’d heard from her. After that letter, Anna decided that she needed to stop living for her sister and start living for herself. She enrolled herself in a community college, worked two part-time jobs and after three years, she obtained her Bachelors in Accounting at the age of twenty-five.

While she’d been in school, she met Drew Pierson, a business professor for the college. He became a great friend and mentor during her time there and after she graduated, he hired her on as his personal accountant. She didn’t expect it to entail her moving into his home, but he’d said it was because he knew she wouldn’t be able to afford much starting out and wanted to give her a fighting chance. When she insisted on paying him rent, he’d brush it off telling her to save it.

She’d been living with him for a little over two months now, in his extremely large house, and was beginning to feel like he wanted to be more than just her employer or friend. She was more than happy with this because she was already half in love with him. He was wonderful and gorgeous with golden hair, chocolate brown eyes, tan skin, a straight elegant nose, firm square jaw, and sensual full lips. He was at least six feet tall, with broad shoulders, a thin waist, firm butt, and long legs. She could just imagine how long and thick his cock would be.

At first, he was just friendly, and then he progressed to light touches and gentle caresses. In the last week, he had embraced her once or twice, and the last time he looked as if he were going to kiss her.

Anna sighed dreaming about what that kiss would be like. She’d never done more than kissed a boy, but Drew wasn’t a boy, he was a man. She knew he’d be passionate and intense. She’d do more than just let him kiss her; Anna would give herself to him, and let him possess her for all of eternity, if he wished it.

Anna got out of bed and hurried out of the room. She had the urgent need to express her desire to him.




Drew sat in the armchair across from his great mahogany desk. Leaning against the desk was the most beautiful and sensual man he’d ever seen. Carter was not only his lover, but his mate. Their wolves called to each other, needing to fuck and connect in the most primal way.

Drew barely suppressed the urge to jump up and take the man where he stood.

“It’s good to have you home again.” Drew said, smiling at Carter, with a hint of desire in his gaze. “How was your trip? I hope that everything was successful?”

Carter’s full, lush lips tipped up in a devilish grin, “It’s good to be home. Yes, things went better than expected.”

Drew perused Carter’s delectable body from his dark hair, his piercing green eyes, slightly crooked nose, square strong jaw, lush kissable lips, broad shoulders, and wide chest that went down into a slim waist. Drew’s eyes settled on the erection that seemed to get larger as he watched.

Carter cleared his throat, drawing Drew’s eyes to his, “As for, our little accountant? How are things going with her?”

“Pretty well, I know she feels the pull to mate with me. Which I suspect will only get stronger, now that you are home. She’ll be ours very soon.”

Carter didn’t look as pleased as Drew thought he should, “And I see that she is making you tense and edgy as well.”

“Yes, well, I can only tolerate being near her for a small amount of time without wanting to go crazy,” Drew sighed in frustration. “Especially with her scent, when she is around me, assailing me.”

Carter rubbed his length through his Armani trousers. “In due time, we’ll not have to deal with it for long.”

Drew gave into the urge and lunged out of his chair toward Carter, “Yes, but until then, she is driving me insane.”

Their lips met in a clash of violent passion and need, tongues thrusting into each other’s mouths, mimicking what they would do to each other with their cocks. Drew pushed Carter’s hand away and ripped open the button and zipper of his pants. His hands dived in, finding the object of his desire and grasped it firmly, stroking slowly, up to the mushroomed head that dripped with pre-cum. Running his hand over the head of Carter’s cock, collecting the pre-cum, he rubbed down the shaft and stroked back up. Carter moaned into his mouth, while Drew sucked Carter’s tongue into his mouth, and suckled it.

Drew pulled away, nipping at Carter’s lip, “God, I’ve missed you.”

“I couldn’t think of anything else but getting back to you as soon as possible.” Carter’s hand held Drew’s nape as he rubbed his scalp. “I want to feel you sucking my cock so bad.”

Drew blew out a harsh breath, “Fuck, I want that too. I am dying to have you cum down my throat.”

With that, Drew dropped to his knees and pulled Carter’s long, thick, delicious cock all the way out of his pants. He licked the pre-cum off its bulbous head then licked down to the bottom of his shaft, along the long vein, then back up.

“You taste so fucking good,” Drew said before he sucked Carter’s cock into his mouth and laved it with his tongue.

“Oh yeah, just like that, god, I love watching you suck my cock.” Carter’s voice was husky with desire as he grasped the back of Drew’s head and gently pushed him to take more of him into his mouth.

Drew looked up while he sucked more of Carter’s cock into his mouth and locked gazes with Carter’s dark green eyes. He sucked harder and hummed around Carter’s cock, causing Carter to groan in pleasure, as shivers ran up his body.

He deep throated Carter’s cock, and watched as Carter’s eyes closed and his head fell back. Carter was close and Drew knew what would push him over the edge.

He continued to suck and bob his head up and down, while he fondled Carter’s balls firmly, then rubbed right behind his ball sack, to the puckered hole of his anus. He twirled his finger around the rim, listening to Carter’s desperate pleas to penetrate him. Then he pushed into Carter’s ass with first one finger, then two. He thrust in and out, making sure to rub against Carter’s prostate.

Carter’s mewls got louder, until he was practically yelling Drew’s name, “Yes, Drew, yes. Please let me cum!!”

With that, Drew sucked Carter’s whole length into his mouth, fondled his balls with one hand, and finger fucked his ass with the other. All the sensations finally pushed Carter over the edge, and warm, delicious cum spurted out the head of Carter’s cock, down Drew’s throat, causing Drew to moan in delight.

After the last spurts of Carter’s orgasm subsided, Drew licked Carter’s cock clean; Carter pulled Drew to his feet, and kissed him with all the passion and love he could put into it. Then pulled away, leaning his forehead against Drew’s. “God, I love you.”

Drew smiled and sighed, contented, “I love you too, my mate”


BOOK: Lizzy's Lessons (The Hunt Family Series)
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