Lizzy's Lessons (The Hunt Family Series) (11 page)

BOOK: Lizzy's Lessons (The Hunt Family Series)
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She tried to concentrate on her breathing, and the pain seemed to dull a bit, until he pushed further in and she felt something pop.

“Aaah, Cole, please,” she begged him to stop.

“Don’t worry, Elizabeth, you have passed the worst part,” he assured her.

She didn’t feel like she was past the worst part because his finger was still in her ass. He pushed in to his knuckle and the feeling went from burning pain to uncomfortable fullness, and burning pain. Then he started to lap at her pussy again, this time paying most of his attention to her clit. He swirled his tongue around the little bundle of nerves and pushed on it, as he pushed his finger further into her ass. He continued to do this over and over again until the pain subsided a bit and Liz was able to pay attention to the pleasure he was giving to her clit.

Finally, his finger was fully seated in her ass, and the burning sensation had all but vanished, leaving behind only the fullness, which wasn’t so uncomfortable anymore. Then he went to pull the finger out, passing sensitive nerve tissue, and Liz’s body erupted with a whole new sensation of pleasure.

He lapped at her pussy while he thrust his finger in and out of her ass, and Liz started to climb toward the pinnacle of pleasure once more, until he decided to add another finger with the first. He pulled his finger almost completely out and when he pushed in, another joined it. The burning came back, but not as intense and the popping sensation was not as bad either. He kept licking her pussy as he fingered her ass with the two fingers, sometimes separating them and making a scissor formation that stretched her further than she thought her ass should go.

Then she felt another blunt finger, but this one was at her core. He pushed inside her pussy at the same time he pushed his other fingers into her ass and she wondered if he were lubricating that finger in order to put it in her anus as well. However, when he pulled all the fingers back, he hooked the one in her pussy so it rubbed against her g-spot, and then pushed all of them back in, two in her ass and one in her pussy.

He thrust his fingers over and over, while he lapped at her labia and circled her clit, and Liz rode the crest of her orgasm, not able to fall over.

“Cum for me, Elizabeth,” he commanded, and then latched onto her clit and bit down on it gently, swirling his tongue around it, as he pushed all three fingers in at once.

She flew over the edge, exploding on a wave of bliss, and having the biggest orgasm she’d ever had in her life. Her body felt lighter than air and her head swum with pure ecstasy.

He continued to manipulate her body, bringing her back down slowly, until she was nothing but a pile of goo lying on the bed beneath him.

He pulled his fingers out of her slowly and kissed his way up her body, stopping at her breasts briefly, to pay homage, and then he kissed her mouth, letting her taste her sweet cum on his lips.

“Wow, you can punish me like that whenever you want,” she commented, and he burst into laughter.

“Hmmm, meine Liebe, you better watch or you may become addicted to my form of punishment,” he teased.

“Do you punish all your captives like that?” she teased back.

“Only you, meine Liebe,” he answered, before he kissed her lips, sweetly.

He untied her from the headboard and rubbed her wrists for a moment.

“Is that it?” Liz asked.

“You aren’t tired?” Cole asked back.

“No,” she said, trying to hide a sudden yawn.

“Hmm, you shouldn’t lie, Elizabeth,” he reprimanded her.

“What about when you said you wanted to make love to me?” she asked, suddenly feeling insecure.

He noticed her insecurity because he pulled her into his arms, resting her head on his chest, “I do want to make love to you, Elizabeth, but I want you to get some rest first. Don’t worry. I will be waking you up later to finish what we started.”

She wanted to argue with him and demand he make love to her now, but she had promised to let him rule when it came to sex and she was just too tired to argue.

She snuggled her head into his fuzzy chest and inhaled his natural musk scent, and before she knew it, she was fast asleep




Liz woke to Cole suckling her breast, while his fingers pushed between her labia and rubbed her clit. She moaned as her arousal flared anew.

Cole lifted his head and smiled down at her, “Oh, good, you’re awake.”

She giggled as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he kissed her passionately, slipping his tongue into her willing mouth and sweeping it against hers.

He pushed her legs further apart and positioned himself between her thighs, aligning his cock with her entrance. Liz widened her legs even more as he pushed his hips forward, slowly feeding her his cock, and then stopping to wait for her to adjust to his size.

“You are so tight, Elizabeth, like a vise around my cock,” he groaned as he pushed in further, her juices lubricating her walls and assisting his advance. “Feels so good.”

She felt so full once he’d seated himself fully in her sheath. He didn’t move for some time, and just waited for her to acclimate herself to the feeling of his large cock in her tight pussy.

He kissed her again, tenderly, as he slowly started to rock his hips, barely bringing himself out before he pushed back in. She felt as if she was burning alive, her nerve endings sizzled wherever their skin touched and with the friction of his cock rubbing against her vaginal walls.

She moaned in frustration when he refused to pick up the pace and she found it hard to find release from the tight knot that he had wound inside of her.

“Please, Cole, harder,” she begged.

“I don’t want to hurt you, meine Leibe,” he responded, grunting as he pushed, slowly into her.

“You won’t hurt me, Cole,” she implored. “Please, I need you.”

He stopped and just stared down at her, and she wondered what was wrong.

“I would never hurt you, Elizabeth,” he stated, seriously. “I love you and want you to stay with me forever.”

Liz saw the uncertainty and apprehension on his face and she felt her heart swell with joy. She reached her hand up to cup his face, and smiled at him.

“I love you, too,” she replied. “And I will stay with you for an eternity.”

He smiled down at her, his smile softening his features and reminding her of a boy. His lips brushed hers before he deepened the kiss, mingling his tongue with hers.

He started to move again, but this time he pulled back until he was almost out and pushed back in, hard, slamming his hips against hers and knocking the wind from her lungs for a moment. Liz reveled in the feeling of his aggressive and powerful thrusts. Her body wound tighter and tighter with each thrust, as she raised her hips to meet his.

Cole kissed her neck and her ear, and then whispered, “Bite me, Elizabeth. Take my blood.”

She didn’t fight him, she kissed him where his neck met his shoulder and licked the pulse point, and then she let her fangs lengthen before she sank them into his skin. His blood exploded on her taste buds, tasting of a fine wine, and she suckled at the vein, dragging out as much as she could.

He cried out as he erupted in a powerful orgasm, his hot seed shooting into her womb and causing her to splinter into a million tiny pieces. Her pussy milked his cock and she milked his vein, gulping down all he had to give, until she came down from her euphoria and pulled her fangs out, licking the wound closed.

He collapsed on top of her, all of his weight pressing her into the mattress, but she didn’t wish for him to move. She loved the feel of him blanketing her, the feel of his heart pounding against her breasts, and his ragged breath whispering past her neck. She wrapped her arms around him, and just held him there, as she closed her eyes and basked in the overflowing peace of having her mate inside and all around her.

“I’m crushing you,” he grunted, trying to pull himself off her.

“No, don’t move yet,” she replied, holding him to her. “I like the feeling of having you here.”

He looked into her eyes for a moment, but acquiesced to her request, kissing her cheeks, her nose, her eyes, and finally her lips.

“You will always have me, meine Leibe,” he promised.

After moments of just holding each other, she finally let him climb off her, instantly missing the feeling of his body against hers and his cock deep inside of her. He pulled her into his arms though, spooning her back to his front, while he kissed her shoulder and her neck.

“Good night, Elizabeth,” he whispered in her ear, which she barely heard because sleep was already overtaking her. “I’ll love you forever, meine Leibe.”

She smiled, and responded, “I love you, too, my mate.”


Chapter Eight


Cole watched her sleep after he had woken up with the sun in his eyes. She was beautiful and reminded him of an angel with her porcelain, perfect skin, golden blonde ringlet hair, full cherry red lips, long lashes that swept slightly rosy cheeks, and delicate soft features.

The night before he had woken her to make love to her for the first time and it was unlike anything he had felt before. It wasn’t just the intense orgasm that he had, but the deep bonding connection they had made. If he hadn’t known it wasn’t true, he would think they were soul mates, but his kind didn’t have just one particular mate, and she had some destined mate out there waiting for her.

He suppressed the growl that tried to surface with the thought of some other man taking her away from him. She’d told him the night before that she loved him and would be with him for an eternity, and he wanted to believe her. He didn’t want to think they were just words said in the heat of passion because he meant what he had said, and he wanted to believe she had meant it too.

How could he, when he knew that she had some destined mate out there? How could he believe that any part of this fantasy world he’d woven around them was real?

He slipped out of bed and went into the bathroom. He couldn’t look at her sleeping form anymore, knowing that it was all a lie. After using the toilet and washing his face, he looked at himself in the mirror.

Having her there had softened his features somehow, and made him look less menacing and bitter, and happier and more at peace, if only that were true. He scowled at himself, angry with himself for letting this get so far out of control. He should have kept fighting his feelings for her and not taken her as his because she wasn’t his. She belonged to some faceless man, who she would meet somewhere in the far off future, long after he was dead.

That was the other thing that bothered him.
What if she did stay with him for the rest of his life? What would happen to her when he was gone?
He couldn’t keep her there, knowing that one day he would leave her and she would be miserable and lost without him.

Shifters weren’t immortal. They lived longer than humans did, but they still only lived a few hundred years. There would be no real future for them. One would end up leaving the other, some day.

His heart twisted in his chest when he thought of what he promised her the night before. He had promised to never leave her and now he was thinking of doing just that.

However, if he left now, the pain would not be as great as it would when he would be forced to leave her by death, or she to go to her destined mate.

He met his eyes in the mirror and hardened himself for what he planned to do. He would go into the nearby village and contact the one who hired him to kill her, to tell him she was dead. Then he was going to talk to a connection he had and get a new form of identification for Elizabeth, so she could at least make it back to America and back to her family without being tracked down and killed.

Cole stepped out of the bathroom to go get clothes on and stopped abruptly when he saw his sweet Elizabeth fast asleep in his bed. His chest hurt and he felt like his heart was breaking in two, but this was what he had to do if he loved her and wanted to keep her safe and happy.

She might think she’s happy now, but she would never be truly happy or safe until she was far away from here, and far away from him.

He got dressed and wrote her a note stating that he was going to investigate a way to get rid of the person who wanted her dead. Then he left the cottage as quickly as possible, forcing himself to not go back and stay with her forever.




Once Cole cleared the trees, he grabbed the satellite phone he kept in the Hummer and dialed the number to his contact.

“Is it done?” he heard the thick Russian accent of his contact Boris before the first ring even ended.

“Dah,” Cole replied.

“Took you long enough,” Boris grumbled over the slightly static line.

“There were complications,” Cole answered, not wanting to explain himself to a scum like Boris.

“What kind of complications?” asked his nosy contact, and Cole simmered, ready to reach through the phone and choke the man.

“It doesn’t matter, the job is done,” Cole replied and the line went quiet for a very long moment.

“I will have your money wired to your account within the hour,” Boris informed Cole.

“Keep your damn money,” Cole sneered at the phone. “Just do me a favor and never call me again. I’m done.”

Before Boris could give him a reply, Cole hung up. He was raging by now and couldn’t believe that someone would want poor Elizabeth dead. He had no idea why these people were trying to kill an innocent woman, but he would find out and then he would take care of the problem for her.

For a split second, a thought popped into his head that when he did finish this for her, he could bring her back to him and they could be together. However, Cole knew that she was not meant for him and he should keep her away.

Luckily, she had slept most of the way from her apartment to his cottage, so she had no idea where in the Bavarian Forest his home was. He pictured her walking through the forest, looking for his home, but squashed that thought too because it made him worry about her safety even more and think about what happened to her when she’d left his house while he was gone the other day, and Belinda attacked her.

He had buried Belinda before he left that morning. Feeling it was at least his duty to give her a proper burial, considering she mothered some of his kit.

He picked up her passport, which he had taken when he had kidnapped her, and looked at her picture. She was beautiful, even in the worst possible settings, she shined. Her blue eyes stared back at him, imploring him to go back to her and just let her stay, but he couldn’t do it. He knew she would never be truly happy with him because he wasn’t her true mate, and he wanted her to be happy.

He hadn’t lied when he told her he loved her, but he had lied when he said they would be together forever. He had lied to himself, and to her. He couldn’t keep her.

His stomach rolled as he picked up his phone again and dialed the number for one of his connections.

“Ja,” Devon’s German accent rang through the phone, after the third ring.

“Devon, I need a favor,” Cole answered.

“When don’t you need a favor?” his old friend taunted him.

“Ha ha,” Cole rolled his eyes, but smiled a little at his friends sense of humor. “I need you to alter some papers for me. I am coming to your place now.”

He heard rustling in the background and what sounded like a woman’s voice.

“Uhh, what time will you be here?” Devon asked and Cole wanted to take a dig at him for having a lady friend, but didn’t.

Devon was a wolf shifter, and one of the only types of shifters to mate for life. Cole envied him now, and the thought the woman in the background might be his mate made Cole want to cry because of the pain he felt inside his chest for losing Elizabeth.

“I will be there in about two hours,” Cole stated, more briskly than he wanted to.

“Okay,” Devon replied. “I will see you then.”

Devon hung up before Cole could respond, but Cole heard the conversation between the two before the phone went dead. Whoever the woman was, wasn’t Devon’s mate, so Cole relaxed a bit, knowing Devon was still without the one meant for him either. He knew it was selfish of him to wish that on his friend, but he didn’t think he could deal with seeing his friend with his true mate at the moment.


BOOK: Lizzy's Lessons (The Hunt Family Series)
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