Live In Position (24 page)

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Authors: Sadie Grubor

BOOK: Live In Position
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"I don't want food. I want another drink!" She’d turned her attention, loudly, back toward the bar with her last sentence.

"Yes, well, I don't think he’
s going to give you that, so why don't you just –?"

"Who the hell do you think you are?" She narrowed her eyes on me.

"Just someone who’s trying to help," My tone was flat, growing irritated with her behavior.

"You just show up in our lives and now my niece acts as if you're her mother. You try to seduce my husband. My families are being torn apart, and, fuck, if my brother isn't following his father's footsteps!" She opened her mouth again, but the waitress interrupted with her coffee and sandwich.

Allison shoved the plate away. "I don't want this garbage."

"Allison," I hissed. "You can hate me as much as you want, but I didn't 'seduce' your husband and I sure as hell am not respons
ible for your family issues. I’m only trying to make sure you sober up enough that you can make it home to two little boys that love you with all of their hearts."

Allison seemed to soften for a moment.

"You know I had to go through invitrofertilization five times before I conceived the twins." She huffed out and then grabbed the turkey sandwich, taking a huge bite. With her mouth full, she continued.

"Jonathan and I wanted to be parents so badly. We started to try for children as soon as we were married." She grabbed my water glass and chugged. "Max and Larissa so much as poke a finger at each other and they get pregnant, but not me. Oh no, I have to endure miscarriages, six months of bed rest, and a cheating husband after
giving birth." She snorted disgusted and took another large bite of her food.

I sighed and let her continue to vent. Eating half of my sandwich and some fries I listened to her discuss how in love Jonathan and her had been, how they couldn't keep their hands off of each other, and how the inability for her to get pregnant took its toll on them. Allison eventually collapsed into sobs. I wanted to feel sorrier for her, but
Allison’s verbal bite marks were still fresh in my mind.

When she tried to stand to leave, I quickly packed up my things and f
ollowed her. She got to her car. I swiped the keys from her.

"Give me back my keys," She yelled.

"No way are you driving in your condition." I argued.

"I don't know why you think you can act this way. You
, my dear, are the help! You do not tell me what to do. Now give me my damn keys!" She shouted and reached for the keys.

I stepped out of her reach and shook my head. She stepped toward them, but stumbled. Passer's by glanced at her with knowing looks.

"What the hell are you looking at? Keep walking," she spat at their glances.

, Allison, Michael and Gregory would never forgive me if their mother wrapped herself around a tree or hit another person and went to jail." I jerked my head toward the other side of the car. "Climb in. I'll drive you back to the house."

"The hell you will," She lunged for me.

We hit the concrete sidewalk with a thud, her landing on top of me and knocking the wind out of me.

"You stupid bitch," She screeched
, slapping me with the palms of her hands.

"Get off of me, you psycho!" I shoved her off of me and stood up. Allison lay in a heap on the side wa
lk. I rubbed my arm where she’d hit me good. "Now get up and get in the car," I ordered. She did as I asked, mumbling the entire way.

We pulled up and Larissa ran out of the house.

"Allison, where have you been? I've been trying to call you for hours!" She hesitated when she saw me climb out of the driver's side.

"I found her at the pub." I held out the keys to Larissa, who took them with shock on her face. "She's not in the greatest of moods."

"Shut up, tramp!" Allison slurred.

"Allison!" Dr. Bishop's voice rang out from the f
ront door where he stood. "That’s enough."

Allison snorted.
"Oh, of course you’re going to defend your 'live in whore'." Allison burst into laughter.

"Allison May," Larissa hissed.

"Oh, come on, we all see the way he is with her and how he watches her. It's pathetic! You're practically eye fucking her ever time she's around you!" She spat at Dr. Bishop.

"Allison…" Dr. Bishop appeared and grabbed her by her arm.

"Collin," Larissa shouted in panic.

s enough from you." He growled two inches from Allison's unwavering face.

"I'm only getting started," She narrowed her eyes on him. "Like father like son, huh?" She laughed manically again.

"ENOUGH!" Allison, Larissa, and I all flinched at the roar. He turned to Larissa. "Take her inside. I’m going to call Dr. Banner to come and see her tomorrow."

"Do you really think that’
s necessary?" Larissa looked worried.

"Have you been paying attention at all?" Dr. Bishop raised an eyebrow.

"She's just hurt and sad –"

"And she needs to get some sort of help to deal with this…situation." He concluded and motioned for Larissa to take Allison inside.

I knew it was time to escape, but my feet didn't move fast enough. Dr. Bishop grabbed my arm.

"I, I'm sorry about –"

"It's fine. Allison got home safe, so…that's all that matters." I pulled at my arm, but he would let go.

"Not just about that, but…the things she said, they were –"

"Forgotten already, she's never liked me." I forced a smile and tried to pull away from him. The zinging current his touch provided spread. "I should go check on Victoria."

"She's asleep. I checked on her before I came down to…leave." His eyes started to get that familiar look from the theater. I bit my lip. "I apologize for my sister and for my behavior as well."

"It's fine, really. No big deal." I tried to pull a third time, but he held tighter and moved closer to me.

"Why do I feel this connection to you?" He narrowed his eyes.

"W-what?" My eyes widened at his question. I started to back away.

"You don't feel it?" His brow furrowed.

"I, I –" He cut me off, with his lips.

When my back pressed against the car, I had flashbacks of his drunken visit to my room. The feel of his soft lips, the taste of his tongue, and the familiarity of his hands on my arm and now on my waist were way too welcomed by my body. I melted into him. His lips moved against mine and he sought out entrance. When I didn't grant it, he growled and wrapped his arms around me tightly. I gasped. His tongue slid into my mouth and tangled with mine. I fisted the front of his shirt with both hands and began to kiss back.

Then reality crashed down on me. I was the nanny,
live in nanny, and he was my boss. Allison's words snuck into my head; 'live in whore'. I froze and he felt my reaction. He stopped and pulled back his head. Panic filled my chest. Hyperventilation wasn't too far behind. Unclenching his shirt, I pressed my palms to his chest and pushed him away shaking my head.

"I-I'm sorry –" I broke free of his hold and ran into the house.

I heard him yell for me during my escape, but I couldn't look back. Once in Victoria's room, I closed the door behind me, leaned against the door, and slid to the floor.

What had I done? What had I let happen? How could I welcome that?

Panic had taken over. I was his employee and Victoria meant too much to me to allow this type of situation. Surely he would expect my resignation now. How in the hell could I work with him or live in his home after that? There was no alcohol to blame and no excuse for me to urge on the behavior. I looked over at Victoria and the tears started to roll over my cheeks.

What had I done?

I drug myself off the floor and into the bathroom. Turning on the shower I slipped out of my clothes. As the hot water covered my body I tried to think rationally through my tears and fears. Again a line had been severely crossed, only this time I’d willing stepped over it.

Showered and dressed, I lie in bed for two hours trying to sleep. My mind didn't want to shut off. I forced my eyes closed, but then opened them back up to a dark room.

Sighing heavily, I got up and headed to the kitchen, hoping some milk or something would help. I got to the second floor landing and moved on tiptoes toward the back stairs. I padded softly so that I was sure no one would hear me. As I approached Dr. Bishop's door my throat tightened up and familiar panic started to surge, until I remember Dr. Bishop had left. I breathed in relief and continued on.

he door swung open and I felt a hand cover my mouth. The zinging gave away who it was. It was him, and he was pulling me into


Chapter Fourteen

My back was against the door and his hand still
pressed against my mouth, muffling my scream. With a spinning had and wide eyes I tried to focus on the face in front of me. The first things to manifest were his eyes. His beautiful intense green eyes burned into my face as they flickered from my eyes to my mouth.

…" he whispered.

I nodded frantically. As he released my mouth, my grip on his biceps loosened. I pulled my hands away from him and rubbed my lips lightly.

"Jesus, you scared the crap out of me." I blurted, agitated. Glancing back up to his face and his eyes were focused on my mouth.

"Dr. Bishop –?" For the second time today, he shut me up with his mouth.

Soft lips now pressed where his hand had been. I pushed at him for a moment, but then got lost in the feel of his lips and the taste of his mouth.

Strong hands wrapped around my back and slowly slid down my sides, over my hips before running the same course back up my body. I moaned. A small groan escaped his lips
. His hands rushed back down my body, going lower than before. His palms pressed against the back of my thighs. He bent his knees, though our mouths never broke apart.

The feeling of my feet leaving the floor surprised me as he lifted and wrapped my legs around his waist. I grasped his shoulders for leverage and immediately lost contact with his mouth. Dr. Bishop's lips moved over my neck and his hot breath moistened my skin. I closed my eyes and savored the feeling. I felt his movement, but left my eyes closed.

As my body left his and landed on the soft mattress, I opened my eyes and choked on a scream. Collin had morphed into Jonathan.

"Mmm…Sophia. The
things I’m going to do to you…" His evil sneer terrified me and I hurriedly backed away. My hands and feet were feverishly digging into the mattress.

"Where do you think you’
re going?" He seethed as hands grabbed my shins tightly and pulled me back across the bed to him. I reached out for something, anything, but all I got were fists full of comforter.

"Let go." I choked.

I can't scream. Why can't I scream?!

"When I'm done," Jonathan grabbed my arm and pulled me

"NO!" The scream finally escaped my throat.

Panting heavily I sat straight up in bed. I twirled my head around to gain perspective. Sighing heavily, I fell back into my bed. I was still in the room I shared with Victoria.

nightmares, damn subconscious," I grumbled, slipping out of bed and stepped quietly to the bathroom. I took one quick look at Victoria to make sure I hadn't disturbed her and shut the bathroom door.

Splashing cold water on my face, I looked into the mirror and patted it dry. Another heavy sigh and the pressing of my palms onto both sides of the bathroom sink, I started to calm.

"Get a grip." I told my reflection before returning to bed.

It took about an hour to doze back off and about three hours before Victoria woke me up.


"Hmm?" I moaned
and stretched.

"I'm hungry."

I opened my eyes and saw her smiling at me, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Okay, I'm up." I yawned and pulled myself out of bed.

After dressing, we headed down to the kitchen. We were greeted by Amber, William, Ryan, and the twins. The kids were sitting around the table eating cereal and toast. Victoria quickly jumped up next to Ryan and made her own bowl.

"So, how was your night?" Amber asked with a smile.

I shrugged, "The same as the last few nights."

"Huh?" William looked at me confused.

I told them about running into Allison and bringing her home; though I left out the 'daytime talk show' fight in the driveway, as well as the job ending kiss. I pulled my coffee up to my mouth quickly and sipped greedily. We stood quietly until the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Amber placed her mug on the counter and headed out to get the door.

"Amber, that's going to be Dr. Banner," Larissa's voice carried from the balcony. The door opened and Amber welcome the doctor.

"Dr. Banner, thank you so much for coming at such short notice." Larissa sounded so polite and friendly.

"Of course, Collin called me and told me a little about the situation. Where is she?" His tone was clinical, but with a hint of grandfather.

"In her room," Larissa responded. "This way," It was quiet
when Amber returned to the kitchen and shrugged. Larissa's voice returned. "She refuses to speak or eat. I'm really concerned." Then her voice died away.

"Alright, ladies, what’
re we going to do today?" William sat his mug down and clapped his hands to get our attention.

Amber and I looked at each other and shrugged.

"Hmm…maybe would could head to the playground for awhile?" William looked between us.


"Let me go get MJ and talk with Larissa." Amber smiled at William and his face beamed. Amber left the room and I heard her feet on the steps.


William looked at me confused. I snorted.

"Have you told her yet?" I raised a brow.

"Told who what?"

"Oh don't even try that." I laughed and started picking up empty bowls and plates from the table.

He smirked.

"That's what I thought. Have you told her?" I stopped and looked at him seriously.

He shook his head.

"Nah, she's not into me that way."

"Oh and how do you know that?" I asked him with pursed lips.

He shrugged.

"You ass," I laughed and then earned some 'awwwws' from the kids.

"You said a bad word!" Ryan gasped and pointed at me.

"Awwwww," the twins said in sync with each other. I covered my mouth.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Bad Sophia." I apologized and took the dirty dishes to the sink. I turned back to William

"You need to tell her. I can tell she likes you too." I smiled.

His head snapped up, "Really? You really think she does?"

"Guys are so clueless. I swear." I giggled and took Victoria out of the kitchen to
dress for the playground.

The week passed by with daily outings, all of us as a group; however, at the end of the week we woke to a gray and wet morning. The rain stayed with us throughout Friday so we played board games, painted pictures, played video games, and any other indoor activity we could think of to pass the time. When Saturday arrived and the rain was
hanging around, we played about two hours of hide-n-go seek before the kids got tired of it. Eventually we settled on watching movies.

We basically had the house to ourselves. Dr. Bishop was still away, Max had gone back in to Seattle for work, Larissa spent her time with Allison, and Allison never left her room.
After hours of watching movies, it was time for bed.  Amber and William went out for the evening, while me and the whole lot of kids ‘slept over’ in Victoria’s room.

When all of the kids
woke the next morning, we headed downstairs for breakfast. Sunday breakfast consisted of pancakes, bacon, and sausage. William was in an extra special good mood and had all of it ready when we got down there. I smiled knowingly it had everything to do with being out with Amber. He rolled his eyes at me.

After breakfast we decided a day outside was necessary after the two days in
side. We also only had a little over a week left before we headed back to Seattle. So, plans for the beach were made. We went up to dress and get our beach things together. Once we were all ready we went downstairs. As our group was about to descend from the second floor to the first we heard Larissa scream.

"Allison, no! Oh God
, Allison, what’ve you done?!" We heard things falling.

"Take Victoria," I ran toward Allison room and pounded on the door. "Larissa?" I shouted and tried the door
. It was locked. "Larissa," I yelled again. William appeared next to me and tried the door.

"It's locked."

William backed up to the other side of the hall.

"Stand back," he ordered.

I moved out of the way. One quick look over my shoulder told me Amber had taken the kids downstairs. I looked back at William. He rushed by me and slammed into the door. The doorframe complained as it cracked and flew open. We rushed in and found Larissa holding Allison in her arms.

"What happened?" I
asked, kneeling down to Larissa.

"Sh-she…she took the whole bottle." Larissa looked at the empty brown prescription bottle on the table.

"Get her to the bathroom." William ordered.

I helped Larissa carry her into the bathroom and William put Allison into the bathtub.

"Call 911." William leaned Allison forward and stuck his fingers into her throat.

"I already did." Larissa sniffed and grabbed onto me for support.

I wrapped my arms around her. William kept gagging Allison. Finally, her body jerked and she started vomiting into the tub.

"Come on Mrs. Bedford." William urged. I could hear the ambulance sirens getting closer. "Get me a washcloth or something."

I moved away from Larissa and tossed a towel to him. Then I went back and soaked a washcloth in cold water, quickly carrying over.

He wiped off Allison. Then reached and turned on the cold water. Allison started to jerk a little bit and slur out profanities, protesting the water.

"Stay awake, Allison." I grabbed her shoulders to help keep her upright.

Amber must have let the paramedics in because
soon they were rushing into the bathroom. The tallest and heaviest of the two were asking questions about what happened. Larissa stated the part about the pills and then William told them what he’d done.

"Larissa, what happened?" Connor burst
into the very crowded bathroom. Larissa ran into his arms, sobbing.

"We need to clear out this bathroom." The paramedic ordered. We left them to do their jobs.

"Oh, Connor, I never thought she was this bad." Larissa sobbed.

He rubbed her back.

"It's not your fault."

"Is she okay?" A soft voice spoke from the doorway. I turned and my jaw dropped.

There stood an exact replica of Allison, only older. They had the same hair color, build, facial features and skin tone. Allison was her replica, aside from the eye color. This was Juliet Pierce, infamous nanny, mistress, and biological mother. Tear traces were on her cheeks.

"We aren't sure yet." Connor said in a defeated tone. His eyes stayed on the bathroom door.

It took the paramedics a half hour to get Allison stable enough they were comfortable with transporting her to the hospital. Connor rode in the ambulance with Allison, while Larissa and Juliet followed in her car.

Amber, William, and I were sitting in the living room in
fog after everything.

"I think I need a vacation from vacation." William
broke the silence.

"Will Aunt Allison be okay?" Victoria leaned against me.

I nodded.

"Yes, she just got sick." I kissed the top of her head.

The front door opened and Dr. Bishop stopped after taking a step into the house and looking at us.

"Ms. Ashwood?" He looked at me
in confusion.

This was the first time I’
d seen him since the fateful career ending kiss. Now I had to tell him about what just happened with his little sister.

"Um…Dr. Bishop, Allison was just taken to the hospital."

His eyes widened.

"What happened?" He pulled his cell phone out and started dialing.

"They just took her." Amber said. "They are probably still in the ambulance or just arriving.

"She took too much medicine." I attempted to say it so it didn't sound too scary for Victoria.

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